November-December 2014 - Forest Hills Jewish Center

Vol. LXX No.2
November–December 2014 Heshvan-Kislev-Tevet 5775
This program is made possible by the Rabbis Ben Zion and Baruch Bokser Memorial Foundation.
See page 2 for more information.
A Community Hanukkah
Candle-lighting Event
Join FHJC as we light Hanukkah candles together.
There will be Hanukkah songs, storytelling, and of
course, latkes and other treats.
December 16, 2014
FHJC Annual Shabbaton
See pages 8-10 for details and registration
From the Rabbi’s Study
Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik
A Wonderful Honor...
On Sunday evening, November 16,
at the Park Avenue Synagogue in
Manhattan, it will be my privilege to
be a Guest of Honor at the annual
dinner on behalf of Masorti Olami,
the international umbrella organization of Conservative/Masorti communities around the world. The dinner’s purpose is to raise muchneeded funds to support the work
of these kehilot, and I am proud to
participate in this crucial endeavor.
John Donne, the seventeenth century English author, penned the immortal words “No man is an
island entirely unto himself.” The meaning now is the same as
it was hundreds of years ago. We all rely on others, and none
of us are completely self-sufficient, either by choice or circumstance.
Here in North America, and particularly in the New York area,
we tend to be extraordinarily parochial in our world-view, especially as it regards the Conservative movement. Even in a
time of demographic challenge, we take for granted the large
number of Conservative congregations that dot our landscape,
and the remarkable support services that exist to support our
communities, from social service agencies to kosher markets
and restaurants.
With the exception of the Masorti movement in Israel, where
there are many thriving congregations and kehilot in an obviously rich Jewish context, the challenge of establishing and
maintaining Conservative/Masorti institutions and synagogues
The Message USPS 340-300 The Forest Hills Jewish Center, 106-06
Queens Boulevard, Forest Hills, NY 11375-4248. 718-263-7000, Fax:
718-520-4369. Website: Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Published bi-monthly September-June.
Subscription: $25 per year (included in membership dues.) Periodicals
postage paid at the Post Office in Flushing, NY. POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to The Forest Hills Jewish Center. 106-06 Queens
Boulevard, Forest Hills, NY 11375-4248. Editorial Board: Karen L. Stein
(Editor), Gerald C. Skolnik (Rabbi), Henry Rosenblum (Hazzan), Erno
Grosz (Cantor Emeritus), Deborah Gregor (Executive Director), Susan
Rosenbaum (Director, Early Childhood Education), Lynn Lancaster
(Director of Education), Laurie Worthman (Office Manager). Officers: Jack Gostl (President), Michael Abrams (Vice President), Ilana
Altman (Vice President), Sharon Matzner (Vice President), Judy Zipkowitz (Vice President), William Regen (Treasurer), Deborah Ball Witlin (Secretary). Arms: Men’s Club, Bob Koenigsberg and Mark
Weinblatt (Co-Presidents), Minyan Club, Betty Korb (President), Sisterhood, Anise Parnes (Outgoing President) Judy Gostl and Randy
Zwick-Marks (Co-Presidents). Opinions expressed in The Message are
the authors’ and do not necessarily represent those of the Forest Hills
Jewish Center, its officers and Board, or the Editorial Board.
around the world is infinitely more complex and difficult than it
is here. Some communities, like the remarkable Masorti presence in Buenos Aires (and other regions in South America!) that
I was privileged to visit a number of times during my presidency
of the Rabbinical Assembly, have a rich history and a vibrant
present. Others, like the Masorti presence in the FSU, are relatively new. I was also privileged to visit and meet the leadership of the Masorti communities in Paris, Madrid and London.
The Masorti presence in Germany is also large and impressive.
In each instance, I came away inspired by the creativity and
energy of these people, who are almost invariably battling entrenched religious institutions and personalities that are not
always as welcoming as one might hope for.
By the time I had completed the term of my presidency, it had
become clear to me that, while what we have here in New York
is surely impressive and substantive, we are not “all that there
is,” and we are certainly not an island entirely unto ourselves.
Our sister congregations and kehilot around the world both
need and deserve our support, and I hope you’ll join with me in
helping to insure that they have the wherewithal to grow and
For information about Masorti Olami and the dinner, please
Thank you in advance for your help in supporting this vital
Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik
Annual Bokser Lecture
State, Judaism & Ethnicity in Israel
Professor Sammy Smooha
Sunday, November 23, 2014 — 10:00 AM
Dr. Sammy Smooha is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Haifa. He served as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences
and President of the Israeli Sociological Society and won the 2008
Israel Prize for Sociology. Dr. Smooha studies Israeli society, with a
focus on ethnic relations, in comparative perspective. He has published widely on the internal divisions and conflicts in Israel, and
has authored and edited several books on Arab and Jewish relations. In the fall 2014 semester, he is a Visiting Professor at the
Taub Center for Israel Studies, New York University.
This program is made possible by the Rabbis Ben Zion and
Baruch Bokser Memorial Foundation.
Notes from the Hazzan
As Rabbi Skolnik said in his sermon on
the first day of Rosh Hashanah, now
is the time to show your support of
Israel. The best way is by joining me,
Susan and your fellow congregants on
this fabulous trip to Israel that we
have called “the FHJC Israel Encounter and Solidarity Mission.” As you
have seen on the flyer and perhaps
through your visits to the website,
after departing on February 11th, we
will arrive in Israel for 10 days of visits
to places both old and new, some familiar and others unusual.
Our itinerary includes meetings with IDF soldiers on base and
FHJC Israel Encounter and Solidarity Mission
Led by Hazzan Henry Rosenblum & Susan Ticker
February 11 - 22, 2015
Discover your Jewish past & present in the land, people & culture of Israel
Celebrate Shabbat with "Masorti" Kehillot in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
Explore mystical city of Zefat and meet a Kabbalistic artist in his studio
Hear the story of an Ethiopian family trek to Israel during Operation Solomon
Visit injured soldiers still in rehab to show support and hear their stories
Stand in solidarity with IDF soldiers during exclusive army base visit
Archaeological dig, Ein Gedi hike, Dead Sea float & organic farm encounter
Intimate musical performances, briefings, study & prayer experiences
Tour guide Kayla Ship, Keshet VP & Program Director, & Masorti leader
Ma’agan Eden Kibbutz Guest House and Dan Panorama Tel Aviv & Jerusalem
8 group dinners, incl. Welcome, Farewell & 2 Shabbat evening celebrations
Itinerary, pricing and registration at
Hazzan Henry R. Rosenblum
also in rehab hospitals where they are recovering from injuries
incurred in this past summer’s fighting. There are exciting musical performances, educational encounters and spiritual experiences, and much more. People are already registering for this
unforgettable happening and you won’t want to be left out. Go
to the website of our unique tour operator, Keshet, the Center
for Educational Tourism in Israel, and sign up now.
