ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ Indian Medical Association Namakkal Branch. h Cordially invites you all for the CME on Sunday, 16.11.2014 at NIMA Hall, Mohanur Road, Namakkal. 7.00 pm : Topic : DENGUE FEVER - “WHAT PRIVATE PRACTIONERS SHOULD DO ?” Speaker : Dr. Gemini DDHS, Namakkal. 7.30 pm : Topic : ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME ROLE OF PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS Speaker : Dr. S. Nagendra Boopathy, MD., DM., Cardiologist, Apollo Specialty Hospital, Vanagaram, Chennai. 8.00 pm : Topic : SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE Speaker : Dr. Muralidharan, MS., Mch., Apollo Specialty Hospital, Vanagaram, Chennai. Sponsored by : APOLLO SPECIALTY HOSPITAL CHENNAI. ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Colleagues, With the end of my term nearing, I am filled with gra tude for the opportunity given to me and my team, and, at the same me, I am excited about NIMA's future in the able hands of my successor, Dr. Sridhar (Secretary). A jist of the events that we had organized in the last month follows. We conducted a rally on the auspicious “World Heart Day” this month, from Govt General Hospital, Namakkal to Golden Palace Hotel. Eminent Doctor J.K.Periyasamy presided over the func on which was flagged off by Honorable District Collector Mr.Dakshinamoorthy. The rally ended at the Golden Palace Hotel where the 700 odd par cipants, including college students, NIMA Members, Doctors, Paramedical staff and the general public culminated in a mee ng presided over by Mr. Senthil Kumar, Superintendent of Police. This forum had a discussion which encompassed symptoms of heart ailments, preven on of heart diseases and latest treatment prac ces available. On the “World Hand-Washing Day”, school children and school teachers were taught a regarding basic hand-washing and sanita on techniques to prevent infec ous diseases in schools and at home. Emphasis was put upon making available soaps near bathrooms so that children are conscious from an early age regarding these vital aspects of disease preven on. www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 2 An important announcement for all doctors is the upcoming 103 Nursing Home Board Mee ng to be held at Erode on 16.11.2014. I would kindly encourage all of you to a end the mee ng as they have included hot topics to be discussed, from insurance to regulatory approvals and governance issues. We can put forward our views and get important feedback on the issue. rd The upcoming IMA Mee ng on 16.11.2014, will have a CME programme from the Apollo Specialty Hospitals, Vanagaram, Chennai. Two eminent speakers will give lectures on “Myocardial Infarc on – for the Primary Care Physician). I hope we benefit further from these ini a ves and lectures, so that a united Doctor's associa on can drive healthcare for the country. United we can do Wonders “LET US REACH OUT TO UPHOLD OUR HONOUR AND DIGNITY” Sincerely, Dr. M. Malliga. President NIMA. www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 3 SECRETARY’S MESSAGE Respected members, friends and colleagues NIMA has great pleasure in gree ng you all this fes ve season. As I am nearing the end of the term as secretary of NIMA, I thank you all for the s u p p o r t g i ve n d u r i n g my te n u re . I whole heartedly, welcome the new Secretary and wish him “All the Best” and to do more for NIMA. This week between 7th and 14th November. We are celebra ng the “CLEAN HOSPITAL WEEK”. Nov - 16th there is the NHB meet at Erode and we welcome all the delegates to par cipate in the meet. (Discussion on various issues like Clinical Establishment Act, etc) We have CME on the same day 16.11.14 at 7.00 pm at NIMA HALL. Please do a end. Do not forget to par cipate in the ‘’TIMA CON” held at Karaikudi. United We Stand. Jai Hind Dr. Umamaheswari Secretary www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 4 103 NHB IMA TNSB MEET “NHB Meet @ Erode on 16.11.2014, Listen to success story of a single specialty hospital, Convert to digital medical records - demo by export & our leaders.” NIMA advice you to a end NHB meet at Erode on 16.11.2014 at 9.00 am, Amutha Bhavan, Sampath Nagar. We can get answers for all our queries. Register Soon m¡nlhg® - 15 - “cyf iffGî« âd«” cyf iffGî« âd¤ij K‹Å£L ehk¡fš ïªâa kU¤Jt r§f«, nfhFšehjh e®á§ fhny{ k‰W« bu£»uhÞ r§f« M»ait ïizªJ ïuhkhòu« Jt¡f¥gŸË k‰W« k%®g£o eLÃiy¥ gŸËÆš gÆY« khzt®fS¡F ‘if fGîtJ v¥go?’ mj‹ mtáa« k‰W« fGîtjhš v›thW mÜÄah v‹»w