JUNE/JULY 2014 SIVAN/TAMMUZ/AV 5774 www.kolemeth.net W ORD OF THE MONTH: VISIBLE Save the dates! First Day of Religious School August 10 See calendar on page 13 Shabbat Under the Stars June 27 5:30 p.m. East Cobb Park TEMPLE KOL EMETH JUNE/JULY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Contact numbers: Temple Office: (770) 973-3533 Fax: (770) 579-9707 JUNE Religious School (770) 973-9205 THURSDAY, JUNE 5 7 p.m. Shavuot Yizkor Service CLERGY and STAFF Rabbi……...………....……....................................Steven J. Lebow [email protected] Rabbi……...………......................................................Erin C. Boxt [email protected] Cantorial Soloist.……………………………….…….Blake Singer [email protected] Senior Temple Administrator……………………….Denise Jacobs [email protected] Religious School Principal………........................Rebecca Tullman [email protected] Youth and Family Program Director………………....Justin Blake [email protected] Executive Assistant to the Clergy……………………...Evy Eckber [email protected] Accountant…………………………………...……….....Pam Fells [email protected] Religious School Administrator……………………........Carol Lief [email protected] BOARD OF TRUSTEES President……..………………………….…...………...Henry Hene Senior Vice President of Operations………...……Carolyn Shapiro Senior Vice President of Programs………,...........Tracey Orenstein Vice President of Community Relations……...…..Sabina Hancotte Vice President of Volunteerism………...……...…..….Susan Moye Vice President of Facilities………….……….…………Ben Singer Vice President of Finance………...…….………...….Barry Sobel Director of Finance …………………………………Rachel Barich Vice President of Fundraising………...…….………...….Bob Jaric Vice President of Membership……………… …....…Paula Wilson Director of Membership………..…….………...….Vivian Brostoff Vice President of Study….……………...……...…..…Jodi Roberts Director of Education…………………...…….…..…Ladina Drury Director of Long-Range Planning………….…..…Michael Tempel Recording Secretary.……..………….….....………....Jaime Davies Director of Communications……..………...…….…..…Jon Worly Immediate Past President.……..……….…….......Sherri Parman WRJ Co-presidents….……....…...…Karyn Parker/Wendi Verzosa Brotherhood President...….……………...…….…….…Lesley Litt The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth is published eleven months per year by Temple Kol Emeth, 1415 Old Canton Road, Marietta, GA 30062. Official Website: www.kolemeth.net Facebook: www.facebook.com/TempleKolEmethMariettaGa Youth Group Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ templekolemethyouth?hc_location=stream Religious School Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/TKESchool Twitter: @TempleKolEmeth Temple Kol Emeth is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism 2 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth FRIDAY, JUNE 6 8 p.m. Congregational Shabbat Service SATURDAY, JUNE 7 10:30 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of Isabella Tenenbaum Daughter of Joshua and Silvia Tenenbaum FRIDAY, JUNE 13 8 p.m. Congregational Torah Shabbat Service FRIDAY, JUNE 20 8 p.m. Congregational Shabbat Service FRIDAY, JUNE 27 5:30 p.m. Shabbat Under the Stars East Cobb Park JULY FRIDAY, JULY 4 8 p.m. Congregational Shabbat Service FRIDAY, JULY 11 8 p.m. Congregational Shabbat Service FRIDAY, JULY 18 8 p.m. Congregational Torah Shabbat Service FRIDAY, JULY 25 8 p.m. Congregational Shabbat Service FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 6:30 p.m. URJ Community Shabbat Service The Temple No service at TKE SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 9:30 a.m. Congregational Shabbat/URJ Service 5 p.m. Bat Mitzvah of Charlotte Stepakoff Daughter of Jeffrey and Elizabeth Stepakoff PUBLICATION SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS All announcements for Monday eblast, TKE website and Facebook page must be sent to [email protected] for review and approval before they are published. If you have any questions, please call Denise Jacobs at (770) 973-3533 or email her at [email protected]. Articles for the AUGUST issue of The Voice are due JULY 1. Please direct all material to: [email protected] Thank you for your cooperation. MESSAGE FROM THE OUTGOING PRESIDENT This has been a great year for Temple Kol Emeth. The synagogue has been busier and the sanctuary more full these past two years than I ever have seen in the 17 years since I joined Temple Kol Emeth. We have enjoyed the fruits of trees planted 30 years ago by seven founding families and nurtured by this congregation ever since. This year, we have planted even more trees for our congregation to enjoy both today and tomorrows yet to come. Allow me to shine a bright light on the endless and selfless giving of time, energy and talent that makes Temple Kol Emeth the strong vibrant synagogue that it is. And to say thank you to the many congregants, clergy, office staff, Religious School staff and even our maintenance and security teams who make it happen. Last summer your Board of Trustees, staff and clergy met to develop a list of the highest priorities for TKE. We agreed to channel our energies to 1) our Jewish mission, 2) engaging families, 3) inclusiveness and connection for all congregants, 4) financial stability, 5) increased volunteerism and 6) increased visibility and contributions to the broader community. These became our guiding beacons for the year. Rabbis Lebow‘s and Boxt‘s spiritual leadership, supported by the choir, the musical talents and the acting talents of our congregants have allowed us to take a refreshing and spiritual break from our secular week, connect with each other, and just be Jewish. Attendance is growing at Torah studies, with congregants seeking to learn and grow spiritually. Our clergy have created a welcoming place for non-Jews to explore a path to Judaism through conversion. We just concluded Rebecca Tullman‘s first year as principal of our religious school. She has very exciting changes for the curriculum in the coming year, to engage families and to keep our post-b‘nai mitzvah kids engaged and connected. For the third year, TKE led attendance at regional NFTY events. Recently 51 of our teens joined nearly 350 teens at Camp Coleman for a weekend of fun, personal development and just being Jewish. This past February, nearly 200 kids packed our social hall for KEFTY Casino, to again raise $10,000 for Camp Jenny. We can thank Youth Director Justin Blake for our teens‘ excitement. We are heading into our fourth year as home to the MJCCA‘s Sunshine School, a nationally accredited preschool, which gives kids an unbelievable educational and Jewish head start well before they start kindergarten. For connections to the broader community, we again thank Hal Schlenger and Randy Suchke for the award-winning Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service. And we thank Henry