February 17 - City of Tybee Island

Approved: 4-21-14
Tybee Island Community Resource Committee
draft Minutes
February 17, 2014
Present: Kathryn Propst (chair), Bill O’Brien, Freda Rutherford, Ashley Workman, Dan
Lockwood, Ashley Workman, David Turner, Paul Wolff (council liaison)
Guests: council member Bill Garbett, Jason Evans and Scott Pippin - UGA Georgia Sea Grant
Kathryn Propst called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM.
Ashley reported on her interview with WTOC today. The Flying Fish is the first restaurant to
agree to ban plastic bags.
Motion by Bill O’Brien, second by Ashley to approve the January minutes. All approved.
Bill Garbett stated that Charles Adkins has been doing a very through wind analysis on Tybee.
The average wind speed at 120 feet is 11.2 mph equalling 115,000 kilowatt hours per yearkhy. Bill said Kathryn has confirmed the data. Paul added that if we were offsetting at 14 cents
per kilowatt as was originally thought, instead of 7.52 cents (actual cost) we would have a
positive cost benefit. He said given the wind speed and lower energy cost we cannot justify the
turbine on cost effectiveness. He added that consequently he has removed the turbine from the
next council agenda. Bill said he will send a report of the findings. Kathryn asked about the
city’s goal to reduce carbon emissions 20% by 2020. David said that the turbine would reduce
carbon emissions by 20,000 lbs. per year. Bill Garbett responded that it would cost $50,000
dollars over the life of the project. Freda asked about rising energy costs. Bill G. responded
that in the modeling all costs were held constant. Freda suggested that council clearly define
their water and energy goals and strategic plan. Bill Garbett suggested that the CRC make
recommendations. Bill O’Brien recommended that the CRC go on record as a part of the
Discussion followed about the geothermal system and solar. David asked why the city would
install a 20 year roof on the public safety building when solar has a life of 40 years? David said
that a cost benefit can be achieved for solar and Bill Garbett asked him to send the data. David
commented that the only criteria for projects must be cost savings and not carbon emissions.
Bill O’Brien added that the only way that the police cars were approved was on cost savings.
Kathryn asked if she should go before council at the next meeting? All agreed that it is important
for the CRC to report regularly. Kathryn said that she would prepare a report for the February
27th meeting.
The committee set priorities for the year:
City: energy and fuel efficiency
Community: (business and residents) recycling and plastics reduction, communication
STATEMENT: The CRC supports the development of a comprehensive water and energy plan
for the City.
Ashley reported that the Surfrider Foundation appointed her as the Coastal Chair. She will
organize a beach sweep on March 22nd. The CRC members recommended that she coordinate
with Tybee Beautification who maintains all the supplies and equipment.
Jason Evans reported on the grant from EPA for the 4H Center to get a permit to put bulkheads
on Horsepen Creek. He said they will meet Wednesday with the city manager and department
heads regarding the CRS manual.
Kathryn reported that she will be a participant in the KIng Tide National Call next week. Our
highest tide will occur on October 8th.
The committee adjourned at 6:00 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Freda Rutherford, Vice Chair