You can find out all the necessary information at http://
L’Shanah Hazot Birushalayim — This year in Jerusalem.
Hazzan Henry Rosenblum
Kol Nidre Update 2014
Dear Forest Hills Jewish Center Members,
The High Holy Days have come and gone. We hope you found
a sense of family as part of our congregation, inspiration in the
words of Rabbi Skolnik, and comfort in the soul-stirring Rosh
HaShanah and Kol Nidre prayers chanted by Hazzan Rosenblum. We all benefit from joining together to affirm our faith
and honor our commitment to the unending chain of Jewish
In that spirit, we are writing to urge you to help ensure the
Forest Hills Jewish Center is able to continue serving the needs
of our community—this year, next year and for generations to
‫לשנה הבאה בירושלים‬
Next Year in Jerusalem
Our Kol Nidre appeal did not end with the Ne’ilah service that
marked the end of the Fast day. We haven’t yet met our goal
to provide the funds needed to maintain vital programs and
services. To do that we need your support.
The Center for Educational Tourism in Israel
Please consider the many people—Nursery School and Hebrew School children, USY teens, adult singles, parents and
grandparents—members of your FHJC community, who pass
through the building each week to participate in services, classes and activities. We are proud to serve you and them and
wish to continue doing so.
Make a New Year’s Resolution to join FHJC in Israel in 5775
PO Box 8540 Jerusalem 91084 Israel
Phone: 972-2-671-3518 | Fax: 972-2-671-3624
[email protected] |
Thank you to
Judy & Jack Gostl and
Candice & Carl Koerner
for hosting the Progressive Dinner
and Event Chairs
Jeanine & Roger Mashihi and
Trudy Turk & Aaron Yavelberg
Please help us complete the 2014/5775 Kol Nidre Appeal.
Make a generous pledge to FHJC that will benefit our entire
With thanks and wishing you a happy, healthy New Year.
Judy Zipkowitz, VP, Fundraising
Rae and Gary Kerzner, Kol Nidre Appeal Co-Chairs
The President’s Pen
The Holidays
Due to the publication deadline
of The Message, I
find myself with
a strange kind of
For you, the
reader, the Hagim are rapidly receding in the rear view
mirror. For me, I am just finishing decompressing, physically and emotionally, from
Yom Kippur. I’m trying to get into the
upbeat spirit of Sukkot, reading emails
about the great decorations in the sukkah
and all the planned events for the week.
So I’m trying to write these words with
both of our viewpoints.
Looking forward rather than backward,
always a good practice, the next thing we
see coming over the horizon is Hanukkah.
A somewhat confusing post biblical holiday which is the holiday that almost wasn’t. It is a holiday that the “people” forced
upon the rabbis. Then with our emigration
to the new world, the competition with
Christmas turned this relatively minor
holiday into a major event. But clearly I
am over thinking this, so I plan to just sit
back and enjoy the week of Hanukkah,
most especially enjoy all of its cholesterol
*challenged foods. I also am looking forward to that secular holiday with oddly
Jewish overtones, Thanksgiving. And even
more, I am looking forward to the slower
pace of life at the end of the secular year.
Day, November 11 . Originally this was a
day set aside to commemorate the end of
“The Great War.” (That was before we
had to number them.) Veteran’s Day was
later expanded to honor and thank all
military personnel who served in all wars.
We take this day entirely too casually. It
doesn’t even get its own “Monday.”
You have all heard me talk about how my
parents escaped from Europe in 1938 and
1939, and how I grew up hearing, on a
daily basis, what a great place this country
is to be a Jew. In fact, I will go one step
further and say that despite its failings
and warts, of which it has many, this
country on a bad day is better than most
of the world on a good day. So, when you
go home and eat your kosher hotdog, on
a gluten free potato bun, sipping a diet
soda (all kosher of course) and try to decide which of the 200 cable channels to
watch, please take a moment and remember the people who made this possible.
The men and women who gave up a piece
of their lives, if not their very lives, to let
you do what you are doing and be where
you are while doing it.
Sisterhood’s Torah Fund
Campaign Luncheon
Sunday, November 16
11:30 am
Estelle Feiner Crystal Room
Honoring Our
Woman of Achievement
Debra Weil
Debra has been a member of The Forest
Hills Jewish Center Mishpachah since
moving to the community in 1988.
Among her many FHJC contributions,
Debra co-founded Kids Kongregation and
Young Kids Yom Tov, was a USY Youth
Group Leader, has taught Israeli Dance
classes, and serves on the Sisterhood
Board. Continuing a tradition passed
along by her mother, Debra is an active
Sisterhood member who has worn her
Torah Fund pin proudly for over twenty
The Torah Fund Campaign, now in its 72nd
year, is a fundraising endeavor originated
by Women’s League of Conservative Judaism, dedicated to supporting students of
the Jewish Theological Seminary and its
affiliated institutions. Your 100% taxdeductible donation will help secure a
future generation of rabbis, cantors, educators and lay leaders within Conservative/Masorti Judaism.
For my part, during my three year presidency, I am going to try to put Veteran’s
Day on the Forest Hills Jewish Center calendar. I’m not yet clear how to accomplish this or what actions to take, but I will
honor the actions of our veterans by makShare this afternoon with us, as we honor
ing this happen.
our Woman of Achievement and support
So I wish you all a happy turkey day and a the important work of Torah Fund.
Event Chairwomen:
delightful Hanukkah.
Now here comes the trick question. With
Miriam Chait and Shirley Rossman-Zucker
all this talk of holidays, past and present, Jack Gostl
what is missing? The answer is Veteran’s
Membership & Community Affairs Update
November and December are truly a special
time to be a part of the Forest Hills Jewish
Center. There are so many wonderful things
going on that serve to remind us, just how
lucky we are to be part of an extraordinary
community. For one, there are the life
events that we celebrate together, from the
three Bat Mitzvahs and one Bar Mitzvah, to
the four congregants who are turning 90.
Then, in December, please join us on the 6th for a Family Shabbat
service and then on the 16th, at 6pm, for Lights and Latkes, a
hugely successful Hanukkah celebration. Once again this year,
December 25th is Hesed day. Please look for details on how to sign
up to volunteer, as we get closer.
And just when you thought it was safe to relax, please join us at
the annual “Coffee House”, where our fellow talented FHJCians,
show us what they’re made of. Phew!
