Monday, March 31, 2014
Hollywood City Hall, Small Conference Room
6501 Fountain Avenue (at Wilcox), Los Angeles, CA 90028
Scott Campbell called the meeting called to order at 6:17pm. Board members present: David
Carrera, Denise DeCarlo, Laurie Goldman, Toby Johnson, Susan Sempers and Scott Campbell.
Tom Ellis read a statement regarding his concerns about noise caused by late night club goers. Mr.
Ellis called for signage calling for quiet and noting consequences.
February 2014 CHNC Board meeting
Laurie Goldman moved to approve the February 2014 Board meeting minutes; seconded by
Denise DeCarlo.
VOTE: Unanimous in favor. The motion passed.
No representatives present.
A. Review and approval of recent transactions on the purchase card and purchase card statement.
Denise DeCarlo listed transactions on the CHNC purchase card as of February 2014.
Denise DeCarlo moved to approve purchase card transactions for February 2014; seconded by
Laurie Goldman.
VOTE: Unanimous in favor.
Laurie Goldman moved to approve purchase card transactions for March 2014; seconded by
Denise DeCarlo.
VOTE: Unanimous in favor.
B. Funding Status
Budget status, what are our remaining funds?
Denise DeCarlo advised that $13073.70 remains unallocated.
There was discussion about remaining funds and how to reallocate those funds.
Post Office Box 93907, Hollywood, California 90093
CHNC Board Meeting Agenda
March 31, 2014
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Laurie Goldman moved to reallocate funds to cover NPG requests and remaining
expenses; seconded by Denise DeCarlo.
VOTE: Unanimous. The motion passed.
C. Checking Account update
Denise DeCarlo advised that there was nothing to report regarding the proposed CHNC
checking account. Scott Campbell advised that the new CHNC Board members will have to
take funding training prior to being able to vote on any funding requests.
D. Funding request
a. Enrich LA, Neighborhood Purposes Grant to support the Garden Ranger Program at Vine
Street Elementary School, $2500
(Taken out of order) Thomas O’Grady provided a summary of the Garden Ranger program
at Vine Street, discussed the benefits offered to the students and asked for CHNC support
in the form of an NPG grant.
Laurie Goldman advised her support of the Garden Ranger program.
Laurie Goldman moved to approve the NPG grant request for $2500 for the Garden Ranger
program at Vine Street Elementary School; seconded by David Carrera.
VOTE: Unanimous. The motion passed.
b. Hollywood Boys and Girls Club, Neighborhood Purposes Grant, $4000
Mel Culpepper discussed the services offered to neighborhood youth by the Science,
Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) program and asked for CHNC support for a
new robotics program.
David Carrera asked how much funding was provided to STEM in 2013 and was told that
CHNC had provided $4500. There was discussion of an arts component being added.
Laurie Goldman moved to provide a $4000 NPG grant to the STEM robotics program at
Hollywood Boys and Girls Club; seconded by Denise DeCarlo.
VOTE: Unanimous in favor. The motion passed.
c. Hollywood Beautification Team, Neighborhood Purposes Grant, $2500 for Highland median
Denise DeCarlo reported that Hollywood Beautification Team (HBT) has listed costs of
$3843.02 for median replanting and $7254.00 for City Hall. There was no HBT
representative available.
A. Request that CHNC oppose LAUSD construction bond funding for Common Core Project
Robert Yorgason advised that his concern is how the LAUSD Common Core Project is being
funded and requested that the CHNC Board send a letter to Controller Ron Galperin and Bond
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March 31, 2014
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Oversight Committee member Stephen English requesting that a representative be made
available to answer CHNC Board member questions regarding technology and software
purchases. Laurie Goldman asked Linda Lee if the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates
(NCBAs) have discussed the Common Core project specifically. Ms. Lee advised that a NCBA
recommendation to Mayor Garcetti has been formulated that proposes a bond measure to
update the IT infrastructure for all City Departments across the board.
Laurie Goldman moved to write a letter to Controller Ron Galperin and Bond Oversight
Committee member Stephen English requesting that a Controller’s Office representative speak
to CHNC regarding the use of construction bond funds being used to fund technology
purchases; seconded by Toby Johnson.
VOTE: Unanimous in favor. The motion passed.
Alwin Sumirat arrived at 6:35pm.
A. Standing Committees
I. Planning and Land Use Management
a. The Lexington, 6655-6677 Santa Monica Blvd.: approx. 786 residential units and approx.
22,200 square feet of retail/restaurant uses for a total project size of 769,676 sq. ft.
