A Valedictory Message from Rabbi Nissan Wilson I feel honoured to have led Clayhall over these last eight years, a period which is but a small slice of this community's wonderful history. Much has changed in this period. When I first came to Clayhall, Lord Sacks was Chief Rabbi, Tony Blair was prime minister, we had three little children and my beard was still entirely red! Of course, in a community time does not stand still and things are always apt to change. At this exciting juncture we look to embrace change, but we also hold tightly to everything that has made us who we are and we commit to take our proud history with us into the new community. As I reflect on the past years, I do so with a great deal of pride - pride at how our Shul has thrived against the odds, pride at our children's services and pride at our regular, wellattended minyanim. I am proud of what we have achieved together and delighted that we are able to move forwards from a position of strength into an even brighter future. _______________________________________________________________________________ Family Building by Rabbi Berel Wein Why does the Torah, which appears to be basically a book of laws and commandments, bother with all of this detailed description of creation and continued familial based narrative in the book of Bereishis? Why is this seemingly anecdotal knowledge of the lives of our ancestors so necessary to be included in the eternal Torah and how does it register in the survival of the Jewish people throughout the ages? In response, the rabbis taught us that the events that occurred to our ancestors are indeed the harbingers of happenings that will occur to their descendants. But many times it is difficult for later generations to make this connection, except in the most general way of experiencing historic repetitions of circumstances. This book of Bereishis, which comprises a substantial part of the entire written Torah, contains within it almost no commandments and is basically a book of narrative tracing the development of one family - eventually seventy in number - and of the difficulties that this family encountered over generations. So what therefore is its main message to us living in a far different world, millennia later? The message is the obvious one of family and its importance. The Torah purposely and in minute detail describes for us how difficult it truly is to create and maintain a cohesive family structure. Every one of the generations described from Kayin and Hevel till Yosef and his brothers is engaged in the difficult and often heart-breaking task of family building. There are no smooth and trouble free familial relationships described in Bereishis. Sibling rivalry, violence, different traits of personality, and marital and domestic strife are the stuff of the biblical narrative of this book. The Torah does not sanitize any of its stories nor does it avoid confronting the foibles and errors of human beings. The greatest of our people, our patriarchs and matriarchs, encountered severe difficulties in attempting to create cohesive, moral and cooperative families. Yet they persevered in the attempt because without this strong sense of family there can be no basis for eternal Jewish survival. There is tragic fall out in each of the families described in Bereishis and yet somehow the thread of family continuity is maintained and strengthened until the family grows into a numerous and influential nation. This perseverance of family building, in spite of all of the disappointments inherent in that task, is the reason for the book of Bereishis. It is the template of the behaviour of our ancestors that now remains as the guideposts for their descendants. The task of family building remains the only sure method of ensuring Jewish survival. (with grateful thanks to www.torah.org) קליהל קהלה Clayhall Shul’s FINAL Weekly News Sheet Shabbos 3 January 2015 / 12 Teves 5775 Service Times (Louis Yeshin’s 90th birthday & The Last Clayhall Shabbos) Shacharis Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis Shabbos ends Shabbos next week 9.00 am 3.30 pm 4.58 pm 3.55 pm We wish Mazel Tov to Louis Yeshin on the wonderful occasion of his 90th birthday today and the community wish him many more years of good health. Louis and his family have pleasure in inviting the Kehilla to a Kiddush after the Service in celebration of their simcha. This is the final Shabbos for Clayhall Synagogue and Newbury Park Synagogue as separate Shuls. The occasion is historic tinged with nostalgia and sadness, but buoyed by the knowledge that we become stronger and more sustainable as a new merged entity. Although Redbridge United Synagogue was officially born on 1 January 2015, it was decided to wait until Shabbos 9/10 January to hold the first service. A