Student Senate Minutes 10-08-2014

Associated Students of Orange Coast College
SGOCC Student Senate
Wednesday, October 8, 2014; 3:00 p.m.
ASOCC Office
2701 Fairview Road • Costa Mesa, California 92626 • (714) 432-5507
Organizational Items
I.1. Call to Order
I.2. Roll Call
Student Senator: Camila Prisco Paraiso, Christopher Boyle , Cristian Salazar, Lynn Hua, Shreen Ghaleb , tiny Hyder, & Tung Lampham
Executive Board: Alan Nguyen, Fauzia Yusuf , Grishma Patel, James Caughill , Melissa Myers (absent), Risa Tamura (3:25 pm), & Calvin Tsang
(ICC Representative)
Advisor: Michael Morvice
Staff: Eva Shaffer
I.3. Opportunity for Pledge of Allegiance
I.4. Approval of Minutes
Minutes from September 24, 2014 approved without objection.
Public Forum
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues on or not already appearing on the agenda. A limit of five (5) minutes per
speaker and fifteen (15) minutes per topic will be enforced. This is not a period of discussion for the Senate, however, the Senate President may respond to
specific questions and concerns made by the public.
III. Reports
Fiscal Affairs Report and Recommendation(s) for possible Senate action
Club Start-Up Funds: Feminist Club, Furry Club, Helping Hearts for the Homeless, Interior Design Club, Marine Science
Club, Motors, Radiology Club, Respiratory Care Club, Spirit of Ability, Umoja Club, Young Americans for Liberty.
Startup funds of $50 approved by consent for the Feminist Club, Furry Club, Helping Hearts for the Homeless, Interior
Design Club, Marine Science Club, Motors, Radiology Club, Respiratory Care Club, Spirit of Ability, Umoja Club, and
Young Americans for Liberty.
One time event or other fund requests:
• Discussion and possible action regarding the payment of an unpaid invoice of $13,910.40 to OCC Food Services for the
services they provided at Orange Coast College’s Honors Night 2013.
Motion by Tung Lam Pham to approve the payment of an unpaid invoice of $13,910.40 to OCC Food Services for the
services they provided at Orange Coast College’s Honors Night 2013 from the undesignated funds account, 2nd by tiny
Hyder, motion passes 6-0.
Recorded Vote:
Camila Prisco Paraiso:Aye
Christopher Boyle: Aye
Lynn Hua: Aye
Shreen Ghaleb: Aye
tiny Hyder: Aye
Tung Lampham: Aye
Request for transfer: None
Campus-Wide Committee Reports
Opportunity for V.P. of Diplomatic Affairs to make recommendations for appointments to shared governance committees as well as an
opportunity for reports from any individual involved in a campus wide committee.
Alan Nguyen gave the following recommendations for student representation on OCC Participatory Governance Committees.
Academic Petition Council
James Caughill
Academic Senate
Alan Nguyen
Administrative Services Planning Committee
Calvin Tsang
Alumni & Friends Association Board of Directors
Grishma Patel
Bookstore Advisory
College Budget
College Council Committee
College Council Executive Planning Committee
Commencement Planning Team
Enrollment Management Committee
Facilities Planning Committee
Fauzia Yusuf;
Risa Tamura
Tanner De Berry
Pedram Abed Karimi
(Fiscal Reps);
Shannon O' Hair
Lynn Hua (Designee)
Grishma Patel
Davis Ho;
Tung Lam Pham
Davis Ho
Christopher Boyle;
Shreen Ghaleb
Friends of the Library
Risa Tamura
General Scholarship
Thu Nguyen;
Uyen Dinh
International & Multicultural Committee
James Caughill;
Yasmeen Abuwardeh
Instructional Food Service Campus Advisory Committee
Hieu Nguyen
Instructional Planning Council
Melissa Myers
Safety Committee
GG tiny Hyder
Calvin Tsang;
Fauzia Yusuf;
Terry Cao
Hooran Mai;
Lynn Hua
Senior Day
Student Service Planning Council
Sustainability Committee
Technology Committee
Cristan Salazar
Camila Prisco Paraiso
Motion by Christopher Boyle to accept the V.P. of Diplomatic Affairs Alan Nguyen’s recommendations of these students as the representative on
OCC Participatory Governance Committees, 2nd by Lynn Hua, motion passes 5-1.