Hene for the award-winning Interfaith Habitat for Humanity Coalition. We have raised our profile in the broader community with Kids4Peace, which brings together Jewish, Muslim and Christian youngsters. TKE congregants band together to fight breast cancer and to sponsor blood and bone marrow drives and operate the community-wide Noshfest event. Our congregants continue to hold leadership roles in the Union for Reform Judaism. I have been enjoying the travelogs from congregant Blair Marks, on a journey to Israel as president of the Women of Reform Judaism internationally, where she is meeting dignitaries including Prime Minister Netanyahu. Vivian Brostoff and her membership committee made services welcoming with the Wine and Cheese Shabbatot (and by constantly reminding us to reach out and greet guests at services). Barry Sobel refinanced our mortgage, lowering our interest rate and extending the maturity date of the loan. Jon Worly and his team spent months developing improvements in the ways we communicate with each other. You will see cool and exciting projects in the coming year. And what about Carolyn Shapiro, Janet Mills and the Avodah Committee? We had the best ever High Holiday campaign, Avodah Awards and fundraising year. Great job! It takes the passion and generous spirit of many to make TKE tick and to make sure that we will never have to know what life would be like without Temple Kol Emeth. Thank you to all of you. And mazel tov to the New Board of Trustees for 2014/2015! B‘shalom, Sherri Parman, President June/July 2014/5774 3 MESSAGE FROM RABBI BOXT Shalom Y‘all! Greetings TKE! For the past few months, I have focused on several different important groups in the synagogue community. While we have celebrated our volunteers, our TKE Board and our religious school teachers and administrators, this message will focus on YOU! That‘s right…this message is dedicated to the nearly 2,000 people who call Temple Kol Emeth home. If it were not for you, our community would not exist! When I walk through the doors of TKE, I am immediately reminded of the many wonderful owners/members. All I have to do is look on the walls and in the hallways to see the lists of names of many of our members who have generously given to maintain our home. However, making financial commitments and gifts to TKE is only one of many ways in which our congregants are involved. We have congregants who help out with setting up our programs, our onegs, our various meals and events, and, of course, many other ways, as well. Temple Kol Emeth is a congregation dedicated to all of its members; and as one of your rabbis, I am impressed daily by your dedication to our home! I am often asked, ―What is the most valuable or most important way that someone can give back?‖ There is not one correct answer to that question; there are MANY correct answers. From driving our youth group kids home from a NFTY event to providing the hands in setting up for our onegs and everything in between; all of these are valuable, and every one of you is valued AND appreciated for your time and commitment. We have come to the end of Year 2 for the Boxt family in our TKE journey. We could not be happier, nor could we feel any more welcome here. Each of you has been a part of our lives for the past two years; and we look forward to a continued friendship as the years go on. As we welcome a new Boxt into the TKE fold in November, we are excited to share this next chapter of our lives with each of you! Over the summer, as office life is a little less hectic, stop in and say hi! Let‘s go for coffee or lunch and talk about how the next few years will go. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to share my life with you – and thank you for sharing your life with me! B‘shalom, Rabbi Erin Boxt MAZEL TOV B’NAI MITZVAH June 17 August 2 Max and Emily Pakula will become b‘nai mitzvah in Israel on June 17 with Rabbi Boxt. Max will be a rising eighth grader and Emily will be a rising seventh grader at The Wood Acres School in Marietta. Max is on the climbing team at Escalade Rock Climbing Gym, rows crew for Atlanta Junior Rowing Association and is a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Emily has been dancing at Rhythm Dance Center for nine years and has been in the performing company for the last four years. For their mitzvah project, they are volunteering and participating in the Take Steps Walk for the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation. We are very proud of both Max and Emily for all their hard work and accomplishments. Charlotte Stepakoff will become a bat mitzvah on August 2. Charlotte is a seventh grader at Dodgen Middle School. She is the daughter of Elizabeth and Jeffrey Stepakoff and has an older sister, Sophie, and a younger brother, Eli. She rows for Atlanta Junior Rowing Association; and she loves listening to music, singing, and spending time with her friends. She also enjoys attending Camp Barney Medintz in the summer. For Charlotte's mitzvah project, she volunteered to collect clothing and toiletries for The Open Door Community in Atlanta. Not only are we proud of Charlotte for working hard preparing for her bat mitzvah, we are also very proud of her loving and fun personality. She brings her family and friends smiles every day. 4 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth LIGHTS OF TKE AVODAH EVENING OF HONOR Thank you to our Silent Auction donors who we did not get a chance to thank in the Tribute Book: Linda and Craig Hoffman Center for Puppetry Arts Luxe Lashes Thank you to our generous sponsors who gave after the publication deadline for the Tribute Book: Aric and Kim Fine Babz and Pete Fishman Michael and Chris Jacobs Dean and Lisa Mallis The Marcus Foundation Albert and Jeannie Marx Bob and Esther Nitishin Marty and Karen Silver TKE Brotherhood June/July 2014/5774 5 CONGREGANT SPOTLIGHT The Lanson Family Fifty-seven miles each way! Yes, that‘s how far Lindsay and Keith Lanson travel to worship, socialize and educate their children at Temple Kol Emeth. This Peachtree City family values a warm and inviting Jewish environment and will battle Atlanta traffic several times a week to attend TKE. The Lansons, who met at the University of Florida, have been married 11 years and have two children, Rebecca (9) and Seth (5). Professionally, Lindsay works as an audiologist and Keith is a marketing manager. At the University of Florida, Lindsay became extremely interested in Judaism while attending Hillel activities with her friends. As she began to take more religion classes at UF, she took the first steps to convert to Judaism, met a nice Jewish boy named Keith, and the rest is history. ―Judaism is the core of our family,‖ says Lindsay. With this in mind, a number of factors brought them to TKE here in Marietta. ―The feel of the synagogue, the high level of programming, connection with Rabbi Boxt and friends who advised us to check it out, were the main reasons we chose TKE.