8th April 2014 - Salisbury House Surgery

Salisbury House Surgery Patient Participation Group
Notes of meeting held on 8th April 2014
Amy - PPG Temp Chairperson and Secretary
Jean– Deputy Practice Manager
Dr C Marshall
Apologies: Eva
Salisbury House Surgery
Patient Participation Group
Leighton Buzzard Patient Participation Group Network
Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group
Leighton Buzzard Clinical Board (Previously LHDG)
Luton and Dunstable
Out of Hours
Public Engagement Forum
These are notes rather than verbatim of the meeting.
1. Review of minutes from previous meeting 17th February
• No changes to be made.
• Items for discussion were already on Agenda for meeting.
2. Leighton Buzzard PPG Network meetings Thursday 20th Feb and 3rd April
• Amy gave a brief update as to the topic of discussions at both meetings.
• The OOH and A&E action item is nearly at a close. The locality board had contacted
the group saying that as the local practices had been unable to work together to
come up with a plan then they would like PPG members to attend a an extraordinary
meeting with the BCCG to come up with our solution ideas. This meeting is
scheduled for 24th April with the venue to be confirmed.
• Amy invited all members avilable to attend and would forward the details in an email.
• She showed the template Work Plan from the network meeting and explained the
current suggested topics. Care of the Elderly (including Care Homes, Frail and
Elderly project and Palliative care), Children’s Services, Mental Health and Maternity.
• The group discussed the suggested items the network should look into in the future. It
was agreed that ‘Care of the Elderly’ would be a good item of work to look into next.
• Monica suggested that the PPG’s and network could survey users of the new Frail
and Elderly project once it’s established.
• Dr Marshall explained the new ‘Frail and Elderly’ demonstration project which is to be
rolled out in Leighton Buzzard and Chiltern Vale. He also explained that the current
system which highlights elderly people who have had two A&E attendances as ‘high
risk’ and are visited by Nurse Julie to identify any additional help they may need.
• The practice will also be ensuring that all 75+ years old patients are allocated a
specific GP which accounts for over 800 patients.
Action: Amy to email details of meeting on 24th April to PPG members.
3. Feedback of the local BCCG Strategic Review Stakeholder Forum event
• Ian and Dr Marshall shared the details of the meeting.
• The meeting did not have high attendance this maybe due to the lack of time to
advertise but did have members from Leighton Buzzard PPG’s.
• It was felt even with the small number of attendances it was productive.
4. New Surgery Website
• Amy suggested that the constitution should be added to the PPG part of the website.
However, it would need some review and approval from members before it went
• It was agreed that previous minutes could be added to the website but the details of
the next meeting should be removed and surnames of attendees for security.
• Lew raised the issue of an alarming scam email he had received which related to
blood tests and appeared to be from NICE. He suggested that information about this
maybe something that should be added to the website to warn patients.
Action: Amy to email an edited constitution and censored minutes template to members
ready for discussion at next meeting.
Amy to add scam warning to news bar on the website.
5. GP Input
• Communications: Dr Marshall wanted opinions on how the practice should go about
improving modern communications with patients. His example being blood results by
SMS or email. After discussion it was agreed that some things could be sent through
digital channels but this information needed to be delicately managed. Lew
suggested this could be something covered in the next newsletter.
• Flu Injections: Dr Marshall said the uptake on for Flu injections in Leighton Buzzard
was 70% but the national target is 75%. He asked the PPG members if they had any
ideas how to increase the uptake. Amy asked if there was patterns in the
demographic that didn’t take the injection. Dr Marshall said pregnant ladies were poor
attenders. Suggestions from members were offer appointments after 6pm as parking
is free, maybe hold a Leighton Buzzard wide event like they have in schools on a
• Becoming a federation: Lew asked if there had been any further progress on the
Leighton Buzzard practices becoming a federation. Dr Marshall explained that there
is ‘a pot of cash’ available to fund the feasibility study into a federated model. There is
an established federation in Bedford called Horizon Health which could act as an
umbrella federation for all of Bedfordshire.
6. Practice Manager’s Input
• Prescriptions: Due to the new prescription system where repeat prescriptions can
only be collected at a pharmacy and not at reception there her been a delay so Jean
will publish information to explain that repeat requests may now take 3 days instead
of 2.
• Opthalmic Clinic: Within the locality patients who need a referral to an
Ophthalmologist from either their Opticians or GP can now choose to go to an
independent (private) clinic which has an NHS contract in addition to the local
hospital services. Jean assured the group that, although it is a private hospital 90% of
their work is NHS. Amy explained that the PPG had been contacted directly to ask if
they wanted to have a tour of the facilities. No one felt this was necessary at this
• Doctors:Dr M Josephidou has handed in his notice and will be moving to a practice
nearer to his home. His last day is in June.
7. Any Other Business
• PPG recruitment: It was agreed that there is a need to recruit more members to the
PPG. As posters and leaflets have been on view from the beginning it was agreed
that allocating a week to raise awareness of the group was needed. The dates 19th23rd May 2014 was decided. During this week the PPG would have a display on the
‘carers’ information table on the second floor, the nurses would have leaflets to hand
out to potential new members and Monica and Amy agreed to come into the practice
and talk to patients in the waiting rooms. Monica and Amy agreed to meet up before
the next PPG meeting to ensure it is all coordinated.
• PPG email account: Ian agreed to continue check the email account for new
correspondence daily and Amy agreed to cover any times he was away.
• Practice Newsletter: Monica showed the final draft of the newsletter which is nearly
ready to be rolled out. Jean agreed to have colour copies laminated in the waiting
rooms. A colour digital copy would also be available online. Amy agreed to get her
husband to rejig the look as Monica had struggled to fit in all the content.
• PPG funding: Ian raised his concern that the government funding for the PPG was to
be scrapped. Jean reassured him that this had been extended another year.
Action: Amy and Monica to meet up and coordinate resources for recruitment week.
Amy to get Newsletter rejigged ready for print.