Holy Cross Catholic Primary School NEWSLETTER 7th November 2014 (01983) 292885 www.holycrossrcpr.iow.sch.uk [email protected] Welcome back! I hope you all had a very restful and well-‐deserved autumn break. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that Parents Evenings will be next Monday the 10th & Tuesday the 11th of November. Your child should have brought home a booking letter to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher. If you have not received the letter please ring the school office who will try and arrange a slot for you. Mr. Eccles will be available to discuss details of the new national curriculum and how assessment is changing. Representatives from the Governors will also be available to talk to. The new National Curriculum has changed how schools will assess pupils’ progress. As a result Parents Evenings are a very important tool for us to share information with you about how well your child is progressing and how you can support at home. As part of the review of Holy Cross’ Vision and Mission statement we agreed that we would endeavour to ensure that every pupil leaving Holy Cross is Confident, Aspirational, Resilient, Enquiring and Spiritual (C.A.R.E.S). In developing our new curriculum, we have been thinking about ways in which we can support pupils to develop these attributes. We believe that by encouraging independence, pupils will grow in confidence around their own abilities and gain an understanding of the resilience needed to achieve their dreams. To support this independence in school we would like to encourage you to use the drop off system in the mornings. Pupils should make their way to the playground where they will be supervised by a teacher from 8.30am. Please could the parents of pupils from Year 2 onwards to support us by encouraging your child to come into the main school building independently in the morning (unless you urgently need to speak to your child’s class teacher). We have spoken to the pupils about this change in expectation and how we believe it will help them to develop as C.A.R.E.S learners. Our Education Welfare Officer conducts regular visits to review attendance and lateness. She has asked us to focus on lateness in the mornings. The school register closes at 9.00am any pupil coming in after that time is marked as late and it counts against our overall attendance figure. Our Target this year is 96.5% attendance. Please could I remind parents and pupils that School opens at 8.45 am pupils should arrive on site between 8.30 and 8.45 ready to enter the building and prepare themselves for the school day. Teachers often prepare activities in this 15 minute slot. Pupils who regularly arrive late or just before 9.00am are missing 1 ¼ hours of learning time a week. One of our key objectives this year is to improve communication with parents. Please could you support us by communicating as quickly as possible any concerns you may have about what your child is reporting to you at home. The Class teacher remains the first point of contact concerning pupils in their class. Class teachers can be emailed through [email protected] or through their school email addresses: Y6, [email protected] , Y5, [email protected] , Y4, [email protected] , Y3, [email protected] , [email protected] , Y2, [email protected] , Y1 [email protected] , YR [email protected] , I can also be contacted at the following email address: [email protected] . Holy Cross PTA Following on from the PTA’s successful last school year and excitement of the Summer Fair and Leavers Showcase, work is well underway to organise this year’s events. The Cake, Uniform and Toy stall will be held monthly after school, with each year group taking it in turn to be responsible for providing the cakes and helping man the stalls. The planned dates are as follows (with none in December due to the Christmas Fair or March due to a development day);-‐ 14th November – Year 6 9th January – Year 5 6th February – Year 4 3rd April – Year 3 1st May – Year 2 5th June – Year 1 rd 3 July – Reception Thank you to all those of you who supported the September stall. It proved hugely successful in both raising money and providing uniform, helped by a sunny afternoon! We will be in touch in due course to let you know how you can be involved in the PTA initiatives for the Christmas Fair and events into the New Year. As always the Committee really welcomes your input, so please let us have any ideas for events or feedback. If anyone would like to become more involved, we are collating a list of helpers. If you can make a contribution, however big or small, or in whatever way -‐ it would be greatly appreciated. As the saying goes ‘many hands make light work’ and it certainly makes it more fun! Either contact our Chairperson Lorna Treadwell via email – [email protected], speak to one of the Committee (Harriet McQuillan-‐Treasurer, Annette Purser – Secretary, Miss Mather, Helen Stephens and Deborah Rooke) or drop a note into the PTA tray located in the school office. Many thanks, Your PTA DIARY DATES Please remember that diary dates are available on the school’s website at www.holycrossrcpri.iow.sch.uk where there is a Parent Google Calendar. Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th November – Parents Evenings Tuesday 11th November YR & Y6 Osborne House Visit for ‘Museum Take Over Day’ Friday 14th Y3 & Y4 Living History Viking Day th Wednesday 19 Y1 & Y5 Osborne House Visit for ‘Museum Take Over Day’ Wednesday 19th November – Head’s Afternoon Tea 2.30pm Thursday 20th November RSC Two Gentlemen of Verona live broadcast to classes Thursday the 20th IOW Councillors’ visit to Holy Cross Sunday 7th December Town Carol Service St James’ East Cowes Friday 12th December Christmas Jumper Day Wednesday 17th December Y5 & Y6 Mayflower Trip Wednesday 17th December Y R, Y3 & Y4 Christmas Production Thursday 18th December school Christmas Dinner Friday 19th December – Last day of term Monday 5th January 2015 – Return to school Children’s Liturgy at St David’s Church East Cowes on Sunday 16th November – All Welcome A%Holy%Cross%Pupil%C.A.R.E.S%%is#Confid #&#Spiritual ent,#Aspirational,#Resilient,#Enquiring Holy%Cros s %M is s io n %S tatement% We#serve#th e #p e o p le #r o und#us,## We#c a r e #a b o u t #o ur#earth.## We#learn#an d#live#in #g r a c e #a n d #peace#by# putting#Jesu s#first.# We#find#an d #u s e #o u r #t alents,# We#know#w e ’r e #l o v e d #b y#You.## We#make#ou r#cho ic e s #fi r s t #b y#asking# “ W h a t #w o u ld#Jesus#do? ” Holy%Cross%Vision%Statement%% To#enable#every#child#to#discover#th eir# talents,#realise#their#potential#and#ac hieve# their#dreams#by#living,#laughing#and #learning# together,#anchored#in#the#love#of#Ch rist.
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