20 March 2014 [87kb]

Strathearn Community Campus Management Group
Minutes of Meeting held on 20/3/14
Christine Ross CR (Campus Leader), Trevor Rae TR
(Campus Business Manager), Alona Murray AM (Education Scotland),
Fiona Speirs FS (CCB Team), Brian Hutton BH, Colin Hay CH (Youth
Services), Tracey Greer TG (LAL), Angela Williamson AW (IIL Team),
Simon Farrer SF (Catering Services Manager), Kirsty Brown KB
(Development Librarian – West Perthshire), Arthur Stewart AS (CHS
DHT), Douglas Gourlay DG (Mitie), Lesley Taylor (Minutes)
Apologies: Tony James, Sheena Aitchison
Apologies were received from Tony James and Sheena Aitchison
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.
Matters arising
TG reported that prefects as “gym buddies” would be in the plan for the
new school session. BH said that he would liaise with TG. A similar
scheme is currently being piloted in Perth with Gill McShea.
DG said he would take back to Tony James for response from Mitie.
Operational Group
It was agreed that if there was feedback from the group relevant to CCMG
that it would go on future Agendas. CR and TR reported that the
feedback they had received was positive.
Operation of Live Active Entrance
Currently in discussion with Bill Atkinson/Andy Cook who will
communicate on this further to CR. Issues being considered include how
security systems for the whole campus would be impacted. KB asked how
the outcome would be fed back to CCT? CR responded that TR/CR/KB
would meet with CCT representatives once a decision had been made.
Allocation of Lost/Found Monies
TR confirmed that £61.79 had been donated to the Community Garden.
Feedback from Campus Survey
Sheena Aitchison and Susan McLean have met twice with representatives
of the School Improvement Group re catering.
KB can now confirm that the new opening hours will commence on
Saturday 5th April. She asked that all make sure their teams are aware of
the new timetable, and informed that she is working on the protocol for
school classes accessing library facilities on Mondays and also planned to
meet with reception staff next week. KB has a new post, Development
Librarian - West Perthshire. Janice Bourelle has been appointed Library
Supervisor for Strathearn and will be responsible for operational matters.
A mobile library will be based at Strathearn from July; this will be operated
by Elaine Millar.
CLD Partnership
BH informed that the first training session with Steve Skinner Associates
had taken place with 28 participants. The second session is planned for
Thursday 27th March. The group is starting to look at possible themes
and the campus improvement plan and outcomes will form part of this.
The feedback so far is very positive. IM asked what the implications
would be from this for the campus key priorities. BH responded that the
outcomes, visions and team plans would contribute towards a smarter
approach. CR said that one of the key priorities this year is communities,
and partners felt that they had benefitted from this.
Learning and Achievement Visit
BH said that this had been a good exercise and had been a robust selfevaluation tool which concentrated on the paper trail and partnership
working. One outcome had been that partnerships are being formalised
and roles and responsibilities identified. KB said that she had found this
to be a very helpful, positive experience.
Improvement Plan Progress/Snow Closure Arrangements
CR thanked all for their contributions.
Columba 1400
CR informed that the programme for this has been delayed. The
School/Campus team and funding are in place, but Columba 1400 have a
delay with their funding. CR will pick this up with them before the Easter
Catering Update (SF)
Tea Garden (SF)
Timber Circle
TR reported that there had been a delay in work commencing due to a
miscommunication about the selection of timber. This issue should now
be resolved. SSE public relations department have been working with
Mary Willis of the PKC Media unit on a press release. CR asked that all
remind their teams that this work will be commencing shortly. KB asked if
there was any background information available. TR said that there
would be an internal communication shortly. TR added that there would
be an external information board which would link to the archaeological
finds made when the campus was under construction. KB suggested that
the operational group could communicate to teams. CR said that it was
planned to hold a further information talk for the public once the Timber
Circle is in place
Community Garden
TR informed that there would be a public meeting at the campus on 27 th
March to establish a community body to take this forward. So far around
£3000 of funding has been secured. The paths and entrance area are a
priority. The container is in place and has been undercoated. Crieff
Rotary Club has 20 trees to be planted on the site. TG said that the
bench which was on the old recreation site is now ready to be moved to
the garden.