‖ ―The environment makes it easy for my kids to want to come to Temple and religious school. Both have made new friends and want to hang out with them.‖ So what‘s their favorite holiday? Lindsay says, ―We love Hanukkah because it's a great time for us to share our traditions and some information about Judaism and our values with non-Jewish friends. Especially living in Peachtree City, where there are not a lot of Jews, we feel it's really important to help people in our lives understand that though our religion may be different from theirs, we surely have common values and beliefs.‖ In their spare time, the family enjoys watching and coaching Rebecca‘s soccer and Seth‘s baseball games. You‘ll find them in their backyard pool, entertaining friends and family and cheering on the Gators. Stop and say hi to Lanson family, another reason that TKE is the place to be! 6 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth Guess what is happening on October 24, 2014? Give up? Well, it’s the 2014 Robert Scheinfeld TKE Family Retreat at Camp Coleman. It promises to be a GREAT weekend, a chance for our TKE family members to hang out, learn together and have fun together! We would like this to be the best TKE retreat ever! How can you help??? Well, there is a new fund at TKE: the Robert Scheinfeld TKE Family Retreat Fund. In order to add certain activities at camp, such as the Ropes Course (or elements of the Rope Course), we would love some help. You can donate any amount from $5 up to $5000. Every dollar donated goes to support the retreat – to make it a FANTASTICALLY AWESOME event! If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with Rabbi Erin Boxt – [email protected]. Thank you so much in advance for your help!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR INCOMING BOARD OF TRUSTEES TKE Board of Trustees 2014-2015 President Henry Hene Senior Vice President Operations Carolyn Shapiro Senior Vice President Programs Tracey Orenstein Vice President Community Relations Sabina Hancotte Vice President Volunteerism Susan Moye Vice President Facilities Ben Singer Vice President Finance Barry Sobel Director of Finance Rachel Barich Vice President Fundraising Bob Jaric Vice President Membership Paula Wilson Director of Membership Vivian Brostoff Vice President of Study Jodi Roberts Director of Education Ladina Drury Director Long Range Planning Mike Tempel Recording Secretary Jaime Davies Director of Communications Jon Worly Immediate Past President Sherri Parman WRJ Co-presidents Karyn Parker/Wendi Verzosa Brotherhood President Lesley Litt We want to thank the retiring members for their time and service to TKE: Andy Linkon, Wayne Melnick, Didi Kaltman and Michelle Silverman June/July 2014/5774 7 WRJ BROTHERHOOD GOLF TOURNAMENT The annual TKE Golf Tournament was played under sunny skies on Sunday, May 4. At the City Club of Marietta, participants battled in a scramble format. Save the date! Back to School Brunch August 10 10 a.m. Everyone welcome! The team of Paul Wilson, Barry Sobel, Andy Linkon and Keith Berryhill took home the first place prize with a nine-under-par score of 62. Mitzvah Mah Jongg Monday, June 9 and July 14 at 7 p.m. TKE Social Hall The day included breakfast, lunch, giveaways and a huge silent auction. . Kugel Tasting Join us for a special WRJ Kugel Tasting July 20 at 6 p.m. in the Social Hall at TKE A huge THANK YOU to Lon Goodman, who has served as chairperson of this event for the last 12 years. Lon did an amazing job once again; and he should be commended for organizing this first class event. If you missed this year, be on the lookout for the next year's date. The event is open to TKE members and non-members. Until next year, keep 'em in the short grass! 8 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth June/July 2014/5774 9 MESSAGE FROM THE INCOMING PRESIDENT As I write this article, each congregant is receiving the annual meeting packet containing a Board of Trustee slate listing my name as proposed President of TKE. I am honored to have this opportunity to continue in my service to TKE; and felt this first Voice would be a good opportunity to tell everyone a little more about myself. Not that you need to see my resume, but so the congregation knows me on a more up-close and personal basis. By knowing more about me, I hope to help each individual congregant to know and understand why I am here in the service of TKE and what you can do to help in the process. I am a native Atlantan, born 57 years ago at Georgia Baptist Hospital. Our family were members of The Temple on Peachtree Street; and I was confirmed by Rabbi Rothchild and Rabbi Sugarman in the same class as Blair Marks. After graduating from Riverwood High School, I left Atlanta to get an engineering degree from Auburn University. I then relocated 16 times over the next 18 years in the performance of my job before settling back in my hometown. We moved to the East Cobb area to be close to my office and found TKE to be a comfortable place to attend services and uphold my family‘s Jewish tradition. I have been married to my wife Candy for 27 years; and we have a daughter, Caroline, who is 24. Caroline went through the TKE religious school, became bat mitzvah and was married by Rabbi Lebow. We have celebrated our life cycle events here at TKE, as a part of the TKE family. Candy and I have been members of TKE for 19 years; but I feel I have been an active member for only about 13 of those years. What makes the difference between our original membership, where we had a ‗comfortable‘ place to attend, versus our current level of participation as active members of TKE? Like many of you reading this article, we were the silent members, only going to an occasional Friday night service and High Holy Day services when it didn‘t conflict with my other responsibilities. We recognized some faces but didn‘t necessarily know anyone by name. Then we were asked to participate in a small TKE project. We helped with the convert a house across the street into the DLC Youth and Conference Center. But one thing happened that was an unexpected part of that involvement. The sense of—I don‘t know how best to describe it—accomplishment, giving back to the community, or just feeling good about myself, which outweighed the amount of effort that I ever put into the process. As our participation and involvement continued to grow, we now can say that TKE is a major part of our lives and we are vested in the ‗family‘ that we refer to as our Synagogue. I am not sure if this article actually allowed you to learn more about me; but maybe it let you see a little bit about my path of involvement in the governing process of TKE and realize