World Health Organization Simulation

World Health Organization
Trade and Health
PreEuRegMe Briefing
World Health Organization Simulation
Interested in learning Global Health Diplomacy skills?
Enjoy challenging debate and discussion to bring together a set of ideas?
Want to contribute to the ACTUAL World Health Assembly?
Then this workshop is for YOU!!
The WHO Simulation is a 3 day workshop modelled on the World Health Organisation’s annual
World Health Assembly. You will learn
and practice skills in diplomacy,
negotiation, lobbying and networking;
and get an insight into the political and
economic forces that determine the
health of humanity. Together, we will
practice drafting position papers and
will learn the forma t and official
language used in United Nations
resolutions. By understanding the
decision-making processes in WHO,
and how they are influenced by geopolitics, you’ll be equipped to follow
and engage with the World Health
Assembly in May.
Before the workshop, you will be
expected to prepare by reading some
introductory material on Trade and Health. You will also research and write a position paper
describing your country or organization’s position on the issue. This workshop is aimed at IFMSA
members with some prior expertise in global health.
Goals and Objectives
To share and develop skills in advocacy, public speaking, lobbying, resolution writing; and
knowledge about Trade and Health, as well as greater global health issues.
To increase understanding of the political processes in global health.
To provide practical experience in global health diplomacy.
Theme: Trade and Health
The World Health Organisation estimates that
one-third of the world’s populations lack
access to essential drugs and over 50 per cent
of inhabitants in low-income countries do not
have access to the most basic essential drugs.
It remains a fact that life-sustaining and lifesaving drugs are not accessible to the poorest
populations, in part because of the pricing and
patent protection put into place by World Trade
Organisation (WTO). Many of these “access
problems” and other health issues, such as not
having access to affordable and/or nutritionrich food, leading to malnutrition, are directly
linked to international trade. Providing trade,
policies and legislations that are fair to both high-, middle- and low-income countries is essential to
maximize health benefits and minimize health risks.
Existing international trade agreements have implications on health whether they are linked to
WTO or linked to regional trading systems such as NAFTA, EC, ASEAN or SADC. The General
Agreement on Trade on Services (GATS) that aims to liberalize trade in various services has led to
some health professionals emigrating from resource-poor settings to seek better economic
opportunities elsewhere. The Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement
affects patent protection on pharmaceutical drugs making drugs unaffordable to many. It is
important that WHO assists its member states in this complex environment and protects global
The theme Trade and Health aligns itself neatly with that of the EuRegME (Sustainable
Development), where discussions will be centered on global health-related issues that need to be
focused on in the coming decades. Since the negotiated Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnerships (TTIP) between the EU and USA appears to involve significant consequences for the
access of affordable medicines, biomedical devices, surgical procedures, food, sustainable energy
production, etc., we recognize this theme’s decisive importance in the coming year’s crucial days
of negotiation.
The participants from this PreEuRegMe will get back to their home countries with extensive
knowledge to use for advocacy and raising awareness on Trade and Health.
The concept
You will take on the role of an actor in the WHO. These roles include member states (countries),
NGO’s, industry (e.g. pharmaceutical companies) and reporters (e.g. “New York Times”). In your
application you will be asked to pick several choices from a list of countries and organizations.
Over 3 days, we will simulate the process of decision making within WHO.
A briefing on the theme will be included in the welcome pack, sent to you on the 1st March. We
will ask you to research your assigned country/organization’s interests and priorities in global
health, and to learn a bit about the theme, especially some of the big trade deals. You will then
write a short position paper before the conference outlining your country’s position, and send it to
us by the 1st April. We’ll read your paper and send you some feedback.
Regional Sessions
Member states will meet in regional sessions during the first part of the process (emulating the
WHO regional meetings), to discuss and debate issues pertinent to their regions. Discussion will
be moderated, with several unmoderated sessions for resolution writing. The goal is to draft a set
of resolutions for discussion at the plenary session. The secretariat and committee chairs will help
you to draft resolutions in an appropriate format.
During the last part of the workshop all member states will meet in plenary and discuss and debate
the resolution, merge similar paragraphs, and work with other delegates to make their final
resolution stronger and more comprehensive. Once the final set of resolutions are submitted to the
secretariat the plenary will move into voting procedure. The final resolution should be
representative of what the WHO might have agreed upon, based on the positions and negotiations
of the delegates. The final resolution will be compiled and sent to the WHO for consideration at the
upcoming World Health Assembly.
Provisional Agenda
This is the provisional agenda for the
conference. The mixture between
regional blocks and plenary is
dependent on the number of
participants that sign up! As you can
see, there will also be sessions to
deepen your knowledge on the theme,
and to train you in relevant skills.
Day 1
Day 2
Keynote speaker
Regional Session
Regional Session
Skill training
Regional Session
Regional Session
Day 3
There will be an awards for the best portrayal of a country in each region, for the best NGO, and
the best overall delegate.
Want to find out more information?
If you have any questions, then please get in touch with us at [email protected].
You can find out more information about the logistics for the Pre-EuRegMe at