SOLUTIONS FOR TODAY’S SAILORS J/88 Tuning Guide J/88 Tuning Guide Contents Initial Headstay Set-up..................................................... 3 Onboard Headstay Adjustment........................................ 5 J/88TuningGuide............................................................ 7 Sailing Setup...................................................................... 8 North Sails Tips for J/88................................................... 9 Jib Leech Spreader Marks............................................... 10 Upwind Sailing.................................................................11 Downwind Sailing........................................................... 12 Advanced CSD Sail Analysis........................................... 13 Worldwide Sail Care....................................................... 17 W e hope you enjoy your J/88 Tuning Guide. North class representatives and personnel have invested a lot of time to make this guide as helpful as possible for you. Tuning and trim advice offered here has been proven over time with top results. North has become the world leader in sailmaking through an ongoing commitment to making sails faster, lighter and longer lasting. We are equally committed to working as a team with our customers. Updates As always, if you have any questions or comments we would love to hear from you. Please contact your CSD class representative. Sincerely, North Sails is constantly refining tuning techniques and rig settings as we and our customers gain experience in individual classes. This information is shared among North staff worldwide. While this tuning guide provides a giant step toward achieving competitive speed in your class, be sure to contact your North representative about the latest J/88 tuning developments. Ken Read, President North Sails Group © 2014 North Sails. May not be reproduced without permission. 2 J/88 Tuning Guide Initial Headstay Set-up Method 1: Pin-to-Pin Before attaching the headstay lay it out flat and straight on the ground. Measure the height from the deck to the center of the roller pin pennant sticking up through the deck. Measure from the center of the upper headstay pin to the center of the lower headstay pin. This length plus the height above deck of the lower pin should be 12.073m (39.61'). W e are going to describe the steps to help you set up your new J/88 to the North Sails BASE settings. These settings will enable you to be competitive the first time you go sailing. Later we will offer additional suggestions to help you optimize your J/88 for specific sailing conditions. It’s a good idea to keep an accurate, ongoing log of your boat’s specific measurements (within tolerances allowed by the class) for reference to the North BASE settings. Ultimately you will develop your own settings that work with the way you drive and sail your boat in different wind and wave conditions. Don’t be intimidated. The initial setup can be accomplished in as little as one hour’s time. ■■ Attach the headstay to the mast and raise the mast. ■■ Attach the headstay and each upper (cap) shrouds