HARDING UNIVERSITY GRADUATE STUDIES IN EDUCATION Spring 2015 The following classes will be offered Spring 2015. If you are interested in any of these courses, please fax special student application and NTL scholarship application, to 501-279-4083 by December 16, 2014. If you have any questions, contact the Graduate Studies in Education office at 501-279-4315 or e-mail [email protected] . If registering for classes, you must have your textbooks before classes begin. If you have never taken a graduate course from Harding or plan to take a total of 6 hours or less from Harding, you should fill out a “Special Student Application which can be located at http://www.harding.edu/education/graduateprograms/nondegree Applications cannot be filled out on-line; they must be printed off and faxed. If you wish to apply for financial aid or have taken 6 or more graduate hours from Harding University already or plan to take over 6 hours in the future, you must fill out the “Not Seeking A Degree Application” (instead of the “Special Student Application”). To locate this application, go to http://www.harding.edu/education/graduateprograms/nondegree , then look under “Not Seeking A Degree” and print off the application. Applications cannot be filled out on-line; they must be printed off and scanned and e-mailed to [email protected] or faxed to 501-279-4083. To find out more about financial aid, please e-mail [email protected]. Students who are seeking a non-traditional license (NTL) and taking 6 or more hours of classes may be eligible for financial aid. On your fax coversheet, tell us in which class or classes you wish to register and then be sure to show up for class. If you wish to confirm your registration once you have sent in your application or have any questions, contact the Graduate Studies in Education office at 501279-4315. Harding will not contact you, other than e-billing you a bill to your Harding e-mail at a later date. In some cases, the bill may not reach you until after the class has begun. All students must activate their Harding student computer account. To do so, go to http://pipeline.harding.edu, click the link that says “Activate My Student Account ”. After filling out the information, you will be given a Harding student number (H#) and a username and password. As a graduate student, this account will give you a Harding e-mail address and it will allow you to view and pay your business office account, view and accept financial aid records, view grades, order textbooks, get on Canvas, and access other services available within Campus Pipeline. Between 1 and 3 weeks before classes begin, you should order your textbooks. Books can be ordered by going online through your Harding “Pipeline” account, or by going to http://hubookstore.harding.edu/Home.aspx, click on "Textbooks", "Select the Department", “Select Course”, and click on "Get Course Materials", and the textbooks for that particular course will appear. If this website is not working, then contact the bookstore at [email protected] . October 20, 2014 The cost for each 3-hour course is $1,281 for the 2014-2015 school year (which includes the technology fee). COURSES HARDING OFFERS FOR NTL CANDIDATES (Not All Courses Are Offered Every Semester) HIST 536 – Arkansas History EDFD 603 Human Growth & Development: Birth Through Adolescence Reading Methods I courses are RDNG 412/512 Reading Methods II courses are RDNG 413/513 ATTENTION: According to the Arkansas Department of Education, Reading Methods I course must be completed before beginning Reading Methods II course. Online Course: 16 Week Course HIST 536 Arkansas History 3 credit hours CRN: 14659 History 536-0L1 – for Searcy area students CRN: 14660 History 536-0L2 – for North Little Rock area students CRN: 14661 History 536-0L3 – for Northwest Arkansas area students CRN: 14662 History 536-0L4 – for Memphis area students Instructor: Dr. Tom Howard Dates: January 12 – May 8, 2015 E-Mail: Dr. Howard at [email protected] to get class assignments. Course Description: The history of Arkansas from the 16th century to the present. Required of all teachers certifying in the social sciences. Online Course: 8 Week Course EDFD 603 Human Growth & Development: Birth Through Adolescence CRN: 13761 EDFD 603-0L1 – for Searcy area students CRN: 13762 EDFD 603-0L2 – for North Little Rock area students CRN: 13763 EDFD 603-0L3 – for Northwest Arkansas area students CRN: 13764 EDFD 603-0L4 – for Memphis area students 3 credit hours Instructor: Mrs. Monica Vesely Dates: January 12 – March 6, 2015 E-Mail: Mrs. Vesely at [email protected] to get class assignments. Course Description: The study of human growth and development with special attention given to birth through adolescence including theories of development in such areas as physical, mental, moral, personality and social maturation. Also addressed are abnormalities and variations in development due to gender, culture and environmental factors. Students must complete 8 hours of observation. Five Saturday Courses at the North Little Rock Professional Center: CRN: 13901 RDNG 512-E21 Emergent Literacy 3 credit hours Instructor: Mrs. Morgan Smith Location: North Little Rock Professional Center Time: 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Dates: (Saturdays) Jan. 17, Jan 24, Jan. 31, Feb. 14, Feb. 28 October 20, 2014 Course Description: Teaching integrated language arts in the P-8 grades with an emphasis on understanding the nature of reading and writing, phonics, and literature-based instruction CRN: 13905 RDNG 513-E41 Adolescent Literacy 3 credit hours Instructor: Mrs. Miriam Berryhill Location: North Little Rock Professional Center Time: 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Dates: (Saturdays) Mar. 7, Mar. 14, Apr. 4, Apr. 18, Apr. 25 Course Description: Teaching integrated reading and writing in the upper elementary grades, including teaching strategies, assessment procedures, and remediation techniques Five Saturday Courses at the Northwest Arkansas Professional Center: CRN: 13902 RDNG 512-E22 Emergent Literacy 3 credit hours Instructor: Mrs. Amanda Ware Location: Northwest Arkansas Professional Center Time: 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Dates: (Saturdays), Jan. 24, Jan. 31, Feb. 7, Feb. 14, Feb. 28 Course Description: Teaching integrated language arts in the P-8 grades with an emphasis on understanding the nature of reading and writing, phonics, and literature-based instruction CRN: 13907 RDNG 513-E43 Adolescent Literacy 3 credit hours Instructor: Mr. Andrew Chance Location: Northwest Arkansas Professional Center Time: 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Dates: (Saturdays) Mar. 14, Mar. 21, Apr. 18, Apr. 25, May 2 Course Description: Teaching integrated reading and writing in the upper elementary grades, including teaching strategies, assessment procedures, and remediation techniques. Searcy Daytime Courses: CRN: 13899 RDNG 512-01 Emergent Literacy 3 credit hours Instructor: Wendy Ellis Location: Thornton Education Center, Room 227 Time: 10:00 – 11:15 a.m. Dates: Tuesdays, Thursdays Jan. 13 – May 7, 2015 Course Description: Teaching integrated language arts in the P-8 grades with an emphasis on understanding the nature of reading and writing, phonics, and literature-based instruction. CRN: 13900 RDNG 512-02 Emergent Literacy 3 credit hours Instructor: Wendy Ellis Location: Thornton Education Center, Room 227 Time: 1:00 – 2:15 p.m. Dates: Tuesdays, Thursdays Jan. 13 – May 7, 2015 Course Description: Teaching integrated language arts in the P-8 grades with an emphasis on understanding the nature of reading and writing, phonics, and literature-based instruction CRN: 13904 RDNG 513-01 Adolescent Literacy 3 credit hours Instructor: Ken Stamatis Location: AMST 108 Time: 2:00 – 3:15 p.m. Dates: Mondays, Wednesdays Jan. 12 – May 8, 2015 Course Description: Teaching integrated reading and writing in the upper elementary grades, including teaching strategies, assessment procedures, and remediation techniques. October 20, 2014
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