a EVALUATION REPORT (As Per Rule35 of PP Rules.2004) 1. Name of ProcurinqAqency: NationalHiqhwavAuthoritv Methodof Procurement: SinqleStageTwoEnvelope Procedure ? Title of Procurement: 4. TenderInquirvNo.: ICB-E35-|l, Construction of Hassanabdal Havelian Sectionof E-35,PackagellJarikas to SaraiSaleh(Km 20+400to Km 39+611) 2@41-2\IGM (P&CAVNHAJ14/ PPRA Ref. No. (TSE): o. Date& Timeof BidClosinq: 7. Date & Time of Bid Openinq: No of BidsReceived: 8. 9. Criteriafor BidEvaluation: 1 0 . Detailsof Bid(s)Evaluation: 30' Mav.2014at 1130hourslocaltime 30'nMav.2014al 1200hourslocaltime Fifteen(15)Bidswerereceived is attachedat Annex-l Criteria of BidEvaluation As below Nameof Bidder Technical Financial (if applicable) (if appllcable) Dis-qualified Price Bid not openeo Dis-qualilied PriceBidnot openeo Evaluated Cost (Rs) Th€ biddercould not lurnish inlormatronwhich may substantiatethat the biclder lullills the cntofla of legal and financial autooomy in ac€ordanc€wilh tTB 4 5 The brdder elso tail6d n cash flow and smilar naturc ol oroiecl€ouremenls The bldder could not lurnish informationwhich may subslantiate thet the bidder fullills the criteia ol legsl 6nd llnancial aulonomy in accordancewilh ITB 4 5. Th6 bidder also failed in key ac vilres (11M/s NallonalLollslic Cell (NLc) (2) M/s FronnorWorks Organizatron (3) M/s Chrna Gouholba Group Co Lld (CGGC) - M/s A M Assoc'els8 construcrionco Jornlv€nturo 14) M/sChrns Yunnan Sunny Road & Brdgs Co Lld (5) M/s Ch'na Rsjlwsy CoNkudon Colpo€r,on (hlorMtonal) Lld (CRCC) - r'/l/sZaqhoon EnteDn.€s (Pvt) Ltd (6) [us x,njianq B6xn Road e Bndgs (7) M/s chrna Foad and Bndse Rule/Regulation/SBD./Policy/ Basisfor Rejection/ Acceptanceas per Rule35 of PP Rules.2004. .t ", Qualified Price Bid openeo 6.775,233,160 Qualified PriceBid oDeneo 7,668,502,253 Qualified PriceBid opened 7,496,896,392 Price Bid openeo Price Bid opened 7,679,'t 81,858 c 8,632,055,792 8" Oualilied Qualified (8) Ll/s HALL corpolation- M/s SAMBU construclionco tld Jo'nl Dis-qualified (9) M/s Chrna Inr€malioialWel€r E ElecircCorp (CwE) Dis-qualified (10) M/s xucnang GuangliHigh*ay EnginesnngConstrocfonCo Ltd Qualified (1'l) M/sCh,na RairwayFtre G.oup co Lrd Qualified (12) M/strror hsEcr$nay, v6 Trc€rolAs - M/szahirKhan6nd Qualified PriceBidnot opened The bidder lailed to fr'lllll lh€ pending liligalion criloria threshold Also not lultillingthe roquiremenl PriceBid not oDeneo PriceBid ooened Price Bid oDened PriceBid opened Tho bidder failed lo meel the cash flow and srmrlar nalure of projectrequrremenlg 7,693,120,060 7,697,842,901 7,016,737,233 7,n a Dis-qualified PriceBidnot openeo Tha bidd6rw6s undd sancton lrsl olADE lor cr$s d€baamentand wes not eligiblg puFu8nt to ITB Sub-Clausa4 4 Dis-qualified Price Bid nol ooened The bidder not tulfillingthe crileria of similar natureof projectrequir€menl. (13) M/s ChrnaFnst Meralrugi@l (14) M/s Powo. constructEn Cdporalio. ol Chrnalld & hdusry {15) M/sESERContacung Co hc - M/sSuttrnt 6h.hood & Co Qualified LowestEvaluatedBidder: PriceBid oDeneo 9,214,317,911 M/s ChinaGezhoubaGroupCo. Ltd. (CGGC)M/s AM AssociatesJoint Venture 11. Any other additional/ supportinginformation,the procuringagencymay fike to share: The projectis being financedby AsianDevelopmentBank (ADB); procurement thereforethe was carriedout in line with ADB'sprocurementguidelines. The bidding was done Stage Two Envelope Procedure. Signature: OfficialStamp: GenerulManager(Plk(Al ,4trrh,,, ltlaotuhut/ * Standard B idd i ng Docu ments (S BD). H. fl a H Eil F ill H H $ F ai .d ;{ fl H ;a +i H t-t f t>'t(-I Seclion3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Section3 - Evaluationand Qualification Criteria - WithoutPrequalification This Sectioncontainsall the criteriathat the Employershalluse to evaluatebidsand qualifyBidders.In accordancewith ITB 32 and ITB 36, no othermethods,criteriaand factorsshallbe used,The Bidoer shallprovideall the informationrequestedin the formsincludedin Section4 (BiddingForms), Tableof Criteria 1. Evaluation..,... 