Recorded Vote:
Camila Prisco Paraiso:Aye
Christopher Boyle: Aye
Lynn Hua: Aye
Shreen Ghaleb: Aye
tiny Hyder: Nay
Tung Lampham: Aye
SGOCC President’s Report
SGOCC President, Grishma Patel, provided her report.
InterClub Council Report
InterClub Council Vice President, Calvin Tsang, provided his report.
Standing/Ad-hoc/Special Committees
Recycling Center – Cristian Salazar provided his report. Tanner DeBerry will stand in as Committee Chair on Friday,
October 10, 2014.
Constitution and Bylaws – No report
IV. Unfinished Business
New Business
All items under new business are discussion and/or action items. Attachments are available in the ASOCC Office.
Student Senate Interview Questions
Motion by Christopher Boyle to adopt option B from the list of questions as Question #7, 2nd by Camila Prisco Paraiso
Motion by Lynn Hua to amend question to include both option A and B, 2nd by Shreen Galeb
Motion to amend passes 4-2
Recorded Vote:
Camila Prisco Paraiso: Nay
Christopher Boyle: Aye
Lynn Hua: Aye
Shreen Ghaleb: Aye
tiny Hyder: Nay
Tung Lampham: Aye
Amended motion passes 3-2-1
Recorded Vote:
Camila Prisco Paraiso: Nay
Christopher Boyle: Aye
Lynn Hua: Aye
Shreen Ghaleb: Aye
tiny Hyder: Nay
Tung Lampham: Abstention
Motion by Tung Lam Pham to adopt list of questions presented, 2nd by Christopher Boyle, motion passes 6-0.
Recorded Vote:
Camila Prisco Paraiso: Aye
Christopher Boyle: Aye
Lynn Hua: Aye
Shreen Ghaleb: Aye
tiny Hyder: Aye
Tung Lampham: Aye
Advocacy Committee Events
Presentation from Melissa Myers regarding the upcoming Advocacy Committee events, which include voter registration and polling.
Grishma Patel reported on behalf of Melissa Myers.
ASOCC Mission and Vision Statements
Presentation from Michael Morvice regarding the ASOCC Mission and Vision Statements.
2014-2015 Student Senate Goals
Discussion and possible action regarding the 2014-2015 Student Senate goals.
Motion by Camila Prisco Paraiso to adopt the goals # 2 – 7 from ASOCC Training Week as Student Senate Goals, 2nd by Shreen Galeb
Call to Question by Christopher Boyle, 2nd by Tung Lam Pham, Call to Question passes 4-0-2
Recorded Vote on Call to Question:
Camila Prisco Paraiso: Aye
Christopher Boyle: Aye
Lynn Hua: Abstention
Shreen Ghaleb: Aye
tiny Hyder: Abstention
Tung Lampham:Aye
Motion to adopt goals #2 – 7 fails 0-5-1
Recorded Vote:
Camila Prisco Paraiso: Nay
Christopher Boyle: Nay
Lynn Hua: Nay
Shreen Ghaleb: Nay
tiny Hyder: Abstention
Tung Lampham: Nay
Motion by Christopher Boyle to postpone item V.04 to the October 15, 2014 agenda, 2nd by Lynn Hua, motion passes 6-0.
Recorded Vote:
Camila Prisco Paraiso: Aye
Christopher Boyle: Aye
Lynn Hua: Aye
Shreen Ghaleb: Aye
tiny Hyder: Aye
Tung Lampham: Aye
VI. Public Forum Two
VII. General SGOCC Reports
Advisors’ Report (Limited to 2 minutes per report)
Board, Officer and Staff Reports (Limited to 2 minute per person)
Adjournment – 5:23 pm