September 4, 2014

Regular Meeting September 4, 2014
The meeting was called to order by Joe Duchess, Chairman. Board Members present
were Charles Rothermel, Ken Chambon and Robert Zedreck. Also present were John
Mowry, Engineer; Romel L. Nicholas, Solicitor; Jerry D. Brown, Managing Director and
Rebecca M. Sray, Recording Secretary.
Approval of Minutes: previous meeting August 7, 2014
MOTION to approve the minutes of the meeting of August 7, 2014
made by Charles L. Rothermel, seconded by Robert Zedreck, all
members present voting AYE.
Visitors / Public Comment - NONE
Field Operations Report
The monthly field summary report was reviewed.
o Discussion took place as to the discovery of partially deteriorated
manholes in portions of the main sewer in Abele Business Park. Several
manholes will need to be included in the upcoming sewer rehabilitation
contract being assembled by KLH and Authority staff. Additional
investigation will be performed to determine the cause of the manhole
deterioration in that area.
o Various other items were reviewed including discussion of extraordinary
work done at the Chartiers Creek and Oakdale Pump Stations in August.
Administrative Report:
Billing status and delinquency collection
• The Office Manager reported on the status of the most recent round of
delinquency collection efforts. Just over 400 initial letters were sent out in mid
August. It is expected that the constables will post doors for approximately 100
premises in September.
Report from PMAA conference
The Office Manager summarized certain items that were presented at the recent
PMAA annual conference.
Engineer’s Report
South Fayette Park (Boys Home) Pump Station Sewer Reroute Status
KLH has finalized the design. The Part II Permit Application is presented for
Board signature. The Engineer indicated that the project could be ready for
advertisement in November. The Solicitor concurred that easement agreements
should be also adequately secured in that time frame.
Development Status
Granite Ridge Phase V/VI: Sewer Installation work is scheduled to commence
next week.
Newbury Market: Work continues on the sanitary sewer installation. It is
anticipated work will be completed by the end of September.
A minor
modification to the developer’s agreement was discussed and the
Solicitor/Engineer were authorized to finalize the amendment for execution.
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Work
KLH has met with authority’s staff regarding the upcoming project for
rehabilitation of various manholes and for lateral rehabilitation (within the public
portion of various laterals). A scope has been defined and work will commence
to compile the work locations in the upcoming weeks.
Solicitor’s Report
SFMA compiled list of overdue accounts. Solicitor has noted recommendations for
Board consideration.
The Board reviewed a listing of various delinquent accounts presented by the
Solicitor and agreed for the Solicitor to proceed with notifications letters and/or
liens as appropriate and in accordance with MATSF policy in that regard.
Solicitor continues to review postings of properties set for sheriff’s sale. Solicitor also
continues to communicate with the Allegheny County Sheriff to determine the current
delinquency status of previously submitted properties.
Solicitor continues to address bankruptcy notices and inquiries as they are presented by
the Authority.
Solicitor prepared a Developer’s Agreement amendment regarding backfill.
Old Business:
Received a quote from Insight Pipe with regard to manhole to manhole pipe lining at 2
locations for a total distance of 725’ of 8” diameter pipe. Managing Director is
recommending the Board authorize Insight Pipe to proceed with this work based upon
their CoStars pricing.
MOTION to accept agreement from Insight Pipe/CoStars with
regard to lining of 725’ of 8” diameter sanitary sewer and also to
give Managing Director latitude to work with Insight Pipe toward
attempting to line pipe on segments with upstream lampholes (in
lieu of manholes) made by Ken Chambon, seconded by Robert
Zedreck, all members present voting AYE.
The Board rejected a 2nd quote from Insight Pipe with regard to spot liners at 2 locations.
New Business: (NONE)
Meetings, Conferences and Training:
Ribbon Cutting for the new UPMC Children’s facility scheduled for Tuesday, September
9th at 10 a.m.
ALCOSAN’s annual open house is scheduled for Saturday, September 20th.
Approval of Bills:
Payment of Bills: September 2014
The Chairman presented the September 2014 Bills for Approval.
MOTION to authorize September 2014 Bills for Payment made by
Charles Rothermel, seconded by Robert Zedreck, all members
present voting AYE.
RRIS Stage I Bills: September 2014
The Chairman presented the September 2014 RRIS Stage I Bills for Approval.
MOTION to authorize September 2014 RRIS Stage I Bills for
Payment made by Charles Rothermel, seconded by Robert
Zedreck, all members present voting AYE.
Financial Statements: September 2014
The Board reviewed the financial statements for the month of September 2014.
Executive Session
At 6:00 p.m. the Board entered into Executive Session to discuss Steen Hollow property
acquisition and Sheriff Sales/Bankruptcies.
MOTION to enter into Executive Session to discuss Steen Hollow
property acquisition and Sheriff Sales/Bankruptcies made by
Charles Rothermel, seconded by Kenneth Chambon, all members
present voting AYE.
At 6:10 p.m. the Board came out of Executive Session.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 6:15.
MOTION to adjourn made by Charles Rothermel, seconded by
Robert Zedreck, all members present voting AYE.