I H E C I T YO F CALGARY J u n e3 0 , 2 0 1 4 Association ErltonCommunitY BillFischer 65 31 AV SW CalgaryAlbertaT2S 2Y7 RE: DP2014-2800 27 31 AV SW Building(garage) New:SingleDetachedDwelling,AccessoryResidential Permrtapplication' pleasefind enclosedcirculation materialfor the abovenotedDevelopment with this residentsof the proposalhas been issuedconcurrently A noticeadvisingneighbouring anOwittremainpostedon the sitefor a one week period' circulation office.Pleasefeel free to contactme if havealso been sent to the ward Councillor's Circulations You may reachme by phone you have any furtherquestionswith respectto this development. or e-mailat [email protected]. fax at 2GB-3287 it ZOg-gSO2, Sincerely, BrittanyRoy SeniorPlanningTechnician & Assessment#8108 Planning,Development Ward9 cc: Councillor calgary.ca contact311 P.O.Box 2100,Stn. M, Calgary,AB, Canada f2P 2M5 Proudlyservingr grerl ctlY The Cityof Calgary P L A N N IN G,D E V E L OP MENT & ASSESSM ENT REQUEST FORCOMMENT ON DEVELOPMENT PERMITAPPLICATION Date:July 2,2014 To: ErltonCommunityAssociation BillFischer 65 31 AV SW CalgaryAlberta r2s 2Y7 D.PNUMBER: Dp2O14-2800 ReturnTo: NOTE: The community contact person and address are only as current as the information provided to this office by the CommunityAssociation. lf there are any changes please contact the Circulation Controller at the address to the riaht. DevelopmentCirculation Controller Planning,DevelopmentAssessment#8201 P.O.Box 2100 StationM CalgaryAB T2P 2M5 Phone:268-5744Fax 268-1997 EMail:[email protected] | 27 31AV SW Land Use Bylaw 1p2007 AccessoryResidential Building(garage) New:SingleDetachedDwelling, Pleasecheck the corresponding box below and forward any comments to the above sender. For Community Associations, please fill in the attached Community Context Questionnaireand forward to the above sender. Comments Attached No Objection DATE I I Attachedare the proposedplansand applicationmaterialfor this DevelopmentPermit.lf you have any comments,pleaseforwardthem by DUEDATE WednesdayJuly 23,2014 to the above sender. fufther,pleasecontactthe FileManager: lf youwantto discussthisapplication BrittanyRoy (403)268-3502 [email protected] This DevelopmentPermitApplicationhas been circulatedto the followingparties: #8001A Gian-Carlo Carra,Ward 9 Councillor, 65 31 AV SW BillFischer,ErltonCommunityAssociation, madein response willformpartof theofficialrecord,anduponfinal Pleasenotethatanywrittensubmissions to thisapplication willbe available for publicviewing. decision of theapplication thecorrespondence PrintDate:WednesdayJuly2,2O14 3:02 pm Page 1 of 2 CommunityContextQuestionnaire Community Association'sRole Theroleis to provideCommunityperspective asthe "byesof the community"andto helpenablethe bestinformedplanningdecisionby the Development Authority. Providethe localcontextthat the Community Association feelsthe Development Authorityshould be awareof. Provideplanningrelatedcommentsin supportof or objectionto the proposal. ldentifyanyimportantissues the Community Association thinksshouldbe addressed. ProvideCommunityperspective asregardsthe implementation of localplanningpolicysuchas local CommunityPlans,AreaRedevelopments Plans,andAreaStructure Plans. Pleaseprovide the Community responseto the following questions PermiN t umber Addressof Development NoComment I 1. Froma Communityperspective what arethe meritsof the proposeddevelopment? 2. Froma Communityperspective, couldthe proposed development be improvedto makeit more compatible or beneficial to meetyourcommunity's need(s)? 3. Howwill the proposeddevelopment impactthe neighbours andthe communityregarding such t h i n g sa s : r The"fit" of the development generally with its surroundings; this refersto height,massing, - including privacy, parking, setbacks, streetscape, vehicleor pedestrian access, landscaping the retentionof maturevegetations, etc. with the applicant lf 4. Hasthe communitydiscussed the proposeddevelopment and/orlandowner? so,pleaseprovidedetailsincluding commentsor outcomesfrom the engagement. or ownersof the subjectsitepresentand/orinvolvedin the Community 5. Wereadjacentneighbours reviewof thisapplication? Pleosenote, do not include o "community decision" in the written response.City staff does not consider whether a community has voted to "occept", "support", or "reject" an application. PosseATcGISMap SMap.asp /posse_map/PosseArcGI http://rveb3 PageI of 1 7t2t2014 The Cityof Calgary APPLICATION FORA DEVELOPMENT PERMIT LAND USE BYLAWNO 1P2OO7 116332905-001 TakenBy: ApplicationDate:Jun 16, 20'14 r APPLICATION NO: DP2014-2800 lA/y'eherebymake applicationfor a DevelopmentPermitunderthe orovisionsof the Land Use Bylawin accordancewith these plansand supportinginformation submitted herewithand whichform partof thisapplication. PermitFees D P B a s eF e e : $ 1 1 0 9 . 0 0 Advertising Fee:$30.00 D C PF e e : $230.00 Grades Fee: $ 442.00 Total Fee: $ 18 1 1. 0 0 Applicant: P L P DESIGN Address: 107 CopperfieldGl SE City: Gafgary Alberta, T2Z4L3 Phone: (403)601-0812 Contact:Protsch,Parry Phone: (403)601-0812 ( ) Fax: e-mail: [email protected] ParcelAddress: 27 31 AV SW Legal: 960AM;3;3,4 Parcel Owner: e-mail: STAGIEE M COX 200-1259 AVE SW CALGARY AB CANADA T2G OP6 Not Available (Seetitlefor additionalowners.) L . U . D . :M - C Gd 7 2 Community: ERLTON Sec.Number:10C Ward:09 Description: New: Single DetachedDwelling,Accessory ResidentialBuilding(garage) ProposedDevelopment is: Discretionary GrossFloorArea: 2333 feet- souared Dwelling Units: 1 ProposedUse: 46ssssory ResidentialBuilding By signingbelow,I confirmthatthe contactinformation providedaboveis accurateand further,acknowledge the abilityof the GeneralManager- Planning Development & Assessment to inactivate and cancelincomplete applications. Applicant/ AgentSignature: Date: The personalinformationon this form is beingcollectedunderthe authorityof The MunicipalGovernment Act, Section640, and The Cityof CalgaryLand UseBylaw1P2007(Part2) and amendmentsthereto. It will be usedfor the permitreviewand inspectionprocesses.It may alsobe usedto conduct ongoingevaluationsof servicesreceivedfrom Planning,Development & Assessment. The nameof the applicantand the natureof the permitwill be availableto the public.Pleasesendinquiriesby mailto the FOIPProgramAdministrator, Planning,Development & Assessment, POBox2100,Stationlvl, Calgary, ABT2P2M5or contactus by phoneat 311. Trackyourapplication on-linewith VISTA.Go to:www.calgary.calvista and enteryourJOBACCESSCODE(JAC)DP2014-2800-32905 or callour PlanningSupportCentreat (403)268-5311. Page1 of 1
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