And as the weather turns colder outside we bring the warmth
Mike Abrams
inside with the opening of the gym on November 22nd from 3 to
VP, Membership & Community Affairs
5pm, for our littlest members ages 2-7 years, to the Interfaith
Service which, this year, is being hosted by the FHJC. The event
is Sunday, November 23rd at 4pm.
Religious School Reflection
Many exciting things
are happening in the
Religious School, but
one of the most exciting is our partnership with a TALI
School in Haifa. TALI,
a Hebrew acronym
for enriched Jewish
studies, brings Jewish
learning to otherwise secular classrooms
in Israel. This enriched curriculum offers
students, many from Masorti homes, a
connection with Jewish tradition, heritage
and practice taught through a pluralistic
lens. They are schools that would feel very
comfortable to most Conservative Jews.
Our Religious School was invited to participate in a program, underwritten by the
TALI School network, that seeks to connect Israeli and American fifth and sixth
graders as they explore Jewish identity,
personal family history and Jewish immigration on both sides of the ocean.
nous, due to the time difference, a special
online platform has been created for our
two schools. Our children and teachers
have been eagerly awaiting to meet their
friends. We will begin by posting video
introductions to our school community
and students. We will be working from
the same text, doing the same projects all
the while sharing our learning and our
lives with each other. This is a new endeavor for both of our schools and we are
very excited.
We began planning for this program last
year but its importance become crystalclear over the summer. Watching coverage of Israel was frightening and troubling
at best. Israel, for many of our children
became a place defined by war and sirens.
This is an opportunity for us to normalize
that view. It is an opportunity for our children to create direct and personal connection with their Israeli peers while
building a personal and strong relationship with Israel. If all goes well we will
Though most of this program is asynchro- expand this program into other grades.
News from Nursery School
The Forest Hills
Nursery School is
always on the forefront of using innovative and creative
ways to inspire and
educate our staff.
Professional development is of primary importance in cultivating a staff that
is a community of learners. Teachers who
are great learners are ultimately better
teachers and our staff is a sterling example
of this rule.
Our staff has been looking at the Reggio
approach – famous for its ground breaking
educational philosophy which features a
child centered approach with a focus on
building a sense of community and respect between students, teachers and
parents. Curriculum may be guided by the
interests of the students and the Jewish
Holidays. Pillars of the program basically
state that children should have some control over their learning. Additionally they
must be encouraged to explore using all
their senses and have boundless self ex-
Lynn Lancaster
For now we are excited to learn together
with our Israeli friends and to explore the
possibilities of this new and growing relationship.
Join us each Shabbat for
Kids Kongregation
2-5 years old / 10:45 AM
Room M4
Junior Congregation
1st-6th Grade/ 10:00 AM
A magical mystery tour
through the Torah
Susan Rosenbaum
pression. We try to teach the children to As a teacher, I especially enjoy doing the
think and be as creative as possible.
daily reflections and the parent engagement. Doing the reflections opens your
Before school began the faculty had the
eyes to things and situations that you
unique privilege of participating in a ½ day
might not have noticed before. It also
seminar with Ms. Diana Ganger. Diana
spurs you on to make things happen in the
Ganger is an educational consultant who
created the Jewish Lenses which combines
Jewish and Reggio inspired values.
As a parent, I always loved finding out
what my child was doing in school. It is so
Maralyn Berkowitz, one of our teachers
much more meaningful when you find out
said, “I feel I have been impacted by the
on a daily basis, so that you can engage
Reggio Emelia philosophy all my teaching
your child in discussion about it when it is
career. Encouraging the children to be
still fresh in their minds
thinkers and doers has always been one of
the goals to which I aspire. I believe in Documenting the children’s work with
challenging them by asking thought- pictures and text helps us in planning, and
provoking questions and presenting them gives the children a chance to remember
with situations that call for independent what they did, and more importantly how
thinking. I believe in listening to the boys they did it. The emphasis is on the process
and girls, "going with their flow" and enjoy not the product.”
hearing their original thoughts and ideThe session concluded with a lively discusas. I feel that learning about Reggio Emesion about ways to incorporate many of
lia has had a very positive impact on my
the practices we learned from Reggio into
teaching style.”
our existing program. We are looking forIris Chomsky. another of our teachers said, ward to Diana’s return in May so she can
“It is very exciting for the teachers and the help us on our journey for the future.
children to be involved with the Reggio
Emilia philosophy at school.
Mazal Tov! November –December B’nai Mitzvot
Lauren Grosz
Maxwell Amram
Bat Mitzvah
November 1, 2014
Bar Mitzvah
November 8, 2014
Lauren is an eighth-grade student at Stephen A. Halsey Junior High School in Rego
Park. While maintaining Gold Honor Roll
status for eight consecutive marking periods, she continues to challenge herself in
both her secular and religious studies. Lauren takes great pride in
her Jewish heritage and is grateful for her rich history as part of
the FHJC family. She feels fortunate to share this important milestone at FHJC where she attended nursery school and has continued her religious education. Lauren has spent the last eight summers at Beth Sholom Day Camp in Roslyn and looks forward to
being a CIT there next summer. In her spare time, she enjoys
taking dance classes at Studio E. Lauren looks forward to spending time with her family and friends with whom she is blessed to
be sharing her special day.
Max is an eighth-grade honors student at
Solomon Schechter School of Queens. His
favorite subjects are English and math.
When not doing school work, Max loves
playing sports with his buddies. He is a
long suffering Mets, Jets and Islanders
fan. Max also enjoys traveling; his favorite place being his home
town, San Francisco. For his mitzvah project, Max will be raising
money for the American Cancer Society in memory of his Zadie
and in honor of all of his family and friends that are survivors or
currently fighting this disease.
Sarah Zipkowitz
Josh is an 8th grade student at the Solomon Schechter School of Queens. His favorite subjects are math and technology.
He enjoys playing piano and baseball, and
is excited to return to Camp Ramah for his
4th summer.
Josh considers himself extremely fortunate to have the two greatest sisters, Jessica and Rebecca, who
adore him!
Bat Mitzvah
November 15, 2014
Sarah attends the Solomon Schechter
School of Queens, where she is a
Gold Honor Student. Her favorite
activities are doing gymnastics and
baking. Sarah loves spending her
summers at Camp Ramah in the
Berkshires. In honor of her Bat Mitzvah she is raising money to help underprivileged children in Israel
through AMIT's Beit Hayeled program. You can find more information about this at
Josh Leeman
Bar Mitzvah
December 20, 2014
We have started the new
year with success. We say
thank you to Robin Skolnik
for installing our new officers
at the Cocktail Installation
party. Everyone enjoyed the
delightful drinks served by
Hal Berkowitz. And we thank
him for taking the time to
help make our program a success.