ïu¤jnrhif, Fl‰òG nehŒfŸ, tƉW¥ngh¡F nehŒfŸ jL¡f¥gL»‹wd v‹gJ g‰¿í« gƉá k‰W« brŒKiw És¡f« M»ait brŒa¥g£ld. ïâš ïUgŸË khzt, khzÉa®fŸ, MáÇa®fŸ k‰W« e®á§ fhny{ khzÉfŸ, ehk¡fš ïªâa kU¤Jt r§f¤â‹ jiyÉ lh¡l®. kšÈfh, bray®. lh¡l®. ckh knfÞtÇ, bghUshs® lh¡l®. nAkyjh M»nahU« k‰W« bu£»uhÞ r§f¤â‹ jiyt®. âU. uhn#Z f©zh, nfhFšehjh e®á§ fhny{ jhshs® Mrs. khah, khijŒa‹ M»nahU« fyªJ bfh©L ÉHhÉid ïÅnj el¤âd®. www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 5 m¡nlhg® - 15 - “cyf iffGî« âd«” www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 6 m¡nlhg® - 15 - “cyf iffGî« âd«” www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 7 m¡nlhg® - 15 - “cyf iffGî« âd«” www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 8 CME 19.10.2014 The world is celebra ng “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” this October to support pa ents, survivors and care givers. Last week Namakkal Indian Medical Associa on (NIMA) conducted various programmes focusing on “Cancer”. A ‘Cancer Awareness Rally’ was organized with the message saying “Cancer is curable, if detected early”. Nurses are the basic units of the medical system, forming an important link between the physician and the pa ent. Guest speaker Dr. Saravana Rajamanickam, Surgical oncologist from Thangam Hospital gave informa on about causes of cancer and informed about preven on strategies to future budding nurses. In a first event of its kind, members of four different IMAs namely Namakkal, Paramathivelur, Thiruchengode, Rasipuram came together to celebrate the inaugural academic mee ng for doctors at newly built Namakkal IMA Building on 19.10.2014. www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 9 The NIMA President, Dr. Malliga announced that, cancer is a disease currently being studied very extensively worldwide new treatment modali es being introduced everyday. Dr. Vignesh Kandakumar, a leading Medical Oncologist from Coimbatore shared informa on regarding the latest in cancer treatment. Dr. Deep Mishra, Surgical Oncologist from Thangam Hospital, Namakkal discussed the changing scenario of cancer surgery in organ preserva on is the norm instead of radical surgery. In that order, Dr. Saravana Rajamanickam presented his view on approach and management of high risk surgical candidates. S e n i o r m e d i c a l p ra c o n e rs l i ke D r. M a n o m a n i a n d Dr. Sivakumar from Rasipuram, Dr. Shankar from Andhiyur made this mee ng memorable by their presence. www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 10 CME 19.10.2014 www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 11 CME 19.10.2014 www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 12 CME 19.10.2014 www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 13 CME 19.10.2014 www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 14 Cancer Awareness Rally - 19.10.2014 www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 15 NIMA FAMILY IN DIWALI CELEBRATION GIFT TO SIVABACKIAM ORPHANAGE www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 16 NIMA FAMILY IN DIWALI CELEBRATION GIFT TO SIVABACKIAM ORPHANAGE www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 17 WORLD HEART DAY ON 01.11.14 I n t h e e v e o f t h e " Wo r l d H e a r t D ay " , C o i m b a t o r e Dr.J.K.Periyasamy Medical center, IMA Namakkal, Rotary and Inner Wheel clubs, of Namakkal jointly organized a Rally and seminar on 01.11.2014.- District collector Mr.V. Dhakshinamoorthi flagged off the rally at 09.30 am . It started from Namakkal GH and ended at Hotel Golden Palace where the superintendent of Police Mr. Senthilkumar inaugurated the seminar. Students from different parts of Namakkal - Vivekanandha Nursing college, Muthayammal Arts and Science college , Aravinth college of Nursing, Trinity women's college, Slevem Arts and Science college , PGP college of Nursing, Kandasamy Kandar college of Arts and Science Velur, Ambal auto boys par cipated in the Rally and seminar . Dr.M. Malliga IMA President of Namakkal welcomed the gathering and . Dr.J.K. Periyasamy explained about the significance of Heart, and said every body should thank the Heart every day and to look a er it very carefully Dr. Gemini Deputy Director of Health and Dr. Shankar J.D. of Health a ended the mee ng. Dr.Hemalatha www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 18 WORLD HEART DAY ON 01.11.14 www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 19 www.namakkalima.com - November 2014 20
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