AHI North Country PPS - The Adirondack Health Institute

AHI North Country PPS
Capital Restructuring Financing Program (CRFP) Webinar
December 4, 2014
CRFP Request for Application
 On November 18th NYSDOH released the Capital
Restructuring Financing Program Request for
 The full application and all relevant appendices can
be downloaded at:
 http://www.health.ny.gov/funding/rfa/1410100351/index.htm
Today’s Agenda
 Overview of Application (15 minutes)
 Key dates
 Submission process and eligibility
 Key sections
 Role of AHI North Country PPS (25 minutes)
 Supporting development of submissions
 HIT investments
 Prioritization criteria
 Q&A (20 minutes)
Today’s Agenda
 Overview of Application (15 minutes)
 Key dates
 Submission process and eligibility
 Key sections
 Role of AHI North Country PPS (25 minutes)
 Supporting development of submissions
 HIT investments
 Prioritization criteria
 Q&A (20 minutes)
Overview of Application
 The 2014-15 State budget authorized the
establishment of the CRFP to make awards totaling
up to $1.2 billion to support capital projects to
help strengthen and promote access to essential
health services, including projects to:
improve infrastructure
promote integrated health systems
support the development of additional primary care capacity
 It is expected that contracts resulting from this RFA
will have the following time period:
April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2020
Estimated Dollars for North Country
$1.2B Total / 5 years = $240M Annually
North Country (9-cty) Total Pop. as % of New York = ~4%
North Country (9-cty) Medicaid & Uninsured Pop. as % of New York = ~2.5%
Potential Range for Annual Capital Dollars
allotted to North Country Region:
~$6M to ~$9M
Overview of Application
 The state has developed two Processes for CRFP application submission:
Today’s focus
Process A
Process B
DSRIP Participant organizations
prepare and submit applications
to their PPS Lead
Non-DSRIP organizations
prepare and submit applications
directly to DOH
PPS Lead ranks projects in order
of priority and submits all
proposals together
Each eligible application is
evaluated and scored separately
Each eligible application is
evaluated and scored separately
Tentative Key Dates (subject to change)
 December 10: Two-page project summary template distributed to all
PPS partners
 December 30: Two page project summaries due from partners to AHI
 January 6: Steering Committee meets to review and score project
 January 10: Feedback sent to applicants
 February 3: Full proposals due to AHI
 February 12: Steering Committee meets to review full proposals and
rank for submission
 February 20: AHI submits ranked proposals to DOH
Eligible Organizations
Minimum eligibility criteria:
General hospitals
Residential health care facilities
Diagnostics and treatment centers
Clinics licensed pursuant to the PHL or the Mental Hygiene Law
Assisted living providers
Primary care providers
Home care providers certified or licensed under PHL Article 36
Provider organizations which hold operating certificates issued by the
OMH clinic programs, Intensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Treatment
Programs, Continuing Day Treatment Programs, Day Treatment
Programs, and Personalized Recovery Oriented Service Programs
Eligible Organizations
Preferred eligibility criteria:
Applicants committing matching funds to the proposed project
Strong preference for one to one match with grant funds
If it can be clearly demonstrated that equity, borrowing or other sources of
Matching Funds are not available to the applicant or are not sufficient to
match the requested grant, the application may nevertheless be considered
for funding
Matching Funds may be provided for defined Excluded Expenses, and can
be provided by CRFP non-applicants
Applicants with projects that demonstrate transformational change to
the health care delivery system from a fee-for-service system to a value
based system
Applicants who demonstrate significant financial need
Eligible Projects
include but not limited to
 Capital projects that support development of primary care service capacity
(including primary care services co-located with OP behavioral health services)
Asset acquisitions
Capital projects that support consolidation of service lines among providers
Improvements to infrastructure
Capital projects that support closures, mergers, and/or restructurings
Capital projects that support development of tele-health infrastructure
Capital projects that support development of coordinated co-located
ambulatory care services including primary care, specialty care, surgery, urgent
care, and diagnostic imaging
Capital projects leading to integrated delivery systems that strengthen and