to the deck. ■■ Tighten the caps shrouds hand tight +2 full turns. ■■ Measure up from each cap shroud pin 1m (3.28') and make a mark on the shroud. ■■ Attach a full bucket of water to the center line headsail halyard, cleat the halyard with the bucket over the side of the boat just above the water line. ■■ Mark the halyard where it intersects with the previous mark on the shroud. You’ll need the following: 30m (100') tape measure ■ Rig adjustment tools ■ WetNotes book ■ Safety harness / boatswains chair ■ North Sails J/88 Tuning Guide ■ A crew of five or six to go sailing. ■ © 2014 North Sails. May not be reproduced without permission. 3 Target mark above shows the center location of the upper pin. Pin-to-Pin measurement = 12.073m (39.61'). Arrow and target mark above show the location of the lower pin for the Pin-to-Pin Method. J/88 Tuning Guide ■■ Leaving the halyard cleated, lift the bucket over to the other side of the boat and determine if the halyard mark intersects with that shroud mark. ■■ Moving the bucket side to side adjust the cap shrouds plus or minus until the halyard/shroud marks intersects on both port and starboard sides. This centers the hounds. ■■ Check and if necessary adjust the headstay so that the length, as noted on page 3, is 12.073m (39.61'). Method 2 - ARC Measurement If the mast is already in the boat use the ARC method to obtain the correct headstay length. Using the centerline headsail halyard pull it tight to the front of the mast plate/deck interface. Using the same pressure on the halyard swing it out to the headstay and make a mark on the headfoil. Measure from this headfoil mark down to the ARC location on the roller cover. Lower ARC location measurement point for Method 2. Adjust the headstay turnbuckle so that the distance from the headfoil mark down to the roller cover is 82cm (2.69"). This is our BASE headstay length. After adjusting the headstay, check and adjust the side shrouds to get the Loos Gauge numbers recommended on page 7, Loos PT-2 Readings table. NOTE: When checking the Loos Gauge numbers make sure there is no backstay or halyard tension altering the load gauge number results. See Tuning Guide on page 7. Method 2: ARC Measurement "ARC" method measurement points noted above and below. Method 1: Pin-to-Pin Measurement ARC measurement = 82cm (2.69"). Lower measurement points for the two methods of obtaining headstay lengths. © 2014 North Sails. May not be reproduced without permission. 4 J/88 Tuning Guide Onboard Headstay Adjustment Adjusting the headstay length on board: Have extra cotter pins on hand to replace used ones at base of unit and for turnbuckle. Determine if the turnbuckle is located below deck or inside torque tube. If it's located inside, follow these steps: ■■ Rig a screw catcher. ■■ Hold foils and loosen torque tube screws until you can pull clamp part way out in order to lower foils. ■■ Lower foils. ■■ Remove the three screws at the base of the torque tube. Start by loosening, but do not remove, the top four Allen screws. Remove the three screws at the base of the torque tube. Note the three tools needed to make a headstay adjustment. Content courtesy of Harken, Inc. © 2014 North Sails. May not be reproduced without permission. 