ffi'ffi affikwF CASCnTDE --- TOWNSHIP --- 202575THST. NE Rochester,MN 55906 wwry.cascadetownship.us **tb_.r CASCADETOWNSHIPBOARDOF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALSMII{UTES August2l,2Al4 call to orderat 6:05pm at the cascadeTown Hall BoardRoom.All in attendance recitedthe pledgeof Allegiance. Memberspresent:SupervisorHaroldAtkinson, supervisorLaures,supervisorHeathman,clerk/Treasurer MichaelBrown,andplanningcommissionchairp"rro' char Brown Attendeespresent:Terry Johnson @armrandLLC), william Tointon (McGhie & Betts), Roger Irhke aad David Meir (TCPA),FredDaly Open SpaceVariance requestfor Majestic Meadows. TCPA staffprovideda reviewof the variarceapplication for MajesticMeadowsrequestinga reduction from the required10voopenspace(per sub-diuirion oriin*."; ro an openspaceconsistentwith the 1.5% openspace recommended bv thePlanning commission. Thepieliminary pr"ltr"i iri".i.rii.'u"uco*, pravides2'2Yooptn 'pu"" uia u-pa."etcoitiguous to ttre adjacentto the Saltey development ontheEastside.ofihe .iue...trl-.a*inrln inqurr"a "nuiro*"ntut "orridor ,p'""lr.qJrrement Hill uuout,rr; of the county.PerTCpAthecountyhasno requirement "p* for op* ipu... Mr' Tointonrepresenting thedeveloper addressed theboardto provideresponses to theconditions for grantinga variance' Mr' Tointonstaiedtheapplicant i"*itting to p.ouidecashin lieuofopenspaceto be appliedto thedevelopment ofthetraitin r"'sar"v iriu enuironm"ntut corridor. It was noted the detprmination ofany offsettingcashcontributionsiorio i"'fu t" fr" deveropment agreement. Mr. Lauresopened themeetingfor publiccomments. Mr' FredDaly addressed theboardto speakofthe originofthe openspacerequirement andaskedtheboard to followtheestablished ordinance. v. oury urro oo", not utign ;ith thepreviousry appliedcountvstandard "oi?Jtielevetopmint of a 3.5acrvlot density.M. i;-*;;tJ;;;';;.,ilililf";:;?e proposed stated his ir"#lti;rf;ifii1i,To desire toetimi'naie thflliiing r"n""r"*.uii,Ju6"Jingiis p,op"rty uaa Mr' Johnsonoffereda realtor's-perspective ofthe openspacerequirement. He statedthe desireof buyersof largplots is not to haveextraopenspaceaspart of the develonment. ifi,L-::il:li1 threetimesfor additional commenrs andhearing nonerequested amotionto closethe r A motionby Mr. Brown to c_lose the public comments. -' Secondby Ms. Brown AYE: Heathman,Atkinson,Laures,Brown, B.o*n NAY: None Motion Approved Mr. Lauresaskedeachboardmemberfor tleir perspective on the variancerequest. r ' Mr. Brown voicedsupportfor reducingthe open spacerequiremenl. Mr' Lauresexpressed his.viewthat thereis valuein fubtic openspacebut not privateopenspaca.Mr, Lauressupportsthe cashin lieu ofproposal. o Mr. Atkinsonofferedno comment. r Mr' Heathmanvoiced su.pportfor the variancerequestand.notedthat the adjacentdevelopment to the southwasalloweda similarvariance.ur. Heathrian stLd he was comfortablewith the reduction. I Ms' Brown restatedthe analysisdone by theplanningcommissionto arriveat the recommendation for a reducedopenspacerequirement. Ms' Biown echoeJ"*eobservationoitutr. i""r", ti"ia"".ropments with smallerlots will still needopen.pu". *a trt" ,"1'uirements shouldbe adjustedbasedon lot size. A motion by Mr' Heathmanto,approvethe variance requestwith a reduction of openspacetiom 10% to 2*o/o'e.liminate the 1/3buildabli requirement, u"J l"""'.por"t" rtaffrecommendaiiorrli."ono oy ur. AYE: Brown, Laures,Heathman,Brown NAY: None Abstain:Atkinson Motion Approved AccessoryBuilding Variancerequestfor Majestic Meadows. TCPA staffprovideda reviewofthe varianceapplication for MajesticMeadowsrequestingthe retention of an existingpole shedthat doesnot meetthe ordinanc. ..luii"rn.nt, for an Rl zone.staffreviewedthe scopeoftle variancein termsofsize, setbaclgfinish, corisuuction,etc. Mr' Tointonaddressed the boardto speakfor the applicantard the rationale for preservingthe structure.Mr. Johnsonnotedthat he would acceptdestruction ofth" ilildi"g but would preferto keepthe sfructure asit buver has.*p."'."aini".",ii'-p*"n""rr"e tr'"iil;"^r;;r#;,h" strucrure ro i}J:'J;"Tj.:lx':ntiar Mr' Atkinsonexpressed concernwith settingprecedentby allowingan oversizedpole shedin a residential Mr. Lauresopenedthe meetingfor public comments. Mr' FredDaly addressed the boardto statehe hadno ift,l;Tffi:k1 . oppositionto alrowingthe buildingto remain. three timesforadditional comments andhearing nonerequested amotion tocrose the A motionby Mr. Brown to closethe public comments. Secondby Mr. Heathman AYF: Heathman,Laures,Brown, Brown NAY: None a Abstain:Atkinson Motion Approved Mr' Lauresaskedeachboardmemberfor their perspective on the variancerequest. o Mr' Brown expressed concernaboutleavingthe structureand.compliance with the ordinanceandstate statutes'Mr' Brown notedhis disagrr.*.ni*ith the rmrrforition andanalysis. ' Mr. Lauresvoicedsupportfor leaving the sfiucture. . Mr. Atkinsonofferedno comment. o statedhis opinionthe buildingcouldbe upgradedto residentialstandards andallowedto Htr"hman ' yr:Jtiln.",o,i'u'jffil::fi#:t thedeletorious impacts onthecharacter ortheneighborhood by Ms' Brown movedto denythe variancerequestand askedstaff for the findingsof fact.Mr. Irhke offereda sqggestion to modify the motionto tablethe decision until staffcouldpreparefindingsof fact. Ms' Brown movedto tablethe decisionuntil the September B, 2014Town Board/Boarrd of Adjustment f[,T'lfr:Hi:1],'fi:j5ffi"gs orract, rorandagainst, *outobeavalabre. Second byrvrr. Bro*n. NAY: Laures,Heathman Abstain:None Motion Approved Motion by Mr. Brown to adjourn.Secondby Mr. Hoathman AYE: Atkinson,Laures,Heathman,Brown, Brown NAY: None MotionApproved.Meetingadjourned at T:37pM Submirtted:MichaelBrown,ClerVTreasurer Ae,/ MichaplBrown,CterVfffi Tornrshtp, OnsbdC,o,, Caocaft O{llcer(erofiicionotarypublic} Notarlal W tsrmlelndelernrlnate
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