Another big thank you goes to everyone who participated in
sukkah decorating. Because of the large turn out, we finished
decorating the sukkah in record time this year! It is always so
fun to see all the men, women and children working together to
decorate the sukkah.
In October, Susie Drazen presented important information regarding the Pregnancy Loss Support Program from the National
Council of Jewish Women—New York Section. Her presentation
was informative as she gave attendees information on how to
access information and support during this difficult time. We
thank Susie for sharing such important information.
Looking ahead, please join Sisterhood on November 6 as we
discuss One More River. Robin Skolnik will lead us in this discussion. Also in November, please join us on Sunday, November 16
as we honor Debra Weil at the annual Torah Fund Luncheon.
Mazal Tov, Debra on this well-deserved honor. Complete information on this event can be found on page four in the Message.
Look for future events and programs online and on fliers posted
throughout the Center.
Randi Zwick Marks & Judy Gostl
Men’s Club
Give of Yourself on Hesed Day
The Men's Club Barbecue & Beer in the Sukkah event was a fun evening, and we welcomed our newest members. Our November
meeting will be on Sunday, November 9,
where we are proud to present Dr. Devorah
Holtzman, a prominent cardiologist. She will
speak about health issues and answer your
questions. In December, we will be meeting
for dinner at Carlos & Gabby's on Main
Street. Future events include the Worldwide
Wrap on February 1, Men's Club Shabbat
on March 14, and a special visit by Mets legend Bud Harrelson later in March. Watch for
flyers and e-mails announcing the details as
these events get closer. We look forward to
seeing you.
FHJC's Hesed Committee is happy to announce its second Hesed Day, which will
take place on Thursday, December 25, 2014. We have partnered with two organizations in order to give FHJC members an opportunity to volunteer their time to
help those who help others.
Masbia is a soup
kitchen with facilities throughout the
five boroughs. It
serves meals to the
needy of our community. Volunteers
will be needed to
help prepare and
serve meals
from 3:30pm to
Mark Weinblatt
Bob Koenigsberg
God's Love We Deliver is an organization that provides meals to the elderly and
others who are too ill to leave their homes. The volunteer opportunities with
GLWD require teams of two people; one person must have a car and the other
person rides along to help with meal delivery. Each car would pick up 5 to 8 meals
from one of the GLWD distribution centers and deliver them directly to each client. The shift takes between 1 ½ to 3 hours, depending on the location and route.
FHJC Goes To The Movies
FHJC Double Feature X 2
4 Short-Subjects films
featuring a film by FHJC'S
own Keith Chernin
Each short will be followed
by Q & A by the Producers
Sunday December 7, 2014
2:00 PM
Crystal Room
Cost: $15.00 for Men's Club and
Sisterhood Members
$18.00 for non members
(includes admission &
Sponsored by the FHJC Men's Club
By volunteering on this day, you not only help those in need, but you allow the
dedicated staff of these organizations to spend the holiday with their loved ones.
Sign up for either of these programs by contacting
Dorrie Berkowitz ([email protected]) or
David Zipkowitz ([email protected]).
Nov. 6th–
Nov. 20th–
Give Back
Dec. 4–
Dec. 18–
Open to all FHJC pre-teens
in grades 5-7
6:00-7:30 PM
FHJC Youth Lounge
[email protected]
for more information
Join our community as we come together to celebrate Shabbat
from Kabbalat Shabbat through Havdalah
required for
all classes and
the children’s
Friday Night, December 12
5:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv in the Estelle Feiner Crystal Room
Following services, there will be a traditional Shabbat dinner (by reservation only)
7:45 PM Keynote Presentation– Public and Private Myths: Torah and Dreams
(open to all)
We will join Hazzan Rosenblum in singing Zemirot throughout the evening.
Friday night Dinner reservations:
Age 13 and up—$30 per person / Age 4-12—$10 per person
Saturday, December 13
Shabbat services at 9:00AM followed by a Cholent Kiddush in the Heller Family Ballroom
8 different classes to choose from for afternoon study
Organized children’s programming
3:50PM early Minha
Rabbi Skolnik will give the final presentation during Seudah Sh’lishit (the third meal of Shabbat)
We will conclude Shabbat with Ma’ariv at 5:30PM and a musical Havdalah
Rabbi Margaret Moers Wenig will deliver our keynote presentation.
Public and Private Myths: Torah and Dreams
Margaret Moers Wenig has served the Jewish community for thirty years as rabbi of Beth Am,
The People's Temple in New York City and as Instructor of Liturgy and Homiletics at Hebrew Union
College—Jewish Institute of Religion.
In 2009, Wenig was profiled in the New York Times and, twenty years ago, New York Jewish Week
named Rabbi Wenig one of “45 for Tomorrow: A new generation of young Jewish leaders to take
the New York Jewish Community into the 21st Century.” She has often been among the pioneers in
endeavors that the mainstream Jewish community subsequently undertook.
Rabbi Wenig’s 1990 sermon, "God is a Woman and She is Growing Older," has been published ten
times (twice in German translation). Rabbis and ministers from Puerto Rico to Canada have read it
aloud to their congregations. Students in some Christian seminaries study it in their courses in homiletics. She has contributed chapters about liturgy, preaching, mental illness, gender identity and sexual orientation to anthologies published by
Harper Collins, Jewish Lights, Yale, KTAV, NYU, Scholars’ Press, Riverhead Books (Penguin Putnam), UAHC, Chalice, Abingdon, Routledge, Westminster/John Knox, and others.
As a teacher Wenig’s reach also extends beyond the Jewish community. She has taught at Auburn Seminary and for the US
Navy. She is the first Jewish member of the Academy of Homiletics and currently its 1 st Vice President. For four years she
volunteered with Literacy Partners as an adult literacy teacher and she is now in her fourth year as a volunteer in a first
grade classroom in a Brooklyn public school where she spends one full day a week. Wenig is an amateur yet avid photographer. (You can view many of her photos in her Facebook photo albums.) With Dr. Robert Joel Rubenstein and Rabbi Sharon
Kleinbaum, Wenig raised two children, Liba and Molly, of whom she is very proud and for whom she is deeply grateful.
