Term 1-14

World History
August 25th
August 27th
Term 1
Lessons & Assignments
Introduction to the class: (1) class disclosure (2) book check-out (3)
class syllabus (4) extra credit (5) Mr. Hopkins’ website (6) study guides
(7) primary v. secondary sources (8) “Why World History?”
Class Activity: Robert Graves-I Claudius “What is the most effective way
to record history?” pgs. 114-119
Unit 1—Beginning of Civilization
Topic: Human Origins in Africa (1) culture (2) Hominids (3) Homo
erectus (4) Homo sapiens (5) Neanderthal’s (6) cave paintings (7)
nomads (8) hunter-gatherers (9) Neolithic Revolution (10) Agricultural
Revolution (11) domestication
Supplemental Reading: “X-Rays Solve a Cold Case: An Arrow Killed the
Text: World History, pgs. 5-23
Video: Mankind: The Story of All of Us “Against the Odds” & “First Seed”
(15 min)
CRQ #1-Paleolithic Period
Topic: Fertile Crescent (1) Mesopotamia (2) city-states (3) The Nile
River Valley (4) Egypt (5) dynasty (4) polytheism (5) Hammurabi’s
Code (6) empire
Text: World History, pgs. 29-43
Supplemental Reading: Herodotus: “Egyptian Mummification”
September 3rd
Video: Dream of the Pharaohs-“Mummies Revealed”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJHJHvZtHSI (5 min)
Hands-on-History-“How did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?”
CRQ #2-The Nile and Ancient Egypt
Topic: The Indo-Europeans and the Ancient Chinese (1) steppes (2)
Sanskrit (3) migration (4) Hittites (5) Aryans (6) Vedas (7) Brahmins
(8) castes (9) Krishna (10) Mahabharata
Text: World History, pgs. 44-49 & 50-55
Supplemental Reading: The Vedas & The Mandate of Heaven
Class Activity: The Dynastic Cycle progression chart
World History
September 9th
Term 1
Video: Crash Course: 2000 Years of Chinese History: The Mandate of
Heaven (6 min)
Topic: Hinduism (1) Upanishads (2) moksha (3) reincarnation
(4) karma (5) Jainism
Text: World History, pgs. 66-68
Supplemental Reading: Bhagavad-Gita
Class Activity: World Religions-Hinduism & Jainism worksheets
Video: Crash Course: Buddhism and Asoka (5 min) & Karma Ghost (4
min) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8WJFDoQTa4&safe=active
Quiz #1
September 11th
September 15th
September 17th
September 19th
Homework Due
Chapter 1 & 2 Study Guides
Topic: Buddhism (1) Siddhartha Gautama (2) Nepal (3) enlightenment
(4) Four Noble Truths (5) Eightfold Path (6) nirvana (7) dharma
(8) sangha
Text: World History, pgs. 68-71
Supplemental Reading: The Dhammapada: The Words of Buddha
Class Activity: World Religions-Buddhism worksheet
Video: Little Buddha (45 min)
Topic: Judaism (1) Torah (2) Abraham (3) monotheism (4) covenant
theology (5) Land of Canaan (6) Israelite law (7) The Ten
Text: World History, pgs. 77-80
Supplemental Reading: The Talmud & The Old Testament
Class Activity: Judaism Chart & Madonna-Mr. Peabody’s Apples
Video: Crash Course: Judaism (4 min), The Saga of the Israelites“Canaanites” (3 min) & The Simpson’s Bible Stories
Topic: The Kingdom of Israel (1) King David (2) Solomon’s Temple
(3) Judah (4) Babylonian Captivity (5) King Nebuchadnezzar
Text: World History, pgs. 81-83
Topic: The Persian Empire (1) Cyrus the Great (2) Provinces and
Satraps (3) Darius (4) Zoroaster
World History
Term 1
Text: World History, pgs. 99-103
Supplemental Reading: Zoroaster, The Avestas: The Holy Book of
Quiz #2
September 23rd
September 25th
September 29th
October 1st
Homework Due
Chapter 3 Study Guide
Topic: The Unification of China (1) Confucius (2) filial piety (3)
