D e 0 i tte. Deloitte Accountants SN. Professional Practice Department Audit Wilhelminakade 1 3072 AP Rotterdam P0.Box 2031 3000 CA Rotterdam Nethedands Tel: +31 (0)88 288 2888 Fax: +31 (0)88 288 9924 www.deloitte.nI Mrs Rita Ogun-Clijmans Product Manager XBRL Taxonomy IFRS Foundation 30 Cannon Street London EC4M 6XH United Kingdom Date October 20, 2014 Subject Re: Proposed Interim Release IFRS Taxonomy 2014—IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers Dear Mrs Ogun-Clijmans, Deloitte Accountants B.V. is pleased to respond to the Proposed Interim Release IFRS Taxonomy 2014—IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers. We continuously support the efforts of the IFRS Foundation (“the Foundation”) to create and maintain a high-quality IFRS Taxonomy that will meet the needs of stakeholders seeking to use the taxonomy for the electronic disclosure of financial reports and to use these data for analyses purposes. Our detailed responses to the questions in the invitation to comment are included in the Appendix to this letter. The scope of our review was limited to the review of the proposed amendments to the IFRS Taxonomy as a result of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers, issued in May 2014. The General Terms and Conditions for Services Deloitte Netherlands, January 2014’ registered at the Chamber of Commerce under number 24362837 apply to all agreements under which Deloitte performs services. Deloitte Accountants 8.V. is registered with the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Rotterdam number 24362853. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Deloitte. 2 October 20, 2014 If you have any questions concerning our comments, please contact Dave van den Ende at +31 88 288 0208 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Yours sincerely, Ralph ter Hoeven Head of IFRS Centre of Excellence The Netherlands Deloitte. 3 October 20, 2014 Appendix Question 1: Completeness of disclosure requirements We analysed whether the Interim Release accurately reflects the IFRS disclosure as set out in IFRS 15. We believe that the disclosure requirements are adequately reflected in the Interim Release and are presented with an appropriate level of detail and use of XBRL components. However, in the table below we list a few comments for your consideration. # Haerarchy/ description IFRS Ref Questiota I Issue , 2 • 1ERS 15.C8a We suggest including a hierarchy that covers the 1FRS 15.C8a disclosure requirement. This hierarchy could be stated as follows: ‘Quantitative assessment per financial statement line item in the current reporting period by applying IFRS 15 retrospectively as compared to lAS 11, lAS 18 and related Interpretations that were in effect before the change.’ IFRS 15.C8a Currently no line items are defined in the application of IFRS 15.C8a. As lAS 11 and lAS 18 are to be expired upon application of JFRS 15, we suggest including the line items in the IFRS 15.C8 table. Alternatively extensions could be used for these line items. 3 Products and services [axis] IFRS 15.B89a Propose to follow the phrasing in IFRS: ‘goods or services’ 4 Geographical areas [axis] IFRS 15.B89b Propose to follow the phrasing in IFRS: ‘geographical regions’ 5 Geographical areas [member] LFRS 15.B89b Propose to follow the phrasing in IFRS: ‘geographical regions’ Deloitte. 4 October 20, 2014 # Hierarchy/ description IFRS Ref Question I Issue Transaction price allocated to remaining performance obligations IFRS 15.120 a Consider using IFRS phrasing, or supplement ‘remaining’ with ‘remaining or partially remaining’ Explanation of when entity expects to recognise transaction price allocated to remaining performance obligations as revenue IFRS 15.120 b (ii) Consider using IFRS phrasing, or supplement ‘remaining’ with ‘remaining or partially remaining’ Disclosure of transaction price allocated to remaining performance obligations [text block] IFRS 15.120 b (i) Consider using IFRS phrasing, or supplement remaining’ with ‘remaining or partially remaining’ Disclosure of transaction price allocated to remaining performance obligations [abstract] Consider using IFRS phrasing, or supplement ‘remaining’ with ‘remaining or partially remaining’ IFRS 15.C1 Consider adding a specific concept to indicate the early adoption of IFRS 15. Question 2: Appropriate level of detail See answer Question 1 Question 3: Appropriate use of the XBRL dimensional data model See answer Question 1 Deloitte. 