We thank our Shabbaton sponsors:
Judy & Matt Beizer, Candice & Carl Koerner, Judy & Jack Gostl, Rae & Gary Kerzner, Melanie & Al Krieger,
Temma & Al Kingsley, Valerie & Jack Leibler, Anita & Murray Miller, Anise & Phil Parnes, Gail Port,
Pauline & Mark Raphael, Ron & Irene Sternberg and Jill & Meir Toshav
Hilda & Rick Chusid, Barbara Kupferberg, Jill & Jonathan Mohrer, Shirley Rossman & David Zucker
Sybil Mailman and Roz Okun
SESSION 1—Choose from A-D (1:30-2:15 PM)
Session 1 Class A—Dr. Jay Luger—The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara—The date is June 23, 1858. There is a knock on the
door of the Mortara home in Bologna. The door flies open and in come three cardinals in red robes. Cardinal Ximenez
speaks "Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition" (Monty Python). This is one of very few laughs you will get at this presentation about a horrific slice of life in mid-19th century Italy. What really happened that day in Bologna was that agents of
the Italian Inquisition came to take six year old Edgardo Mortara from his parents to raise him as a Catholic. Come and
learn the details and the outcome of this tragic event. Jay has an MA in Jewish History from YU, many additional years of
study at JTS, and is a feline veterinarian.
Session 1 Class B—Gary Weil—What I learned in My Year of Mourning—Gary will discuss the laws of mourning and how
the process affected him personally. For more than 30 years Gary has been an ADA in The Bronx and is currently Deputy
Bureau Chief of Trial Bureau 34. He lost his dear mother, Margarete Weil last winter.
Session 1 Class C—Nora Mandel—”Can We Talk”—Impressions of the Jewish Legacy of Joan Rivers – On being late to catch
up with seeing her funny business as Jewish, from laughing at the Holocaust to the red carpet. (Rated PG - Jokes not included.) Nora Lee Mandel is a member of New York Film Critics Online and the Alliance of Women Film Journalists. Her film and
television reviews have appeared on and, in Lilith magazine, and the New
Hampshire Jewish Reporter.
Session 1 Class D—Shoshana Segal—Text study through an environmental lens— Learn the techniques of studying with a
partner (in Hevruta) as you focus on specific texts that relate to how we treat the world around us. Families with children
older than eight years old are encouraged to take this class together as a study unit. Shoshanna Segal is a member of the
2012/13 class of GreenFaith Fellows. The GreenFaith Fellowship Program is the world's only comprehensive program that
prepares lay and ordained leaders from diverse religious traditions for religiously based environmental leadership.
(We will break for dessert between sessions)
SESSION 2—Choose from E-H (3:00-3:45 PM)
Session 2 Class E—Debra Weil—A look at the two prayers, Sim Shalom and Shalom Rav—Most of the time when we have
2 different prayers found in the same place, it is because one was from Babylonia, and one was from Jerusalem, (like
Ahavah Rabah in Shacharit and Ahavat Olam in Maariv). Shalom Rav is USUALLY part of the mincha Amidah - except when
it's not! Why do we say Shalom Rav on some days, and Sim Shalom on others? That's what we will explore! Debra graduated from Temple Beth Sholom Hebrew High School as well as The Prozdor Program at JTS. While studying nursing at BU,
Debra took classes at Boston Hebrew College. She also spent every summer at Camp Ramah in the Berkshires and she was
active in USY as well as serving as the USY advisor at FHJC for 2 years. Debra has led Tot Shabbat, Junior Congregation,
Young Kids Yontif, and is a regular at Shabbat Mincha.
Session 2 Class F—Lorain Wankoff—Yoga for the Soul—Accessing the Divine Within—"The human soul is the light
of God"—Through Chair Yoga, breathing and meditation, Lorain will guide us through a very different Jewish experience. There will be no mat work. Women should have a pair of loose pants that they can pull on in advance of the class so
that they can stretch comfortably. Lorain is a certified Yoga instructor and has been teaching at FHJC on Wednesday nights
for the last three years.
Session 2 Class G—Dr. Mitchell Frank—Does Judaism Have a Soul?—Hebrew has several words translatable as soul or spirit, most prominently, nefesh, ruach, and neshama. All make an initial appearance in some form in the opening chapters of
Genesis. In western thought, from at least Plato on, the concept of a soul connoted some element that survives physical
death, and this has obviously informed Christianity. Judaism’s idea of a soul is not fixed by doctrine, but yes, Virginia, Judaism’s got soul. Let’s see how. Mitchell is a clinical psychologist who holds graduate degrees from the Hebrew University in
Jerusalem and YU.
Session 2 Class H—Lisa Levy and Mindy Weinblatt: Kaddish Women’s Voices—by Michal Smart and Barbara Ashkenas.
This book touches on the experiences that women from a variety of Jewish backgrounds have had as they said Kaddish.
Lisa and Mindy will lead a discussion of the book and the issues that are raised in it. Lisa Levy is an experienced teacher who
has lived an observant life and has experienced loss. Mindy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has also experienced
loss in her life.
RSVP for all parts of the Shabbaton by Friday, December 5, 2014.
Please RSVP by Friday, December 5, 2014, for all parts of the Shabbaton.
Thanks to our generous sponsors, there is no charge for the Shabbaton, except for Shabbat dinner. Please use this form to sign
up for the dinner and/or the Shabbat afternoon sessions and the children’s programming.
Family reservations for Friday Night Dinner:
# of adults age 13 up at $30: _________
# of children age 4–12 at $10: _________
# of children age 3 & under free: ________
List first name & last name of all participants please:
Total for dinner: $ ___________
Handicap Access Required ___yes ___no
# of Vegetarians _____
Please seat me with: ______________________________________________________________________
Enclosed is payment of $__________ for the Shabbat dinner.
Credit card info (MC or Visa)_______________________exp___________ or enclose a check
Shabbat afternoon session reservations: Please list each family member separately:
Families with children 8 years and up are encouraged to take Class D together.
Full Name
Full Name
Full Name
Session 1 Choice:  A
Session 2 Choice:  E
Session 1 Choice:  A
Session 2 Choice:  E
Session 1 Choice:  A
Session 2 Choice:  E
Children’s Program Reservations
Group X
Age 2—5
Group Y
Grade K—2
Group Z
Grade 3—7
Child’s Name and Age
Child’s Name and Age
Child’s Name and Age
Additional donation to help defray the extra costs of the Shabbaton: $ ________
Please send this form with your payment (if attending the Shabbat dinner) to
the Forest Hills Jewish Center, 106-06 Queens Blvd, Forest Hills, NY 11375 attn: Shabbaton
Sing out,
Five minutes of fame can be
yours…but you have to register
by the deadline!
Whether you’re a trio or going solo, it’s time to think
FHJC Coffee House 2015
Performers, get your registration in by
November 7, 2014
Saturday night, January 24, 2015
Ramah Scholarship
Money Available!