bureaucracy (4) Daoism (5) Legalism (6) yin and yang (7) Qin Dynasty
(8) autocracy (9) The Great Wall
Text: World History, pgs. 104-109
Supplemental Reading: Confucius-The Analects, Lao-Tzu-The Tao Te
Ching, & Han Fei-tzu-“Legalist Views on Good Government”
Class Activity: Confucian, Taoism, and Legalism comparison chart
Video: Crash Course: 2000 Years of Chinese History: Confucius (7 min)
Unit 2—New Directions in Society, 2000 B.C. to A.D. 700
Topic: Ancient Greece (1) Mycenaean’s (2) Trojan War (3) Homer (4)
The Golden Age of Greece (6) polis (7) acropolis (8) monarchy (9)
oligarchy (10) tyrant (11) democracy (12) The Persian Wars
Text: World History, pgs. 122-138
Class Activity: “Summary of Ancient Greece” (PPT slides 1-20), Ancient
Greece map activity & The World in 100 Objects: “The Minoan Bull
Leaper” podcast
Video: The Simpsons: “The Trojan War” (7 min) & The Greeks: Crucible of
Civilization (20 min)
Topic: Greek Philosophy (1) Socrates (2) Plato (3) Aristotle (4) sophists
(5) the theory of forms (6) empiricism (7) rationalism (8) Stoicism (9)
Epicureanism (10) realism
Text: World History, pgs. 138-139 & 148-149
Supplemental Reading: Plato-Crito
Class Activity: “Summary of Ancient Greece” (PPT slides 21-32)
Video: The Trial of Socrates (35 min)
Topic: Hellenism (1) Alexander the Great (2) Macedonia (3) The
Conquest of Greece (4) The Persian Invasion (5) Ptolemy (6) Alexandria
World History
Term 1
(7) Euclid (8) Archimedes
October 3rd
Text: World History, pgs. 142-148
Supplemental Reading: Alexander the Great
Class Activity: Hands-on-History-“How Great was Alexander the Great?”
Video: Crash Course: “Alexander the Great and the Situation…the
Great?” (11 min)
Topic: Ancient Rome (1) The Origins of Rome (2) republic (3) patricians
(4) plebeians (5) tribunes (6) The Twelve Tables (7) consuls (8) senate
(9) dictator (10) legions (11) Punic Wars (12) Hannibal
Text: World History, pgs. 154-159
Supplemental Reading: Livy-The Early History of Rome
Class Activity: Hands-on-History-“Citizenship in Athens and Rome”
Quiz #3
October 7th
October 9th
Homework Due
Chapter 4 & 5 Study Guide
Topic: The Roman Empire (1) civil war (2) Julius Caesar (3) triumvirate
(4) Augustus (5) Pax Romana (6) gravitas (7) numina
Text: World History, pgs. 160-167
Supplemental Reading: The Age of Augustus
Video: Crash Course: “The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or…Which was
It?” (11 min)
Topic: The Rise of Christianity (1) Jesus (2) apostles (3) Ten
Commandments (4) Paul (5) The Jewish Rebellion (6) Diaspora
Text: World History, pgs. 168-170
Supplemental Reading: “Pliny’s Letter to the Emperor Trajan”
Class Activity: “The Rise of Christianity” PPT & Christianity Chart
Video: Crash Course: Christianity (7 min)
October 13th
Hands-on-History: Why Did Christianity Take Hold in the Ancient
Topic: The Fall of the Roman Empire (1) inflation (2) mercenaries (3)
Diocletian (4) Constantinople (5) The German invasions (6) Attila the
Hun Greco-Roam culture (7) Roman Law
World History
October 15th
Term 1
Text: World History, pgs. 173-183
Supplemental Reading: Rome: A Vast and Powerful Empire
Video: Crash Course: The Fall of the Roman Empire…in the 15th Century
(12 min)
Topic: India’s First Empires (1) Mauryan Empire (2) Asoka (3) religious
toleration (4) The Andhra Dynasty (5) Gupta Empire (6) stupas (7)
Buddhist Sects (8) Indian math and astronomy (9) Silk Roads
Text: World History, pgs. 189-197
Supplemental Reading: Asoka: The Rocks Edicts
Hand-on-History: “Asoka: Ruthless Conqueror or Enlightened Ruler?”