5 J/88 Tuning Guide Use a halyard to keep the headfoil above the adjustment turnbuckle when adjusting. Adjust turnbuckle. CAUTION! To avoid injury, make sure drum assembly and foils are securely lifted using a halyard before adjusting turnbuckle. Check location of turnbuckle. It may be below deck under the hub assembly. If it is inside the torque tube, follow this procedure: slide torque tube onto foil and clamp just below top of feeder gap as shown. Use halyard to lift foil assembly. Reassemble torque tube to lower unit. Lift foils so top is 11mm (7/16") below upper terminal. Slide foil clamp into foil notches and tighten screws to secure. Content courtesy of Harken, Inc. © 2014 North Sails. May not be reproduced without permission. 6 J/88 Tuning Guide J/88TuningGuide North Sails BASE Setup for 10-12 kts LoosPT-2Readings Caps / Uppers Intermediates / D2s Lowers / D1s TWS D1 D2 V 35 15 7 6 kts 6" twirl 8 30 BASE 11 kts 7 15 35 15 kts 15 20 38 20 kts 21 28 43 J/88 VPP Upwind TWS TWA Boat Speed Heel 6 kts 43 4.69 4 8 kts 41 5.61 9 10 kts 39 6.19 21 TWS D1 D2 V 12 kts 37 6.34 23.5 6 kts -5 -3 -3 14 kts 35 6.42 24.5 BASE 11 kts 0 0 0 16 kts 34 6.47 26 15 kts 1.5 2 3 20 kts 3 4 5 NumberofFullTurnsfromBASE J/88 VPP Downwind Wire Style TWS TWA Boat Speed Heel 6 kts 143 4.74 12 D1 D2 V 8 kts 144 5.80 12 6Dyform 5Dyform 6Dyform 10 kts 149 6.38 12 12 kts 158 6.59 12 14 kts 165 6.78 12 16 kts 168 7.12 12 © 2014 North Sails. May not be reproduced without permission. 7 J/88 Tuning Guide Sailing Setup Headsail Inhaulers 17+ kts 11-16 kts 8-12 kts 6-9 kts Location of the headsail clew inboard in different wind speeds. Below: Photo shows degrees of sheeting angles with the grab rail at approximately 8.5 degrees. Above: Jib sheeting angles will be subject to the amount of chop. With more waves the set-up should have more headsail twist. © 2014 North Sails. May not be reproduced without permission. 8 J/88 Tuning Guide North Sails Tips for J/88 It is very important to make sure the backstay is the correct length so that at maximum tension the lower block and backstay purchase does not restrict the amount the tiller can turn. Attach the asymmetric tack as close as possible to the fitting so the maximum luff length of the sail projects well and is more stable in chop. Use the full distance from the tackline fitting to the asymmetric halyard shackle for the sail. Clean J/88 cockpit showing a loose backstay. The latest pole and fitting giving the asymmetric tack downhaul a 2:1 purchase system. Don't forget to use your North Canvas mainsail cover to protect the sail. © 2014 North Sails. May not be reproduced without permission. 9 J/88 Tuning Guide Jib Leech Spreader Marks A B From mast track centerline: A: Top spreader jib leech mark 640mm (25.20"). B: Bottom spreader jib leech mark 850mm (33.47"). Look closely at the spreaders, the white marks are located where suggested above. Headsail clew is inhauled to the grab rail. © 2014 North Sails. May not be reproduced without permission. 