Residential uses would be located within six buildings ranging from five to six stories in height
and would include open space and recreational amenities. The retail/restaurant uses would be
located on the ground level along the Santa Monica Boulevard frontage. A three level parking
facility, providing approx. 1,612 spaces within two subterranean levels and one ground level,
would be located below the residential uses. The project would require various approvals that
may include, but would not be limited to, the following: certification of an EIR; a vesting
tentative tract map (including relief from the Advisory Agency’s parking policy); General Plan
Amendment to change the designation of the site from Commercial Manufacturing to General
Commercial; zoning change to change the zoning of the site from [Q]CM-2D-SN to C2-2D-SN;
Site Plan Review findings; Conditional Use Permit for alcoholic beverages; demolition,
grading, excavation, foundation, and associated building permits; haul route approval; Project
Permit Compliance or other necessary signage approvals pursuant to the requirements of the
Hollywood Signage Supplemental Use District; and any additional actions as may be deemed
Joel Miller introduced himself and property owner Eugene LaPietra, and discussed the
project’s history as well as input received from the community at other CHNC meetings—open
space, access on Lexington, commercial floor area, parking, retail use along Santa Monica
Blvd., and signage on the property. Mr. Miller stated that the issues raised had been
addressed. Mr. Miller then addressed stakeholder concerns regarding a $3.2 million Quimby
fee assessment that should be targeted for DeLongpre park, and assured everyone that dog
waste stations would be provided. Mr. Miller then introduced architect Navy Banyard, who
presented renderings and discussed the changes that had been made to the project as a
result of input from the community and the Council office. The new project will have
somewhere between 690 and 700 units, with open space calculated at 122,000 sq. ft. The
courtyards are larger, increased setbacks on Las Palmas, Santa Monica and Lexington (15
feet for each). The ground floor retail will be 25,000 sq. ft.; Mr. Banyard then discussed curb
cuts and ingress/egress, and stated that that there is no entry on Lexington. Mr. Banyard
provided a breakdown of how the varying heights of the development will be done, and noted
that the center of the development, away from the perimeter, will have 7 levels. Mr. Banyard
referred to the influence of Irving Gill in the design proposed, and discussed the architectural
elements in detail.
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March 31, 2014
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David Carrera stated that the changed design was more aesthetically pleasing to him and
asked if there were plans to offer 3 bedrooms units (more family housing). Navy Banyard
advised that the largest unit planned so far has 2 bedrooms and a loft. Joel Miller stated that
larger units could be considered. Mr. Carrera asked for specifics about how Quimby fees can
be applied to DeLongpre Park and how much the payment to LAUSD will be. Mr. Miller stated
that the building valuation would have to be provided before a dollar amount can be
calculated. At Susan Semper’s request, provision for parking was discussed. Mr. Miller
advised that the parking ratio remains 1.75 or 2 parking spaces per unit. There was
discussion about the community plan.
David Ambroz thanked Gene LaPietra for the significant improvement in design and stated
that the improvement exceeded his expectations. Joel Miller thanked Mr. Ambroz and asked
that the CHNC PLUM recommendation mentions down lighting.
Larry, a stakeholder, asked time frame for demolition. Gene LaPietra advised that 3 years is
anticipated. There was discussion about the effect the challenge to the Community Plan is
having--no new hearings will be scheduled until resolution has been reached. .Irma Garate
asked about pedestrian exits from the project onto Lexington and was told that provision has
been made per the building code. Responding to David Carrera’s question regarding the
Lexington elevation, Navy Banvard advised that the Lexington elevation mimics that on Santa
Monica. Joel Miller discussed provision for signage. Oliver Netburn asked for clarification
about zone change, from M2 to C2. Mr. Milller advised that the application filed pre-dates the
new community plan; if reversion to the old community plan occurs the same entitlements
apply. David Carrera clarified that the council office is not in favor of live/work space. Mr.
Miller referred to the EIR that has just been circulated and noted that changes to commercial
floor area has not been considered in the EIR. Mr. Netburn discussed concerns about the
amount of floor area devoted to commercial/retail, and suggested that an equity waiver theater
be included. Mr. Netburn also suggested that the leasing office be moved to the interior of the
property and that the pedestrian entrance on Santa Monica be accentuated to allow a more
courtyard-like appearance. The entrance into the property must only allow a right turn; there
should not be a left turn. Mr. Carrera clarified that there will not be a traffic light at Seward.