how you might become part of our team and help with the process. Was it ultimately the ‗ask‘ that got the wheels turning in my participation, or was it a sense of wanting to belong to a larger community? I don‘t know the real answer to this last question; but isn‘t that what we must ultimately answer for ourselves to take the next step forward? Henry Hene What are you doing at, say, 8 p.m. on Thursday evenings? Well, do you know where Rabbi Boxt is? At Guston’s 12195 Highway 92, Ste 156, Woodstock That’s right – every Thursday TKE has a trivia team! Want more information? Please contact Rabbi Boxt – [email protected]. If you are on Facebook, message Rabbi Boxt (Rabbierin Boxt) and you can be added to the TKE Trivia Group. The food is great; the atmosphere is great; the company is great – and who doesn’t like fun, food and friends? come on out and join your TKE winning team!!! 10 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth WE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE THESE CONTRIBUTIONS 05/06 Capital Campaign Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Marks in memory of Isabel Marks Rabbi Boxt Tzedakah Fund Ms. Hanelle McCall Mr. G. Alan and Ms. Janet Katz Caring Committee Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Canfield in memory of Fran Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mallis in memory of Thomas Mallis I Religious School Fund Mrs. Pat Aronoff in memory of Marvin Aronoff Mr. and Mrs. Mark Popkin in memory of Fran Siegel Ms. Ladina Drury in memory of Frances Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Nader Parman in memory of Frances Siegel Singer-Gurovitsch Scholarship Fund Mr. Edward and Dr. Mitzi Schepps in memory of Fran Siegel Suzette Felsberg Cohen Outreach and Adult Ed Fund Mrs. Martha Perlmutter Children's Memorial Garden Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shapiro General Temple Fund Dr. Robert Hirsch in memory of Fred Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Alan Oppenheim in memory of Mildred Gilbert Mr. Stanley Yagerman in memory of Bernhard Yagerman Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Marks in memory of Melvin Caplan Mr. and Mrs. David Kimmel in memory of Betty Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cooper in appreciation of TKE Mr. and Mrs. William Cotton in memory of Gertrude Cotton Mr. and Mrs. William Cotton in memory of William Weiss Mr. Laurence Siegel in appreciation of the TKE congregation Dr. Martin and Mrs. Karen Silver in memory of Sam Tilles Dr. Philip and Judi Miehl in memory of James Thornton Ms. Karen Savrin in memory of Clara Belanoff Mr. and Mrs Stuart Dimbert in memory of Sylvia Bennett Mr. and Mrs Stuart Dimbert in memory of Aaron Dimbert Dr. Craig and Mrs. Jane Aronoff in honor of Kirk Pardue Ms. Rose Suffrin in memory of Neil McCall Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mix in honor of David Kimmel, Renae Popkin and Ira Wajsman Dr. Morris Miehl in memory of Max Miehl Dr. Howard and Mrs. Karen Reitman Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kacher Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dinin Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moye Irv & Rita Lebow Camp Coleman Fund Ms. Lila Stein in memory of Neil McCall Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zbar Dr. B.J. and Mrs. Jacqueline Harman Rabbi Lebow Tzedakah Fund Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hene in honor of Rabbi Lebow's birthday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hene in memory of Fran Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Kirsch in memory of Esther Berkman and in honor of the speedy recovery of Joe Barton Mr. and Mrs. John Astarita in memory of Diane Marcario Mr. Edward and Dr. Mitzi Schepps in honor of Rabbi Lebow's birthday Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schulman in memory of Marjorie Cooper Mrs. Joyce Cohen Sadie Wolfort Leadership Development Fund Dr. Craig and Mrs. Jane Aronoff in memory of Fran Siegel JF&CS Following positive feedback from members of the Caring Committee, Social Action Committee and Administrative Staff Affinity Groups, JF&CS staff felt there was a greatly needed opportunity to bring together the presidents and vice presidents (VP) of area synagogues to discuss concerns they were experiencing, like member retention and engagement. ―For the past two years, representatives of synagogues in Atlanta have been meeting as a way to engage one another and talk about various topics affecting their synagogues,‖ said Brenda Fiske, Chief Marketing Officer at JF&CS. ―We are thankful for the opportunity to convene these individuals,‖ said Gary Miller, CEO of JF&CS, who facilitates the meetings. ―It allows us to offer examples and share research that provides clues to achieving success.‖ Cheryl Miller, president of Congreation Etz Chaim, has found the Affinity Group to be a very helpful. ―The meetings are a wonderful opportunity for the leaders of the area synagogues to come together to discuss challenges, successes and new ideas. It is very reassuring to know we‘re all dealing with many of the same issues and they allow us to share strategies for moving our congregations forward.‖ Philip Siegel, president at Ahavath Achim Synagogue, told us "The Affinity Group has provided me with the opportunity to learn from others having similar experiences with their synagogues. I have found great value in the engaging dialogue, and it has been refreshing to know that I'm not in this alone. There are many similarities between our communities." The Presidents/VP Affinity Group meets three times a year at JF&CS in Dunwoody. For more information, contact [email protected]. June/July 2014/5774 11 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Dear TKE Teens, Many of you are required by your schools to complete a certain number of community service hours. Community service, social action work and helping others by volunteering are concepts that are found over and over in Jewish sources, from the very earliest times through the current day. Here are just a few quotes on the subject: “Love your neighbour as yourself” - Leviticus 19:18 “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, who am I? And if not now, when?” - Hillel in Ethics of the Fathers, 1:14 “It is not what one says, but rather what one does, that makes a difference.