KEY FIGURES 2012 BALANCE SHEET Total assets Securities and NBH Loans and advances to credit institutions Loans and advances to customers, o.w. Corporate loans Loans to private individuals Risk provisions for loans and advances Bank deposits and refinancing balances Customer accounts and deposits, o.w. Corporate accounts and deposits Accounts and deposits of private individuals Debts securities issued Subordinated capital Shareholder‘s equity INCOME STATEMENT Net interest income Net commission income Other income Gross operating income General administrative expenses Restructuring expenses Operating profit Impairments and write-offs Share of jointly controlled and associated companies' profit / (loss) before taxation Profit /Loss before taxation Loss for the year from discontinued operation Profit / Loss for the year BUSINESS FRANCHISE Corporate clients ow. 2 Large corporates 3 SMEs Micro corporates Private individuals 2 Voluntary pension fund clients Health care fund clients Corporate loans and deposits market share Loans to and deposits from private individuals market share Investment funds market share Issued bonds of domestic Fin. Inst. held by resident households 4 LIQQUIDITY & SELF FINANCING Liquid assets ratio Loans-to-Primary Funds (LTPF) Ratio Loans-to-Deposits (LTD) Ratio CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Total core capital Core capital (Tier 1) Solvency ratio Tier 1 ratio MKB Bank Zrt (HUF'm, IFRS uncons.) 2013 Change MKB Group (HUF'm IFRS cons.) 2013 MKB Group (EUR'm IFRS cons) 2013 2 325 673 587 822 72 069 1 703 466 1 107 138 477 878 (200 043) 615 109 1 265 089 621 093 643 759 165 818 101 642 133 433 1 920 367 410 377 100 137 1 513 951 944 265 459 690 (227 476) 270 048 1 185 281 620 115 565 166 193 255 50 618 169 214 -17,43% -30,19% 38,95% -11,13% -14,71% -3,81% 13,71% -56,10% -6,31% -0,16% -12,21% 16,55% -50,20% 26,82% 1 962 110 410 481 98 272 1 522 124 880 368 522 540 (261 933) 269 958 1 179 109 609 353 569 756 192 750 50 618 164 801 6 608 1 383 331 5 127 2 965 1 760 (882) 909 3 971 2 052 1 919 649 170 555 53 145 10 217 (2 220) 61 142 (47 202) (4 920) 13 940 (96 508) (87 488) (86 565) 57 907 19 975 (19 966) 57 917 (46 544) 11 373 (134 370) (122 998) (123 254) 8,96% 95,52% 799,44% -5,28% -1,39% -18,42% 39,23% 40,59% 42,38% 60 211 20 473 (21 212) 59 472 (49 990) 9 481 (97 328) (65) (87 912) (33 886) (122 200) 203 69 (71) 200 (168) 32 (328) (0) (296) (114) (411) 58 142 -2,7% 902 -6,0% 13 184 6,7% 44 056 -5,1% 373 493 -1,1% 88 582 -1,7% 167 556 4,2% 12,0% / 8,6% -0,6 / -1,1 pps 6,0% / 5,1% 0 / -0,9 pps 3,3% -0,4 pps 31,8% 10,6 pps - 59 727 960 12 360 46 407 377 685 90 159 160 842 12,6% / 9,7% 6,0% / 6,0% 3,7% 21,2% 29,07% 119,05% 134,65% 27,36% 109,82% 127,73% -5,87% -7,75% -5,14% 26,69% 110,95% 129,09% 166 390 109 358 9,0% 7,3% 187 166 140 284 13,7% 10,7% 12,5% 28,3% +4,63 pps +3,45 pps 169 520 121 997 11,82% 8,60% 21,4% 19,8% 29,0% 53,5% 37,7% 23,4% 20,3% 34,4% 63,5% 34,7% 2,0% 0,5% 5,4% 9,9% -3,0% 24,2% 20,3% 36,4% 67,0% 33,5% -58,24% -3,49% -46,41% -5,79% 77,20% 2 138 80 80,37% 2 076 81 -2,87% 1,25% 84,06% 2 745 104 (795) 1 225 108 936 494 (906) 1 244 135 997 513 14,05% 1,58% 24,84% (897) 135 997 513 5 PORTFOLIO QUALITY 6 Total NPL ratio Corporate NPL ratio Private individuals NPL ratio Loan loss reserves/NPL Collateral coverage/NPL PROFITABILITY ROAE ROAA EFFICIENCY AND OPERATION CIR Number of employees Number of branches SHARE RELATED INFORMATION Earnings per share (in HUF) Book value per share Number of shares -59,95% -5,36% 1 HUF/ EUR exchange rate: BS: 296,91; P&L: 296,97 Total clients of MKB Bank, MKB Romexterra Bank and MKB Unionbank regarding MKB Group data Including institutional clients 4 Excluding mortgage bonds 5 Regulatory capital whitout deductions, according to HAR; after EUR 200 million capital increase 2 3 6 Defining NPLs MKB uses the same methodology as its parent bank BayernLB. NPLs are defined by rating categories of 22-24 as default categories, this default rating definition is used also in the bank’s IFRS reporting as well.
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