Klein On Board provides highlights from the Trustees meeting held each month. October 2014 Recognitions Recognitions « Outstanding Greenwood Forest Elementary School students, Azwa Fa ma and Ashley Gentempo, and outstanding teacher, Mr. Chris an Hansen, were introduced by their principal, Ms. Maryanne Straub. « Principal Chris Ruggerio introduced outstanding Wunderlich Intermediate School students, Trevon Hardy and Alexandra Abu-Speitan, and outstanding teacher, Mr. Vincent Parr. « Dr. Brian Greeney, principal of Klein Oak High School, introduced the Klein Oak High School Choir, directed by Mr. Michael Goede, and announced that the choir was the recipient of The Founda on for Music Educa on Na onal Choral Award. The choir performed a couple of outstanding numbers for the audience. Outstanding students and teachers from Greenwood Forest Elementary and Wunderlich Intermediate were recognized. « The following new administrators were introduced by Mr. Curt Drouillard, associate superintendent for human resource services: «Ms. Julia Funk, principal at Kuehnle Elementary School «Ms. Brandi Provenzola, assistant principal at McDougle Elementary School Reports to the Board Reports to the Board « Dr. Pat Guseman and Ms. Kris Pool, representa ves of Popula on and Survey Analysts (PASA), provided a demographic report on the district. The Klein School District ranks tenth in accelerated growth and eight of the top ten districts are in the Houston area. It is projected that at build out, the district will have more than 65,000 students. The Klein Oak Chorale was recognized as one of two Na onal Choral Award winners by The Founda on for Music Educa on. « Mr. Robert Robertson, associate superintendent for facili es and school services, provided an update on the 2015 bond. The process leading up to the calling of the elec on includes visioning, future’s conferences, developing the educa onal framework, execu ve work sessions, bond steering commi ee mee ngs, and community input. The community mee ng is set for October 20, and the next bond steering commi ee mee ng is October 28. « Mr. Stephen Baird, the living history teacher and curator of the Wunderlich Farm and Museum, provided informa on on the current ac vi es at the farm and the Klein, Texas Historical Founda on. The museum is now housed in the two-room Kohrville schoolhouse building. Chickens have recently been added to the farm, along with a local farmers’ market, an Old Fashioned Christmas Market and Heritage Day. The farm provides visitors a step back in me. New personnel appointments were recognized at the Board mee ng Reports to the Board (continued) « A public hearing on Schools FIRST (Financial Integrity Ra ng System of Texas) was conducted by Ms. Tonya Li le, the district’s controller. Ms. Li le was happy to share that the district has received a Superior Achievement ra ng for the consecu ve 12th year. « A first reading of proposed modifica ons to local board policies was conducted for (a) CDA Other Revenues – Investments; and (b) pursuant to TASB Update 100: CKE Safety Program/Risk Management - Security Personnel; CPC Office Management - Records Management; CRD Insurance and Annui es Management - Health and Life Insurance; DCC Employment Prac ces - Con nuing Contracts; DCD Employment Pracces - At-will Employment; FDA Admissions - Interdistrict Transfers; FL Student Records; and GBAA Informa on Access - Requests for Informa on. Board Briefs Board Briefs « The following items were approved by the Board of Trustees: «Purchase of real property at Lot 16, Block 3, of Wimbledon Falls, Sec on 3 of Wimbledon falls Subdivision J «Amendment to purchase real property located along the east line of Northcrest (across from Klein Oak High School) «Tax rate adop on of $1.39 per hundred dollars of valua on ($1.04 Maintenance & Opera ons and $0.35 debt service) «Budget amendments for 2014-15 school year «Project ini a on for Schindewolf Intermediate School locker room addi on «Project ini a on for the 2014 facility renova on project «Design Development for elementary school #31 in the Willow Lake Village area «Joint Elec on Agreement with Harris County for the school board elec on to be held November 4, 2014 «Online auc on for the sale of obsolete, unusable and non-repairable surplus property «Interlocal Agreement for sharing of intelligence data with Harris County on behalf of the Harris County Sheriff’s Department «Various purchasing bids Board Comments Board Comments « Apprecia on of the performance by the Klein Oak High School Choir and congratula ons on the award. « Congratula ons to the finance department on the Superior Achievement for FIRST. « Klein ISD was well-represented at the recent Texas Associa on of School Boards Conference in Aus n. « Good mee ng with Representa ve Riddle this morning. « Excited about the upcoming Candidates’ Forum. Future Meetings « Candidates’ Forum—October 16, 2014, 7:00 pm, Klein ISD Mul purpose Center, 7500 FM 2920, Klein Texas 77379 « Bond 2015 Community Dialogue—October 20, 2014, 6:00 pm, Klein ISD Mul purpose Center, 7500 FM 2920, Klein Texas 77379 « Bond Steering Commi ee Mee ng #3—October 28, 2014, 5:00 pm, Klein ISD Mul purpose Center, 7500 FM 2920, Klein Texas 77379 « Zoning Mee ngs—October 30, 2014, at 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm, Klein ISD Central Office Board Room, 7200 Spring-Cypress Road, Klein Texas 77379 « Zoning Mee ngs—November 10, 2014, at 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm, Klein ISD Central Office Board Room, 7200 Spring-Cypress Road, Klein Texas 77379 « Bond Steering Commi ee Mee ng #4—November 11, 2014, 5:00 pm, Klein ISD Mul purpose Center, 7500 FM 2920, Klein Texas 77379 « November Board of Trustees Mee ng—November 17, 2014, 7:00 pm, Klein ISD Central Office Board Room, 7200 Spring-Cypress Road, Klein Texas 77379 Klein ISD Board of Trustees (pictured from left to right) Rick Mann, Secretary • Ronnie K. Anderson, President • Paul Lanham • Bill Pilkington Steven E. Smith, Vice President • Georgan Reitmeier • Dr. James W. Cain, Superintendent • Stephen J. Szymczak
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