9 ,ttEo? sJalenidhi REGIoNALPRo]EcT MANAGEMENTUNIT Kerala Rural Water Supply & sanitation Agency 2noFloor,Bldg.No.III/253,Near AKGHospital Phoneto49T-2707 601 Thalap,Kannur-670002. Email:[email protected] Websiteiwww.jalanidhi.kerala.gov.in N o .K R W S A / r N R / V e h i c l e /Io 4 / l DaIe:22/09/2Al4 TAXIVEHICLES ON OF QUOTATIONS FORHIRINGTOURIST INVITATION CONTRACT BASIS SealedCompetitiveQuotationsareinvitedfrom individuals/firms/ vehicleoperatorsfor supplyof onemulti utiliry vehiclewith seatingcapacit)'of 5+1 or aboveon hire basisfor office use of the Agencyon monthly/on call basis. The termsand conditionsof the conftaclare partiesmay submittheir proposals mentioningrentalchargesfor attachedseparately.lnterested formatto the usein the prescribed monthlyuse and the rateper I(M for additional/occasional undersigned on or before15:00hourson 30/09/2014. Tbe quotationswill be openedat 15130hows on the sameday on the presenceof the who chooseto attend.Quolationsshouldbe in sealedcoverin the biddersor theirrepresentatives prescribed fomat properlysuperscribed @ in the givenabove. address REGIONAL PROJECT DIRECTOR e O6IDrgl.g-a f,aOJ€l.s The lerms snd condilions for lhe ab'std ofconbscl for hirins vehicle' The vehiclesshouldbe in goodrunningcondition,hygienicallymaintained.having goodand decentupholsteryand shouldbe lessthan2 yearsold. Vehicleshouldbe maintainedin pefect conditionthroughoutthe contractperiod. All vehiclerecords permitetc.,shouldbe madeup to date. The suchasregistationcertificate,insurance, qualified driverswith mobilephone. andexperienced suppliershallalsoprovide (2) Theassured KM rur/monthshallbe 2500km. (3) The contractperiod\!i]l normallybe twelvemonthsfrom the dateof executionofthe agreement.KRWSA will havethe right to extendthe contractperiodfor anothersix monthsor oneyearat the sametermsandcondifions. (4) The suppliershouldmaintaindate wise accountof joumeys performedby each by vehiclein the trip sheetgivenandsubmitthe sameto KRWSA duly countersigned the authorizedofficer alongwith the bill. The ratesquotedwill remainunchanged Dwing theperiodof contracttoll/ duringthe conftactperiodunderanycircumstance. pa*ing fee etc., paid during official use will be reimbwsedon productionof the recerpl. (5) The vehicleshouldbe providedon all daysin a month and at any time including holidaysto takeanytrips whetherlong or shortit the directionof the Agency. The vehiclewill be stationedat the KRWSA office premisesuniessotherwisedirected from the oIfice. (6) from duty lvill or[y be reckonedfor The km at the time of repoting for duty/release kms run or hours used. calculationoftotai (7) shallalsobe providedon call basisby the Onemore vehicleof samespecifications quotationfor a singlevehicle) (This is not mandatory for filing contactor (8) for any loss / damageto the vehicle.other KRWSA will not be held responsible incidentthatmay occurduringthepedodofhiring properties, life or otherunforeseen of with maintenance connected of vehicle. The contractorshallbearall expenditure charge.elc thevehicleincludingsalaryofddver, costof fue1,repaircharge.sel"r'ice (9) The contractorshouldseethat the driverreportsin the KRWSA oJficeat 8:30 AM everyday urless olherwiseinfomed in advance.For the purposeof reckoningthe hiring charges'day' means12 hoursfrom 8:30AM to 8:30PM andnight means12 hoursfrom 8130PM to 8:30AM. Driver'sbatawill be paidRs.150/-per night,ifthe 3 hoursbeyond8:30PM. haltexceeds (Thisciauseis not applicable*'herethe vehiclesarehaltedat night in the premises.This is only for out stationhalts.) (1) (10) The contractoris liableto makeavailablea substitute vehicle.if thevehicleon contract of trips/ in the performance any inconvenience is