MINUTES TITLE OF MEETING: DATE AND TIME: LOCATION: OFFICER RESPONSIBLE: BOARD CLERK: EMERGENCY NUMBER: Board Meeting Wednesday 12th November 2014 The Angel Hotel , 143 Regent Street, Royal Leamington Spa, CV32 4NZ Tony Allcock MBE (Chief Executive) – [email protected] Helen Slimm (PA to Chief Executive) – [email protected] 01926 334609 Action 1. Welcome The Chair welcomed all in attendance 2. In Attendance David Mitchell-Gears – Chairman of the Board (C) Adam Tanner – Independent Director (IND) David Tucker – Policy and Management (POL) Jeff Applegate – Operational Services (OPS) Norma Hazzledine – International Events (INT) Margaret Docherty – Competitions (COM) Howard Pryse – Finance (FIN) Tony Allcock MBE – Chief Executive (CE) Penny Maguire – Business Services Manager (BSM) Alistair Hollis – Operational Services Manager (OSM) Helen Slimm – PA to Chief Executive (PA) 3. Apologies Adie Lloyd – Bowls England President 2014 (PRE) 4. Obituaries Les Millard Norman Lockwood Reg Sigsworth Eric Johnston Peggy Price Dot West 5. President Herefordshire 1992 President Isle of Wight 2008 President Yorkshire 2004 Bowls England Honorary Member President Berkshire 1986 President Berkshire 1978 Declarations of Interest None declared 1 6. Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 17th September 2014. The Minutes of the Board Meeting held on Wednesday 17th September 2014 were approved and signed as a true and correct record by the Chair. 7. Action Points and Matters Arising (not covered elsewhere on Agenda) 7.1 Task List The Chief Executive addressed the action points from the last meeting and it was resolved that the task list be updated accordingly. 8. Correspondence None received 9. Reports 9.1 Update by the Chair of the Board The Chair of the Board updated the meeting on the following: 9.2 9.1a Report on Staff Interviews The Board Chair and the Chair of Policy and Management had successfully conducted the Annual Staff Interviews. 9.1b 2015 Election Results It was noted that Viv Tomlinson (Lancashire) had been elected as Junior Vice President 2015 and Jayne Christie (Cambridgeshire) had been elected as Women’s International Selector for the East Region for the period 2015-2018. The results had been circulated by e-mail. PA Update by the Chief Executive The Chief Executive presented his report, containing updates from the Business Service Manager and the Operational Service Manager, in which the following were highlighted: 9.2a Electronic Ballots It was resolved that the format of the Electronic Ballots remain the same in line with the Rules & Regulations. 9.2b Storage It was resolved that the BSM approaches WDC to investigate the opportunity of utilising the adjoining vacant office accommodation in Riverside House which currently stands vacant. 9.2c The Friends of English Bowling The Chief Executive updated Members of the Board with regard to items that had been raised at the Friends of English Bowling Annual General Meeting in August. 2 BSM 9.2d Warwick District Council – National Championships Consultation A survey conducted on behalf of Warwick District Council during the National Championships was circulated. It was noted that the majority of feedback from players and spectators was positive. 9.2e Bowls Development Alliance A discussion took place following the BDA Board’s request for Bowls England to give an indication of their thoughts post the completion of the BDA’s 2017 Sport England Funding award. It was resolved to ask the CE to report back to the BDA Board. 9.2f 9.2g 9.3 EIBA Ltd It was noted that the CE and OSM had met with the Chief Executive of the EIBA Ltd to discuss a number of issues relevant to both organisations. A further meeting is planned. Director Training It was resolved that a Director Training session would be held following the Board Meeting in February 2015. CE CE C/CE Update by the Chair of Policy and Management The Chair of Policy and Management circulated a report prior to the meeting and made the following recommendations: 9.3a 9.3b 9.3c 9.3d 9.3e Presidential Protocol and Clothing Protocol Both protocols had been submitted to the Board in advance and it was resolved, subject to the wording in Appendix E being amended, to adopt the new protocols. Model Constitution for Clubs/Guidance to Counties A draft paper for guidance on County Association Constitutions is being updated and once complete it will be presented to the Board. It was resolved that the extra work required to finalise the Model Constitution for unincorporated clubs be conducted via e-mail. BSM POL Presidential Team Allowances It was resolved that the Presidential Team Allowances remain unchanged for 2015 and continue to be reviewed annually. POL Counties Meeting The agenda for the 2014 Counties Meeting as presented was resolved and will be circulated accordingly. POL Safeguarding The OSM gave an update on his attendance at a recent Safeguarding Bowls meeting, with particular regard to future training for Club/County Welfare 3 Officers and the submission by the BDA for the Advanced Standards to the NSPCC. 9.4 Update by the Chair of International Events The Chair of International Events circulated a report prior to the meeting and the following was noted: 9.4a The hosting of all international activities in Royal Leamington Spa had resulted in significant cost savings. 9.5 Update by the Chair of Competitions The Chair of Competitions circulated a report prior to the meeting and made the following recommendations: 9.5a Regulation Changes It was resolved to make the following amendments to the Competition Regulations: 7a. Named entrant: Each entry shall be made by one named player only, and that player shall be excluded from being a substitute in the same discipline. Should the named entrant not be available for the following season due to exceptional circumstances and that team require a further substitute in the event, the team may request an additional player. Such request must be made in writing to Bowls England via the County Association for consideration. 