‖ - Ethics of the Fathers, 1:17 “Deeds of lovingkindness are equal in weight to all the commandments.” - Jerusalem Talmud, Peah 1:1 In addition to being a critical part of Jewish tradition and teaching, community service work has many benefits. Volunteering can allow you to make new friends and learn new skills. Knowing that you are doing good for others and the community can boost your self-esteem and confidence. Volunteer work also looks great on resumes! In light of all of the benefits of volunteering, I encourage each of you to use your required service hours to find volunteer work that is meaningful to you, where you feel you are making a difference and learning as well. If you enjoy working with younger children, and would like a way to stay connected to TKE and the Jewish community through your volunteer work, we hope you will consider applying to be a volunteer madrich/a (teaching assistant) for the upcoming 20142015 school year. The TKE religious school depends on madrichim to help provide supervision to our youngest students, to tutor in Hebrew, and much more. In the upcoming 2014-2015 school year these will be volunteer positions. What‘s in it for you? Depending on which class you work in, you will earn anywhere from 40 to 94 hours of community service. You can list it as work experience on job applications. Volunteer work will look great on your college applications and resumes. There will be two people to turn to for letters of reference (the teacher you work with and the principal). You‘ll have the chance to help pass on a love of Judaism to younger students, and to help them prepare for bar/bat mitzvah. If you are going to be in grades 8 - 12 and are interested in volunteering as a madrich/a, please fill out an application and return it to the school office no later than June 15. Request an application by emailing [email protected], or pick one up in the school office! B‘shalom, Rebecca Tullman 12 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth Four of our fantastic madrichim hard at work! RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 2014-2015 CALENDAR August 10 First Day of Religious School 31 Labor Day Weekend NO SCHOOL September Sept 14 - Oct 5 Cobb County Break & High Holidays NO SCHOOL 24 Erev Rosh Hashanah; 25 & 26 Rosh Hashanah, First & Second Day CLASS OF 2014 Mazel tov to all the graduating seniors at Temple Kol Emeth! We are so proud of you and wish you good luck with your next adventure. High School Graduates Natalie Bauer Tufts University, Boston MA Hayley Clemans Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville GA October 3 Erev Yom Kippur 4 Yom Kippur 8 Erev Succot 9 & 10 Succot, First and Second Day 16 Shemini Atzeret 17 Simchat Torah Luke Gottesman Chattanooga Technical College, Chattanooga TN Samuel Hait West Virginia University, Morgantown WV Cayla Harris University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa AL Phillip Kaltman Georgia Tech University, Atlanta GA Lenny Kay Reinhardt University, Waleska GA Allison Krausman University of Georgia, Athens GA November 18 - 30 Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL Sam Marticke University of Georgia, Athens GA Cameron Milton Georgia Southern University, Statesboro GA December 17 - 24 Chanukah Dec 16 - Jan 4 Winter Break NO SCHOOL Josh Peretz Florida State University, Tallahassee FL Rachel Peterson University of Georgia, Athens GA Nicole Ra’ed Clemson University, Clemson SC January 18 - 20 MLK Weekend NO SCHOOL Alec Rush University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa AL Bobby Scheinfeld Georgia Regents University, Augusta GA Zachary Schepps University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa AL February 4 Tu B’shevat 15-17 Presidents Day Weekend NO SCHOOL March 1 Purim Carnival 5 Purim Mar 31 - April 12 Spring Break & Pesach NO SCHOOL April 3 Erev Pesach 4 & 5 Pesach, First and Second Day 10 & 11 Last Days of Pesach 16 Yom Hashoah 22 Yom Hazikaron 23 Yom Ha’atzmaut May 7 Lag B’omer 17 Last Day of Religious School 17 Yom Yerushalayim 24 & 25 Shavuot Having accurate numbers helps aid in our planning so we encourage you to get enrolled as soon as possible for the new year! Rory Schreadley University of Mississippi, Oxford MS Rachel Silverstein University of Georgia, Athens GA Mollie Singer Gap year program in Israel and then to Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL in Fall 2015 Laila Treadwell Working and traveling for a year and then to UCLA, Los Angeles CA starting in Fall 2015 Katie Weinstein Point Park University in the Conservatory of Performing Arts, Pittsburgh PA Zach Wender University of Georgia, Athens GA Matthew Zacune Auburn University, Auburn AL University Graduates Lauren Rechtman George Washington University Medical School and begins her pediatric residency at Children's National Hospital in Washington D.C. in June. Aaron Schulke Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia He is a Cobb County police officer. Savannah Stone Lamar Dodd School of Art, University of Georgia, Athens, GA June/July 2014/5774 13 IN JUNE/JULY WE OBSERVE THE YAHRZEITS OF ... June 6 Joe Fierman, stepfather of Ilyse Anderson Harold Brown, uncle of Vivian Brostoff Paula Goldhagen, mother of Haviva Goldhagen Louis Nava, son of Laura Lynn Harry Shevis, nephew of Edward Persky Sophie Fleet, grandmother of Laura Estes Michael Schwartz, father of Lisa Finegan Charlotte Fisher, mother of Scott Fisher Edith Freedman, mother of Harry Freedman Fannie Biloon, mother of Henrietta Gilbert Bil Biloon, brother of Henrietta Gilbert Charles Weiner, uncle of Wendy Kapiloff Benjamin Spinoza, grandfather of Vicki Reynolds Michael Schwartz, father of Rick Schwartz Jacob Ehrenhalt, father of Edwin Ehrenhalt Dorothy Hanvey, grandmother of Adam Regelsky Max Kuttner, grandfather of Rebekah Wasserman Maurice Kanarek, father of Cindy Culver Harold Menkin, father of Randi Menkin Lillian Selman, mother of Jeffrey Selman Tillie Wolk, mother of Jerry Wolk Ida Lant, mother of Rosalynd Bernstein Harry Germane, grandfather of Erin Pakula Alan Resmondo, husband of Lyric Resmondo Sarah Lerner, grandmother of Addie Schneider Samuel Werber, father of Gerald Werber Peggy Penick, aunt of Kirk Pardue Anne Dinin, mother of Leonard Dinin Jon Kapstein, brother of Ross Kapstein June 13 Harriett Udinsky, grandmother of Ben Singer Elias Slutzah, father of Arthur Slutzah Laura Harman, mother of B.J. Harman Jack Richman, father of Susan Kublanow and Steven Richman Reina Almeleh, mother of Martha Perlmutter Stanley Goldstein, father of Robin Adams Ralph Bernstein, grandfather of Nancy Cohen Anne Rosenthal, mother of Alan Rosenthal Jeffrey Shubin, brother of Jodi Schwartz Lillian Cohen, grandmother of Marlene Kattaron Harold Bowman, husband of Penny Bowman, father of Allan Bowman Ed Dinerstein, grandfather of Lenny Kapiloff Gordon Brackett, father of Laura Lynn Esther Levy, mother of Julienne Marks Stephen Sellinger, father of Carolyn Shapiro Sally Mills, grandmother of Tony Mills Claire Nichols, wife of Neill Nichols, mother of Samantha and Adam Nichols Henry Samrick, brother-in-law of Rosalynd Bernstein Harry Price, nephew of Rosalynd Bernstein Anne Cooper, mother of Howard Brenowitz, grandmother of Lisa Diamond Marilyn Eisner, aunt-in-law of Wendy Kapiloff Lila