Klein On Board provides highlights from the Trustees meeting held each month. November 2014 on results confirmed that Ms. Georgan Reitmeier received 25,796 votes, repre Trustee elec « sen ng 100% of the votes cast for posi on 1, gran ng her a fourth term; and that Mr. Steven E. Smith received 21,410 votes, a majority of the votes cast for posi on 2, gran ng him a second term. Oaths of Office were administered by Mr. James Wunderlich, and the following officers were selected: Mr. Steven E. Smith, President; Mr. Paul Lanham, Vice President; and Mr. William F. (Bill) Pilkington, Secretary. Smith and Reitmeier took the oath of office. Outstanding Kuehnle Elementary School students, Trent Burton and Morgan Baltodano, were « introduced by their principal Julia Funk. Outstanding teacher, Ms. Linda Farmer, was introduced by associate principal Ka e Froelke. Principal Debbie Hamilton introduced outstanding Schindewolf Intermediate School students, « Chris an Gipson and Hannah Luu, and outstanding teacher, Mr. Tim Winebrenner. The following new administrators were introduced by Mr. Curt Drouillard, associate « superintendent for human resource services: Ms. Lisa Campbell, assistant principal at Mueller Elementary School. on Founda on, pre Ms. Cindy Doyle, director of community development and the Klein Educa « sented the STEAM Express truck and trailer donated on behalf of the Founda on. The STEAM Express is a mobile classroom that will travel the district year-round as an instruc onal environment for teaching students about science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM). This dona on represents a significant achievement worth more than $400,000! Kuehnle and Schindewolf students and teachers received recogni on. on, Dr. Jesus Amezcua, assistant superintendent with the Harris County Department of Educa « Center for Safe & Secure Schools, presented a Cer ficate of Apprecia on to the Department of School Administra on. onal officer, on the JASON Pro A report was presented by Ms. Sherrie Lathrop, science instruc « ject which provides access to every Klein ISD staff member and student both in school and at home to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) resources. JASON is a hands-on supplement to the Klein science curricula and can be used to place students in challenging, realworld situa ons where they are connected with top scien sts and engineers. A week long summer program at the Cape Eleuthera Ins tute in the Bahamas provided a unique opportunity for Ms. Shaena Ricks, Klein Intermediate science teacher, and Eduardo Gonzalez, Klein Oak student. Ms. Ricks and Eduardo were selected from a na onal pool of educators and students to visit the Bahamas and work with scien sts at the ins tute. The district is able to par cipate in the JASON Project through a grant made possible by the Chevron Corpora on. The district approved the dona on of the STEAM Express mobile classroom. School Administra on received a cer ficate of apprecia on from the Harris County Department of Educa on. liza on of reserves in Mr. Thomas Petrek, associate superintendent for financial services, provided a preliminary look at the proposed u « connec on with the proposed Bond 2015 Blueprint. He explained that as the commi ee worked to right-size the bond package, the district reviewed projects and funding scenarios that would maximize savings with the least impact on the tax rate. Administra on strategized a proposed u liza on of approximately $17,429,800 from general opera ng reserves over the next seven years to fund short term technology projects along with other needed curriculum and facility projects in order to move the debt service tax rate from an 11 cent high down to ten cents in the Bond 2015 Blueprint. It was explained that even with using the reserves for these projects rather than funding them in the bond program that the reserves fund would remain healthy and provide the required 2.5 months working capital per district policy. The following items were approved by the Board of Trustees: « Proposed modifica ons to local board policies CDA, CKE, CPC, DCC, DCD, FDA, FL, and GBAA Klein ISD Legisla ve Posi on Statement 2014 Schedule of Es mated Expenditures for Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2015 Schedule of Events and authoriza on to begin prepara on of the preliminary official statement and no ce of sale on the $80 million Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2015, and a refunding to be determined The Reimbursement Resolu on for High School No. 5 and Elementary No. 32 projects Delega on of authority to the superintendent to nego ate and execute an electricity contract Delega on of authority to the superintendent to nego ate and execute a natural gas contract Schema c Design for the 2015 facility renova on project Schema c Design for the Schindewolf Intermediate locker room addi on Easement for CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric LLC for French Elementary School Tax refunds in excess of $500 Bids for pre-packaged school supplies, new out of the box and refurbished technology equipment, LCD projector lamps, Medicaid billing services, MGM Benefits Group as online enrollment administrator, athle c facili es canned and bo led beverages, musical instrument repair, classroom and non-classroom furniture, student planners, and Grade 5 Leveled Literacy Interven on Kits Charter School Statement of Impact Amendment for Excel Academy Charter School Student Enrollment Requests Minutes of the October 13, 2014, board mee ng Appointments as follows: Audit Commi ee—Mr. Steven E. Smith, Mr. William F. Pilkington, and Mr. Stephen J. Szymczak; Educa on Founda on—Mr. Paul Lanham; TASB Delegate—Mr. Steven E. Smith and TASB Alternate—Mr. Rick Mann; Unite for Understanding Council—Mr. Ronnie K. Anderson and Ms. Georgan Reitmeier; Strategic Planning—Ms. Georgan Reitmeier; and School Health Advisory Council—Mr. Ronnie K. Anderson Proposed mee ng dates for 2015 were reviewed and will be posted to the district website A request was made regarding the possibility of students interviewing families who have moved to our district as refugees from other coun« tries as a project in connec on with the Unite for Understanding Council. ons were given to the two re-elected trustees, Ms. Reitmeier and Mr. Smith; and congratula ons to the new officers. Congratula « Outgoing president, Mr. Anderson, was thanked for his leadership in guiding the board as president the past year. « Condolences were expressed to the family of Oren K. Sommerfield on his recent passing. Mr. Sommerfield served on the Board of Trustees « from 1972—1986. on was shared for the generous dona on from the Klein ISD Educa on Founda on for the STEAM Express, the culmina on of a Apprecia « two year project, and a wonderful enhancement for the instruc onal program. on was also expressed for a wonderful Veterans Day celebra on and the recent VIP luncheon at Brill Elementary with thanks to Apprecia « the Communica ons and Planning Department for both events and the staff at Brill Elementary for the luncheon. And a special thank you was given for Lt. Col. Konicki’s speech at the Veterans Day events. elt apprecia on for the effort made by the district and Klein High School to present an honorary diploma to student Trevor There was hear « Pauley who recently passed away. Future Meetings ng—December 8, 2014, 7:00 pm public mee ng, CO Board Room Board Mee « Christmas Holidays—December 22, 2014—January 2, 2015 « ee Mee ng—January 5, 2015, 5:00 pm, CO Board Room Audit Commi « ng—January 12, 2015, 7:00 pm public mee ng, CO Board Room Board Mee « « n Luther King Holiday—January 19, 2015 Mar Your Eyes—January 22, 2015, Mul purpose Center, 7:00 pm Unite for Understanding Council presents Through « Klein ISD Board of Trustees (pictured from left to right) Dr. James W. Cain, Superintendent • Stephen J. Szymczak • Paul Lanham, Vice President • Bill Pilkington, Secretary Georgan Reitmeier • Steven E. Smith, President • Ronnie K. Anderson • Rick Mann
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