f. ;.eilttP'' -r.,r,,; ,, 1< t!1 .1$,1ii'i ;,i;F 'fl'qg1'1g<'l q'#1s'fr* K**'Rl -rzflbg < 4tPru Prt ADBtzot3-201 4, sdruLlp*#- 27'hFebruary To, The Manager, Advertisement KuenselCorporation, ThimphuBhutan To, The Manager Advertisement BhutanTimes ThimphuBhutan Ref: dffi-k %ffii# ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN PHUENTSHOLING THROMDE POST BOX NO.O2,PELI(HIL LHAM 'ii#:ri;"i wWryw Loan No. 2816-BHU: Urban Infrastructure Proiect Sub: Notice Invitins Tender DearSir: We would appreciateif you could kindly publish the enclosed "Notice Inv ng Tender for The Construction of 46meter span PC Girder Bridge over River Omchhu and pproach Road under PhuentsholingThromde in the forth comingissue. The bill in duplicatemay pleasebe submittedfor passandpayment. Encl.:asabove Yours sincerely, up Executive ry Copyto: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ms PrithaHariramcawrseurban Development,ADB, Manila,Philippines. ProjectManager,ProjectManagementUnit, DUDES,MoWHS,Thimphu' Dy. Chief FinanceOfficer,MoWHS for information. reqllestto web Master,MoWHS with a copy of Notice lnviting Tender as stated ve with the uploadin the MoWHS website. to uploadin the t'i officer, PT with a copy of Notice Inviting Tenderas statedabovewith the uest PCC website. ProjectManager,PIU, PT Office Copy 645 Fax# 252882'Water SuPPIYt (O) 253306,TownMaintenance # 253636'Website:www'pcc'bt 252877,Sewerage(O) # K^*'Rl l g1'51s'fr.' 5.r"''fl'qg1'1€F ROYALGOVERNMENTOF BHUTAN THROMDE PHUENTSHOLING LHAM PELI(HIL NO.O2, BOX POST effi Invitation for Bids Date: Feb 27,2014 Loan No. and Title: ADB 2816- BHU: Urbun Infrasttucture Proiect ovet River Contract No. and Title pT/Roacls & Briclge/2.l; Construction of 46meter PC Girder Bridge Omchhu & Approach road in Phuentsholing Deadlinefor submissionof Bids: 1400 hours on April 18'2014 l. 2. The Kingdom of Bhutanhas receiveda loan from Asian DevelopmentBank (ADB) towardsthr: cost of Urban InfrastructureDevelopmentProject.Part of this loan will be usedfor paymentsundr:rthe contractsfor the Construction of 46meter-spanPC Girtler Britlge over River Omchhu and Apptouch Roaclin Phuentsholing. Bidding is open to biddersfrom etigible source countries of ADB. Hovrever, a successfulbidderis ilquired t6 registerwith the ConstructionDevelopmentBoard (CDB) of Bhutan before award of contract. phuentsholing Thromdey,Ministryof Works and Human Settlement,RGoB (the "Employer")i:nvites over River r.uf.O UlOrfrfim eligible"biddersfor the Construction of 46meterspan PC Gitder Bridge ("the Work"). Omchhu andApproachRoad. Only eligiblebidderswith following key qualificationsshouldparticipatein this bidding: General ConstructionExperience requirement: 5 years Financiul requirement: Minimum averageannualNu 98.5million in the last threeyears. -5-, backhoe--loader-1, Equipment reqairement: (i) Tippel ( minimum 5-B cum capacity) Pump nyarautic Excavator f pC)Oq -2, Corrrnt, mixer (7/5 cft)-2,Concretevibrator- 5, Water '\4otor weight operating ton 8--12 roller_( 1-1. vibratory sqm, lsoo plate 2, shuttering )w ryp" ( min 135Hnfi, Asphaltplan; ( yi, 50 Tonper hr)--l,Asphlatpaver ( min 4 5.m (taving grodei 'iiitt ( iopority)-1, lahter'ionkri ( 15 Ton, 100 HP)-l,Leveling Instrument/ Total station completeset) - I set,plate compactor-2 For Bridge works(specific): Overheadcrane - 40 Ton capacity ( should have adequateca,oaciQ ji ariu, adequatecapaciQ.