Because of the wonderful generosity of certain congregants
who wish to remain anonymous, I am pleased to report that
once again, as in past years, there is scholarship money available for your child(ren) who will be attending Camp Ramah
this coming summer. Camp Ramah in the Berkshires also has
scholarship money available, but we are now in a position to
augment those monies in a credible way.
If you have a child, or children, in Ramah, or want to send
your child to Ramah for the first time, and need scholarship
money to make it possible, please send a letter to my attention here at the synagogue describing the nature of your
need in as much detail as possible, and why a Jewish summer
camping experience at Ramah is important to you. We will do
our best to help…
Rabbi Skolnik
Join the FHJC family as we host the
2014 Interfaith Thanksgiving
Come Play at the FHJC!
Young children and their parents are welcome to join us in the
gym for a few hours of play on Shabbat afternoon from 3-5 PM.
Sunday, November 23—4:00 PM
in the Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser Sanctuary
Upcoming Dates:
November 22
November 29
December 13
December 20
Be there with the entire Forest Hills
community to lift our voices as one in
Thanksgiving prayer and song!
Refreshments following the service.
Todah Rabah!
This year’s FHJC Sukkah looked beautiful thanks to a terrific turnout of volunteers:
Sukkah Decorators
Ira and Yael Beer; Dorrie and Hal Berkowitz; Buitron Family; Carchman Family; Chase Family; Lauren Chays;
Jason and Rebecca Dunkel; Danielle and Rachel Feldman; FHJC Nursery and Religious Schools; Mitchell Frank;
Glen and Michelle Furman; Joanna and Leora Gallai; Nirit and Ella Goldman; Judy Gostl; Gary and Rae Kerzner;
Luda and Elizabeth Khaytman; Fernando Koatz; Markman Family; Monaco/Stein Family; Romi Narov; Roz Okun;
Anise Parnes; Howard Pollack; Gil, Uriel, Elinor and Tamar Rederman; Heidi and Allan Rolnick; Arlene Sacks;
Lynn and Mark Schleimer; David Snyder and Faith Farrah Walcott-Snyder; Elianna and Anzhelika Steenolsen;
Kim Trigoboff; Judy and Sarah Zipkowitz; David Zucker and Shirley Rossman; Zwick-Marks Family
In addition, thank you to our Nursery and Religious School teachers, Professional and Office staff, and
Maintenance team whose assistance made a difference!
If your name was omitted from this list, please accept our apologies, and let us know so that we may publish a correction in the next
Dorrie Berkowitz, Membership Committee Co-Chair
Congregational Kiddush Hosts
Schedule of Services
Nov. 1—Andrea and Ken Grosz in honor
of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,
Nov. 8—Michelle and Ron Amram in
honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son,
Nov. 15—Judy and David Zipkowitz in
honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their
daughter, Sarah
Nov. 22—Judy and Matt Beizer in honor
of their 30th Anniversary
Dec. 20— Felicia and Ben Leeman in
honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son,
Unless otherwise indicated, our regular schedule of services is as follows:
Weekdays…………………...……….7:00 AM
Shabbat …………………………......9:00 AM
Sunday, and legal holidays…..8:20 AM
Weekdays………………………………………….………...7:30 PM
Friday Kabbalat Shabbat…………………..……See schedule
Saturday night, Sunday, and legal holidays….Sundown
Schedule of Children’s Services
Junior Congregation…………..……..10:00 AM - Noon—Little Synagogue
Kids Kongregation…………………....10:30 AM - 11:30 AM—Room M4
November 2014 / Heshvan-Kislev 5775
Remember! Daylight Savings
Time ends Sunday, Nov. 2 at 2:00
AM. Clocks “Fall Back” one hour!
Think about all the possibilities
you can do with all that time!
8 Heshvan
Parashat Lech L’cha
Bat Mitzvah of
Lauren Grosz
Progressive Dinner
9 Heshvan
10 Heshvan
Minyan Club
Daylight Savings
Time Begins at 2 AM
Rabbi’s Class
16 Heshvan
17 Heshvan
Men’s Club
Cooking Class
23 Heshvan
11 Heshvan
No Nursery School
No Religious School
Torah Study
School Board Mtg.
Bridge/ Yarncraft
18 Heshvan
12 Heshvan
19 Heshvan
No Religious School
Rabbi’s Class
24 Heshvan
Torah Study
Bridge/ Yarncraft
25 Heshvan
26 Heshvan
13 Heshvan
14 Heshvan
Rabbi’s Talmud Class
Sisterhood Book
4:27pm Candle Lighting
4:25pm Kabbalat Shabbat
20 Heshvan
21 Heshvan
Rabbi’s Talmud Class
Teen Lounge
4:21pm Candle Lighting
Sisterhood Bd. Mtg. 4:20pm Kabbalat Shabbat
27 Heshvan
28 Heshvan
Torah Fund
1 Kislev
2 Kislev
Torah Study
Bridge/ Yarncraft
YAC Meeting
3 Kislev
4 Kislev
Rosh Hodesh
Bokser Lecture
Rabbi’s Class
8 Kislev
No Religious
Parashat Vayera
Bar Mitzvah of
Maxwell Amram
Heb. Lit
22 Heshvan
Parashat Chayai Sara
Bat Mitzvah of
Sarah Zipkowitz
Rabbi’s Talmud Class
4:15pm Candle Lighting
Board of Trustees 4:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat
5 Kislev
Interfaith Service
15 Heshvan
29 Heshvan
Parashat Toldot
Shabbat M’Va’Ra’Chim
Rabbi’s Class
Torah Study
Bridge/ Yarncraft
6 Kislev
No Nursery School
Play in the Gym
7 Kislev
Parashat Vayeitzei
4:12pm Candle Lighting
4:10pm Kabbalat Shabbat
Please try to attend the minyan on the nights you attend those events.
Thank you
Schedule of Services
Unless otherwise indicated, our regular schedule of services is as follows:
Weekdays…………………...……….7:00 AM
Shabbat …………………………......9:00 AM
Sunday, and legal holidays…..8:20 AM
Weekdays…………………………………………………...7:30 PM
Friday Kabbalat Shabbat………………….……See schedule
Saturday night, Sunday, and legal holidays….Sundown
Schedule of Children’s Services
Junior Congregation…………..……..10:00 AM - Noon—Little Synagogue
Kids Kongregation…………………....10:30 AM - 11:30 AM—Room M4
DECEMBER 2014 / Kislev-Tevet 5775
9 Kislev
Torah Study
Bridge/ Yarncraft
Rabbi’s Class
15 Kislev
16 Kislev
10 Kislev
17 Kislev
11 Kislev
Nursery School
18 Kislev
Rabbi’s Lecture Series
Men’s Club
Film Festival
22 Kislev
12 Kislev
Rabbi’s Class
Men’s Club Meeting
23 Kislev
Torah Study
Bridge/ Yarncraft
School Board Mtg.
