DE : A: LE : Living and Working in France Focus on Seasonal work Pôle emploi Some facts about France Movement of workers: a transitional period Marine Francin Main sectors: • Tourism & hospitality •Agriculture Working in France Ne pas diffuser Document de travail Document pouvant être diffusé France Population: 65 million 27 regions including the overseas departments France shares its borders with 6 countries : Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain and Italy). Capital: Paris Eu member: since the beginning (1957) Currency:EURO 2 24/03/2014 Croatia and France: a transitional period France has introduced a two-year transitional period During that period, Croatian nationals wishing to take up employment in France as an employee will have to obtain a work permit. The employment situation may be raised as an objection against their employment, save in the case of a list of 291 occupations. (Agriculture and Hospitality/Tourism are among these so-called shortage occupations). 3 24/03/2014 Economy and job market Key figures in 2014: The unemployment rate is 11% but 25% for young people 1.6 million recruiting projects 64% of labour needs are within the services sector 36% of hiring forecast are the object of seasonal needs Job needs increase in Tourism accomodation, camping and agriculture 40% of recruiting projects considered difficult (by the point of view of employers) 4 24/03/2014 What are the particularities of seasonal work ? The French Ministry for Labor defines seasonal work as tasks that normally arise each year, at more or less set dates, according to the rhythm of the seasons. The typical employment contract is a short-term contract for a set period of time. Generally speaking, in the case of seasonal contracts, no compensation is given when the contract comes to end. Accomodation not often provided (B&B or camping may be proposed) Hard work Employers attend candidates to speak French 5 24/03/2014 The main seasonal work sectors in France TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY 34% of needs are seasonal needs On seaside resort or in the mountains, lots of businesses in this sector: beach restaurants, luxury hotel business, camping, fastfood, amusement parks… AGRICULTURE 42 % of needs are seasonal needs Fruits and vegetables picking concentrate 80 000 contracts THE MAIN REGIONS RECRUITING SEASONAL WORKERS Rhône-Alpes (37.000 job vacancies) Aquitaine (24.000 job vacancies) Languedoc Roussillon (18.500 job vacancies) Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur (18.000 job vacancies) Pays de la Loire (17.000 job vacancies) 6 24/03/2014 TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY 7 24/03/2014 Tourism and hospitality Sector not affected by the crisis, due to the flourishing touristic activity in France (80 Million tourists) Most vacancies come from the food industry (75%) Large companies (ACCOR, FLO, etc) share the recruitments with lots of small companies (80% have less than 10 employees). Young people are mainly recruited Strong difficulties for the employers to recruit 8 24/03/2014 Seasonal work on the beach Summer season offers a large range of JVs : 9 24/03/2014 Beach attendant Ice cream seller Beach activity leader Holiday camp activity leader Lifeguard (BSB or BNSSA needed) Sport instructor (BP JEPS needed) Warehouse assitants and drivers Waiting staff (waiters, chambermaids, receptionnists…) Childcare staff … The mountains in the winter/summer The winter season The peak is in February-March and the French mountainous departments that offer the most seasonal work are Savoie, Haute-Savoie and Isère. The Maison des saisonniers offers help and advice to seasonal workers concerning accommodation and social rights. The mountains in the summer As well as the peak of activity in winter, there is the influx of tourists in summer which again creates a great demand for workers in the shops, hotels and restaurants. The many summer sporting activities on offer (hiking, rafting, kayaking, bungee jumping, horse riding) create a demand for qualified instructors and guides. 10 24/03/2014 Agriculture 11 24/03/2014 Some key numbers in the agricultural sector According to France’s agricultural labor unions and employers’ organizations : 140,000 agricultural businesses covering sectors as varied as tree farming, market gardening, winegrowing, horticulture, plant nurseries, market gardens, crop farming and cattle production… Each year, 1,100,000 seasonal employment contracts are signed in the agricultural production sector. 850,000 employees hold a seasonal post. 320,000 personnel enjoy the benefits of a permanent employment contract. 