Gmail - Newsletter December 2014

Events and Meetings Calendar
The up-to-date calendar can be always found on our web site's
Calendar page.
Put these mee)ng dates and key ac)vi)es on your calendar: Arkansas
This is the
e-Newsletter of
Collegiate Peaks
Anglers, a chapter of
the nation's leading
organization -- Trout
Jan 14, 6pm: Member mee)ng, Mt. Princeton Resort. Buena Vista Jan 20, noon: 2015 Banquet CommiHee mee)ng, High Country Bank,
Buena Vista
2015 BoD and Member Meetings Schedule
January 14 Member mee)ng, Mt. Princeton Resort
February 11 BoD mee)ng, Mt. Princeton Resort
March 11 Member mee)ng, Boathouse Can)na, Salida
April 8 BoD mee)ng, Boathouse Can)na. Salida
May 2 Caddis Banquet member mee)ng, Chaffee County
June 10 Member mee)ng, Mt. Princeton Resort
July 8 BoD mee)ng, Mt. Princeton Resort
August 12 BoD mee)ng, Boathouse Can)na, Salida
Sept. 9 "Big" Member mee)ng, Movie Night,
Steamplant Ballroom, Salida October 14 BoD mee)ng, Mt. Princeton Resort
Nov. 14 Charity Fly Tying and Year in Review Member mee)ng. Granzell a Hall, Salida
December 9 BoD mee)ng, Boathouse Can)na, Salida
A Look at CPA's Volunteer Hours
Chapter web site
Board of Directors
Contact Us
Colorado TU website
National TU website
by Ann Klaiman
For the 2013-­‐2014 fiscal year (October 1 to September 30), CPA
logged 3,316 volunteer hours. Of that total, 431 were travel hours, driving 21,526 miles.
We logged 25% fewer hours than in the previous year
The number of volunteers increased 29%, up to 125 this year vs.
97 last year. Hours spent on Conserva)on projects dropped, as did Youth
Hours spent on Engagement with the community increased 16%
Join us on Facebook
through ac)vi)es like Fly Gals, booths at FIBArk and at the Home
& Garden Show, 2 fishing derbies, the Gear Swap, and the Fly
Tying Jamboree. Hours spent on fundraising remained constant.
In 2012-­‐2013, the average number of hours reported by a TU
chapter (regardless of size) was 2,900. We just logged 3,316
hours, 13% above that average.
Na)onal TU requires us to log our volunteer hours as part of our yearly
financial report. At all levels of our organiza)on, a strong total of
volunteer hours gives us leverage for solici)ng funding and engaging in
projects. You can help by being sure your hours are reported every
month. Contact Ann and Henry Klaiman for details,
[email protected].
Welcome New Members!
Bob Box
John Chacosky
Blake Fanning
Larry Horn
John Koshak
Bryan Leuenberger
G T Miller
Francis Schmotz
Ron Sentell
Joyce Tomanek
Bryan Ward
Buena Vista
Poncha Springs
Buena Vista
Greenwood Village
Poncha Springs
The FlyGals
The Collegiate Peak Anglers
Chapter of TU has an awesome
group of ladies in their ranks - the
FlyGals. FlyGals host great
events like Companion Fishing,
where more experienced women
fly fishers are paired with more
novice women for a day of
fly-fishing, and River Fishing,
where each woman has a "river helper" (often a member of
Collegiate Peaks Anglers) to serve as a "guide" for a morning of
fly fishing on the Arkansas River.
In the summer the FlyGals get together for trips from high
mountain lakes fishing for native cutthroats to private water on the
Arkansas. With over 30 women currently on the roster, FlyGals is
a great testament to women on the rise in fly fishing!
For more information or to join the FlyGals e-mail list, please
contact Barbara Plake at [email protected].
Details for each event are on the Collegiate Peaks Anglers
FlyGals Facebook page.
Barbara Plake and Dominique Narracato, 2014 FlyGals
Marjie Gray and Tracy Craig, FlyGals Planning Committee
River Lore
by Michael C. Harrington
Follow the sun in December.