special commemorative final edition of the Clayhall Kehilla has been produced which you will find inside the news sheet. It is also fitting that Hermi Rothman is honoured with Haftoro on the final Shabbos as he played a leading role in the formation of the original Clayhall Kehilla almost 42 years ago. The Honorary Officers would like to thank the community for its fantastic support over the last few months since the news of the merger was announced. It has been enthusiastically embraced. Kol Hakavod! Torah Reading Leyning: Vayechi Sefer Bereishis: 47:28-50:26 Artscroll p 268, Cohen p 296, Hertz p 180 Haftoro: I Kings 2:1-12 Artscroll p 1145, Cohen p 315, Hertz p 191 Lester Harris Hermi Rothman Redbridge Shul will have its own News Sheet. Newbury Park Shul does not have a weekly newsletter and so the style and format will be little unchanged from the current set-up. Edition number One is almost ready! This week’s Clayhall Kehilla is kindly sponsored by Lester Harris in loving memory of his father, Lewis z’l Children’s Service & 47 Club: 10.30 am - 11.30 am (next, 10 January). Weekday Services Shacharis: Monday & Thursday: 6.50 am. Sunday @ 8.15 am. Shacharis: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 7.00 am. Shacharis Rosh Chodesh: 6.40 am Monday to Friday, Sundays: 8.00 am. Ma‘ariv: 7.30 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Vayechi Statistics Shifting Scenery Position: 12th of the 54 Sedras Mitzvos: None Verses: 85 (10th shortest) Words: 1158 (10th shortest) Letters: 4448 (11th shortest) Parshios: 7 open, 5 closed Lines of Torah: 148.3 (9th shortest) The first part of the sedra is the end of the previous parsha from Vayigash. Vayechi is the only sedra that does not begin at a parsha break. The Book of Bereishis 12 of the 54 sedras in the Torah. 1533 pesukim of the 5846 in the Torah. More than 26% of the Torah's pesukim. 20,612 words of 79,976, almost 26%. 78,064 letters of 304,805 (25.6%). 3 of the 613 mitzvos. Less than ½%. Dates for the Diary January Shabbos 3 Shabbos 10 Sunday 11 Wednesday 21 Shabbos 24 Saturday 24 Tuesday 27 February Sunday 1 Wednesday 4 Shabbos 7 Sunday 8 Thursday 19 Friday 20 Shabbos 21 Sunday 22 The last Clayhall Shabbos Redbridge United Synagogue Special bagel breakfast Rosh Chodesh Shevat Children’s Service/47 Club 70 Days/70 Years Launch Holocaust Memorial Day Cabaret Evening Tu B’Shevat Children’s Service/47 Club Redbridge Tribe launch Rosh Chodesh Adar Rosh Chodesh Adar Children’s Service/47 Club Bagel breakfast As preparation for the merger enters into its final and most frantic (but reassuringly calm) stages, there will be a few Memorial boards from Newbury Park Shul being put up in the Well in January. The Clayhall Yahrzeit boards will all remain. Chicken Soup Kiddush Our very first service as Redbridge Shul takes place on Friday 9 January 2015. After Kabbalos Shabbos and Maariv, we will be having a free Chicken Soup Kiddush and a L’Chaim to celebrate this historic event. Mincha starts at 3.55 pm. Everyone is welcome although it would be helpful if you could let either Angela or Lester know beforehand if you are coming. New Redbridge Shabbos Time Please note that the Shabbos morning start time for the new community will be 9.15 am effective from 10 January 2015. Newbury Park begins normally at 9.30 am while Clayhall, of course, starts at 9.00 am. So this is the best compromise that suits both Shuls. It means that we all get an extra 15 minutes in bed on a Shabbos morning! The Redbridge Breakfast A special breakfast is planned for Sunday 11 January 2015 as a welcome event for the new community. Shacharis will be at 8.15 am followed by breakfast at 9.00 am. Everyone is warmly welcome including ladies. If you would like to sponsor in whole or in part any breakfast, please speak to Angela or Robin. The cost of a breakfast is usually about £40. PS: The hot scrambled eggs are great! 70 Days for 70 Years Redbridge Tribe Launch Event On the 25th January 2015, the United Synagogue We are delighted to be launching the new will be launching the “70 Days for 70 Years” Redbridge Tribe with an “Extravaganza” project. Created in the UK and commencing to on Sunday 8 February 2015 from 2.30 pm coincide with the 70th anniversary of the liberation until 4.30 pm. It is open to all children from of Auschwitz, this project will engage hundreds of nursery to Year 7. The fun includes thousands of Jews in an uplifitng, educational and inflatables, beat-the-goalie, arts & crafts, memorial programme across the globe. You will biscuit decorating, giant games, bowling receive a copy of a specially published book of 70 and some great refreshments. inspiring essays written by renowned educators, Parents can enjoy a historians and scholars - to be read, one a day for FREE coffee n’cakes café while the 