experienced is underrepair/in case lf the contractorfails to providea vehicleon specifiedtime and due to otherreasons. vehicle per dayor chargesincunedfor hiring of substitute an amount ofRs.500/date. whicheveris high. will be deductedfrom the monthlyrentalchargesand if the party repeatsthe samefor morethanthreetimesin a month.thecontractllill beterminated. (12).Generally the vehiclesare for the usagein Kannur.KasaragodandWayanadDist cts. Vehicleshouldbe in properconditionto undeltakelong trips at shortnotice.evenon of the driverin the caseof the outstationhalts informingoverphone.The expenditure mustbe metby the supplier. Gr06mel.g-O)(D \lCl.g (13).Kilometerreadingwill startandterminateat the KRWSA'Soffice.No mileagewill be pelmittedfor luncl/teabreaketc.The milometershouldbe in goodworking condition with theregulations ofthe MotorVehiclesdeparfnent. andaccurate andin accordance (14). The driver shouldbe very polite and punctualand underno circumstances drive the vehicleunderthe influenceof any intoxicatingdrink or drug. The supplershall be hi ng for the conductofthe drivers.KRWSA havethe right to discontinue responsible such the vehiclesif in the opinionof the officersof KRWSA by whateverdesignation andhis opinionin this officeris called,thebehaviorofthe driveris foundobjectionable regardshallbe final andbindingon thesupplier. (15). It rvill be the responsibilityofthe supplierto seethat the driver possesses the valid in drivingthe vehicle.The supplierwill driving licenseandhasgot 3 yearsexperience for anypenaltyimposedon the ddverdueto violationof the trafhc alsobe responsible rules. (16). A metal plate bearing"ON DUTY, KRWSA. GOVT. OF KERALA" should be displayedin the {iont andbacknumberplates. (17). Contractoras qell as the driver of the vehicleshallobey all directionsissuedby the officers to which the contact vehicle is attachedor other designatedofficers of KRWSA. (18).Pa],rnent will be mademonthlyon the basisof log boolJ trip sheetentriescefiifiedby the concemed officers.No advancepaymenton anyaccountwill be made. (19).The acceptedquotationer $,ith KRWSA. TrueCopiesof hasto enterinto an agreement R.C Book,permitandInswanceof the vehiciesto be providedfor monthlyuseshould be submittedat the time of Agreement.Any changein the vehicleagreedshouldbe authority. madeonly with therltittel prior approvalofthe competent (20). KRWSA hasthe right to acceptor rejectany or all quotations$ithout assigningany reasonthereof. (21).KRWSA employees or theirrelativesarenot eligibleto pafiicipatein this tender. (22).KRWSA reserves the right to terminateany contact afferservingsevendaysnoticein writing withoutassigning anyreasonthereof. (23).The Agencyshallbe underno obligationto acceptthe lowesttender.The capabilityof facilitateofthe vehicleetc.,u,ill alsobe takeninto account the bidder.his performance. alongwith ratequotedbeforefinalizingtheawardofconffact. anyreason. (24) KRWSA reserves therightto acceptor rejecta quotationwithoutassigning *"*ionu,ffiffi" BO6mel.S-OlO \rBl.S Quotationfor Hirinqof Vehiclefor RPMUKANNUR. KRWSA- 2014 MonthlvHireVehicle Vehicle-l Brand/l\4odelandYearof manufacture Safetvequipments(Airbaq,seatbeltetc. Climaiecontro(AC)and otheffacilities Hirechargesof onevehiclefor a distanceof 2500kmsp9r monthcoveringall costs-fuel,repair,driveis salary,servce lax e!C. rateoer km in evcessof 2500krs Additronal AdditionalVehicleson call basis basedon Nameof Vehice rateand Kmcoverin Perdav Charqe(SDecifv I/We agreeto providevehicleasperthetermsandconditionsspecifiedin thequotation noticeat theratesquotedabove. Signaturewith full Nameofthe Proprieto./ Firm Date FullAddresswith TelephoneNo.
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