- 2, Pile Caps .10, firles to l2'meier'depth)-1, Driving Hammer d plant ( 6 cum per hour Concrele piles-S, driviig mk ctiafor 700 it"it roifng pipes of .batching -1, Vibrator - 5, portable ( mixer Concrete Transit.ii*", l, ) pump capacity)-"1,'tonciete ( it shouldhaveadequatecapacityto withstandthe.stressbuilt 3, Hydraiiiri*W ;;il;r;'rr;the load of uptiirZUpud by thL pretensioningwires. Shoutdhave required capacity to withstand the Girder during launching 6 in-civil Engineering ( Personnelfor the proiect basedrequirement: Proiect ManagT ylh Degree years.expertence ) - l, Sit" Engirll:er.(Road1 (Qiplomain.Civil Engineering^5 5 yuor, with Engineering Civil (Diploma in "xp"riencel Supervisor Siie ( negr;e/niploma Engineir )'1,' I, Mechanicat RTI/L'TI or sulJicient experience ii Ar1age oi"a 4Qa Constriction)-2, General Mechqnic, /personnel) Criteria and Qualification waarr-z- i oi p,"r'section 3, Evaluation ,iLirot"nli The details of aboverequirementsure specified in the Bidding Documents. O)# 252577' sewerage(O) # www'pcc'bt 253306.TownMaintenance(O) # 253636'Website: *.$tliiiii T *.f'' i$ 'fl'q€I'Tg<'l s{'fls'fr.' K^*'RI ROYALGOVERNMENTOF BHUTAN THROMDE PHUENTSHOTING POSTBOXNO.O2,PELI(HII LHAM 'i ;"...r:. will be donethroughIntemationalCompetitiveBidding (lCB) in accordance 'with The Procurement One-EnvelopeBidding Procedure ADB's Single-Stage: 5. To obtainfurtherinformationand inspectthe bidding documents,biddersshouldcontactthe offi,;e of Project Manager (PIU), Ms. Anu Pradhan, Emuil: piuadbot20l2@)smail.com,Phuentsholing Thromrley, Post box- 02, Pelkhil Lam, Office building of Department of Roads, Telepthone No : 05251690, Fax: 0525I 601, and bids should be uddressedto: Mr, Tenzin, Project Director, Departrnent of Engineering Services (DES)' First Floot, Ministry of lltorks & Humun Settlements (MoIlHS) New Building, Changlam' Thimphu, Bhutan. 6. The documentscan be purchasedfrom the office of ProjectManagermentionedaboveby paying a non-refundablefee of Nu 10,000/or USD 220/- by cash/ (draft in favour of Phuentsholing Thro,mde) between 09:00hours antl l6:00 hours on any working day from March 4th, 2014 till April l7' 2014. To purchasethe biddingdocumentsin Englishby courier,eligiblebiddersshould: a. write to addressaboverequestingthe biddingdocumentsfor "PT/Rouds& Briclge/2.1" or b. requestfor deliveryof Bidding Documentfor "PT/Roads& Bridge/2.1"by sendinga written applicationto the Project Manager at the addressindicatedabove. The applicationmust inituOea PostFee(in additionto costof the documents)in the form of a Bank Druft infarvour of Phuentshoting ihromcle for the amountof USD 220 (deliveriesto European Counties) or USO IZO (deliviries to South Asian Countries). The documentswill be sent by courier. Na Iiability will be ucceptedfot loss or late delivery. 8. A pre-Bicl Meeting will be held on Msrch 26, 2014 ut l0 am at the ConferenceHall, Pheuntsholing Municip al ity (Thromde) OfJice 9. The bidsshouldbe delivered a. to the addressabove; b. on or beforet4:00 hours onApril lS' 2014; c. Togetherwith a Bid Securityas describedin the Bidding Document.. has due The bids will be openedat 14.30hours on Aryil $, 2014.If the dateon.whichbids are 10. acceptarlce for open remain shall office above the offices, government for beenor is declareda holiday until the samehour of the next working day. (O) # )# 252877' SeweraP;e (O) #253636'Website:www'pcc'bt 253306,Town Maintenance
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