70 days. The new Redbridge community will be children are being entertained. launching this project on Motsei Shabbos 24 We are delighted that Rabbi Yisroel January with a very special Melava Malka. Binstock, Tribe Central Rabbi, will be joining us. Bookings will open shortly. Some Significant Clayhall Landmarks If you would like more information, please email Naomi Harris, 1 September 1999: Rabbi Jason Kleiman Redbridge Tribe Youth Director on: becomes Clayhall’s 1st full-time Rabbi [email protected] 11 November 2001: 1st fortnightly Sunday morning minyan Cabaret Evening 30 November 2001: 1st Oneg Shabbos that Redbridge United Synagogue presents a continued monthly during that winter wonderful evening of cabaret by “Anything 6 August 2002: 1st Maariv service on Goes” and the keyboard maestros Geoff Tuesday evenings. and Dave. Reserve Sunday 1 February in 4 November 2002: Shabbos morning service your diary for a great evening of popular changes to 9.00 am songs from the 60’s and 70’s. Enjoy a lush 13 December 2002: 1st IJPS Shabbaton and fried fish supper and plenty more with your still going strong 12 years later! friends for £17.50 each. Doors open 7.00 30 January 2003: 1st weekly Sunday pm for a 7.30 pm start. Please support the morning minyan first fund raising event of the new Shul by 6 June 2003: Locked out 1st day Shavuos purchasing tickets from Liz (8550 9907), and davened in car park until help arrived! Bernard (8554 1480) or Angela Levene (8550 2610). The organisers are looking 29 June 2003: 1st Rosh Chodesh minyan for good raffle prizes which must be new. 18 December 2004: Rabbi Kleiman leaves Please contact Liz if you can help out. 25 January 2005: Clayhall commemorates 60 Days for 60 Years with a special evening New Shul Office Information 25 August 2006: Rabbi Nissan Wilson The new telephone number for becomes Clayhall’s 2nd full-time Rabbi Redbridge United Synagogue is: 020 3031 6929 4 March 2007: 1st Purim spiel ever “The Office email: Rabbi & the Golem” played to rave reviews [email protected] 30 June 2007: 1st Stella, Pimms and IceBoth contact points are fully operational. Cream Kiddush & still a summer repeat The website address is: 14 November 2013: 1st Thursday Maariv www.redbridgesynagogue.org.uk completes the weekly cycle (except Sunday) This will be up and running from Monday. 9/10 January 2015: Redbridge Synagogue! Children’s Service & 47 Club: 10.30 am - 11.30 am (next, 10 January). Weekday Services Shacharis: Monday & Thursday: 6.50 am. Sunday @ 8.15 am. Shacharis: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 7.00 am. Shacharis Rosh Chodesh: 6.40 am Monday to Friday, Sundays: 8.00 am. Ma‘ariv: 7.30 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Vayechi Statistics Shifting Scenery Position: 12th of the 54 Sedras Mitzvos: None Verses: 85 (10th shortest) Words: 1158 (10th shortest) Letters: 4448 (11th shortest) Parshios: 7 open, 5 closed Lines of Torah: 148.3 (9th shortest) The first part of the sedra is the end of the previous parsha from Vayigash. Vayechi is the only sedra that does not begin at a parsha break. The Book of Bereishis 12 of the 54 sedras in the Torah. 1533 pesukim of the 5846 in the Torah. More than 26% of the Torah's pesukim. 20,612 words of 79,976, almost 26%. 78,064 letters of 304,805 (25.6%). 3 of the 613 mitzvos. Less than ½%. Dates for the Diary January Shabbos 3 Shabbos 10 Sunday 11 Wednesday 21 Shabbos 24 Saturday 24 Tuesday 27 February Sunday 1 Wednesday 4 Shabbos 7 Sunday 8 Thursday 19 Friday 20 Shabbos 21 Sunday 22 The last Clayhall Shabbos Redbridge United Synagogue Special bagel breakfast Rosh Chodesh Shevat Children’s Service/47 Club 70 Days/70 Years Launch Holocaust Memorial Day Cabaret Evening Tu B’Shevat Children’s Service/47 Club Redbridge Tribe launch Rosh Chodesh Adar Rosh Chodesh Adar Children’s Service/47 Club Bagel breakfast As preparation for the merger enters into its final and most frantic (but reassuringly calm) stages, there will be a few Memorial boards from Newbury Park Shul being put up in the Well in January. The Clayhall Yahrzeit boards will all remain. Chicken Soup Kiddush Our very first service as Redbridge Shul takes place on Friday 9 January 2015. After Kabbalos Shabbos and Maariv, we will be having a free Chicken Soup Kiddush and a L’Chaim to celebrate this historic event. Mincha starts at 3.55 pm. Everyone is welcome although it would be helpful if you could let either Angela or Lester know beforehand if you are coming. New Redbridge Shabbos Time Please note that the Shabbos morning start time for the new community will be 9.15 am effective from 10 January 2015. Newbury Park begins normally at 9.30 am while Clayhall, of course, starts at 9.00 am. So this is the best compromise that suits both Shuls. It means that we all get an extra 15 minutes in bed on a Shabbos morning! The Redbridge Breakfast A special breakfast is planned for Sunday 11 January 2015 as a welcome event for the new community. Shacharis will be at 8.15 am followed by breakfast at 9.00 am. Everyone is warmly welcome including ladies. If you would like to sponsor in whole or in part any breakfast, please speak to Angela or Robin. The cost of a breakfast is usually about £40. PS: The hot scrambled eggs are great! 