Eng Lit Tiered Asst.pub

English Lit: Macbeth
Unit Goals:
Describe the basic plot of Macbeth.
Understand the themes and motifs establish
in the play.
Goals & Writing/Project Ideas
Tier 3 Vocabulary:
Be able to evaluate and discuss the
characters, significant themes, imagery,
symbols, and scenes.
Be able to relate specific themes,
characters, and themes to contemporary
literature and their impact on our culture.
Tragic Hero
Blank Verse
Turning Point
Evler, Mescal K., Robert R. Hoyt, Amy Strong, Corinne Greiner, and Constance D. Israel, eds. Teaching Resources. Sixth Course ed. Vol. Literature of Britain. Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1997. Print. Elements of Literature.
Writing Topics:
Project Topics:
Create a graphic novel of select scenes.
Write your own alternative ending and act it
Act out a favorite scene or monolog and
write a reflection on why you chose to
emphasize certain points.
Present an act to the class. Think of a way
to creatively present the material (act it out,
make a story book, have a discussion with
visual aids, create a game, conduct an
interview with a character, etc.).
Imagine Macbeth did not die, and put him
on trial by a jury of his peers. Plan both a
prosecution and a defense with various
class members taking the parts of Macbeth,
at least four witnesses, and lawyers for both
Compile an annotated bibliography of
excellent children’s books which utilize the
elements of literature studied in this unit.
You must include at least 10 books, and
four of them should be nonfiction. Place the
information online to be shared publicly.
Develop your own project which follows the
guidelines for the course.
Research a significant monolog from the
play and compare-contrast how different
actors interpret the scene.
Research the historic interpretations of
witches. Defend a position on why
Shakespeare chose to include witches in
this play as well as evaluate whether their
use was effective.
Lady Macbeth is sometimes regarded as a
monster, ruthlessly ambitious and fiendishly
cruel. What clues can you find in the play
suggesting that Shakespeare did not want
us to judge her so severely? Analyze her
character as it is revealed through her
words and actions and her relationship with
Develop a theme based upon your own
topic, making sure to follow the guidelines
for the course.