Rosen, mother of Ross Rosen June 20 Banny Eckber, father of Steven Eckber, grandfather of Teri Singer Mina Gansel, mother of Sandra Gansel Glen Sherman, cousin of Penny Hamond-Wolk Marilyn Eisner, aunt of Lenny Kapiloff Louis Almeleh, brother of Martha Perlmutter Shirley Silverman, mother of Marty Silverman Harold Bernstein, husband of Rosalynd Bernstein Nita Blake, grandmother of Justin Blake Rose Wilder, grandmother of Ilene Chait Steven Feder, husband of Betsy Feder Samuel Pikholz, great-uncle of Carol Lief Bryan Belanoff, brother of Karen Savrin Muriel Schepps, wife of Larry Schepps, mother of Edward Schepps Harold Sarles, father of Deborah Rogers Lori Hilgemann, daughter of Peggy Sharp Helen Weisberg, mother of Linda Smith Moses Max, father of Robert Max Lorraine Forman, mother of Andrea Strimban Arnold Slome, father of Roberta Apte Dale Baruchman, sister of Fred Baruchman Pinnie Solomon, grandmother of Ilana Peretz Florence Meyers, mother of Ilene Chait Faye Siegel, mother of Dea Farris Elizabeth Berchenko, grandmother of Tracey Brabant Louise Light, mother of Janet Brooks Marcel Goldhagen, father of Haviva Goldhagen Sandy Cohen, uncle of Henry Hene June 27 William Lerner, father of Bill Lerner Jack Franco, father of Jeanie Marx Bessie Rittman, mother of Gerald Rittman Alex Goldstein, father of Jerry Goldstein, grandfather of Stacie Mundahl Zeigfreid Holzer, grandfather of Denise Jacobs Barry Migdall, brother of Mick Migdall Robert Tulkoff, father of Joseph Tulkoff Sarah Richards, aunt of Royce Bemis Eve Brenowitz, husband of Howard Brenowitz, mother of Lisa Diamond Louis Cohen, grandfather of Marlene Kattaron Alexander Levin, father of Reva Schuster Sydney Kapstein, father of Ross Kapstein Sara Miehl, wife of Morris Miehl, mother of Brad and Philip Miehl Rose Zale, grandmother of Debra Brenner Roslyn Brenner, mother of Richard Brenner David Green, stepfather of Nancy Cohen N. Jerome Chapin, father of Ronni Udoff William Zinnershine, father of David Zinnershine Esther Schneps, grandmother of Robin Manheim Jack Hausman, uncle of Renee Migdall Nora Gilbert, grandmother of Rick Schwartz Jack Stark, grandfather of Alan Zuckerman Beatrice Sarvetnick, step-grandmother of Laura Estes Sam Levinson, father of Leon Levinson (Continued on page 15) 14 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth IN JUNE/JULY WE OBSERVE THE YAHRZEITS OF ... David Solomon, grandfather of Ilana Peretz Seymour Smigrod, father of Dan Smigrod July 18 Beatrice Katzman, mother of Andrea Feldman Helmut Blumenthal, father of Bobbi Leebow Alvin Elson, father of Nancy Zacune July 4 Lilly Feuer, aunt of David Hendler Louis Abramson, grandfather of Audrey Dinoff Suzanne Stuart, mother of Randy Stuart Roger Maass, father of Cindy Bond David "Max" Spanjer, father of Byron Spanjer Morris Cohen, father of Bonnie Cohen-Greenberg Ida Goldstein, grandmother of Robin Adams Lotte Weisman, grandmother of Sandra Gansel Meyer Salsbury, father of Judith Siegel, grandfather of Sheri Siegel Martin Holubar, son of Camille Holubar Isidore Kaplan, father of Sandy Hendrick Irene Kapstein, mother of Ross Kapstein Natalie Wyatt, mother of Natalie Kruger, great-grandmother of Shirley Strauss, mother of David Strauss Tari Turner Samuel Krantz, father of Arlene Gross and Andrew Krantz Jerome Levinson, father of Randy and Stephen Levinson Brian Leibowitz, son of Michael Leibowitz Saul Abish, father of Marvin Abish Marlene Harris, mother of Steven Harris Joann Kerker, mother of Lisa Arkin Harry Holzman, father of Helene Holzman Ruth Roseman, grandmother of Rachel Barich Mildred Stein, mother of Ronni Landau Madeline Greenwald, mother of Dan Greenwald Leonard Stein, father of Ronni Landau Maedelle Maynard, mother of Rob Maynard Bernard Caplan, grandfather of Blair Marks Harold Falk, father of Jodi Regelsky Harold Weintraub, father of Sharon Milton Mary Tenenbaum, mother of Raymond Tenenbaum Beverly Moskowitz, mother of Marilyn Bernstein Albert Rasnick, father of Robert Rasnick Jacob Ribotsky, grandfather of Wendy Blotner Henry Melnik, father of Robert Melnik Eleanor Harrison, mother of JoAnn Coburn Hyman Migdall, father of Mick Migdall Phillip Miller, father of Randi Sonenshine Edward Silver, father of Martin Silver Melvin Udoff, father of Eric Udoff July 11 Zachary Cohen, son of Patricia and Stephen Cohen Rita Burger, mother of Melanie Litt Avron Persky, father of Edward Persky Dorothy Silver, grandmother of Harriet Brodsky Judy Delafuente, mother of Ed Delafuente, grandmother of Joseph Delafuente Heather Landau, niece of Gary Landau Gertrude Aronson, aunt of Ellen Lopez Eugene Wypyski, father of Gene Wypyski Hal Benowitz, father of Robert Benowitz Robert Lynn, father of Steven Lynn Jerry Ehrenfreund, uncle of Debra Brenner Rosalie Marks, mother of Sasha Marks Miriam Victor, grandmother of Lisa Meeks Ralph Friedlander, stepfather of Vicki Reynolds Gil Hausman, father of Cindy Weiss Emma Fite, grandmother of Alan Fite Katherine Lidz, grandmother of Diane Lidz Lena Mix, grandmother of Frank Mix Alex Natkin, father of Robert Natkin Jack Golden, grandfather of Holly Simmel Rose Cohen, grandmother of Bonnie Cohen-Greenberg Eva Berger, grandmother of Sandie Hendler Murray Rosenblatt, father of Lynnor Holder, grandfather of Tara Holder-Stewart Morris Lappin, grandfather of Joseph Marks Edna Melnick, mother of Larry Melnick Robert Patterson, father of Susan Eisen Sarah Socklin, mother of Lola Werber July 25 Fred Naftali, stepfather of Nancy Cohen Etta Serwator, grandmother of Carol Lief Abraham Forman, father of Andrea Strimban Herbert Waldorf, father of Karen Wajsman Julius Zuckerman, grandfather of Alan Zuckerman Sophie Kane, grandmother of Audrey Dinoff Susan Serrins, mother of Cathy Schwartz Alma Beach, mother of Luann Fite Louis Klein, grandfather of Illyse Sheaffer Ruth Malecki, mother of Mary Weinstein Gabriel Kirshner, brother of Elliott Kirshner William Wyatt, father of Natalie Kruger, great-grandfather of Tari Turner Joseph Lappin, great-uncle of Joseph Marks Bess Felton, grandmother of Tony Mills Marlene Keiner, mother of Robin Singer Mildred Jacobs, mother of Jayne Jacobs Pincus Serwator, grandfather of Carol Lief Harry Persky, grandfather of Edward Persky Regina Goldstein, mother of Neill Nichols Maxwell Newman, father of Leslie Schwartz Helen Anspach, mother of Stefanie Davies, grandmother of Adam Davies Morris Delafuente, father of Ed Delafuente Leonard Levy, father of Julienne Marks Edward Shapiro, father of Michael Shapiro Herbert Tasman, father of Mark and Stuart Tasman (Continued on page 20) June/July 2014/5774 15 MJCCA SUNSHINE SCHOOL We had a wonderful year at the Sunshine School. In May, we enjoyed celebrating Israel‘s birthday and performing at Shabbat Showtime, the culmination to our Music Festival. Seventeen children graduated from our program this year and were sent off with a beautiful ceremony held in the Sanctuary. They are ready for kindergarten. ―What‘s the best camp?