Promoting confidence in speaking in the TL A learner needs to be confident with … 1. 2. … meaning 3. … accuracy/grammar … pronunciation She needs to… 4. … feel stress free 5. … know that her contributions will be listened to and valued 6. … to have access to the linguistic scaffolding … to help her say what she wants to say Promoting confidence in speaking in the TL What are we going to do this session? We are going to look at… … presenting and repeating language … exploiting the ‘here and now’ of the classroom ... learning activities that promote interaction (CRAPPI OV criteria) ….what the research tells us … through watching some video and … … engaging in some audience participation Outstanding Practice The TL is the dominant means of communication in the lesson and the teachers have high expectations of learners’ use at an appropriate level. As a result learners seek to use the TL as the normal means of communication when talking to the teacher or informally to each other. Ofsted Guidance July 2013 TL as the language of communication in the classroom – What the research tells us… rich input (Chaudron, 1988) 1 3 Status of the TL “a high quantity of input directed at the learner” (Ellis, 1985) “communicative pressure” (Doughty & Varela, 1998) 2 4 (Ushioda, 1996) … which pushes learners’ output (Swain, 1995) “testing hypotheses” (Swain, 1995; Harley, 1998) communicative success” 5 (Littlewood, 1981; Clark, 1991) 6 Carefully planned teacher use of the TL creates the conditions for pupils to say… …. what they want to say “topicalisation” (Slimani, 1989) “agency” (van Lier, 2008) It facilitates the transfer of language across topics “variable encoding”(Yalden, 1987) Involving the learners in behaviour management Stop! Il y a un problème Pourquoi … es-tu … en retard? êtes vous … C’est acceptable ou ce n’est pas acceptable? Ce n’est pas acceptable Nous sommes choquées! Tu triches! Ce n’est pas juste! Pourquoi es-tu en retard? Exploiting the ‘here and now’ of the classroom Everyday classroom routines Discuss with 2 others and write a list Example: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Entry Seating Greeting On-going team competition Delegation (volunteers) Objectives Register Asking for points –on-going team competition Lateness Forfeits for speaking English Countdown Setting homework Suggesting activities for the next lesson Excuses for not doing homework Dismissal and exit Control Contextualisation Presentation Presentation Repetition Practice Practice Production Creative and Manipulative Use Emancipation Presenting, repeating and practising language Stages in the language learning process Objectives routine: presenting & repeating the language Embedding the learning in the ‘objectives’. Comment dit-on … en français? 1. Qu’est-ce qu’on va faire aujourd’hui ? 2. on va mimer ? ? 4 avril 3. on va parler en français 4. On va parler des saisons 5. On va chanter Year 7 Presenting, repeating and practising language What is the purpose of presenting language? Discuss with at least 2 colleagues 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. …to establish meaning (semantic) …to provide a model for pronunciation …to draw learners’ attention to the syntax (syntactic) …to draw learners’ attention to grammar …to motivate learners to listen …to encourage learners to think …to encourage learners to compare & contrast with English and/or their mother tongue Comment dit-on … en français? 1. Qu’est-ce qu’on va faire aujourd’hui ? 2. on va mimer ? ? 4 avril 3. on va parler en français 4. On va parler des saisons 5. on va chanter A: Il faut mimer B: Il faut parler A: Trois , deux, un, commence! B: Qu’est-ce qu’on va faire.. A: Stop! … Continue! B: …aujourd’hui? On va mim.. A: Stop!... Continue! Year B: …er. On va parler en français. On …7 Repeating and practising language Qu’est-ce qu’on va faire? x 4 aujourd’hui? x 2 Qu’est-ce qu’on va faire? x 2 on va mimer x 2 on va parler x 2 en français des saisons on va chanter x 2 ? 4 avril 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. un deux trois quatre cinq six sept Huit 9neuf Comprehension check with a focus on form 1. We are going to… 2. to speak… 3. to mime… 4. to sing… 5. What are we going to do? 6. today … 7. to play … 8. in French … 9. We are going to speak about the seasons… A: Comment dit-on numéro un en français? B: A mon avis, c'est.... A: Oui, c'est correct/ non, ce n'est pas correct Kirsty objectives Les objectifs pour aujourd’hui Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire ce matin? Progression Evidence of progress Ce matin on va discuter de ce qu’on fait après avoir quitté la maison. D'abord on va faire un peu de répétition. Et puis on va mémoriser les phrases-clé. Après avoir memorisé les phrases on va faire une dictée et, avant de quitter la salle de classe, on va noter les devoirs. Mais! on ne va pas bavarder en anglais parce qu'on va améliorer notre français et on ne veut pas rester à 12:15. Donnez-moi un synonyme pour: 1. ensuite 