12 24/03/2014 BMO : Labour Requirement survey 2014 The professions recording the largest increases in the number of planned recruitments : 1. Vineyard workers, tree growers, pickers 92 682 with 97,4% of seasonal contracts 2. Agricultural employees, farm workers 61 883 with 85,9% of seasonal contracts 13 24/03/2014 A Guide in English for seasonal workers in agriculture Contents As a new hire Employment contract Work schedule Pay slip Occupational safety Employee rights Useful contacts (legislation, trade and employers organisations, social rights, employement & training…) 14 24/03/2014 Working in France 15 24/03/2014 Working conditions Minimum Wage (SMIC) 2014: 9. 54 € gross/hour 1445.38 € gross/month Legal working week: 35 H/week. 39 H/week for Hotel and catering sector Average Wage in France : 2068 EUROS Your employer must give you a written employment contract (contrat de travail) and every month you will receive your pay slip (gross and netto salary appears) (feuille/fiche/bulletin de paye) 16 16 24/03/2014 Employers’ expectations French employers do expect a decent level of French It is also not easy to look for a job in France via Internet without speaking French since all websites are in French without any translation 17 24/03/2014 Finding job adverts National Public employment Service It deals with placement, careers advice and allowance 18 18 24/03/2014 Finding job adverts 19 19 24/03/2014 Starting from January and Febrary for the summer and from september for the winter season How to find a seasonal JVs on ? How to find a seasonal JVs on ? 20 24/03/2014 Starting from January and Febrary for the summer and from september for the winter season How to find a seasonal JVs on ? How to find a seasonal JVs on ? 21 24/03/2014 Finding Job adverts BY CONSULTING: COMPANY WEBSITES Companies often have a “Recruitment” area. A search engine or a professional directory will enable you to find their internet address. You could also start your search from the following website: THE PRINT MEDIA The specialist press enables companies to recruit staff by publishing their vacancies. You will find all the titles and their link on: 22 24/03/2014 Finding job adverts BY SEARCHING THE HIDDEN JOB MARKET → These are unpublished vacancies: employers will first search among speculative applications that they have received before advertising a job on the open market. (it represents 60% of needs) By meeting employers on Job Fairs (information on 23 24/03/2014 Working in France Mle Paule EMPLOI 13 rue Malherbe 76100 ROUEN Tel : 02 35 07 54 90 mail : [email protected] permis B, véhicule personnel ASSISTANTE RESSOURCES HUMAINES CV DOMAINES DE COMPETENCES GESTION DU PERSONNEL GESTION COMMERCIALE Diffusion d’offres (Pole Emploi, site internet agence, presse, écoles) Sélection de CV Entretiens Validation des connaissances et compétences (tests) Gestion des formations Saisie et suivi des contrats de travail, saisie des paies Saisie et suivi des offres d’emploi Saisie de DUE, attestation Assedic, solde de tout compte Visites clients Prospection téléphonique Prise de commande des clients Propositions actives de candidatures Conseils juridiques Facturation et relance Gestion de plannings Gestion de tableaux de bord Accueil, standard, secrétariat courant EXPERIENCE PROFESSIONNELLE 2008 Conseillère à l’emploi : POLE EMPLOI CADRES à Rouen 2007 (3 mois) Assistante gestion du personnel : MANPOWER à Eu 2006-2007 Assistante recrutement : SAMSIC INTERIM à Rouen 2006 (3 mois) Assistante gestion du personnel : SECURIFRANCE à Rouen 2004-2005 Assistante recrutement : RH FACILITIES à Mont Saint Aignan 2003-2004 (3 mois) Secrétaire : Auto-école «FORUM » à Rouen 2001-2003 Gestionnaire de santé : MUTUELLE GENERALE à Levallois One page , max 2 (it depends on your Experience) 5 rubrics: •Personal details •Personal profile •Work experience •Education •Additional information •NO references FORMATION 2001 : DUT GEA (Gestion des Entreprises et des Administrations) 1999 : Baccalauréat STT ACC (Actions et Communications Commerciales) Connaissances informatiques : ANAEL, LEA, Connect, Outlook, Word, Excel, Internet. INFORMATIONS COMLEMENTAIRES Titulaire de l’attestation de formation aux premiers secours Randonnée, voyages, décoration intérieure et jardinage 24 24/03/2014 24 Working in France Cover Letter In french 1 page Why you write, what you can bring to the company (skills, ...) without repeating what is on the CV What you know about the company or at least in its sector Propose to meet with the recruiter (interview) Handwritten letter not mandatory (But that may be required) Recipient identified 25 25 24/03/2014 Eures Network 100 eures advisors Rouen Lille Paris (tête de réseau) Caen Metz Rennes Hayange, St Avold, Longvy, Forbach, Verdun Strasbourg Guadeloupe Orléans Pontarlier Nantes Dijon Martinique Saint-Genis Pouill Lyon Limoges Meythet Chambéry Saint - Etienne Clermont- Ferrand Réunion Grenoble Bordeaux Valence Bayonne Nice Toulouse 26 2 24/03/2014 26 Perpignan Montpellier Marseille Ajacci o
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