Video: Crash Course: Crash Course: Buddhism and Asoka (7 min)
Quiz #4
October 21st
Homework Due
Chapter 6 Study Guide
Topic: The Han Dynasty (1) centralized government (2) Empress Lu
(3) Confucian Civil Service (4) Wang Mang (5) silk
Text: World History, pgs. 200-207
October 27th
CRQ #3-Compare the Roman Empire to the Han Dynasty
Unit 3—An Age of Exchange and Encounter, 500-1500
Topic: Islam (1) Muhammad (2) Allah (3) Muslim (4) Hijrah (5) Mecca
(6) Quran (7) mosque (8) Sunna (9) Sharia
Text: World History, pgs. 263-268
Supplemental Reading: “Five Pillars of Islam” & “The Six Beliefs of
Video: The Messenger & Video of the Five Pillars of Islam Being Practicedhttp://utah.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/islam08.socst.world.glob.lpp
PPT: Islam (Slides 1-10)
Topic: Islam (1) Muhammad (2) Allah (3) Muslim (4) Hijrah (5) Mecca
(6) Quran (7) mosque (8) Sunna (9) Sharia
Text: World History, pgs. 268-279
World History
October 29th
Term 1
Term Final
Unit Activities
Lectures and class discussions: Students will participate in class lectures and discussions
which will take place on a daily basis. Reading quizzes will be indicated on the syllabus and
will include information from study guides, lectures, and class discussions.
Study Guides: Students will be given key vocabulary terms and questions that allow them
to read in the textbook more thoroughly.
Historical Corner: Students will respond in essay form to the arguments made by the
author in a written primary or secondary source, map, artifact, poem, government
document, or work of art.
Historical Simulations: Students will participate in historical simulations that include
primary and secondary sources that will help them make real life connections to the
material studied during the unit.
Primary and Secondary Source Analysis: Students will analyze primary and secondary
sources using a Primary Document Analysis Sheet on which they will identify, analyze, and
evaluate each of the sources.
Opposing Viewpoints: Each unit you will be provided with opposing viewpoints
expressed in either primary or secondary source documents and in writing must determine
the following:
1. Thesis-In complete sentence explain the main argument of each author.
2. Evidence-Using the authors supporting evidence analyze whether they are
logically interpreted by the authors. Do they clearly support their thesis?
Provide examples of why and how.
3. Critical Analysis: What do the sources add to your own understanding of the
topic? What points are strongly made and well documented?
4. Final Analysis: Which of the sources makes the most convincing case and why?
This will be expressed in a five to six sentence paragraph without the use of 1st
or 2nd person pronouns.
You Be the Judge: Read and analyze primary source documents on the same topic then
compare and contrast the arguments expressed in the documents by using supporting
evidence. Determine which author made the better case and explain why and in a 250-300
word essay.
World History
Term 1
Hands-on-History: Students will read and study articles written by professional
historians, identify and discuss the arguments made by the author and evaluating the
evidence presented.
DBQ Deconstruction: Students will work in groups reading from the sources and debate
the questions posed by the DBQ. They will then write their own essay answering the
question posed.
History in the Making: Students will read how the issues they are studying were covered
by American history textbooks in the past. They will then summarize in a four to five
sentence paragraph each era or time period reflected in the reading. Then in a final five to
six sentence paragraph assess the extent to which earlier interpretations differ from that
presented in their text.
Six Degrees of Separation: Students will be provided with two events spanning decades,
but related by their theme. They will select six events in chronological order that link the
first event in the series with the last. Students will write the name of each selected event,
and use their research and knowledge of the time period to create an argument to support
the events selected. Students must emphasize both cause and effect and/or demonstrate
continuity or change over time in their linking.