David Bayless - missionoutreach.org

David and Carol Bayless
Brazil address: Pass. Pau d'Arco 100 -- Coqueiro
67113-190 Ananindeua, PA, Brazil
[email protected]
Forwarding agent: Jon Green
Box 1450
Dalhart, TX 79022
[email protected]
To call us from the U.S.: 011-55-91-3235-0409
Monday, January 19, 2015
Greetings to elders, preachers, and other interested people,
Training of leaders for small groups in the discipleship program is well underway. We meet most
Saturday mornings at 7:00. Five from the Cidade Nova church and Enderson from the "church in the
center" are participating. We hope to get it started some time around the middle of the year. A lot of
training is necessary to have the best results. Two churches should begin about the same time, maybe
around the middle of the year.
At the January meeting of leaders of the churches Ivo and Raimundo, elders in the Agulha church in
Icoaraci, asked me to begin training leaders for small groups out there. The church began in 1958, and
has had a really rocky history, but now has two very good men as elders. Their invitation is a very
encouraging development. I probably will be the one to go train small group leaders.
In January I gave the leaders copies of my transcription in Portuguese of Kevin Boll's all-day seminar
at Emmanuel Seminary in Tennessee. With this they should have enough of a general idea of what is
involved that they can decide if they want to begin the discipleship in their churches. We hope the
example of the two churches beginning it this year will lead the
others to want to do it.
Joao evangelized the barber who cuts his hair. He goes by the
name of Junior. At the end of December he was baptized. See
the picture at right.
I'm teaching Evaldo, who used to attend the Cidade Nova
church, on Thursday evenings. He has been baptized somewhere
else, and seems to have understood very well what he was doing,
so we are taking him in. Terezinha taught his wife, Andreia, the
gospel. She was baptized yesterday, and he joined us.
Carol and I have been invited to teach in a big "congresso" in February in Marabá, about 400 miles
south of Belém. She will teach the ladies on the theme, "Daughters of Sarah," with practical counsel on
the husband/wife relationship. My subject will be Reasons
to Believe, a subject which I have studied a lot and written
We attended a
wedding Saturday
out in the country
from the little
town of Irituia, 90
miles down the
highway from
here. Lywynei
(lee-vee-NAY), son of Lúcio, the main leader in the church
there, married Sílvia, from the country town of Quatro
Bocas. It was very pretty, and held at a kind of restaurant
out in the country on a ranch. See the picture above. So
there were flies when the big meal was served; I estimated
there were approximately 8,719 of them, give or take a
couple of thousand. Abenilton, from the church in Marabá,
had the ceremony.
I don't know how he heard about the discipleship we're
working on, but he asked me to help them get it going in the
church down there. That will be our pleasure. We'll have a
day and a half after the "congresso" ends, and I will send him the two workshops and the all-day
seminary by Brother Kevin Boll, that I translated. Here's Abenilton conducting the wedding.
The dizziness which resulted from the hard fall and bump I had on my head a few months ago seems
to have come back a little. I do the exercises each morning, which should make it go away.
The Cidade Nova church has our annual meeting on
the tenth. All four elders continue in leadership. I am
in charge of the evangelism ministry. It was a
harmonious meeting, as it usually is.
Last night the children sang several songs for the
church. Margie has on a white dress left of center. She
came in the office yesterday and said, in English, "Good
morning." Anne had taught her to say that. She usually
speaks only Portuguese. We only speak English to her,
and one of these days she'll start speaking English.
Tonight we begin teaching our son-in-law Igor's
sister and her husband.
Opportunities keep coming up, and we stay in fairly good health with strength to take them up. We
believe God has a great ministry with the discipleship and spiritual growth and development as a result.
We are happy for getting to continue with this increasing ministry to many churches–four so far, and we
haven't even gotten it under way. We thank you who are supporting with your prayers and your finances,
for being able to be partners with you in this work.
In Christ,
Prayer items:
God's help in preparing material and small group leaders for the discipleship
Health and strength for getting the discipleship going in the churches
Thanks for more churches wanting to begin discipleship
Recent baptisms and continuing teaching
Evangelism of others who are being taught
Success of the exercises for dizziness