Nature usually helps you remember,
that even in winter, a sliver of heat,
upping waters temperature, fish will eat.
A guessing game where they'll meet,
so a drift through the light, be ready, set, bite!
Merry Fishmas & Happy New Year
Still looking for fly tying volunteers
The 2014 Fly Tiers' Jamboree was a
success -­‐-­‐ but we s)ll need some
volunteers to )e flies. A list of the
paHerns we need is listed on our
web site. If you would like to
volunteer, please contact Jim
Impara. Thanks! Flies for Charity
In The Seam
by Greg Felt, Ark Anglers, Salida. CO
We expect flow management on the Arkansas River to be somewhat
different this winter, both in the short and long term. Over the next
couple of weeks, flows will be ramped up ar)ficially to simulate a mild
high water experience. This is being done so that safety modifica)ons
implemented this fall at the low head diversion dam in Buena Vista, also
known as the Silver Bullet rapid, can be tested while the contractor is
on-­‐site and well in advance of next year's boa)ng season. Releases from
Twin Lakes will be incrementally ramped up, star)ng yesterday, such
that flows at Wellsville next Wednesday (11/26) will briefly hit about
1200 cfs. Releases from Twin Lakes will then be incrementally reduced
so that the flow over the Thanksgiving weekend will be in the 800 cfs
range (about 400 cfs coming down Lake Creek). Aner the Thanksgiving
weekend, we an)cipate the Bureau of Reclama)on will reduce the Twin
Lakes release s)ll further, probably to 250 cfs, and such a change would
result in Wellsville flows of 600-­‐650 cfs.
There is approximately 45,000 acre feet of water in Twin Lakes and
Turquoise Reservoirs that needs to be moved to Pueblo Reservoir prior
to next year's runoff. With flows in March, April, and the first half of
May being cri)cal to the health of the brown trout popula)on in terms
of fry emergence and condi)oning for runoff, as well as to the quality of
the spring fishing experience itself, the inten)on of the BOR is to move
all necessary water during the winter and then reduce the flows to
na)ve (under 400 cfs) by early spring. So, given a "normal" winter, we
expect the flows to be maintained at the 600-­‐650 cfs level through
February. An abnormally weak or strong winter precipita)on season
could modify these plans -­‐ the model used for projec)ons was based on
an average snowpack.
While the foresight and efforts on behalf of the fishery are appreciated,
those who fish the Arkansas River during the next three months may
wonder what to expect. We don't know. But one would think that with
a greater flow, the river will be harder to wade but also less likely to
freeze over and less suscep)ble to fluctua)ons in water temperature.
Winter holding water will mostly remain the same as it has been, just
deeper and maybe a liHle more turbulent. I think the posi)ves and
nega)ves will probably balance, with the big plus of low spring flows
making this a good approach to fishery flow management. We will
communicate any modifica)ons to the plan as the winter goes on. For
now, though, this is what fish and anglers can expect for the months
Thank You,
Greg Felt
Fishing Quote
by Ted Leeson, "The Heart of Rivers", 1994
"The take instantly validates our efforts, conferring a measure of
definitiveness and closure to an enterprise otherwise riddled with
uncertainty and inconclusiveness. Few things in life, I think, have
this to offer."
"The fine print"
Michael Harrington Editor
Collegiate Peaks Anglers will meet periodically on the second
Wednesday (except in May) The meetings alternate between
Salida and Buena Vista.
The e-letter will continue monthly, announcing upcoming
meetings, programs, and events, in the EVENTS CALENDAR.
Member submissions to the newsletter are needed and
encouraged. Have a comment? Opinion? Humor? Viewpoint?
Share it, IN THE SEAM. Anything relative to fishing will appear
now and then.
Send questions or submissions by email
([email protected]) or call (719-530-0691). Editor's
deadline is the 23rd of the month.
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Collegiate Peaks Anglers Chapter of Trout Unlimited | PO Box 1081 | Salida | CO | 81201
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