HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH, SUTTON GREEN Holy Family Presbytery, 9, The Green, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 1QT. Tel. 020-8641-7458 www.holyfamilychurch.org.uk Parish Priest: Fr. Julian Shurgold Email: [email protected] SIXTH & LAST WEEKS WEEKS OF EASTERTIDE Date Mass Time 1800 (Sat.) Intention Sun. 25 May SUNDAYSUNDAY-VI OF EASTER Elena Aloisi Wyatt, RIP 0930 People of the Parish 1100 Azu Amenechi - thanksgiving thanksgiving Mon. 26 May Tues. 27 May St. Philip Neri, Priest 1000 Dr. William O`Sullivan, RIP ST. AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY, BISHOP, APOSTLE OF ENGLAND, SECONDARY PATRON OF THE DIOCESE 0930 Helen & James Cronin, RIP Wed. 28 May Eastertide Weekday No Mass Noel Jarman (FM) Mary Dolores Cuffe, RIP Patrick Kinsella, RIP Thurs. 29 May Eastertide Weekday 0930 Fri. 30 May Eastertide Weekday Sat. 31 May THE VISITATION OF OUR LADY 0930 0930 Sun. Sun. 1 June 1800 (Sat.) THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD (transferred from Ascension Thursday) 0930 1100 ‘World Day of Communications’ Jim Kinsella Kinsella, ella, RIP Lorenzo, RIP & dec`d of Aquino Family People of the Parish Mon. 2 June Tues. 3 June SS. Marcellinus & Peter, Martyrs 0930 SS. Charles Lwanga & companions, Martyrs [Ugandan Martyrs] 0930 Wed. 4 June Late Eastertide Weekday No Mass Thurs. 5 June Fri. 6 June Sat. 7 June Sun. 8 June St. Boniface, Bishop & Martyr St. Norbert, Bishop Whitsun Eve 0930 0930 PENTECOST (‘Whitsunday’) Day of Prayer for the Church Helen Cooley – ints. Terry O`Brien Thanksgiving 0930 Rose, RIP & dec`d of Egbuka Family Leonard Aoanan, RIP 1800 (Sat.) 0930 1100 Jim Kinsella, RIP People of the Parish Antonio & Vitangela SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays: after morning Mass & 5.30. – 5.45pm. READERS AND SPECIAL MINISTERS Team 4 are on duty on the weekend of 24/25 May; Team 1 are on duty on the weekend of 31 May/1 June; Team 2 are on duty on the weekend of 7/8 June. Will all readers & ministers please endeavour to arrive at least five minutes before Mass begins and ‘report in’ to the sacristan-on-duty or priest. Thank you. The sacristans have been finding portions of the Host on the purificators: this is due to ministers neglecting to follow basic guidelines. Once again, you are requested (nay, demanded) to use sufficient water to purify the vessels and to consume all fragments that remain. Thank you – in anticipation! COLLECTIONS The collection for last Sunday was £810.40 and, including standing orders of £229.58, it amounted to £1,039.98.Thank you very much. The collection for the Crusade of the Holy Spirit amounted to £406.24. Thank you. There will be a Second Collection on 1st. June for the Catholic Communications Network which DOES NOT qualify for Parish Gift Aid, so please DO NOT use your Parish Gift Aid envelopes. There will be a Second Collection on 8th. June for the Catholic Trust for England & Wales which DOES qualify for Parish Gift Aid so please DO use your Parish Gift Aid envelopes. Team 4A are counting on Tues., 27th. May; Team 1B on Tues., 3rd. June; Team 2B on Tues, 10th. June. GIFT AID SCHEME Existing Gift-Aiders: Please collect your new box of Gift Aid envelopes from the table in the church porch. Due to ill-health, our Gift Aid Organiser has been unable to issue the usual end-of-year letters. If you need to know the precise amount of your Gift Aided Offerings for the year ended 5th. April 2014, please inform the Parish Office. New Gift-Aiders: it is planned to have a recruitment drive shortly, when full details of the Gift Aid Scheme will be explained. However, if you already know about the scheme and you are an IncomeTax-payer and make regular Offerings to Holy Family Parish, and you would like to join the scheme, please give your contact details in writing to Fr. Julian. ‘TEN BRIDGES WALK’ Teresa O`Brien would like to thank all those who sponsored her on the Ten Bridges walk for the charity LIFE. She completed the walk and has already received nearly £270 sponsorship. Some sponsors still have to pay her and she will be available after the 9.30am Mass on 25th. May. Otherwise please tel. her on 020-8641-7110 to arrange payment. INSPIRED BY ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI? All are welcome at the Fraternity monthly meeting of the Secular Franciscan Order which will be held on Sunday, May 25th. from 2.30. – 5.00pm at St. Mary`s Small Hall, Wellesley Rd., Croydon. There will also be a Day of Recollection at the Emmaus Centre, West Wickham on Sunday, June 22nd. from 10.00am – 3.30pm (to include Mass). Cost: £23 (inc. hot lunch). Tel. Declan for a reservation on 020-8642-2420. EPSOM & DISTRICT IRISH ASSOCIATION The Association are holding their next dance at the Rhodrons Club, Rhodrons Ave., Chessington, KT9 1BA, on Friday, 30th. May from 8.30 – 11.30pm, featuring Declan Gaynor. There is local parking, a raffle and licensed bar. Tickets £5 on the door. Contact 020-8397-2683 for further details. DIOCESAN DAY FOR CATECHISTS The annual Day for Catechists this year is on Saturday, 28th. June, at St. George`s Cathedral, starting at 11.00am and ending with Mass at 4.00pm. All catechists (those involved in Children`s Liturgy, preparation for the Sacraments – Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation and the Eucharist – and the RCIA) are warmly encouraged to attend. If you wish to do so please leave your contact details with Fr. Julian by Sunday, 8th. June. SICK & HOUSEBOUND OF THE PARISH Please pray for all in the parish who are unable to attend Mass regularly or who are otherwise unwell: Kathleen Almeida, Reginald Benneworth, Ron Buck, Martha Chown, Marianne Christie, Sarah Clay, John Connelly, Richard Cowie, Tim Harmon De Clare, Donald Devane, Ann Dooney, Doreen D`Souza, John De Souza, Eileen Dulley, Joseph Fernandes, Patricia Fairhall, Mary Geraghty, Ingeborg Gredley, Rita Griffin, Tony Halsey, Evelyn Harrington, Ivy Harrington, Marjorie Hawkins, Babs Heatherley, Barry Jones, Jim Kelly, Mary Kelly, Mary Kinsella, Elsie & Mervyn Maciel, Milagros Martinez, Margaret Mills, Jim McGinn, Jacqueline O`Connor, Eddie O`Dea, Dorothy Parker, Margaret Porter, Kitty Power, Selva Rasiah, Christopher Reaney, Oscar & Lilian van Spall, Fr. Gordon Thompson, Mary Tinney, Aline Trusler, Kevin Wilkinson and Carl Williams. SOUTHWARK CATHOLIC YOUTH SERVICE Summer Youth Festival on 21st. June at Aylesford Friary – open to young people from school Years 7-11, to include varied activities, music and workshops. The day will end with a celebration of Mass. This year we are exploring the theme ‘Blessed are the Poor in Spirit’. For a booking form for this event please contact the Youth Service. Brightlights Festival at Aylesford Friary – following on from a successful WYD@Home last year, this year`s Young Adults Festival will feature an exciting range of speakers, workshops and bands. The weekend is for those aged 16-30 (those under 18 must be accompanied by an adult). For more information visit www.brightlights.org.uk
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