01 IAKA WATER SUPPLY AND SFWER;\GI~ ;\UTHORITY ce of the Superintending Engineer, Water (R & D) Circle and Project Director, :../c:>"/,/:It:Z Interim Urgent Water Supply Project, Dhaka WAS;\, th W ASA Bhaban (5 Floor, Room No. 6-01) 98, K'azi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka-1215. Date-30/10/2014. Memo No: 46.113.505. Invitation for Tender ~.----- ---=-c--ccc- f---,._,--,-,,-,- __ ---c.,...~ .- - --'G=-O=-V-'-E=-R~Nc.:cMc:=E..:...:..cNT OF THE PEOPLE'S 01 MinistrylDivision 02 03 Agency Procuring Entity Name - - REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH _ Ministry of Local Government Rural Development & Co-operatives, Local Government Division, _ Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA). Superintending Engineer, Water (R&D) Circle and Project Director, Interim Urgent Water Supply Project,_Dhaka WASA 04 05 Procuring Enti!1' District __ '__ I--=D.:.:.h.=a,-"ka::.:.-,--c-c~~ Invitation for _ _ Tender for Works in a s.ing~ 101. ~~S!n Ref No.§< Date _Me_moNo~46J...1~.505.~2.0J .71.2014-038, Date 30/10/2014. KEY INFORMATION 07 Procurement Method Lif!1i.~d J enderinlLMethodlLTM). FUNDING INFORMATION Dhaka WASA Revenue §~dgel. 08 Budget and Source of Funds PARTICULAR INFORMATION 09 Tender Package No ~~~~-7:.c:.:.:..:.:..:.:..~~~---- ---1--,---10 Tender Package Name Construction of 3 (Three) Numbers 11/0,415KV 200KVA Pad Mounted Sub Station at 3(Three) Different DTW Compound area in Dhaka City Under IUWS ProJecLQ,baka '!l!,:_SA, Dhaka. (Package No-12, Lot No-05) 11 Tender Publication Date _ 25/11/2014 (Dut:l..ngoffice hour) 12 Tender Last S<:!Ii.ng f2.?te _ _ 26j11/2D14 up to 12.00 Noon ~ Tender Closing Date and Time 26/11/2014 at 3.Q9 p.m 14 Tender Openinq Date and Time 15 Name & Address of the office(s) ~Janata Ban_kLtd, Kawran Bazar Corporate Branch, Dhaka. - Selling Tender Document(Principal) 1 Agrani Bank Ltd, WASA Branch, Dhaka. - Selling Tender Document (Others) 2. Office of the Chief Accounts Officer, Dhaka WASA, WASA Bhaban (4th floor), 98, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1215. 3. Office of the Executive Engineer, MODS Zone-1 & 6, Fokirapool, Dhaka. 4. Office of the Executive Engineer, MODS Zone-2, Dhaka Water Work's, Dhaka. 5. Office of the Executive Engineer, MODS Zone-3, Lalmatia, Dhaka. 6. Office of the Executive Engineer, MODS Zone- 4& 10, Mirpur, Dhaka. 7. Office of the Executive Engineer, MODS Zone-S, Mohakhali TV Gate, Dhaka 8. Office of the Executive Engineer, MODS Zone-7, Shampur, Dhaka. 9. Office of the Executive Engineer, MODS Zone-8, Madani Avenue, Dhaka. 10. Office of the Executive Engineer,I\/IQDS Zone-s, Uttara, Dhaka. _ Primary Office of the SE, Water (R&D) Circle and Project Director, Interim - Receiving Tender Document ~,ace: __ ld.':.g~..':1t Water Supply ProjectJlUWS5, Dhaka WASA. Secondary 1. Office of the Superintending Engineer, Drainage (R&D) Circle, Places: Segunbagicha, Dhaka. 2. Office of the Executive Engineer, MODS Zone-5, Mohakhali TV Gate, Dhaka. 3. Office of the Executive Engineer, MODS Zone-6, Fokirapool, Dhaka. __ 4. Office of ~h_eE)(ecutive Engineer, MODS Zone-s, Uttara, Dhaka. Tenders may be hand-delivered or posted by mail or courier service. ~---I-==-~~~ _Qffl<::eof the Project Director, IUWSP, DWASA - Opening Tender Document INFORMATION FOR TENDERER ~~-r-=-c-~..,:..c.----,-==--------16 Eligibility of Tenderer ~- 17 ~ 19 - - - -- 1 Only (Class-1 & 2) Electrical/Mechanical 2. Tenderers should have ABC Lincence. ---------_._Brief DescrpJ10r'l .<J.f.. Works Construction of Sub Station. _J3r1efDescription of related services Not applicable _ Location Lot Identification of Lot !-__+-:,.:N.=.o·'-I_:::-1 F,-A""",. -~---- ~()Il\I'Ukr i)"cII"'_'l1b _ _ _ Construction of 3 (Three) Numbers 11/0,415KV 200KVA Pad Mounted Sub Station at 3(Three) Different DTW Compound area in Dhaka City Under IUWS Project, Dhaka WASA, Dhaka. (Package No-12, Lot No-05) \RT S"I><I"(;,,,, II IFr,d,," ~ Dhaka City .- . Enlisted Tenderer of DWASA Price of Tender Document (TI<) 200/- Completion Time 30 (Thirty) days for each r::p"'R:cO=C==-U:::RO-=I"OCN:-::G:-::E::-N==T:-:cIT='Y:-:-:D:-:E=-T=A-:-:-;IL-:S;;:------------" ---~20 21 22 Name of Official Inviting Tender -- Designation Mohd. Akhtaruzzaman. - - - - of Official Inviting Tender - -- - Superintending _.- -- - Address of Official Inviting Tender -- ~ - Engineer and Project Director. - --- Office of the Superintending Engineer, Water (R&D) Circle and Project Director, Interim Urgent Water Supply Project (IUWSP), Dhaka WASA., WASA Bhaban (5th Floor, Room No. 6-01), 98, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Kawcan Bazar, Dh~!<a. Telephone no. 9117301 23 Contact details of Official Inviting Tender 24 The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders, This Notice also available in Dhaka WASA Website: www.dwasa.org.bd ~~ ~h~{£~," Superintending Engineer Water (R&D) Circle and Project Director Interim Urgent Water Supply Project Dhaka WASA Telephone no.02- 9117301 Memo No 461135051201712014-038 Copy forwarded for information: 01. The Deputy Managing Date-30/10/2014. Director (RP&D IAdmin) Dhaka WASA. 02. Chief Engineer, Dhaka WASA 03. The Superintending 04. The Chief Accounts Officer, Dhaka WASA. 05. Senior System Analyst, 08. The Project Director,... 09. Deputy chief public Information EngineerlThe Staff Officer .. Dhaka WASA. Requested to arrange publication Tender Notice in DWASA Web-site ., . Dhaka WASA. of the (Soft copy enclosed) . Dhaka WASA. officer Dhaka WASA. Requested to arrange publication of the tender Notice in two National Daily News Papers (One in Bengali & One in English) 08. Deputy chief Security & Intelligence 09. Deputy Secretary 10. Notice Boardl Respective Coordination officer, Dhaka WASA. Cell, Dhaka WASA (for kind information to the Managing Director). File. Superin endin Engineer Water (R&D) Circle and Project Director Interim Urgent Water Supply Project .i:0:;~:;mDhaka WASA 301 fI() ~
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