Oliver Netburn moved to recommend that the CHNC Board approve the project at 6655-6677
Santa Monica Blvd with the following added conditions and statements: the PLUM Committee
likes the new architectural design, that an equity waiver theater consistent with other theaters
in the area be included in the existing commercial space, with ground floor articulation to bring
sidewalk along Santa Monica more into the project to allow for outdoor dining, for example,
that a plan for down lighting be provided, a clearer breakdown of plans for multi-family housing
be provided; seconded by David Carrera,
Vote: Unanimous in favor. The motion passed.
Joel Miller briefly reprised previous presentations made to CHNC and its approval of an earlier
version of the project. Mr. Miller discussed reasons for the changes to the proposed
development, discussed the community input process undergone and the strong likelihood that
the Los Angeles City Council will reinstate the prior Hollywood Community Plan. Mr. Miller
then referred to changes made and the recommendation of approval offered by the CHNC
PLUM Committee. Navy Banvard provided a brief summation of the architectural elements
and changes made to the project. Mr. Banvard noted inspiration from architect Irving Gill.
Alwin Sumirat left the meeting.
David Carrera moved to approve the PLUM Committee recommendation; seconded by Laurie
Scott Campbell stated his appreciation of the proposed development project and stated his
support. Laurie Goldman stated her appreciation and asked if dog waste stations have been
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March 31, 2014
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David Carrera moved to amend the PLUM Committee recommendation to include the requirement
that dog waste stations be provided; seconded by Laurie Goldman.
Gene LaPietra discussed the efforts he has made to offer a project that is viable and
satisfactory to the community. Mr. LaPietra thanked David Carrera for the outreach that
allowed community input.
George Abrahams asked how many parking spaces are provided for the retail area, how much
of a parking reduction is being requested, is a mass transit credit being requested and, if a
parking reduction is not being requested what the full parking requirement for the residential
VOTE: Unanimous in favor. The motion passed.
b. 7-Eleven Store, 6760 Hollywood Blvd.: ZA-2013-3272-CU, tenant improvement to an existing
multi-tenant bldg. for a 1,750 plus 500 sq.ft. mezzanine 24 hour convenience 7-11 store.
Tara Devine described the proposed development and noted the earlier presentations made.
Ms. Devine indicated that 7-Eleven Corporate needs more specificity and that a firm offer
regarding security provisions could be made by the next CHNC Board meeting. A hearing
date has been assigned for April 8, 2014. Ms. Devine noted that the entitlement being sought
will allow for 24 hour operation only and no entitlement for beer and wine is being requested.
Ms. Devine also discussed improvement to the property suggested at the last PLUM meeting.
David Carrera asked if LAPD and Hollywood Heritage have been consulted and was told that
a meeting has not yet been scheduled with LAPD or with Hollywood Heritage.
Fabio Conti asked if the sale of alcoholic beverages will ever be considered; Tara Devine
stated that the over-concentration of businesses selling alcohol in the area has been
communicated to 7-Eleven and there is no intent to sell alcohol at this location.
Tage, a nearby business owner, discussed problems that have been observed and asked if a
condition can be provided that limits the sale of alcohol. Tara Devine stated that such a
condition will not make it into a Zoning Administrator’s letter of determination because it is not
Susan Sempers voiced concern about the 24 hour operation proposed. David Carrera
suggested an earlier shift start time for the security guard.
David Ambroz discussed a 7-Eleven operation near his home. There was considerable
discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of having a 24-hour operation on Hollywood
Boulevard, including the well-lit operation at night that may attract aggressive panhandlers.
The building owner brought up the point that a successful national chain operation will attract
other successful national chains to Hollywood Boulevard.
Oliver Netburn moved to recommend CHNC Board approval of the request for 24-hour
operation of a store at 6760 Hollywood Blvd with the added condition a minimum of 1 (one)
state licensed security officer for the hours of 8 pm to 4 am, 7 days a week, and that no more
than 75% of the windows be kept transparent; seconded by David Carrera.
David Carrera strongly suggested that input from LAPD and Hollywood Heritage be sought.
VOTE: Unanimous in favor
Captain Peter Zarcone advised that LAPD opposes a 24 hour convenience store
operation at the proposed site, and discussed the reasons for opposition.
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March 31, 2014
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David Carrera read the PLUM Committee recommendation, stated that he could no longer
support the PLUM Committee recommendation, noted that 7-Eleven could operate byright from 7am to 11pm without providing security. Oliver Netburn discussed the solution
provided in exchange for the additional 8 hours of operation. Laurie Goldman asked why
a condition precluding the sale of alcohol was not included. There was discussion about
how the community’s concerns could be addressed. Mr. Carrera advised that a 7-Eleven
near his home has never sold alcohol in the 14 years he has lived in the area.