10 J/88 Tuning Guide Upwind Sailing Crew weight will have to be coordinated to help the trimmers keep optimum heel angle both upwind and downwind. Note the bow knuckle kissing the water (left), and in the Key West photo (right) the weight is distributed side to side to maintain the correct heel angle. © 2014 North Sails. May not be reproduced without permission. 11 J/88 Tuning Guide Downwind Sailing Notice how straight and vertical the sail flies with little heel on the boat. Maximum downwind heel in almost all conditions is 12 degrees. The J/88 should sail well downwind with a large asymmetric. Weight placement fore and aft is crucial to obtain optimum angles and speed. © 2014 North Sails. May not be reproduced without permission. 12 J/88 Tuning Guide Advanced Sail Analysis Software File Name: Main8TWSnoBack.jpg Advanced CSD Sail Analysis Advanced Sail Analysis Software Dacron Radial CSD Mainsail 8 kts TWS < Comments > 2014/05/06 08:53:08 TWS Hull J/88 Charleston race Week 8 RUD -- TWA -- TAB -- Helm -- AWS File Name: Main8TWSnoBack.jpg AWA Main Radial -- LWY -- -- FSTY -- Genoa -- TWD -- HEEL -- HDG Hull J/88 Charleston race Week TWS BSP ---8 < Comments > Mast -Very little backstay Helm -- on 2014/05/06 08:53:08 RUD -- TWA -- TAB -- AWS -- LWY -- Main Radial AWA -- FSTY -- Genoa -- TWD -- HEEL -- HDG -- BSP -- Very little backstay on Ver.5.610, Copyright (North Sails Japan) CAMBER 16.0 DRAFT 45.0 TWIST 15.0 10.0 14.0 5.0 Ver.5.610, Copyright (North Sails Japan) 40.0 12.0 0.0 CAMBER 16.0 10.0 14.08.0 0 20 40 60 80 ENTRY 70.0 12.0 60.0 DRAFT 45.0 100 35.0 0 -10.0 40.0 20 60 80 EXIT 10.0 -10.0 100 0 5.0 90.0 20 70.0 20.0 60.0 10.0 50.0 0 10.0 40 0 60 80 ENTRY 20 20 -15.0 35.0 0 100 -10.0 40 SailType; MAIN Height 25.0 50.0 75.0 20.0 40 60 80 60 80 60 80 100 -5.0 40.0 8.0 0 30.0 30.0 20 FORE_CAM 0.0 10.0 50.0 40.0 TWIST 15.0 -5.0 40 40 60 80 -15.0 CAMBER 12.2 15.1 15.0 60 DRAFT 43.0 41.6 39.7 80 © 2014 NorthMAIN Sails. SailType; Heightwithout CAMBER May not be reproduced permission. 25.0 50.0 75.0 12.2 15.1 15.0 -20.0 100 0 -20.0 100 0 DRAFT 43.0 41.6 39.7 20 40 60 80 80.0 -10.0 100 0 EXIT 20 TWIST 0.4 3.7 7.6 20 TWIST 0.4 3.7 7.6 60 80 ENTRY 27.0 36.7 49.2 40 60 80 13 ENTRY 27.0 36.7 49.2 100 70.0 0 70.0 EXIT -17.3 -16.2 -13.4 40 20 40 Blue ... Actual FORE_CAM 76.8 73.8 80.8 80.0 EXIT -17.3 -16.2 -13.4 100 20 100 FORE_CAM 90.0 40 -- Mast 0 20 40 Blue ... Actual FORE_CAM 76.8 73.8 80.8 100 BACK_CAM 66.0 62.0 67.4 60 80 100 BACK_CAM 66.0 62.0 67.4 AdvancedJ/88 SailTuning Analysis Software Guide File Name: CSDRaceMode8TWS.jpg < Comments > Advanced Sail Analysis Software CSD 3DL Headsail 8 kts TWS 2014/05/06 08:51:26 Hull J/88 Charleston Race Week TWS 8 RUD -- Mast -- TWA -- TAB -- Helm -- AWS -- LWY -- Main Dacron Radial AWA -- FSTY -- Genoa CSD 3DL HeadsailTWD -File Name: CSDRaceMode8TWS.jpg HEEL -- < Comments > HDG -- BSP -- Hull J/88 Charleston Race Week TWS 8 Racing in Charleston Race Week Mast -TWA -Helm -- 2014/05/06 08:51:26 RUD -- TAB -- AWS -- LWY -- Main Dacron Radial AWA -- FSTY -- Genoa CSD 3DL HeadsailTWD -- HEEL -- HDG -- BSP -- Racing in