24 Kislev
25 Kislev
19 Kislev
Teen Lounge
26 Kislev
Rabbi’s Talmud Class
Torah Study
Children’s Concert
Minyan Club
6th Night Hanukkah
6 Tevet
Winter Break
(No School)
Rabbi’s Class
30 Kislev
Winter Break
(No School)
7th Night Hanukkah
7 Tevet
Winter Break
(No School)
Lights & Latkes
Bridge/ Yarncraft
1st Night Hanukkah
1 Tevet
Torah Study
Winter Break
(No School)
2nd Night Hanukkah
2 Tevet
Winter Break
(No School)
8 Tevet
Winter Break
(No School)
Bridge/ Yarncraft
Board of Trustees
3rd Night Hanukkah
3 Tevet
Winter Break
(No School)
14 Kislev
Family Shabbat
4:10pm Candle Lighting
4:10pm Kabbalat Shabbat
20 Kislev
21 Kislev
Parashat Vayeshev
in the Gym
4:10pm Candle Lighting
4:10pm Kabbalat Shabbat
27 Kislev
4 Tevet
28 Kislev
Parashat Miketz
Shabbat M’Va’Ra’Chim
Shabbat Hanukkah
Bar Mitzvah of
4th Night Hanukkah
Josh Leeman
Heb. Lit
Play in the Gym
4:12pm Candle Lighting
5th Night Hanukkah
4:10pm Kabbalat Shabbat
Winter Break
(No School)
5 Tevet
Parashat Vayigash
FHJC Hesed Day
Bridge/ Yarncraft
8th Night Hanukkah
13 Kislev
Parashat Vayishlach
Rabbi’s Talmud Class
Hevesi Library
Author’s Café
29 Kislev
Nursery School
(No School)
Religious School Hanukkah Program
Building Closed
9 Tevet
Winter Break
(No School)
4:16pm Candle Lighting
4:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat
Please try to attend the minyan on the nights you attend
those events.
Thank you
Ruth Baran-Gerold in gratitude to
Rabbi Skolnik
Ruth Baran-Gerold in gratitude
Dorothy Buch in gratitude for honors received
Louis Jaari in honor of Rabbi Skolnik
being honored by Masorti Olami
Ted and Esther Feldman in honor of
Yael Beer leading the services and
her beautiful davening
Dorothy Buch in gratitude to Martin
Topol for honors received
Miriam and Morris Chait in gratitude
to the Ritual Committee for honors
received during the High Holidays
Roz Okun in honor of Jason
Kirschner’s marriage
Ellen Cahn in gratitude to Deborah
Suzanne, Rachel, and Jonathan Vick
in honor of the engagement of Louis
Jaari’s granddaughter
Tikva, Zahava, Hanna, and Dorothy
Mahlab in gratitude for the continued good health of their best friend
Barbara Kupferberg in honor of the
birth of Jill and Jon Mohrer’s granddaughter
Barbara Kupferberg in honor of
Carol and Norman Guttman’s 50th
Barbara Kupferberg in honor of the
birth of Rabbi and Robin Skolnik’s
granddaughter, Calanit Batya
Barbara Kupferberg in honor of
Nurit Buitron’s Bat Mitzvah
Barbara Kupferberg in honor of Hal
Berkowitz’s Bar Mitzvah
Barbara Kupferberg in memory of
Jean Biegelson
The following people have made
donations in memory of Jack Goldman, father of Denise Birbach:
Barbara Kupferberg
Roz Okun
Teri and Steven Goffner
The following people have made
donations in memory of Rudy Oppenheim, father of Judy Beizer:
Teri and Steven Goffner
Marla and Jorge Cornejo
Lottie and Henry Burger
Barbara Kupferberg in memory of
Hy Cohen father of Alyse Koenigsberg
Marla and Jorge Cornejo in memory
of Hy Cohen, father of Alyse Koenigsberg
Gail S. Port in memory of Leonard
Port (Yahrzeit)
Tikva, Zahava, Hannah, and Dorothy
Mahlab in memory of Lillian Eckstein’s sister, Sarah Weinburger
Anthony and Georgette Dankner in
loving memory of his mother Katharina Dankner
Rita and Saul Diamond in memory of
Saul Karaban
Anne Frankel in memory of her
mother, Belle Frankel (6th Yahrzeit)
Roz Okun in memory of Violet
Cogan, mother of Mike Cogan
Pauline Clements and family in
memory of beloved husband, father
and grandfather, Roy Clements on his
10th yahrzeit
Pauline Schwartz in memory of Gloria Feiler
Rae Wexler in memory of her husband, Irving Wexler
Louis Jaari in memory of his son,
Lochem Avichai
Georgette & Anthony Danker in
memory of Judy Beizer’s father,
Rudy Oppenheim
Anthony Danker in gratitude to
Norman Gursen for honors received.
Refuah Shelemah
‫רפואה שלמה‬
a full and speedy recovery to
Nira Avidor
Mazal Tov
‫מזל טוב‬
…to those in our Center family who are celebrating a simha:
to Helaine & Andy Bass on the engagement of their son Jordan to
Ilana Ramer
to Joanne & Haskell Klaristenfeld on the engagement of their grandson, Jordan Bass to Ilana Ramer
to Julie Berger on the engagement of her grandson, Jordan Bass to
Ilana Ramer
to Toby & Allan Silvera on the engagement of their son Eddie to
Morgan Berman
to Joanne & Haskell Klaristenfeld on the engagement of their grandson Eddie Silvera to Morgan Berman
to Gerri & David Kule on the Bar Mitzvah of their great grandson
to Pauline Clements on the engagement of her grandson David
Clements to Tali Portal
to Naomi & Sidney Strauss on the birth of their grandson
to Lisl Topper on the occasion of her special birthday
to Ken & Andrea Grosz on the Bat mitzvah of their daughter
Lottie and Henry Burger in honor of
Joanne and Haskell Klaristenfeld on
the engagement of their grandson,
Eddie Silvera to Morgan Berman
Lottie and Henry Burger in honor of
Toby and Allan Silvera on the ento Cantor Erno & Anna Grosz on the Bat Mitzvah of their
gagement of their son, Eddie to Morgranddaughter Lauren
gan Berman
to Michelle & Ron Amram on the Bar mitzvah of their son
Candice and Carl Koerner in honor
of the engagement of Eddie Silvera
to Morgan Berman
to Judy and David Zipkowitz on the Bat Mitzvah of their
Candice and Carl Koerner in honor
daughter Sarah
of the engagement of Helaine and
to Felicia & Ben Leeman on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Josh
Andy Bass’s son, Jordan
Carol and Howard Hankin in honor
to Judy and Matt Beizer on their 30th anniversary
of Barbara Kupferberg for being honored with Kallat B’reishit on Simchat
Hamakom Y’nahem
...may God grant comfort and consolation to those
Tikva, Zahava, Hanna, and Dorothy
who have lost a loved one:
Mahlab in gratitude to Norman
to Lillian Eckstein on the loss of her dear sister, Sarah Weinberger
Gursen and Jerry Klibanoff for their
to Heidi Chain on the loss of her dear father, Martin Harrison
continued friendship
Roz Feuer in memory of Syril Fallick
to Mike Cogan on the loss of his dear mother, Violet Cogan
Miriam and Morris Chait in loving
to Sidney Brodsky on the loss of his dear sister Getrude Brodsky
memory of their adored daughter,
Leslie Ellen (22nd yahrzeit)
We mourn the loss of our dear Center Members and friends
Abby S. Klier, Brenda E. Zuckerman
Edward Birnbaum, Sol Karaban, Isabel Rubinroth
and family, Jill E. Kimmel and family –
and Hy Campaeas
in loving memory of beloved parents,
May their memories be for a blessing.
