Newsletter 18 September - Korumburra Primary School

Private Bag 1, Mine Road, Korumburra. 3950
Email: [email protected]
School Hours: 9.00 a.m.—3.30 p.m.
Web address::
Telephone: 5655 1309
Fax:: 5655 2861
September 11th , 2014
Issue 25
King Karmai 2014
Wow! What a week it has been for our school community! Yesterday’s
King Karmai School Production was a huge success with all of our 428
students showcasing their creative talents in front of a total of almost 900
family and friends who attended over 2 shows. Thank you to everyone
who attended and help make this such a wonderful celebration.
These productions are very important for all the students and provide
them with performing arts opportunities that they will remember for the
rest of their lives. These productions also give some students a chance
to show their various talents in this area. It also highlights the values that
are being woven into the teaching at the school on a daily basis.
Last night I had a lot of people speak to me about how great our school
is and how fortunate we are to we have staff and families who are willing
to give up so much of their time to ensure the success of these ventures.
Thankyou to all of the staff for their planning, organization and
preparation in getting their respective classes ready for both of the
(Continued on page 2)
Principal’s Report Cont….
(Continued from page 1)
A special thank you to Ms Gabi Smith and our Specialist team for your
hard work and dedication over the past 10 weeks.
There are so many others to thank which I hope I covered at last night’s
finale. I again thank the whole school community for your team work and
Important dates for your calendar:
Pupil free day - Monday 3rd November – Report Writing day
Public holiday – Tuesday 4th November - Melbourne Cup
Last day of term 4 – Thursday 18th December
Year 6 Transition
Don’t forget that Term 4 is a Sun Smart term meaning we all need to
have our wide brimmed school hats ready for the start of the term.
Good luck to our Year 6 students who are spending the next 2 days at
Korumburra Secondary College as part of a general introduction to
secondary school life.
In closing I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe break. I am
looking forward to seeing everyone return to school refreshed and ready
to learn at the beginning of Term 4, on Monday 6th October.
School will be dismissed at 2.30 pm. on our last day of Term 3 , Friday
19th September.
Today our Year 5 and 6 basketball teams (girls and boys) will compete in
the Woorayl and District Basketball Tournament at the Korumburra
Recreation Centre. Good luck to the players and our coaches Mrs
Snooks and our Past Principal Mr Bill Jeffs.
Nathan Pirouet
Senior Department News—Year 6
Well done to all our students for a fantastic effort in last night's performance. What a sterling effort from our main characters with the Year 6 dancers
and musicians certainly out doing themselves. Thank you to Ms Smith, Mrs Snooks, Ms Warren and Mrs Simcock for giving us the opportunity to get
up on stage and "Swing".
The end of the term sees us out at Korumburra Secondary College as part of our Transition program. We will be following a Year 7 timetable and
experiencing changing classes and teachers, buying lunch from the canteen, experience many new subject such as Home Economics and be introduced to the layout of the Secondary College. The children will have the opportunity meet many of their Year 7 teachers for next year. We are most
appreciative of the opportunity to participate in this program run by K.S.C. as it is the only secondary college in the state to offer this level of transition
to Year 6 students. Thanks again Ms Jennings and your team at Korumburra Secondary College.
The children have been very busy finalising their Business Project, which has culminated in the presentation of their business plans which include a
shop front, Yellow Pages ad, business cards and explanation of why, where and how they will meet the needs of their local community. The children
were also asked to record a radio commercial for their business. Some of these have been very funny and most entertaining. This was our major
Integrated Studies Project for the term and the children have worked very well to complete this project on time and to a great standard.
Craig and I, wish the children a well-deserved break over the next two weeks. Get plenty of rest, keep reading as often as you can and use your basic
number knowledge to help you in every day exchanges of money such as in the supermarket, newsagents etc. When we return from the holidays we
will be preparing for Graduation. Parents are reminded that dress for Graduation is to be child appropriate, boys wearing collared shirt and nice pants,
whilst it is expected that the girls will wear either flat shoes or low heels and that their shoulders will be covered (ie no shoe string straps).
Thanks for a great term and here's looking forward to a busy next term.
Jen Mulqueeny and Craig Friebe
Classroom Teachers
Senior Department News—Year 5
Year 5’s
This week saw the start of an online 7 day math competition through Sumdog. This competition is running state wide and gives schools the chance to
compete and be the ‘best in the state’! Currently the 3 Year 5 classes are sitting in 4 th, 7th and 8th position. Some of our top scorers so far include: Jade
and Rhys Butler, Matt Slattery, Taleesha Kelly, Isaac Fox and Corey Whelan. We’ll keep you posted and see if KPS can make it to the top spot.
Students have also been working hard, practising for the School Performance this week. The Year 5’s are looking forward to performing in front of a big
audience and they’ve been encouraged to ‘turn up the volume’ on the night! Partners have been doing a great job with their dance skills and I know
we’re all looking forward to playing back the video and watching everyone in action.