70 Days for 70 Years Redbridge Tribe Launch Event On the 25th January 2015, the United Synagogue We are delighted to be launching the new will be launching the “70 Days for 70 Years” Redbridge Tribe with an “Extravaganza” project. Created in the UK and commencing to on Sunday 8 February 2015 from 2.30 pm coincide with the 70th anniversary of the liberation until 4.30 pm. It is open to all children from of Auschwitz, this project will engage hundreds of nursery to Year 7. The fun includes thousands of Jews in an uplifitng, educational and inflatables, beat-the-goalie, arts & crafts, memorial programme across the globe. You will biscuit decorating, giant games, bowling receive a copy of a specially published book of 70 and some great refreshments. inspiring essays written by renowned educators, Parents can enjoy a historians and scholars - to be read, one a day for FREE coffee n’cakes café while the 70 days. The new Redbridge community will be children are being entertained. launching this project on Motsei Shabbos 24 We are delighted that Rabbi Yisroel January with a very special Melava Malka. Binstock, Tribe Central Rabbi, will be joining us. Bookings will open shortly. Some Significant Clayhall Landmarks If you would like more information, please email Naomi Harris, 1 September 1999: Rabbi Jason Kleiman Redbridge Tribe Youth Director on: becomes Clayhall’s 1st full-time Rabbi [email protected] 11 November 2001: 1st fortnightly Sunday morning minyan Cabaret Evening 30 November 2001: 1st Oneg Shabbos that Redbridge United Synagogue presents a continued monthly during that winter wonderful evening of cabaret by “Anything 6 August 2002: 1st Maariv service on Goes” and the keyboard maestros Geoff Tuesday evenings. and Dave. Reserve Sunday 1 February in 4 November 2002: Shabbos morning service your diary for a great evening of popular changes to 9.00 am songs from the 60’s and 70’s. Enjoy a lush 13 December 2002: 1st IJPS Shabbaton and fried fish supper and plenty more with your still going strong 12 years later! friends for £17.50 each. Doors open 7.00 30 January 2003: 1st weekly Sunday pm for a 7.30 pm start. Please support the morning minyan first fund raising event of the new Shul by 6 June 2003: Locked out 1st day Shavuos purchasing tickets from Liz (8550 9907), and davened in car park until help arrived! Bernard (8554 1480) or Angela Levene (8550 2610). The organisers are looking 29 June 2003: 1st Rosh Chodesh minyan for good raffle prizes which must be new. 18 December 2004: Rabbi Kleiman leaves Please contact Liz if you can help out. 25 January 2005: Clayhall commemorates 60 Days for 60 Years with a special evening New Shul Office Information 25 August 2006: Rabbi Nissan Wilson The new telephone number for becomes Clayhall’s 2nd full-time Rabbi Redbridge United Synagogue is: 020 3031 6929 4 March 2007: 1st Purim spiel ever “The Office email: Rabbi & the Golem” played to rave reviews [email protected] 30 June 2007: 1st Stella, Pimms and IceBoth contact points are fully operational. Cream Kiddush & still a summer repeat The website address is: 14 November 2013: 1st Thursday Maariv www.redbridgesynagogue.org.uk completes the weekly cycle (except Sunday) This will be up and running from Monday. 9/10 January 2015: Redbridge Synagogue! A Valedictory Message from Rabbi Nissan Wilson I feel honoured to have led Clayhall over these last eight years, a period which is but a small slice of this community's wonderful history. Much has changed in this period. When I first came to Clayhall, Lord Sacks was Chief Rabbi, Tony Blair was prime minister, we had three little children and my beard was still entirely red! Of course, in a community time does not stand still and things are always apt to change. At this exciting juncture we look to embrace change, but we also hold tightly to everything that has made us who we are and we commit to take our proud history with us into the new community. As I reflect on the past years, I do so with a great deal of pride - pride at how our Shul has thrived against the odds, pride at our children's services and pride at our regular, wellattended minyanim. I am proud of what we have achieved together and delighted that we are able to move forwards from a position of strength into an even brighter future. _______________________________________________________________________________ Family Building by Rabbi Berel Wein Why does the Torah, which appears to be basically a book of laws and commandments, bother with all of this detailed description of creation and continued familial based narrative in the book of Bereishis? Why is this seemingly anecdotal knowledge of the lives of our ancestors so necessary to be included in the eternal Torah and how does it register in the survival of the Jewish people throughout the ages? In response, the rabbis taught us that the events that occurred to our ancestors are indeed the harbingers of happenings that will occur to their descendants. But many times it is difficult for later generations to make this connection, except in the most general way of experiencing historic repetitions of circumstances. This book of Bereishis, which comprises a substantial part of the entire written Torah, contains within it almost no commandments and is basically a book of narrative tracing the development of one family - eventually seventy in number - and of the difficulties that this family encountered over generations. So what therefore is its main message to us living in a far different world, millennia later? The message is the obvious one of family and its importance. The Torah purposely and in minute detail describes for us how difficult it truly is to create and maintain a cohesive family structure. Every one of the generations described from Kayin and Hevel till Yosef and his brothers is engaged in the difficult and often heart-breaking task of family building. There are no smooth and trouble free familial relationships described in Bereishis. Sibling rivalry, violence, different traits of personality, and marital and domestic strife are the stuff of the biblical narrative of this book. The Torah does not sanitize any of its stories nor does it avoid confronting the foibles and errors of human beings. The greatest of our people, our patriarchs and matriarchs, encountered severe difficulties in attempting to create cohesive, moral and cooperative families. Yet they persevered in the attempt because without this strong sense of family there can be no basis for eternal Jewish survival. There is tragic fall out in each of the families described in Bereishis and yet somehow the thread of family continuity is maintained and strengthened until the family grows into a numerous and influential nation. This perseverance of family building, in spite of all of the disappointments inherent in that task, is the reason for the book of Bereishis. It is the template of the behaviour of our ancestors that now remains as the guideposts for their descendants. The task of family building remains the only sure method of ensuring Jewish survival. (with grateful thanks to www.torah.org) קליהל קהלה Clayhall Shul’s FINAL Weekly News Sheet Shabbos 3 January 2015 / 12 Teves 5775 Service Times (Louis Yeshin’s 90th birthday & The Last Clayhall Shabbos) Shacharis Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis Shabbos ends Shabbos next week 9.00 am 3.30 pm 4.58 pm 3.55 pm We wish Mazel Tov to Louis Yeshin on the wonderful occasion of his 90th birthday today and the community wish him many more years of good health. Louis and his family have pleasure in inviting the Kehilla to a Kiddush after the Service in celebration of their simcha. This is the final Shabbos for Clayhall Synagogue and Newbury Park Synagogue as separate Shuls. The occasion is historic tinged with nostalgia and sadness, but buoyed by the knowledge that we become stronger and more sustainable as a new merged entity. Although Redbridge United Synagogue was officially born on 1 January 2015, it was decided to wait until Shabbos 9/10 January to hold the first service. A special commemorative final edition of the Clayhall Kehilla has been produced which you will find inside the news sheet. It is also fitting that Hermi Rothman is honoured with Haftoro on the final Shabbos as he played a leading role in the formation of the original Clayhall Kehilla almost 42 years ago. The Honorary Officers would like to thank the community for its fantastic support over the last few months since the news of the merger was announced. It has been enthusiastically embraced. Kol Hakavod! Torah Reading Leyning: Vayechi Sefer Bereishis: 47:28-50:26 Artscroll p 268, Cohen p 296, Hertz p 180 Haftoro: I Kings 2:1-12 Artscroll p 1145, Cohen p 315, Hertz p 191 Lester Harris Hermi Rothman Redbridge Shul will have its own News Sheet. Newbury Park Shul does not have a weekly newsletter and so the style and format will be little unchanged from the current set-up. Edition number One is almost ready! This week’s Clayhall Kehilla is kindly sponsored by Lester Harris in loving memory of his father, Lewis z’l
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