2. premièrement 3. apprendre par cœur 4. le travail à la maison 5. les mots importants Donnez-moi un antonyme pour: 1. oublier 2. arriver à 3. finalement 4. on va parler 5. hier soir Comment dit-on … en français? Pourquoi chanter c’est vert? Qu’est-ce qu’on va faire aujourd’hui? Vous avez des idées? D’abord, on va chanter. Ensuite, on va choisir des volontaires. Parce que c’est… Puis, on va parler de la grammaire. A mon avis ça va être vraiment intéressant. Et finalement on ne va pas parler en anglais, … parce que ce n’est pas nécessaire ‘Verb’ …en français ce n’est pas difficile. C’est comme en anglais. Il faut simplement ajouter un ‘e’ apres le b. v er b e Year 9 W.Poly Routines Seating Delegation Rules Objectives Est-ce que je peux m’asseoir avec… mais avant… Parce que je suis de mauvaise humeur ! Parce que je suis prête à travailler! Parce que j’ai passé un super weekend et je suis contente d’être là ! Est-ce que l’équipe magnifique/la gelée peut s’asseoir ? Parce qu’on est les meilleures ! Parce qu’on va beaucoup participer C’est juste! Ce n’est pas juste! Tu es horrible! Est-ce que je peux être volontaire pour faire les points? Est-ce que je peux être volontaire pour faire les points après ...? Est-ce que je peux colorier la Tour Eiffel si l’équipe magnifique/la gelée gagne? Est-ce que je peux distribuer les dictionnaires ? parce que... …je suis sympa …je suis toujours la plus rapide …j’aime marcher dans la classe ne suis pas feignante Stop, il y a un problème! Ce n’est pas juste ! Elle l’a fait la dernière fois! J’ai demandé en premier! C’est toujours ... ! Assessment AT2 :Caro’s Year 7 Term 1 Preparation 1.Collaborative writing - a script for performance with criteria & roles 2. Drafting 3. Rehearsal 4.Performance 5.Peer & teacher assessment Year: 7 Autumn Term first half 7 weeks Topic: Establishing classroom routines and pupil interaction language. Grammatical Focus for all Pupil Interaction Language: Structures which are followed by an infinitive (Il faut, on va + pouvoir) Pupils to recognise infinitive verbs in a sentence. Pupils to be exposed to je,tu,il,elle,on,nous forms of pouvoir through objectives and routines. Negatives, using ne…pas. Understanding le/la/les for masculine/feminine and plural. Adjectival agreements for feminine words. Exposure to the passé composé in lesson objectives and points routine. Grammatical focus for Topic Language End Activity: Writing: AT4 NC 1-4 Pupils to write a dialogue or a classroom scene, based on classroom language that is used in class.This is to be prepared and presented in groups based on a HW dialogue that they have already written. Dialogue to include emotions that the group can guess whilst watching. Cultural Element Pupils to learn “Am Stram Gram” as part of the volunteer routine. Pupils to watch a short clip of children in a French school. Week 1 Focus: Handing out exercise books, glossaries and questionnaires. Introduction to the methodology, class rules and greetings in TL. Week 2 Focus: Introducing a ca va routine •Seeking clarification in the target language using Comment dit–on ..? •Establishing team competition •Rules of the classroom using Il faut •Setting up a points and volunteering routine •Establishing classroom rules in the target language •Ca va? •CQ: Comment dit-on en anglais/français? •CQ: Est-ce que je peux faire les points/être volontaire? •CQ: Quelles sont les règles pour cette classe? Week 3 Focus: •Introduce “Stop! Il y a un problème!” followed by rules. •Setting up pair work routines using c’est .. and je commence/tu commences •Setting up an objectives routine using on va + infinitive •CQ: Quel est le problème ? •CQ: Qui commence? •CQ Qu’est-ce qu’on va faire aujourd’hui? Week 4 Focus: •Correction routine using c’est.. and ce n’est pas correct/faux/vrai •Setting up a routine for who won and lost the points using la dernère fois …. a gagné / a perdu •Extend ça va routine with jusification using parce-que je suis … and key adjectives which follow simple patterns •Asking for objects and recognising the difference between masculine •CQ:C’est correct? •CQ:Qui a gagné? •CQ:Ca va?... Pourquoi? •CQ:Est-ce que je peux avoir...? •CQ: Pourquoi c’est bleu/rose? •CQ:C’est masculin/féminin? •Week 5 Focus: asking for permission and giving reasons using parce que and adjectives, recognising masculine and feminine forms. •CQ:Est-ce que je peux…? •CQ:Pourquoi? Week 6 Focus: •Pupils to ask how to spell words using the French alphabet •Introduce a dates routine using Aujourd’hui c’est le ….. •CQ: Comment ca s’ecrit? •CQ: Quelle est la date aujourd’hui? Week 7 Focus: •To prepare and conduct the assessment and make pupils aware of the criteria. Year: 9 Spring Term Second Half 6 weeks Topic: Using the conditional to talk about future possibilities Grammatical Focus for all Pupil Interaction Language: Incorporate conditional forms of vouloir/pouvoir/devoir/aimer into all routines. J’aimerais/Je voudrais faire les points.. Introduce a “deciding” routine. (Q:Qu’est-ce qu’on pourrait faire pour pratiquer le vocabulaire? A: On pourrait chanter/mimer/jouer) Use comparatives/superlatives for justification of requests. Evaluation routine using comparative/superlative forms. Grammatical focus for Topic Language Using il y a/il n’y a pas de.. Conditional forms of: Vouloir Aimer Devoir + infinitives Pouvoir Expressing opinions Plus que/moins que Le plus/le moins Assessment: Speaking: AT2 NC 1-7 You are a group of politicians taking part in an election. Respond to the interview questions, saying what you would do if you were elected. Pupils to vote for a group. Week 1 Focus: •Talking about technology •Talking about gadgets that you would like to buy, using Je voudrais + inf •Using the comparative to compare gadgets CQ: Qu’est-ce qu’il y a chez toi? CQ: Qu’est-ce que tu voudrais acheter? CQ: comparative Week 2 Focus: •Talking about what you would like to do if you were rich, Using Je voudrais/J’aimerais + inf •Talking about what you could do, using Je pourrais + inf CQ:Si tu étais riche que ferais tu? Week 3 Focus: •Talking about environmental problems •Using je pourrais/on pourrait to talk about how you could help the environment. •Using je devrais/on devrait to talk about how you should help the environement. •Using the comparative/superlative to compare different envionmental problems and to decide which issue is the most serious. CQ:Qu’est-ce qu’on devrait faire pour être écolo? CQ:Quel problème est le plus important/grave? Week 4 Focus: •Talking about aspects of your life that you would like to change and why. •CQ: Qu’est-ce que tu voudrais changer dans ta vie? Week 5 Focus: •Talking about what you would do if you were Prime-Minister. CQ:Si tu étais le premier-ministre, que ferais tu? CQ: Quel problème est le plus important/urgent? Week 6 Focus: •Preparing and conducting the speaking assessment. CQ: Qui est le plus/la plus convaincant(e) Cultural Element Pupils watch a clip about recycling in Québec. Pupils to listen to a French rap about the environment. Evaluating tasks and activities C challenge to guess, predict, work things out, beat their partner R relevance to the pupils lives A audience, who are the pupils talking/writing to? P purpose why would the pupils want to do the activity? P personal, personalised I incentive , interactive, information gap O outcome, what can they do with the language? VAK Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic Kate rules Odd One Out What is the purpose of repeating language? Discuss with at least 2 colleagues 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pronunciation Intonation Confidence Fluency Memorisation Grapheme–phoneme conversion (phonics) Why do repetition in pairs or 3s? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. …allows pupils to work at their own pace …allows pupils to get their mouths around the language (phonics) …allows pupils to work independently of the teacher …provides an opportunity to control their own learning …provides for unpredictability …allows teacher to monitor and assess pupil progress (AfL) …allows pupils to peer assess …allows pupils to interact and use language Kirsty: Repetition Mime and Say Planning for Learner Interaction Language topic 1 topic 2 topic 3 Learner Interaction Language 1 the language for conducting collaborative learning activities in the TL Learner Interaction Language 2 the language for conducting everyday classroom routines in the TL Things to keep in mind when planning Select activities appropriate to each stage of the language learning process to... …contextualise …present …repeat …practise Write a SONG which wraps up all the language, including the CQ. …facilitate creative and manipulative use Rehearse and act out the activities for each stage before using them in class. At each stage, consider the P.I.L with both teacher and peers Decide what you need to do in terms of materials preparation. Indicate your materials on your lesson plan Read (out loud and sing) literary texts in the language … such as songs, poems stories, letters and jokes Je ne veux pas travailler : Pink Martini Me gustas tu : Manu Chao 7oROlf5ys 05Yso Jean petit qui danse (traditionel) Victor Jara : Cuando voy al trabajo =VQTZftPXJng Mi unicornio azul x8Us Spider Cochon te3XsajaCQ pdc Read (out loud and sing) literary texts in the language … such as songs, poems, stories, letters and jokes Tolérance ou la conjugaison oubliée Je suis ainsi Il est autre Nous sommes, chacun a notre manière je suis ainsi tu es autre il ou elle est autre vous êtes elles ou ils sont tu es toi chacun différent toi eux aussi sont tous vivants nous sommes moi présent nouseuxmoi nous sommes différents Slow education To avoid pupils getting caught up in ‘a cycle of forgetting…’ Ros Mitchell The notion of slow is essentially about establishing a process that fosters intensity and understanding and equips students to reason for themselves.
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