Mrs McCahon’s class have also started to present their final pieces from their inquiry project themed around ‘The Solar System’. Tristan Damman’s was
a particular stand out, with a great level of detail, some interesting facts and a well thought out design. Other students work has included research on
scientists and philosophers such as Aristotle, Einstein and Edwin Hubble. These pieces will be on display in the Year 5 end of the Senior building early
next term, so feel free to head down and take a look!
Daniel Wells
Classroom Teacher
Junior Department News
It has been a very ‘productive’ time throughout the school this week. There has been lots for the children to remember: words, actions, rehearsals, line
orders, getting on and off stage, and of course remembering to smile and have fun.
All the children have risen to the challenge and have behaved in an exemplary manner, even when waiting around quietly for long periods of time (for
small children) at some stages.
It is at this point that we also need to thank all our parents for sending along costumes so promptly, so that we could have everything prepared easily to
run through dress rehearsals and the performances on the day.
The children have loved every minute of their practises and refined their techniques when performing and playing their air guitars to perfection. It has
been a huge challenge for some to act, and even more of a challenge to do this in front of lots of other people. WELL DONE ALL!!!!!!!!
On another note, please remember that Term 4 reverts back to our Sunsmart School policy which requires all the children to wear their hats. Please
don’t forget to drag them out of the cupboards and drawers where they have been hiding and place them in your child’s bag in readiness.
Our Zoo excursion will be rapidly approaching soon after the holidays so please remember to send along permission slips and monies to the school.
Sincere thanks to those people who have already done so.
Please have a wonderful and restful holiday as Term 4 is promising to be a busy one!
Jenny Cant
Classroom Teacher
Library News
Book Fair – A very, very, big THANK YOU to everyone who made purchases at the Book Fair. Sales reached a grand total of
$3,602.40. This means we were able to select books to the total of $1,080.00 to add to the Library collection. A fantastic result!
Premiers’ Reading Challenge – Some final figures for you. This year 107 students completed ‘The Challenge’ with 2,469 books being
read and verified. Well done to those students. Certificates will be presented during Term 4.
Helen Cripps
Library Coordinator
Bike Ed Challenge
Bike Ed Challenge
This week saw Korumburra Primary School host the district Bike Ed Challenge! The day was a great success with Korumburra finishing 4th and 5th out
of the seven teams competing. Over $150 was also raised for the HPV & Pushcart teams through a fantastic BBQ run by Jodie, Lisa and Belinda—all
parents of Year 5 students. Even though the rain tried to dampen things for the day, we managed to setup the challenge course under the covered area
and fun was had by all! There was a serious side to the challenge course though, encouraging students to apply some of the skills and knowledge
learnt through their Bike Education training, helping them to stay safe on the road. Activities included stopping at traffic lights, negotiating roundabouts
and the infamous balance beam… well done to all who competed!
Daniel Wells
Bike Education Coordinator
VICSPELL : At last we have a date for our two South Gippsland VICSPELL finalists
to attend the VICSPELL state finals……….. Ella Roberts and Patrick Bier will be not
only representing South Gippsland but Korumburra Primary School once again!
When: Tuesday October 14 th
Start: 11.30 am Finish: Approx. 1.30 pm
Where: Lowanna College (a DEECD school)
Location: 72-96 Newark Ave, Newborough (adjacent to Moe)
Kerrie Twite, Peewee Lewis and Deb Lopez
Freeman man the barbecue at last week’s
Coal Creek Farmers Market.
MYM Summer School 2015 School
Do something you love this summer! Join more than 600 young
musicians this January at the 2015 Melbourne Youth Music Summer
School. Musicians at any level between ages 6-30 can take part in
our Orchestral, String, Band, Jazz, Conducting and Administration
programs. No audition is required and applications close on 26
September so apply now at Get ready for a week of
rehearsals, workshops, concerts and fun!
Calendar of Events
18th & 19th September -
Year 6 Transition to KSC
19th September
Term 3 ends 2.30 finish
6th October
Term 4 begins
15th—16th October
Year 3 Camp Phillip Island
17th—31st October
Art Show
23rd October
Year 2 Sleepover
Division Summer Team
24th October
Zoo Excursion Preps
27th October
State Athletics
28th—29th October
Music Camp (Tentative)
29th October
School Council Meeting
Curriculum Day
3rd November
Pupil Free
4th November
Melbourne Cup Day
6th November
Regional Summer Team
Sports Final
7th November
Junior Swimming Starts
14th November
Junior Swimming
19th - 22nd November Maryborough
RACV Energy
21st November
Junior Swimming
28th November
Junior Swimming
3rd December
School Council Meeting
5th December
Junior Swimming
12th December
Junior Swimming
15th December
P & F Meeting
16th December
Year 6 Graduation
19th December
Term 4 Ends.
The Korumburra Cricket
Club would like to invite
any student’s boys & girls
who are interested in
playing cricket in our U12’s
team this season to training
on the 1st October at
Wednesday thereafter, this
will be at the Korumburra
Recreation Reserve.
If you have any queries or
information please ring
Allan Summerfield on 5655
2709 or 0418 766 135. Milo
cricket sessions will be out
at a later date
Community School
No well done awards this