5 October 20, 2014 Question 4: Appropriate use of element labels See answer Question 1 Question 5: Appropriate use of documentation labels We have not investigated the appropriateness of use of documentation labels. Additional remarks regarding the taxonomy: 1) Compliance with GFM taxonomy creation rules The IFRS Taxonomy 2014 Guide states on page 8 in section Preface that the IFRS Taxonomy is consistent with the taxonomy rules specified in the Global Filing Manual (GFM). The IFRS Taxonomy contains duplicated entries in the definition linkbase, which is a violation of GFM rule 1.8.4. Please consider either removing the duplicated entries or explaining the reason for this inclusion. For instance: Extended link [835110] Notes Income taxes has ifrs-full_DeferredTaxLiabilityAsset is defined twice as a domain-member. See picture below: - Eerc fcrc lr’c’ne t1 4oteS C C& o ttnyy 4 sz1c5u!e of t •C fee, urd Ix losses of C Dee’e (1 ned Lex es id .r,.ed t& c6t [trr tdirwnrbrr De1ged t. es l ‘,iusd ty. ce:s [thse rçlc’v dfferecie. Lww.sel t 1oses d vnvsd 1 crt [)O t [thstict) da,ineqther soss Oef&red ta abâtes *6ty(aet) 20 C) (1 20 dncnbcr ‘0 1 2’) dcnn4nemer de,iber (j 10 da,sember () dnwr-mernber () dorr,&n-’rnber C) dirnernber (j 30 , 0eeted x (asse1 (stro) t;, 30 a’) Ctra<) tsr nse (co’ne) recoçtws.ed profit or • fe-rc sr rcI,stno tms aeed wed deecPjy toeojtv dna,rnember C’) d,rnember (1 k0 frorr ta rclabnQ to cr’One,-rs f tier CO fl9.’C ricorne nreise Ce:resss thoJ brsvss cor,torv dFefred tr , trxease de<rease) &ou, ors of cono of Rary. :e- ax 4 ,nernber C) tricrase Cdeaease) tlvCu ret rCh5ne ffereres, d&ere•: tac hat& -qne’nber () • - 10 () () Dcfcred ta cxpc1se Crrome) of hsnqes n defid tsr *( 30 ered ta eeperse (om) fabstract • 0 OeFered ta’ pense (rccee) recoscd . riofi o toss 1 10 c dffqt5 tx assets et dee ta abot ‘C :0 dnefnbe C dneec () dc,’q,cer sses .nd hbit’es [thstc) 10 20 (1 M 20 30 40 0 50 0 tncrease(deaease)n deferred tar habt, (asset) dc,.reiiber() 70 I - 11 Deloitte. 6 October 20, 2014 This also occurs in other definition linkbases: Extended Iinkrole Concept [822390a] Notes Financial instruments ifrs full_DescriptionOfRelationshipBetweenlnternalAndExtemalRatings [823000] Notes Fair value measurement - ifrs-full_Assets - [823000a] Notes Fair value measurement [823000b] Notes Fair value measurement - ifrs-full_Liabilities - ifrs-fullEquity 2) Application of IFRS Style Guide rule 2.17 on the use of parentheses This rule states “For concepts that can be either negative or positive, the concept label SHALL use parentheses ()to indicate which concept is represented as positive or negative values in the instance document.” Labels exist in the taxonomy for which the text between the parentheses does not represent an indication for a positive or negative value. Please consider changing these labels for consistency purposes. These labels are: concept label ifrs-full: ExplanationOfAnyChangeslriRangeOfOu tcomesUndiscountedAndReasonsForTho seChangesForContingentConsideration Explanation of any changes in range of outcomes (undiscounted) and reasons for those changes for contingent consideration Deloitte. 7 October 20, 2014 Ifrs-full: RevenueFromlnsuranceContractslssued WithoutReductionForReinsurancelleld Revenue from insurance contracts issued (without reduction for reinsurance held) ifrs- full: ExpenseForPolicyholderClaimsAndB ene fitsWithoutReductionForReinsuranceHel d Expense for policyholder claims and benefits (without reduction for reinsurance held) ifrs-full: DescriptionOfidentityOfRateRegulators Description of identity of rate regulator(s) 3) Consistency in label creation Different methods are used to create labels for concepts that contain descriptions for line items. Some have labels that contain’ line items other labels contain line item(s) ‘.Please consider using one single approach for creation of this kind of labels. ... ...‘, ‘... 4) Compliance with GFM naming rules The IFRS Taxonomy 2014 Guide states on page 8 in section Preface that the IFRS Taxonomy is consistent with the taxonomy rules specified in the Global Filing Manual (GFM). Validating this interim release against the rules of the GFM results in a large number of errors regarding the naming of constructs in the taxonomy. For instance, GFM rule 1.3.7. states that “Element xsd: schema must bind a non-empty recommended namespace prefix for the targetNamespace attribute that does not contain the underscore character.” The taxonomy uses a namespace http://xbrl.ifrs.org/taxonomy/201408-22/ifrs/full_ifrs_doc_entry_point prefix full_ifrsdoc_entry_point that does contain an underscore. Please consider either aligning the IFRS Taxonomy with the naming rules as defined in GFM or clearly state which rules of GFM the taxonomy does not comply with and the reason thereto.
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