protect continued access to essential health care services
Other transformational capital projects which further DSRIP Program Goals
Eligible Expenses
include but not limited to
 Planning or design for acquisition, construction,
demolition, replacement, major repair or
renovation of a fixed asset or assets
Construction costs
Renovation costs
Asset acquisitions
Equipment costs, including capital costs for health
information technology
Excluded Expenses
include but not limited to
 Personnel costs
 Supplies and non-capital equipment
 Utilities
 General operating costs, including operating costs
associated with tele-medicine programs
Working capital, including pay down of liabilities
Loans and other debt obligations
Routine training and maintenance costs related to
implementation of HIT
Lease payments
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation of the CRFP application is highly aligned
with achieving the DSRIP goals. Capital projects that
are likely to be evaluated favorably are those that will:
 Create or expand primary care capacity
 Promote care coordination among providers (tele-health, medical villages, co
located primary, specialty and behavioral outpatient services)
Promote patient-centered care (medical and health homes)
Reduce avoidable hospital and nursing home admissions and emergency visits
Benefit the largest number of Medicaid enrollees and uninsured individuals
Include as much funding as possible from other funding sources and represent
a significant investment beyond CRFP funding
Result in a reduction of inpatient beds and the continuation or expansion of
ambulatory care and emergency services in a community
 See pages 9 & 10 of the RFA for a complete list of evaluation criteria
Sections of the Application
 Application Prequalification through Grants
Please see pages 12 & 13 of the application for detailed steps
It is recommended to complete this process as soon as possible to
ensure all requirements are met prior to the application deadline
 Technical Proposal
Project description, relationship to community need, relationship to
DSRIP goals and transformational change of system
 Financial Proposal
Project funding and match, project budget, cost-effectiveness,
financial sustainability and demonstration of financial need
Technical Proposal
 Technical Proposal (not to exceed 15 pages)
 Executive Summary
 Project Description, including Work Plan (10 points)
 Organizational Info, Participants, Project Readiness (Not scored)
 Relationship of Eligible Projects to Community Need (20 points)
 Relationship of Eligible Capital Projects to DSRIP Goals (25 points)
 Transformational Change (10 points)
 Regulatory Waivers
Financial Proposal
 Financial Proposal
Project Funding and Match (15 points)
Project Budget (5 points)
Project Expenses and Justification
Project Fund Sources
Cost Effectiveness (5 points)
Project Financial Viability and Applicant Long-Term Sustainability
(10 points)
Applicants proposing no matching funds will receive no points under this section
Discussion of how project supports financial sustainability of PPS
Financial projections for applicant for ~3 years past project completion
Evidence of financial stability of applicant
Demonstration of Significant Financial Need (10 additional pts)
Evidence of IAAF funding
Evidence of all other funding sources exhausted
Today’s Agenda
 Overview of Application (15 minutes)
 Key dates
 Submission process and eligibility
 Key sections
 Role of AHI North Country PPS (25 minutes)
 Supporting development of submissions
 HIT investments
 Prioritization criteria
 Q&A (20 minutes)
Supporting Application Development
 The AHI North Country PPS will provide support to
application development in the following ways:
Today’s webinar and Q&A
Availability of Community Needs Assessment data
presentation to support Technical Proposal development
Q&A through [email protected]
Review and editing/discussion/feedback on application
submissions received by December 10th
Select application development support as identified and
approved by Steering Committee and AHI leadership
HIT Investments
 HIT investments are a crucial element in developing
a successful integrated delivery system and in
meeting the DSRIP goals over the next five years
 AHI North Country PPS hopes to provide guidance
to help structure those PPS participants wishing to
pursue CRFP dollars to support HIT investments
 The next slide represents a 1st draft of the PPS
Landscape inclusive of existing and potential HIT
Infrastructure, as it pertains to PPS Performance
Management / Reporting
AHI North Country PPS HIT Overview
DRAFT: 3 Layers of the HIT Infrastructure
Potential PPS
Population Health Management Solution(s) – Performance Measures (PPS, PCMH, Health Home, Adk ACO, Others...)
