PHE Canada Health Promo0ng Schools Presenta(on to University of O1awa Bachelor of Educa(on Class Fall 2014 Why are we here? PHE-‐Canada has been tasked with helping school communi0es across the country to become healthier. This session is designed to help familiarize you with the Health Promo0ng School project and the comprehensive School Health framework, as well as acquaint you with one poten0al way of facilita0ng change in, and improving the health of, school communi0es. To that end, we can take this opportunity to engage with each other to examine our collec0ve capaci0es to affect change. To begin we will reflect on our current capacity and use these reflec0ons to begin to visualize what we would like to accomplish in the future. As well, we will be asking you to design that desired future and generate some bold new ideas that will take us from that design to delivery of specific ini0a0ves to achieve the ul0mate envisioned outcome: A healthy school community is the sponsor for this ini6a6ve with funding support from the Lawson Founda6on. • Free resources for educators • Over 8,000 supporters across Canada • Membership of educators, professors, administrators • Partnerships with all provincial P & HE associa0ons hPp:// Project Goal What Could Be Some Focus Areas? CSH vs. HPS Different Terminology, Same Ideas! The OKawa Charter for Health Promo6on Begin by Reflec6ng on and Celebra6ng the Best of What is! Conduc6ng Reflec6ve Interviews • In a few minutes you will partner up with someone else at your table • Begin interviewing each other using the interview guide provided at your table – Person A will interview person B for 5 minutes – Normally , Person B will then interview person A for 5 minutes – Because of limited 0me we will only do one side of the process The Interviewer Role • The Interviewer is asked to: – Use the ques0ons outlined in your handout – Ask follow-‐up or probing ques0ons (especially when the interviewee shows excitement or high energy) – Listen deeply to your partner’s story – Record the interview on the Summary Sheet on the back of the Interview Guide – Later on, you will be asked to briefly share the most exci0ng and energizing parts of your partner’s story or stories • Please be ready to share any ‘quotable quotes’ from your partner about their most rewarding experiences The Interviewee Role • The Interviewee is asked to reflect on, and answer the ques0ons as completely as possible – Please tell your story with as much descrip0ve detail as possible, and include your feelings about what happened. • It is not a back and forth dialogue – First deeply listen to your partner’s story – Then tell your story or stories 3 minutes each: Total of 9 minutes Sharing Your Stories • Please rejoin the other members of your table • Choose a facilitator, a recorder/presenter, and a 0mekeeper • You are now going to mine the stories to discover the posi6ve core of the shared experiences • Please take turns sharing with your tablemates the best experiences and quotable quotes that your partner shared • Aber you have shared the stories, check in briefly with your partner to see if you captured the highlights that maPer MOST to him/her You will have 3 minutes each for a total of 9 minutes Brainstorming High-‐Point Themes Theme #1 What were the common themes from our most powerful stories? Theme #2 Theme #3 Theme #4 Theme #5 • Please record the high-‐ energy themes from your stories and quotable quotes • From this list, discuss as a group and agree on the 5-‐6 themes that stand out most in the stories about the shared experiences • Pick those that hold the most posi6ve energy for the group and that you want to see more of in the future Map the Posi6ve Core • Take your group’s 5-‐6 themes and record them on a clean piece of flip chart paper and post them on the wall • Post the themes which are the most exci0ng to you, that you believe should be included in the future for your health promo0ng school – What do you believe is the posi6ve core of ac0vi0es? – What do you want to do more of in the future? Map the Posi6ve Core • Working alone, decide – of all the themes posted on the wall – which are the most exci0ng to you, that you believe should be included in the future for your Health Promo0ng School – What do you believe is the posi6ve core of ac0vi0es? – What do you want to do more of in the future? • Place your 3 marks/stars on those themes, one mark\star per theme • Brief discussion about the themes posted Total: Pos6ng, Review and Discuss = 10 minutes Now Let’s Look at What Could Be or Where We Want to Go Develop a Possibility / Vision Statement Is it grounded? Are there examples (stories) in what you that icllustrate the • Is it provoca6ve? – Does iheard t stretch, hallenge, or interrupt “habits”? ideal as real possibility? Is it provoca6ve ? Does it stretch, challenge, or interrupt ‘habits’? Criteria for a Good Possibility / Vision Statement Is it desired? If it could be fully actualized, would it be welcomed as part of your HPS? Do you want it as a preferred future? Is it affirma6ve? Is it stated in bold and affirma0ve terms? Is it wriPen in present tense? Examples of Possibility Statements 30 minutes to create Share Your Possibility Statements • Share your Possibility Statements • Respond to ques0ons • Post the possibility statements 10 minutes to share, discuss and post Apprecia6ve Inquiry Process Discover • You are about to engage with a four stage posi0ve change process referred to as “Apprecia6ve Inquiry” What can we celebrate? Delivery What will we commit to doing? Apprecia6ve Inquiry Dream What could be? • If you would like to learn more about the process, check out: www.centerforapprecia • Or feel free to contact me (see below) Design What would it look like? Bill Walsh: [email protected] or [email protected] Why AI? Consciously and deliberately shib the personal and collec6ve way of being and seeing to an apprecia0ve approach, helping individuals and organiza0ons focus on what is right in their world, rather than on what is wrong, so that you can deeply inquire into what’s right and why, and then find ways of inten6onally crea6ng more of what’s right in your world. -‐ Center for Inquiry • The assump0on underlying AI is simple: every human system has a core of strengths that is oben hidden and/or underu0lized – the posi6ve core • AI searches for and finds the posi0ve core • When the posi0ve core is revealed and tapped into, it provides a sustainable source of posi6ve energy that nourishes both personal and organiza0onal change, and poten0ally transforma0on • AI proceeds with a study of the organiza0on or group, guided by three basic ques0ons: 1. What is X, and when and where has X been at its best in this organiza0on, group, or community? 2. What makes X possible (between individuals, groups, departments, etc.)? 3. What are the possibili0es that enhance or maximize the poten6al for X? Follow-‐up Assignment • Visit the Joint Consor0um on School Health website and review the informa0on and resources available to promote healthy school communi0es hPp://www.jcsh-‐ • Review the Healthy School Planner from JCSH website hPp:// • Visit the PHE-‐Canada website and review the informa0on on Health Promo0ng Schools hPp://‐promo0ng-‐ schools • Visit Center for Apprecia0ve Inquiry website
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