‖ ―Camp Billi Marcus!‖ …which starts here at TKE on June 2. We have such an exciting summer planned, with so many activities set to themes like ―Hit the Beach,‖ ―Making a Splash,‖ ―In the Good Ol‘ Summertime,‖ ―Playful Pirates,‖ and ―Rockin in the USA.‖ We will also meet some of our favorite storybook characters, including: Pete the Cat, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Dr. Seuss and Curious George. Before we know it, it will be time to go back to school; and the preschool cycle begins all over again. We have limited spots available for the 2014-15 school year, starting August 11. There are scholarship funds available for Pre-K children. Please call me anytime to schedule a tour or to receive more information about registration. We look forward to seeing you and your children here. With warm regards, Raye Lynn Banks Director, The Sunshine School (678) 812-3714 [email protected] 16 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth Best Day Care In The Atlanta Area January 10, 2014 (Credit: Courtesy of http://www.atlantajcc.org/landingpages/preschool) With the number of dual-income families on the rise, the need for quality child care has never been in greater demand. Atlanta is filled to overflowing with an abundance of well-revered early education franchises, such as Crème de la Crème, Kids ‗R‘ Kids, Primrose Academies and more; but for parents who prefer a more personalized approach to their child‘s care, a local independent facility may be the best choice. Fortunately for Georgia families, Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) launched Quality Rated in January of 2012 to ―assess, improve and communicate the level of quality in early education and school-age care programs.‖ The Atlantaarea day care centers below have all achieved a three-star rating from Quality Rated – the highest honor bestowed to day cares that meet or exceed program standards. MJCCA Sunshine School Temple Kol Emeth 1415 Old Canton Road Marietta, GA 30062 (678) 812-3720 www.atlantajcc.org As part of the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta, the Sunshine School is a highly regarded Jewish preschool located in East Cobb‘s Temple Kol Emeth. Accepting infants through four-year-olds for day care, as well as school-age children for after-school care, the NAEYC-accredited Sunshine School has the capacity for 125 kids and is open year-round on Mondays through Fridays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. It is also affiliated with the popular Weinstein School in Dunwoody‘s Zaban Park. In addition to providing a solid educational foundation, both schools pride themselves on infusing Jewish values and customs into their programs. During the summer months, the Sunshine School is transformed into Camp Billi Marcus and the Weinstein School into Camp Marie Benator, for a fun and memorable preschool summer camp experience June/July 2014/5774 17 KEFTY GOES TO SPRING KALLAH 18 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth AT CAMP COLEMAN June/July 2014/5774 19 YAHRZEITS MEMBERSHIP (Continued from page 15) August 1 Marilyn Fein, mother of Darien Chimoff Max Bennett, father of Jacqueline Dimbert Albert Kacher, father of Brad Kacher Arnold Goldman, father of Jennifer Katz Joel Feingold, cousin of Darien Chimoff Pauline Backhaut, mother of Penny Hamond-Wolk Betty Jacoby, godmother in-law of Laura Jacoby Dora Haas, grandmother of Bill Lerner Ruth Siegel, mother of Rick Siegel Bert Hene, father of Henry Hene Jeanette Gorden, grandmother of Diana Lerner and Arlene Mix Kaye Wilson, mother of Michael Singer Celia Braverman, grandmother of Richard Brenner Morris Applebaum, grandfather of Roni Levine Beverly Schwartz, former wife of Edwin Schwartz Jack Berchenko, grandfather of Tracey Brabant Kathleen Brabant, grandmother of Kevin Brabant Sylvia Ehrenhalt, mother of Edwin Ehrenhalt Ronnie Ihm, sister of Laurie Finkelstein Allison Schwartz, niece of Laurie Finkelstein Rose Sacks, sister of Muriel Levinson Bertha Finegold, grandmother of Bonnie Cohen-Greenberg Ruth Abramson, grandmother of Audrey Dinoff Chuck Krasnov, brother of Gary Krasnov Louis Rabinowitz, stepfather of Paula Pullen William Conner, father of Susan Rubenstein TODAH RABAH TO OUR OFFICE VOLUNTEERS! Norma Goldberg Carolyn Delafuente Sally Greenstein Elissa Terris Martha Perlmutter Gennie Olender Sandy Faye Eadie Richmond Teri Singer Irene Srsich Bobbi Schuman Peggy Sharp Izzy Netburn Karen Greisman Charlene Vener 20 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth I have been very proud to serve as your Vice President of Membership for the last three years. For the coming year, I will be Director of Membership, and Paula Wilson will assume the Vice President of Membership position. I want to thank the Membership Committee for their help and great ideas and for always being there when needed. I also want to thank the congregation for its involvement. Please continue to support the events and remember that everyone is a prospective member. A huge thanks to those who have volunteered to be ambassadors for our congregation. You have been fabulous! We have a few congregational and ambassador events coming up during the summer. The ice cream social, for congregants and prospective members, is on Sunday, July 27, at 3 p.m. Come to enjoy ice cream with all the fixings, as well as games fo r the child ren. P lease RSVP at www.tkeicecreamsocial. eventbrite.com. The congregational BBQ is on Sunday, August 24, at 5 p.m. in the Social Hall. This event is free with an RSVP on Eventbrite. The link will be published soon. Otherwise, there is a $5 charge per person at the door. Thank you to the WRJ and Brotherhood, who sponsor the wine & cheese events with Membership; to Rabbi Lebow and Rabbi Boxt, for their support and suggestions; to Denise Jacobs, for her great ideas, many talents and sharing working lunches; to Evy Eckber, for answering all my questions no matter how many times I call; to Pam Fells, for putting up with my pestering her for expenditure updates; to Justin Blake and KEFTY, for their help whenever needed; to Brotherhood, for having their chefs grill at the BBQ; and to our TKE family for your support, smiles and hugs. I hope to continue to see you during the summer at Friday night services. Have a safe and wonderful summer. Vivian Brostoff VP Membership N eighborhood educatioNal toy Store $ 7 OFF any purchase of $35 or more 10% OFF your entire purchase Coupon cannot be combined with any other ofer. One time use only. Ofer will expire on November 25, 2013. Come to Momo’s to buy your Hanukah gifts for your children and grandchildren! 