Potential PPS Measures
Data Sharing – Health Information Exchange (RHIO’s)
Statewide Network (SHIN-NY)
PCMH: Treo
Solutions (3M)
Current PCMH Reporting/Measures
PPS Organizational Categories: Systems, PPS Related HIT Costs & Considerations
Primary Care
Hospitals (HOSP)
Post-Acute, including Long-Term
Care, Home and Community Based
Services (LT/HCBS)
Behavioral Health /
Substance Abuse
Public Health and/
or Prevention
EMR Adoption,
Training, NCQA
EMR Upgrades,
Legacy Systems,
EMR Adoption, Upgrades, Training,
Integration, Telemedicine, Etc…
EMR Adoption,
Upgrades, Training,
Integration with
Primary Care
(HCR Homecare – Rochester RHIO)
Note: Organizations may span multiple categories...
HIT Capital Request Guidance
 Assume in the short term that data sharing will occur
through usage of the RHIO(s)
 Assume that population health management
functions will be housed at the PPS Lead level
(individual entities do not need to submit capital
requests for population health management tools
and reporting capabilities to support DSRIP)
PPS Application Prioritization
 DOH has specified through ‘Process A’ that the PPS
Lead must rank all DSRIP participant applications
received, and submit all project applications together
on behalf of the PPS
 The AHI North Country PPS interim Steering
Committee will prioritize the applications using
criteria mirroring the CRFP evaluation criteria
PPS Prioritization Criteria
Is the application aligned with a particular DSRIP project and the investment required to achieve
success in that chosen DSRIP project?
Will the project result in a significant impact/improvement in care delivery for the target population?
Does the application create or expand primary care capacity for the North Country?
Does the application create or expand mental health and/or substance abuse capacity for the North
Does the application promote care coordination among providers?
Will the application help reduce avoidable hospital and nursing home admissions and emergency visits?
Will the project result in a significant impact/improvement in care delivery for the target population?
Does the application include as much funding as possible from other funding sources and represent a
significant investment beyond CRFP funding?
Will the application result in a reduction of inpatient beds and the continuation or expansion of
ambulatory care and emergency services in the North Country?
Does the project improve crucial infrastructure that protect access to essential services?
Does the project support the financial sustainability of the organization as the healthcare environment
moves towards value-driven care and reimbursement?
Submitting Successful Projects
 This capital application process is highly competitive
and is designed to favor requests that are highly
aligned with meeting DSRIP goals
 In order to ensure the most successful application
that will be 1) highly ranked by the PPS and 2) highly
scored by DOH, please focus on submitting projects
that are highly aligned with the DSRIP goals and the
prioritization criteria
AHI North Country PPS Submissions
 If you are a participant in the AHI North Country
PPS, please look for the two-page project summary
template to be distributed next week
 The two-page summary will be due back to AHI on
December 30
Today’s Agenda
 Overview of Application (15 minutes)
 Key dates
 Submission process and eligibility
 Key sections
 Role of AHI North Country PPS (25 minutes)
 Supporting development of submissions
 HIT investments
 Prioritization criteria
 Q&A (20 minutes)
AHI North Country PPS Projects
 2.a.i Create an integrated delivery system focused on Evidence Based Medicine and
Population Health Management
 2.a.ii Increase Certification of Primary Care Practitioners with PCMH Certification (NCQA
2014 Level 3 PCMH)
 2.a.iv Create a Medical Village Using Existing Hospital Infrastructure
 2.b.viii Hospital-Home Care Collaboration Solutions
 2.d.i Implementation of Patient Activation Activities to Engage, Educate and Integrate the
uninsured and low/non-utilizing Medicaid populations into Community Based Care
 3.a.i Integration of Primary Care and Behavioral Health Services
 3.a.ii Behavioral Health Community Crisis Stabilization Services
 3.a.iv Development of Withdrawal Management (e.g., ambulatory detoxification, ancillary
withdrawal services) Capabilities and Appropriate Enhanced Abstinence Services within
Community-Based Addiction Treatment Programs
 3.g.i Integration of Palliative Care into the PCMH Model
 4.a.iii Strengthen Mental Health and Substance Abuse Infrastructure across Systems (Focus
Area 3)
 4.b.ii Increase Access to High Quality Chronic Disease Preventative Care and Management in
Both Clinical and Community Settings