Charleston Race Week Ver.5.610, Copyright (North Sails Japan) CAMBER 20.0 55.0 DRAFT TWIST 40.0 35.0 50.0 30.0 15.0 45.0 25.0 40.0 20.0 Ver.5.610, Copyright (North Sails Japan) 10.0 20.0 CAMBER 5.0 15.0 0 70.0 20 40 60 80 ENTRY 10.0 60.0 5.0 0 50.0 20 40.0 60.0 0 20 40 SailType; HEAD Height 25.0 50.0 75.0 50.0 40.0 40 60 80 ENTRY 70.0 0 20 40 60 80 55.0 35.0 DRAFT 50.0 30.0 100 0 45.0 20.0 20 15.0 40.0 10.0 35.0 40 60 80 EXIT 5.0 10030.0 0 25.0 100.0 15.0 40.0 20.0 10.0 35.0 5.0 15.0 30.0 0.0 100 0 -5.0 20.0 -10.0 15.0 -15.0 10010.0 0 20 40 60 80 EXIT 20 10.0 90.0 5.0 100 0 40 60 80 100 60 DRAFT 0.0 35.4 33.7-5.0 44.2 -10.0 80 -15.0 100 0 TWIST 13.3 20.6 29.9 20 ENTRY 54.3 65.5 66.9 40 60 80 80.0 80.0 50.0 75.0 14.0 14.8 DRAFT 35.4 33.7 44.2 TWIST 13.3 20.6 29.9 ENTRY 14 54.3 65.5 66.9 EXIT -5.4 3.2 9.7 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 Blue ... Actual FORE_CAM 88.6 86.0 87.7 90.0 SailType; HEAD Height CAMBER © 2014 North Sails. 25.0 without 11.9permission. May not be reproduced 0 EXIT -5.4 3.2 9.7 100 20 FORE_CAM FORE_CAM 100.0 5.0 CAMBER 11.9 14.0 14.8 TWIST 0 20 40 Blue ... Actual FORE_CAM 88.6 86.0 87.7 BACK_CAM 69.3 62.7 66.0 60 80 100 BACK_CAM 69.3 62.7 66.0 Guide AdvancedJ/88 SailTuning Analysis Software File Name: J88 Dr Laura Sail check 4-4-14 (29).JPG < Comments > Advanced Sail Analysis Software CSD 3Di Mainsail 2014/05/06 08:48:47 Hull J/88 West Coast TWS -- RUD -- Mast -- TAB -- -- TWA Helm -AWS -LWY -File Name: J88 Dr Laura Sail check 4-4-14 (29).JPG Main 3Di AWA -FSTY -3Di TWD -- < Comments > Genoa HDG -- BSP Hull J/88 West Coast TWS HEEL -- 2014/05/06 08:48:47 -- RUD -- -- TWA -- TAB -- -- AWS -- LWY -- Main 3Di AWA -- FSTY -- Genoa 3Di TWD -- HEEL -- HDG -- BSP -- Mast Sail Check Helm Sail Check Ver.5.610, Copyright (North Sails Japan) CAMBER 12.0 DRAFT 50.0 TWIST 20.0 15.0 10.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 CAMBER 10.0 6.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 45.0 ENTRY 40.0 0 5.0 8.0 20 40 60 80 EXIT 5.0 20.0 0.0 15.0 -5.0 10010.0 0 80.0 5.0 TWIST 20 40 60 80 100 60 80 100 60 80 100 FORE_CAM 0.0 0.0 30.0 6.0 0 20.0 40.0 20 40 60 0 80 5.0 -15.0 20 40 SailType; MAIN Height 25.0 50.0 75.0 20.0 -5.0 45.0 100 -10.0 0 ENTRY 10.0 30.0 0 10.0 DRAFT 50.0 Ver.5.610, Copyright (North Sails Japan) 20 40 60 80 CAMBER 9.1 10.9 10.2 60 80 SailType; MAIN Height CAMBER © 2014 North Sails. 25.0 9.1 50.0 without 10.9 permission. May not be reproduced 75.0 10.2 0.0 -20.0 100 0 -5.0 20 DRAFT 47.2 47.4 46.6 60 80 100 EXIT 40 60 TWIST 3.7 9.2 13.5 20 TWIST 3.7 9.2 13.5 -5.0 0 40 80 ENTRY 19.6 27.5 32.9 60 80 ENTRY 19.6 15 27.5 32.9 100 70.0 0 EXIT -12.3 -8.0 -2.6 100 70.0 EXIT -12.3 -8.0 -2.6 20 40 FORE_CAM 80.0 20 DRAFT -10.0 47.2 47.4 -15.0 46.6 -20.0 100 0 40 0 20 40 Blue ... Actual FORE_CAM 72.7 71.1 74.4 20 40 Blue ... Actual FORE_CAM 72.7 71.1 74.4 BACK_CAM 68.7 68.4 68.9 60 80 100 BACK_CAM 68.7 68.4 68.9 ed Sail AnalysisJ/88 Software Guide File Name: J88 Dr Laura Sail check 4-4-14 (8).JPG Advanced SailTuning Analysis Software File Name: J88 Dr Laura Sail check 4-4-14 (8).JPG Advanced Sail Analysis Software