grandparents, great-grandparents,
Cora S. Rodell (12th yahrzeit) and
Joseph S. Rodell, Esq. (37th yahrzeit) husband, father, and grandfather,
Laura and Norman Vogel in memory Curtis Hausman (yahrzeit)
Susie Spodek, Michael Turner and
of Randie Malinsky, sister of Arthur
Daniel Fish in memory of Rabbi JuSyd Garber in memory of beloved dah Leon Fish
husband, Dr. J. Savin Garber
Marleen Gutterman in memory of
Adrienne and Harvey Cohen in hon- Elaine Vogel and Family in memory Felicia Gutterman
or of the birth of Leora and Yoni of a wonderful father and grandfa- Judith and Walter Shapiro in
Warren’s daughter, Calanit Batya
ther, Dr. J. Savin Garber
memory of Gertrude Baum
Lottie and Henry Burger in honor of David Vogel in memory of his grandPRAYER BOOK FUND
Jill and Jonathan Mohrer on the father, J. Savin Garber
Georgette and Anthony Dankner in
birth of their granddaughter
David Vogel in memory of his father, honor of Rabbi and Robin Skolnik on
Monica Lagnado with gratitude to
Jack Vogel
the birth of their granddaughter,
Norman Gursen for honors received
Calanit Batya
Edith Hausman, Marian and Bill,
Stewart Krieger in memory of Jack
Eric, and Kat in memory of beloved
‫המקום ינחם‬
Tikva, Zahava, Hanna, and Dorothy
Mahlab in memory of their beloved
parents, Dr. Edward and Suzette
Tikva, Zahava, Hanna, and Dorothy
Mahlab in memory of their beloved
uncle, Naim Saleh Mahlab
Lottie and Henry Burger in honor of
Carol and Norman Guttman on their
50th wedding anniversary
Ruth Shulim in memory of Michael
Tikva Mahlab in appreciation for the
love and support of her sisters
Zahava Mahlab in appreciation for
the love and support of her sisters
Hanna Mahlab in appreciation for
the love and support of her sisters
Dorothy Mahlab in appreciation for
the love and support of her sisters
Miriam and Morris Chait in gratitude
to Lynn Lancaster and Debbie Gregor
for their concern and good advice
Ruth Barnett in loving memory of
her mother, Yetta and brothers,
Frank and Albert
Lottie and Henry Burger in memory
of Jean Biegelson
Lesley and Allen Kanter in memory
of our dear friend, Leah
Lesley and Allen Kanter in memory ESTELLE'S PLACE & NURSERY FUND
of our dear friend, Michael Pollack
Roz Feuer in honor of Barbara Kupferberg being Kallat B’reishit on
Simchat Torah
Todah Rabah!
The FHJC Men’s Club’s annual efforts to help congregants build
their sukkot was a great success. We would like to thank the
following members who volunteered their time to help fellow
congregants build their sukkot.
Kol haKavod to Mark Weinblatt, George Leifer, Sam Leifer, Gary Wolf, Bill Atman & Steven Gofner
If you are reading this announcement and are over 40, you
should be at this timely meeting concerning cardiovascular disease.
FHJC Mens Club presents
Dr. Dvorah Holtzman
a leading cardiologist who will be discussing
various aspects of the disease including
early warning signs, prevention and possible
treatment plans.
Forest Hills Jewish Center Heller Ballroom
106-06 Queens Blvd, Queens, NY
November 9, 2015 / 11am-1:30pm
There is NO CHARGE for this event to all active members of
ALL local Jewish Men’s Clubs and Sisterhoods in Queens.
(All others a mere $5 donation please)
Dr. Holtzman, educated at Einstein Medical College, is a Board Certified member
of the American Board of Internal Medicine/Cardiovascular Disease, American
Board of Internal Medicine, and the American Board of Nuclear Cardiology. Her
specialties include: Congestive Heart Failure, Valvular Heart Disease, Cardiac
Disease in the Pregnant Patient, Coronary Artery Disease, Cardiac MRI, Echocardiography, Coronary CT Angiography.
Hang out in the FHJC Gym or Youth Lounge
Enjoy a yummy dinner with friends!
Free—Youth Group Members/ $15– Not-yet Members.
(All FHJC Heb High students are automatically members
of youth group. To join FHJC Youth Groups, contact
[email protected])
Open to all FHJC Teens in 8th-12th Grades.
Contact [email protected] for more info
and to let us know to count you in!
Postmaster: Send address changes to:
Forest Hills Jewish Center
Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser Square
106-06 Queens Boulevard
Forest Hills, NY 11375-4248
Return Service Requested
Kim F. Trigoboff
Attorney at Law
Wills  Guardianships  Estate Planning
Medicaid, Special Needs and Disability Planning
Probate and Estate Administration
Tel: (646) 308-1747
1140 Sixth Avenue, 9th Floor
Fax: (646) 308-1240
New York, NY 10036
[email protected]
postage paid
at the P.O. in
Flushing, NY
Over 18 years experience filing Medicaid home-care and nursing
home application
Protect your income with a pooled income trust,
Protect your home, assets, and surplus income,
Nursing home placement,
Challenge denials,
Full service including representation at Medicaid’s fair-hearings,
recertification, and reimbursements.
108-18 Queens Boulevard * Suite 801 * Forest Hills, NY 11375
(718) 575-5700