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The cost of assembling, printing and delivery is carried by the advertisers which appear on these pages. By paying for advertising space, these businesses help Temple Kol Emeth communicate with its members. When you patronize these businesses, it proves that advertising in your publication is a good investment which brings a return. Please mention that you saw the company’s ad in this publication—solid evidence which encourages advertisers to continue their support! For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 www.4LPi.com ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0852/e COLEMAN CORNER When I think of Camp Coleman, I smile and think of the '90‘s. Camp Coleman is the place I grew up, found out who I was and created lifelong friendships. I grew up in Marietta, but not in the East Cobb area. I was typically the only Jewish child in my class at school; and I did not grow up sharing with others my religious beliefs, because I was scared of not being accepted by my peers. I came to have what I would refer to as my school life and my Jewish life (camp and, later, SEFTY), which were entirely separate. Coleman gave me the opportunity to connect with other people from all over the Southeast who were entirely different from me but who shared with me one unique characteristic: Judaism. Camp Coleman today is different from what it was like when I went to camp. I view the years I spent at Coleman as the years of change, making camp what it is today. When I first started, it was a place where everyone was Jewish and you practiced Jewish traditions; but the camp was not based 100% around Jewish ideals. I went through three camp directors, and then Bobby Harris arrived to make Coleman into what it is today. Slowly, changes started to appear around camp. No longer was there just a lake to swim in, but a pool was built. The English names of the units (Juniors, Tweens and Pioneers) had changed to Hebrew a few years before Bobby arrived; but the activities and buildings began to take on Hebrew names as time went on. I was a part of one of the first Coleman-in-Israel groups. 'Though I pitched a fit at the time, because for one summer I could not actually pass the gates of UAHC (now URJ) Camp Coleman, this was one of the best summers of my life. There is nothing like a friendship formed at Coleman and then strengthened through the experience of Israel. My summer in Israel was life-changing; and I am so grateful Coleman gave me the opportunity to experience it with my best friends. Going back to Coleman today is amazing. The progress the camp has made is tremendous; and it is wonderful to watch today‘s youth still loving the Coleman I grew up to cherish in my heart. 'Though the facility is newer and the people are the different, the purpose is still the same: every child is accepted for who s/he is and religion is the commonality that everyone shares. My best friends were found at Coleman. We spent every summer fostering an everlasting friendship that anyone who ever attended Coleman will understand. We have been there at each other‘s b‘nai mitzvah, we have traveled the world together, stood by each other‘s side at our weddings and have now been present through the births of our children. The most amazing thing about my Coleman friends is that our bonds are everlasting. No matter if it has been six months, one year or 10 years since we have last seen each other, we pick up as if we just saw each other yesterday. As our children begin to reach the age to attend camp, we look forward to their having the opportunity to allow Coleman to shape them into amazing adults because of all it has to offer. Jaime Davies June/July 2014/5774 21 SIVAN/TAMMUZ JUNE 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 2 1 9 a.m. AARP Smart Driving Course WEDNESDAY 3 EREV SHAVUOT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 7 6 5 4 8 p.m. Congregational 10:30 a.m. Bat Mitzvah SHAVUOT—OFFICE SHAVUOT— of Isabella Tenenbaum Shabbat Service OFFICE CLOSED KEFTY Mystery Trip KEFTY Mystery Trip 6:45 p.m. Al-Anon CLOSED 7 p.m. Yizkor KEFTY Mystery Trip 9 10 11 6:45 p.m. Al-Anon 12 13 8 p.m. Congregational Torah Shabbat 14 15 1 p.m. WRJ Chai Crafters 16 17 18 6:45 p.m. Al-Anon 7 p.m. WRJ Board Meeting 19 20 8 p.m. Congregational Shabbat Service 21 22 23 24 25 6:45 p.m. Al-Anon 26 27 5:30 p.m. Shabbat Under the Stars—East Cobb Park 28 29 30 8 7 p.m. Mitzvah Mah Jongg 9:30 a.m. Board Meeting ALL ACTIVITIES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PLEASE CONSULT HTTP://WWW.KOLEMETH.NET/ FOR THE MOST UPDATED INFORMATION. TAMMUZ/AV JULY 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 THURSDAY FRIDAY 2 3 4 JULY 4—OFFICE CLOSED 8 p.m. Congregational Shabbat Service 5 9 10 11 8 p.m. Congregational Shabbat Service 12 16 6:45 p.m. Al-Anon 7 p.m. WRJ Board Meeting 17 18 8 p.m. Congregational Torah Shabbat 19 23 22 6:45 p.m. Al-Anon 7 a.m. Cobb County Elections 24 25 8 p.m. Congregational Shabbat Service 26 31 2 1 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. URJ Community Shabbat— Congregational Shabbat/URJ Service The Temple 5 p.m. Bat Mitzvah of Charlotte Stepakoff 6:45 p.m. Al-Anon 6 7 8 6:45 p.m. Al-Anon 13 14 7 p.m. Mitzvah Mah Jongg 20 7 p.m. WRJKugel Tasting 21 27 8:30 a.m. Teacher Orientation 3 p.m. Icecream Social 28 9:30 a.m. TKE Board Retreat SATURDAY 15 29 30 6:45 p.m. Al-Anon Temple Kol Emeth INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1415 Old Canton Road Marietta, Georgia 30062 Worship Schedule ................................ .2 Outgoing President Message .............. .3 Rabbi Boxt ............................................ 4 B’nai Mitzvah ....................................... 4 Congregant Spotlight ......................... ..6 Women of Reform Judaism ................. 8 Incoming President Message ........... ..10 Contributions .................................... ..11 JF&CS ................................................. 11 Religious School ................................. 12 Yahrzeits ........................................... ..14 Sunshine School .................................. 16 Youth and Family Programming .... ..18 Membership ...................................... ..20 Coleman Corner ................................. 21 June/July Calendar ............................ 27 Change Service Requested NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 211 MARIETTA, GA www.kolemeth.net THE MAILING OF THE VOICE IS SPONSORED BY PAUL AND ELLEN LOPEZ l a i c o S m a e Ice Cr Da te www .tkei : July 2 TKE- 7 at 3 p.m Socia l Hal . in the l K i TKE’s Membership cecr ndly RS V eam soci P to Committee al.ev entb invites members and rite.c om prospective members to a fun afternoon! Ice Cream + fixings & crafts and games for the young ones. For more info contact Denise: 770-973-3533, [email protected]
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