Evaluation of Strategic Plan to date
A paper was circulated with responses from teams. CR thanked all for
their input. TG said that she now had feedback from the Live Active
Leisure customer survey and will forward comments relevant to the
campus to CR. AM asked how the opinions of non-users are sought. TG
replied that a non-user survey was carried out by LAL. CR added that
campus management had been in dialogue with CCT and KB informed
that the main aim of The Big Listen 2 was to canvas the opinions of nonlibrary users. BH said that CLD had carried out a recent survey of those
who had used the services of the Community Capacity Building Team.
CR said that it had been picked up from earlier feedback that there was
now a more joined up approach to working, e.g. the formation of the
operational group. Campus management has listened to the feedback
from surveys (examples are catering/bookings/parking, door access) and
tried to make changes where possible. Partners then gave an outline of
 GIRFEC- Child Protection training carried out.
 Eco Campus – Sports hall lighting to be replaced shortly with eco
 First Aid training/emergency training opened up to all campus staff
 GIRFEC working on emotional health/wellbeing of young people
 ECO campus- working with AS re pupil engagement (Laura
 Joint training planned CPD/GIRFEC
It was agreed by all that a joint CPD calendar would be useful.
 Tayside Contracts
 Address feedback from community - new soft seating to be
introduced at Food to Go. Should be in place at Easter break
 Address feedback from pupils re benches – these will be replaced
through life cycling/dividing existing benches.
 Eco Campus – introduction of dry mix recyclables, currently being
piloted in other areas
 Community Library
 Eco Campus-current display in library on food recycling from TES
 Young people assisting with technology drop in sessions
Eco campus agenda moving forward with assistance from BH. It is hoped
to achieve bronze award by the end of term with action in 3 areas
 Awareness assemblies
 Houses involved in recycling
 Energy (with Mitie/identify energy champion)
Campus partners to be invited to school improvement plan meeting
(date tbc).
AM suggested might be useful to meet with local social enterprises/trusts
regarding skills available. AW offered to send monthly utilities graphs to
AS. This was agreed.
TR reported that timers for lights in public areas e.g. The fitness room
have now been adjusted. New Gym equipment is scheduled for early in
the financial year. This will address complaints made from GP referral
clients. Digital TV will be incorporated in the equipment. There are no
new issues.
Health and Safety
TR shared the good news that the Health and Safety Group at Strathearn
has been acknowledged as working well.
CDT Acoustics
AW reported that Axiom is now pursuing the matter the 2nd CDT class with
Broich Rd
TR has continued to press for a solution. There is a good plan now in
place with the new Primary School project to address this.
Health and Safety Policy
TR informed that he was currently reviewing the Campus Health and
Safety Policy to ensure that it is in line with the new PKC Corporate
Health and Safety Policy.
Smoke Detection in Laboratories
There is now a controlled method of covering detectors in laboratories
during experiments via MITIE.
Fire Drill
KB reported that there had been problems with members of the public not
cooperating with request to leave library expeditiously at the recent fire
drill. TR said that in the event of a drill this should be reported to TR/CR.
In the event of a real incident this would be reported to the Fire Service.
A concern has been flagged up by the operational group regarding a
possible security breach which would allow access from the Tryst to the
management suite/art department. Solution recommended is to install
access control on double doors at management suite. AW to take this
forward with IIL.
TR informed that the WAP was now switched on and that access is now
available to the PKC guest network.
Catering Update
Tayside Contracts will be introducing new labelling with information on
nutrition and allergens after the Easter break. This will be compliant with
new statutory regulations which come into place in December.
Tea Garden
SF still to discuss details with Tayside Contracts. Support would be
required with marketing with local groups and a programme of events. A
banner in a prominent position would help to draw in customers. CR said
that if planters could be provided then these could be filled by the
gardening gang. Various options were discussed including contacting
Re:make. KB to contact Operational Group to put these actions on their
Agenda. TR and SF to meet to discuss furniture and Garden
maintenance. CR suggested that local press coverage would be helpful.
Date and Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 19th June at 10.00am in the
conference room at Strathearn Community Campus.