Tara DeVine reprised the presentation made to the CHNC PLUM Committee, described
the location, the entitlement request for 24 hour operation only, and stated that there was
no intent to offer alcohol. Ms. DeVine advised that the proposed letter articulate
community concern regarding sales of alcohol in an area oversaturated with alcohol
permits, however, denial of the rights of a future tenant could not be legally acted upon by
a Zoning Administrator. Ms. DeVine then discussed improvements to the property, and
stated that 7-Eleven will retain the lease to the property, not the franchisee.
Scott Campbell asked Tara DeVine to respond to the concerns voiced by Capt. Peter
Zarcone regarding the proposed 24 hour operation. Ms. DeVine stated that the 24 hour
operation would provide a presence on the street during late night hours. She discussed
the provision of a security guard, and discussed the process by which provision of security
services would have to be approved by 7-Eleven corporate. The property owner
discussed the advantages of having a national chain tenant at this location.
Laurie Goldman moved to approve the PLUM Committee recommendation; seconded by Susan
Laurie Goldman amended the PLUM Committee recommendation to include a plan
approval upon change of owner-operator; Susan Sempers agreed to the amendment.
Capt. Peter Zarcone responded to Toby Johnson’s question regarding the efficacy of
security guard services by stating that those services could be somewhat effective but
precluding 24 hour operation would be more effective.
Grant Linscott stated that limiting operating hours is more appropriate.
Susan Sempers stated her preference that 7-Eleven not place a store at that location.
Laurie Goldman stated that her experience with 7-Eleven Corporate was different from
Ms. DeVine’s assertion of community support.
Denise DeCarlo advised that there are four 7-Eleven stores within a mile and adding a
fifth store is not appropriate. Ms. DeCarlo described her impression of the current
David Carrera referred to additional outreach done after the last PLUM meeting and
noted opposition from the Council member’s office to the CUP, the BID and next door
neighbor Musicians Institute.
Freddie Cupen-Ames stated that Musicians Institute is opposed to the CUP.
Carol Massie discussed her reasons for opposing 24 hour operation.
Brian Folb stated Hollywood Chamber of Commerce opposition, and discussed the
outreach regarding the proposed CUP.
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March 31, 2014
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George Abrahams stated his reasons for opposing 24 hour operation.
Oliver Netburn stated that the proposed development will not intensify problems that
already exist in Hollywood and advised that a provision should be made that includes
security services.
Tara DeVine advised that opposing significant development sends a clear signal to
other retailers. Responding to Scott Campbell’s question, Ms. DeVine stated that less
than 24 hour operation is being reviewed by 7-Eleven corporate.
VOTE: Unanimous opposition; the motion did not pass.
Laurie Goldman moved to support hours of operation from 6am to midnight, with 1 year plan
approval and plan approval upon change of owner/operator; seconded by Toby Johnson.
David Carrera suggested that the motion include the addition of security guard services if
the Zoning Administrator approves any additional hours of operation. Laurie Goldman and
Toby Johnson agreed to the amendment of the motion.
Laurie Goldman advised that the letter to be written will include the community’s concern
about sale of alcohol at this location.
Susan Sempers suggested that the motion refer to complete opposition to the proposed
Denise DeCarlo asked a current McDonald’s owner what time vagrants are noticed at her
location, and was told after 1pm.
VOTE: 5 in favor; 2 opposed (David Carrera and Susan Sempers).
II. Beautification Committee
a. Committee Report
There was discussion about additional median being added. Ms. DeCarlo also reported on
discussions regarding medians on Vine Street and street closings because of construction
on the Snyder project.
b. Highland Ave Committee
Laurie Goldman stated that a meeting has been scheduled to discuss new medians on
c. De Longpre Park - Oliver Netburn
Ordering plants has not been completed. Mr. Netburn summarized plans for planting but
no date has been scheduled. Mr. Netburn advised that the planting can be done quickly.
III. Public Safety Committee
a. Committee Report
Oliver Netburn discussed outreach and surveys done by the BID and the West Hollywood
Food Coalition and advised that nothing significant to report was available.
V. Nightlife Issues
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March 31, 2014
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a. Nightclub CPAB
David Carrera referred to a conversation he had with Capt. Zarcone at a recent Senior
Lead Officer meeting and reported that the Captain had encouraged NC participation in
B. Ad Hoc Committees
I. Election Committee
a. Committee Report
Laurie Goldman thanked candidates and congratulated the new Board members. Scott
Campbell read the list of the top vote getters: Irma Garate, Milagros Lizzaraga, Juan
Carlos Jimines, Marcy Olaechea, and Emilio Vega.
There was discussion about the April 14, 2015 CHNC PLUM meeting.