1.1 1.2 1.3 '1.4 1,5 '1,0 Adequacy of Technical Proposal...... Multiple Contracts C o m p l e l iToinm e. , . . , . , . . , . . . . . . . . . Technical 41ternatives,,................... Nonconformities, Quantifiable Errors andOmissions.,.......... D o m e s tPi cr e f e r e n c e . . . . , . . . . . 2. Qualification 2.1.2 2.1.3 2'1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 Conflict of Interest A D BE l i g i b i l i t y . . . . . . Government-ow Ennet idt r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . U NE l i g i b i l i t y . . . , . . . . Registration (PEC) withPakistan Engineering Council ...,.,.3-2 .........3-2 ......... 3-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. -. 2 ....... ..........3-2 ,,....,.......,,,..-.....,.,. 3-2 , . . . . , , . . . . . , . .3. -. 2 ..... .........3-3 2.2 PendingLltlgation ........,...........,.,.. 2.2.1 Pending Litigation .....,...3-3 . . . . . . .3.-. 3 ....,,,,.3-3 . , . . . - . . . , .3, .- ,3, . ....,,.,,.3-3 .........3-4 .....-.....,,.,.3-4 2.3 Financial Situation............ 2.3.1 a.J.l 2.J.5 2.4 AD94CB,E-35-tl Procurement of Works Single'Sta9e:Two-Envelope and Qualillcalion Crileria Section3 - Evaluation Evaluation 1. In additionto the criterialistedin ITB 36.2(a) - (e) the followingcriteriashallapply: 1.1 Evaluationof the Bidder'sTechnical Pfoposalwill include an assessmentof the Biddeis technicalcapacityto mobilizekey equipmentand personnelfor the contractconsistentwith its and materialsourcingin sufficientdetailand fully proposalregardingwork methods,scheduling, Requirements). stipulatedin Section6 (Employer's with the requirements in accordance fl fl fl describedin section6 (Employer's with equipmentand personnelrequirements Non-compliance will be subjectto Requirements) shallnot be groundsfor bid rejectionand suchnon-compliance priorto contractaward and rectification clarification 1.2 D iD H C o m p l e t i o nT i m e time- NotApplicable Alternativecompletion 1.4 TechnicalAlternatives Not Applicable, 1.5 QuantifiableNodconformities,Errors and Omissions fl fl ,g H ffi !i lcB-E-3s-l lcB-E-35-ll lf a bidder submits both successful(lowest evaluatedsubstantiallyresponsive)bids, the evaluationwill also includean assessmentof the Bidder'scapacityto meet the additional reouirementsfor combinationof contracts.The assessmentshall includesuitabilityof bidder againstthe aggregatedrequirementof financialsituation,personneland equipmentcapability. of averageannualconstruction The financiallituation shall not includeaggregaterequirement turnover. fl H Multiple Contracts Works are groupedin multiplecontractsand pursuantto Sub-Clause36.4 of the Inskuctionsto Bidders, the Employerwitl evaluate and compare Bids on the basis of a contract' or a combinationof contractsin order to arriveat the leasl cost combinationfor the Employerby takingintoaccountdiscountsofferedby Biddersin caseof awardof multiplecontracts,as below IT F fl il l roposal A d e q u a c yo f T e c h n i c aP errorsand/oromissionsare determined The evaluatedcost of quantifiablenonconformities, as follows: pursuantto ITB 31 3, the cost of all quantifiable or omissionsshall nonconformities nonmaterial of any nonmaterial cost of the its own assessment will make Employer be evaluated.The andomissionsfor the purposeof ensuringfair comparisonof bids. nonconformities 1.6 Domestic Preference N o tA p p l i c a b l e , ADB/rCB-E-35-ll ofWo*s Procurement Two-EnveloPe Single-Stage: .l' a' Seclion 3 - Evaluationand Qualillcationqtite a Qualification Un|essspecifical|yindicatedolherwise,itisthe|egalentityor-e.ntitiescomprisingtheBidder andnottheBidder'sparent"o.p"ni"t,subsid-iariesoraffiliates'thalmustsatisfythe below. described oualificationcriteria EligibllitY Nalionalityin accordanc€with ITB Sub' Clause4,2. No conflictsof interestin accQrdance wilh ITB Sub-Clause4.3. by ineligible beendeclared Nothaving in ITBSub-clause ADB,as described 4.4. of Bidderrequiredto meetconditlons 4.5. ITBSub-Clause Nothavingbeenexcludedby an acl 0f withUN SecurilyCouncil compliance with ITBSubresolulionin accordance 4,7, CIause 2,'1.6 ReglstrationwlthPaklstanEngineerlngCo"l"ll{P:9 mu9tmeel mustmeel not \atonal Bidder musl be registefedwith muslmeet Pakislan EngineeringCouncil (PEC) and requirement applicable requrrement requaremenl shall have a valid regislralionCertificate n category C-A or sbove with in CE-o1& CE-02. SDeciatizalion as per their workingJV snare /o-. Forms E L I- 1 : E L I - 2 withattachmenls t i a' and Oualrllcation Crileria Section3 - Evaluation : f, t a il F 2.2 PendingLitigation shallapply, criterion PendingLitigation a ;i g I 4l 2.2,1 PendingLitlgatlon All pendinglitigalionshall be trealedas resolvedagainslthe Bidderand so shall In total not reDresentmore lhan 50% of the Bidde.'snet worlh calculaledas lhe differencebetweentolal assels and tolal liabilitiesshouldbe Dositive. mustmeel no( nol muslmeel requkement applicable requrremenl applicable by itsellor by itselfof as pannerlo aspannerlo pastor Paslor exist|ng JV exisling JV FormLIT - 1 H f, g , I !{ H fl c t{ d a { \l il '! q i r! i ADB/ICB.E-35.II I 1 oIWorks Procurement Two-EnveloPe Single'Stage: fl t fl fl fl H f, fl il H Criteria and Qualillcation Section3 - Evalualion 2.3 FinancialSituation 2.3.1 HbtorlcalFlnanclalPerformanco Submission o[ audited balance sheets nusl meel or, if not required by lhe law of lhe requirement 'Bidder's country,olher cerlilied financial slalem€nlsacceptable to lhe Employer, for lhe last throe (03) y€ars to demonstrate lhe cunent soundness of the Bidde/s llnancial posilion and its prospeclivelong-termproiilabilily. As a mlnlmum,thg Blddar's net worth for the last yoaf calculated as tho dlfforonco b€tw€en total assets and total llabllltlos should be posltlve. $f Turnovor 2.3.2 AvorageAnnualConstruction H H Hil il $t Resourcos 2.3.3 Financlal s ffi ffi ffi ffi noI applicable FormFIN-'l wilh not attachmenls applicable musl meel requlrement fnus(meel mustmeet 257oof lhe 50% of the rcclurrement requiaement FormFIN- 2 ntusl meel muslmeel mustmeet musl meet Using Forms FIN - 3 and FIN - 4 in Section 4 (Bidding Forms) the Bidder requrement requiremenl 25'/. ol lhe 50% ol the musl demonstrate access to. or requirement requtremenl availability of, tinancialresourcessuch real as liquid asse{€, unencLrmbered assels,lineso[ credit,and otherllnancial means. other than any contraclual advancepaymentslo meell ('l) the followingcash-flowrequiremenl, of US$ 06 mlllion calculaledas working capilal net of cunent commilments + credit lirnit of the bidderand cashdepositavailable, FormFIN- 3 & F I N- 4 averageannualconslruction [4inimum as lumoverof USS50 mlllioncalculated tor received totalcerlifiedpayments In progress contracts or completed, withinthelastthroo(03)years. f,stesl Credit Limit cedifhale l&!g issued by Bank within Lasl S,x Months rcquired, il lhe bidde('s availability of financialresources(cashflow) canlot bB ils li.tuid asseis, satislied by unencutnbercctleal a.s$els atd olhea linancralmaatts. aD8/rc8-E-35- mustmeel tequiremenl musl meel requirement .,.4.5\r1 ' /,/," .-' 'ffia -+1,/ Procu.emenlof Wo.ks \ -N:-e-j?:'/- /' Single-SlagetTwo-Envelope
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