Prevention is 9/10ths of the Law

Prevention is 9/10ths of the Law
Practical Tools for the Prevention and Management
of Aggression and Violence in the Workplace
(This course replaces Non Violent Crisis Intervention Training)
Required training for EMS, Acute, Transition & Long Term Care RNs, RPNs, LPNs &
HCAs, and Activity and ADP Staff from former ARHA sites
This training is for new hires and staff who have not previously attended.
Session Time: 0900-1630 hours
Jan. 8
Ukrainian Hall
202 5th St. NW
Jan. 2
United Church CE Building
Jan. 22
Jan. 29
Sacred Heart Parish Hall
Feb. 11
Elks Hall
Feb. 19
Corner of Donald Ave. & Duncan
481 Queen St. West
213 Shell River Ave.
Legion Hall (Upper Hall)
401 North Railway Street
Jan. 8
Jan. 15
Jan. 28
Feb. 5
Registration is first come first service basis with a maximum
of 22 participants per session.
To be registered staff replacement must be confirmed.
(if required)
For more information
See page 2
Clinical Education
December 2013
Information Sheet
Prevention is 9/10ths of the Law
Effective September 1, 2011, the Prevention 9/10ths training course was a requirement for
EMS, Acute, Transitional and PCH RNs, RPNs, LPNs, HCAs and ACTIVITY/ADP staff.
Staff having taken the Non Violent Crisis Intervention training after September 2010, will
not have to take Prevention 9/10ths training at this time.”
This course has been developed to offer healthcare workers tools, guidelines and options to resolve potential
problems with violent or aggressive behaviour, no matter where they work. If practiced, the knowledge offered
here may make the difference between potential for risk and probable harm. The objectives of this course are:
Reviewing personal safety awareness and tips in coming and going to work
Identifying risks of aggression and violence in the workplace
Defining the stages and interventions associated with the Aggressive Behaviour Cycle
Identifying prevention strategies for verbal and nonverbal clients in de-escalating aggressive individuals
Demonstrating physical personal safety techniques used in crisis situations
Reviewing techniques for post-care and self-care
Course Details:
 Mileage will be paid from base site
 Please try attending the location closest to your base site and carpooling is encouraged.
 Wages will be paid (7.75 hours) for: EMS staff , Acute, Transitional and Long Term Care RNs, RPNs, LPNs,
HCAs and Activity/ADP Staff
▪ Lunch and beverages will be provided-please bring your own snacks
▪ Booklet provided
To Register, Receive Wages and/or To Be Replaced to Attend:
 Assigned Staff will be given a Clinical Education Form by their supervisor.
 Staff must complete a Section 1, 2 & 3 of the Clinical Education Form. In section 3 indicate if:
Attending a paid inservice/meeting;
Replacement is required;
Date/shift you will need to be replaced or paid for.
 Submit form for approval to supervisor who will forward to scheduling
To Claim Mileage:
 Complete Section 5 of the Clinical Education Form once you have attended the event.
Date and sign declaration of expenses being claimed.
 To claim expenses, send Education Form to Education Services.
Lab Truck – PMH Neepawa Satellite Office Attention: Clinical Education
Fax – 204-476-7560
Email form as attachment to [email protected]
To Cancel:
▪ Registrant must provide written notification of cancellation at least 2 weeks prior to the training by either fax
or email to: Prairie Mountain Health- Clinical Education
Fax #: 476-7560 or Email: [email protected]
Clinical Education
December 2013