7b. Middleton Cup and Johns Trophy Extra End, Group Stages: The match will consist of 21 ends. Before the commencement of the match, the nominated managers will toss a coin for choice of jack (first end), the winner having the choice of keeping or giving the jack away. In each match a win for an individual rink shall be awarded two points and a tie one point. The county that wins by total number of shots of all six rinks shall, in addition, be awarded ten points. In the event of a tie on shots, each county shall be awarded five points each. The county gaining the greatest number of points in each section shall be declared the winner of that section. Should two counties be equal in points and also in shot difference then the winner will be ascertained on the result of the match already played between the two counties. In the group stages, should a match end as a tie (both shots and points) after 21 ends then an extra end or ends will be played by all six rinks simultaneously until there is a winner. The Team Managers must toss for jack before the start of the extra end. The total number of shots on all six rinks will count on the extra end and the winning team reported to Bowls England. The extra end will not form part of the score within the group stages, but will ONLY be used to separate the two counties if they are level at the conclusion of the group stages after points and shots have been taken into account. When it is not mathematically possible to win the group by playing a scheduled 4 COMP tie and subject to this being ratified by Bowls England, such a tie may be cancelled. The Counties concerned must be in mutual agreement and would each be responsible for the reimbursement of expenses incurred by the venue booked. 7c. National Championships: County Championships leading to National Championships shall be administered by the County Association under the Rules and Regulations of Bowls England. 11b. National Competitions: National Mixed Pairs Competition (reword below for mixed fours as appropriate) This regulation should be read in conjunction with Regulation 53 – National Competitions. 1. The competition shall be open to all members of clubs affiliated to Bowls England. 2. A team shall comprise of 1 man and 1 woman. Either player may skip. 3. The two players must be members of an affiliated club within the same county. 4. Players are not required to play from the club/county in which they play their National Championships. 11d. Amy Rose (amend to include): Dress: All players will wear the same whites or registered county shirts, trousers or skirts, in all rounds. 9.5b 9.5c 9.6 Bowls England Licensed Apparel It was resolved that Bowls England Licensed/Authorised Apparel (for example shorts) may be worn in events under the jurisdiction of Bowls England. It was further resolved that the Director of Competitions consider the exact wording for inclusion in the regulations and these be presented to the Board. It was noted that discussions are currently ongoing between Bowls England and a number of potential suppliers. Amy Rose It was resolved that the Board request the Counties Meeting discuss a possible change in the Amy Rose Competition format to 15 ends. This will enable the event to be completed during the course of one weekend. Update by the Chair of Finance The Chair of Finance circulated a report prior to the meeting and made the following recommendations: 9.6a 2016 Affiliation Fee It was resolved that there would be no increase to the affiliation fee in 2016. 5 COMP POL 9.6b Working Groups It was resolved that a Working Group be formed to consider the future provision of accountancy services. This would consist of the BSM together with John Alexander and Kath Lloyd as members of the Finance Committee. FIN It was resolved that a Working Group be formed to look at the implications of potential future capital gains tax, this would consist of Kath Lloyd and John Alexander. 9.6c 9.7 10. Youth Strategy An update was given on the first meeting of the Youth Strategy Working Group. It was resolved that the Independent Director be appointed to be the portfolio holder of Youth Strategy on behalf of the Board. IND Update by the Chief Executive on the Disciplinary Committee No update Update on Sub-Committees/Working Groups and Ongoing Tasks 10.1 Relocation Working Group 10.1.a Riverside House relocation A chart highlighting potential future plans was distributed to the Board for information. 10.2 Competition Management Software It was resolved to support, in principle, the replacement of the current software used to manage National Competitions. It was resolved that the Working Group engage in detailed discussions with the preferred supplier and Bowls England’s IT consultant with regard to final specification. It was resolved that the Chair of the Board and Chief Executive, on behalf of the Board, give final sign-off providing the total project costs do not exceed £10,000. 11. BSM Update by the Chair of Operational Services The Chair of Operational Services made the following recommendations: 9.7a 9.8 Hotel Allowances It was noted that the BSM is reviewing the Hotel Allowance Policy. Recommendations will be presented to the Board for consideration once complete. Standing Items 11.1 Appointment and Review of Sub-Committees No update 11.2 Management Reports The Management Reports were presented to the Board for information. 6 C/CE 11.3 Risk Management The Board considered the Risk Register and it was resolved to update as per recommendations. 11.4 Strategic Plan The OSM gave a presentation on the Strategic Plan and the following was resolved: 11.4a The Vision remains the same. 11.4b The Strategic Priorities remain the same. 11.4c To remove the National Membership Scheme target. 11.4d To amend the target with regard to the future administrative base for Bowls England in light of ongoing discussions with Warwick District Council. 11.4e To include an additional target with regard to ‘future work with associated bowls bodies’. 11.4f That the Actions for 2014/15 remain. 12. Discussion Items None 13. Any Other Business It was resolved that any other business is removed from the Agenda for future meetings. 14. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Board of Bowls England will take place at the Angel Hotel, Royal Leamington Spa on 11th February 2015 at 1pm. The 12th February will be used for a Director Training session. (Accommodation and room already booked). Signed: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Bowls England, Riverside House, Milverton Hill, Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 5HZ. Telephone: 01926 334609 E-Mail: [email protected] 7 Board Board OSM OSM OSM OSM
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