BNO mtg minutes August 12th 2014

Bryant Neighborhood Organization
Board Meeting Minutes
August 12, 2014
Minneapolis Urban League
Sharon Sayles Belton Community Services Center
411 East 38th Street
Minneapolis, MN
In attendance: Aaron Goedtke (Chair), Evette McDonald McCarthy (Treasurer), Nina Soffer (Staff), Cindy
Hillman, Stacey Chase, Marjaan Sidar, Jason Lanick, Sara Anderson (Vice Chair)
7:03 call to order
Treasurer Update: Evette
AmFam: paid twice; refunded and check back in bank.
Only payments for July: Nina and rent
Received official CPP letter, approving our budget
* Needed to readjust budget to place 41k that was not accounted for (as we had it planned over three
years but need to use in one year)
* Need to get info to Judy @ city for cpp revised budget adjustment so 1st amendment cpp roll-over
City want to see 41k used in each year, rather than spread over the three.
We have to use the 41k, or most of this year.
VOTE: Approve rollover of $41,436.31 CPP funds from 2013 budget to 2014.
Stacey moved
Cindy second
Evette: abstain due to creating the budget
NOAH: Conversation around what Noah should complete, how much money… how do we
transition from Noah to Reggie?
VOTE: Motion to approve $450 for Noah to work on current website to get it functioning.
All approved.
Tables, Projector: still need to purchase.
Pastor Jim grant: 1175.00, 2846.25, 1200.00 total $5221.25
VOTE: Approve grant $5,221.25 for Pastor Jim’s PAC programming.
all approved
Back in the Day grant: $3,200.00
VOTE: Approve grant of $3,200.00 for Back in the Day event at Phelps Park on August 30th.
5 approve
1 against
Nina asked where the NRP home remodeling loan principal (through GMHC) is going. It is
deposited in an account at the city that we were unaware of. The total is $63,000.
VOTE: Motion to approve rolling BNO principals from NRP rehab loans back to GMHC.
all in favor
Discussion about NRP fund and if we can direct some to more rehab loans. Should we move all the
GMHC? Should we wait til we make more progress with Lissa.
All in agreement that we want to use the funds, but not ready to do it immediately.
Marjaan: He reached out to Reggie a while ago. Steph and Marjaan created questions and
interviewed both Reggie and Nina. Reggie’s experience was longer and more in depth with website
and technology. Knows area. Steph says Hannah would be great at cleaning up, Reggie will help
carry us to where we want to go.
Nina: Chatted with him for 2 hours; impressed with social media and community organizing.
Looking to gain greater exposure through social media and wanting to teach Nina to make
sustainable. He’s looking for documentation. Had a great repore. Nina feels like she would be able
to work well with him. 6 months seems to be a good fit.
Evette, side note: We need to ensure all interview documents filed appropriately.
VOTE: Motion to hire Reginald (Reggie) Prim as independent contractor
all in favor
Start date September 1st, time to create contract, sign, etc…
AUGUST 16th EVENT at Phelps Park 12-4pm:
Set up (tent, tables….)
Food prep
BNO table
Check in table/kids bike giveaway/tshirt
(There’s been no communication from Hosmer.)
Seward opening
CBA discussion: Letter sent to public official with BNO name that was not vetted by board. Prior
to any letter going out, the board needs to be informed and approve of the letter to follow policy and
August 19th: Construction hiring happening now.
Stakeholder meeting: need to release the information, part of the gentrification conversation, since
all the stakeholders were POC. Nina planning to talk to Elizabeth Glidden about sharing that info.
Larry Umphrees has put in more money in the 2015 budget for Phelps Park
Willing to supply food for our events.
(Nick, asst superintendent, committed 4k. Larry cannot find it in the budget, so they are willing to
supply food, etc.)
Park department seems willing to work with us more now.
Annual Meeting
October 18th, 10-12
“The Great Idea”
Sledding/food event
Adjorn 8:25pm