CSD 3Di Headsail File Name: J88 Dr Laura Sail check 4-4-14 (8).JPG < Comments > 2014/05/06 08:50:20 Hull J/88 West Coast TWS -- RUD <-- Comments > Mast -- TWA -- TAB Helm -- AWS -- LWY Main 3Di AWA -- FSTY Genoa 3Di TWD -- HEEL HDG -- -Hull J/88 West Coast TWS -Mast -TWA -Helm -AWS -Main 3Di AWA BSP -- Genoa 3Di < Comments > 2014/05/06 08:50:20 -- RUD -- -- TAB -- -- LWY -- -- FSTY -- TWD -- HEEL -- HDG -- Hull J/88 West CoastBSP TWS Sail Check 2014/05/06 08:50:20 ---- RUD -- Mast Sail Check Helm -- TWA -- TAB -- -- AWS -- LWY -- Main 3Di AWA -- FSTY -- Genoa 3Di TWD -- HEEL -- HDG -- BSP -- Ver.5.610, Copyright (North Sails Japan) Sail CheckCopyright (North Sails Japan) Ver.5.610, BER MBER DRAFT 55.0 TWIST 35.0 CAMBER 15.0 55.0 DRAFT30.0 35.0 25.0 30.0 20.0 25.0 50.0 50.0 45.0 10.0 15.0 40 RY 45.0 55.0 40.0 CAMBER 60 5.0 0 10.0 70.0 80 100 35.0 0 5.0 40 20 20 40 60 80 EXIT ENTRY 40 EAD Height 25.0 50.0 75.0 20 40 -5.0 70.0 50.0 ENTRY 60 60.0 40.0 80 0 0 60 -10.0 100 0 20 40 20 40 80 20 60 40 80 TWIST 12.0 CAMBER 17.3 10.1 24.3 12.7 13.4 60 80 © 2014 North HEAD Sails. SailType; May not be reproduced without permission. Height CAMBER 25.0 50.0 75.0 80 100 10.1 12.7 13.4 10.0 0.0 35.0 100 0 5.0 -5.0 CAMBER DRAFT SailType; HEAD 10.1 37.2 50.0 Height 12.7 38.8 25.0 13.4 45.9 50.0 75.0 40.0 40.0 5.0 50.0 0 60 80 100 35.0 100 0 20 100.0 40 45.0 5.0 EXIT Ver.5.610, Copyright (North Sails Japan) 20.0 35.0 TWIST 15.0 30.0 10.0 20 40 6025.0 80 100 5.0 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 FORE_CAM 20.0 100.0 FORE_CAM 15.0 40.0 0.0 60.0 5.0 0 15.0 DRAFT10.0 TWIST 90.0 20 -10.0 100 0 DRAFT 37.2 38.8 45.9 60 80 5.0 100 90.0 0 EXIT 60 80 0.0 -10.0 100 0 ENTRY 56.8 -5.0 DRAFT 67.2 37.2 66.7 38.8 45.9 40 100 20 80.0 40 EXIT -6.3 TWIST -6.5 12.0 -1.9 17.3 24.3 20 TWIST 12.0 17.3 24.3 20 40 0 20 40 60 80.0 60Blue ... 80 Actual 100 FORE_CAM 88.5 ENTRY 91.0 56.8 90.6 67.2 66.7 60 80 16ENTRY 56.8 67.2 66.7 80 80.0 EXIT -6.3 -6.5 -1.9 60 80 100 100 0 20 90.0BACK_CAM 70.3 EXIT 71.9 -6.3 70.2 -6.5 -1.9 100 40 FORE_CAM 100.0 0 40 60 Blue ... Actual FORE_CAM 88.5 91.0 90.6 20 40 Blue ... Actual FORE_CAM 88.5 91.0 90.6 80 100 BACK_CAM 70.3 71.9 70.2 60 80 100 BACK_CAM 70.3 71.9 70.2 Worldwide Sail Care At North Sails, we view each sail purchase as the beginning of a long and rewarding relationship. We base this expectation on a strong service commitment that includes preventive maintenance, sound advice, education and expert repairs. Your nearby North loft offers a wide range of services including... ■ ■ Annual checkover Sail washing Winter storage ■ Sail tune-up ■ Retrofitting n Seminars n ■ Educational resources North Sails is a network of more than 100 lofts in 34 countries around the world. Each offers knowledgeable, friendly, personal sales and service. Our size and worldwide reach also means North has the world’s most expansive sailmaking database. It would be hard to find a sailboat for which we cannot make a fast, durable and long lasting sail. Visit the North Sails Class Sail Development website at: J/88 Class website:
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