Application form - Alumni Service Online | CSE, CUHK

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Alumni Service Application
(Please use Black or Dark blue pen and write in BLOCK letters)
Full name (English):
Contact phone number:
Graduation information:
Year (e.g. 1990)
College (CC/NA/SC/UC/Grad)
Personal homepage URL (if any):
Real email address (to where emails are forwarded):
Alumni email address (in order of preference): 1.
Please check the availability of your choice of alumni emails at the Alumni website (
Do you agree your Full name (Yes/No):
Alumni email address (Yes/No):
, Graduation information (Yes/No):
or University life photos (Yes/No):
, Personal Homepage URL (Yes/No):
be shown on the alumni website publicly?
The completed form can be returned to the department in person, by mail or by fax. Successful applicants will be notified via email.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Submission time:
Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building
Sat: 9:30am to 12:00noon
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin N.T.
Mon to Fri: 9:30am to 5:00pm
Close on Sunday and Public holiday
Fax: 2603 5024
Hong Kong
Attn: Alumni Service Application
Terms and Conditions
The applicant must be a graduate of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (formerly The Department of Computer Science), the
Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The applicant must agree to be bound by the terms set in the Policies and Disclaimer, and the Notes to Applicants Regarding Personal Data
The primary purpose of the server is to provide information lookup and email forwarding services for the Department and its graduates.
The information is provided on an “as-is” basis with no guarantee of its veracity and accuracy.
No liability is accepted for any damage caused by the use of the information.
The Department can remove any entry in the server without prior notice.
The Department can modify or discontinue the service without prior notice.
Notes to applicants regarding personal data:
The personal data provided will be used by the Department only:
to verify your identity with the Alumni Affairs Office of the University to confirm your eligibility for the services.
to contact and to convey Dpartmental messages to our alumni.
to generate employment statistics for internal use.
The provision of the personal data on the application form is voluntary. However, if you do not provide sufficient information, the Department may not
be able to process your application.
All data will be kept confidential and will not be used for other purposes.
I have read the tems and conditions along with this application form and agreed to abide with ther terms and conditions.
Applicant’s signature:
For office use only:
Handled by:
Alumni email address assigned: