Since 1989. FREE! w w ww.. l a p r e n s a 1 . c o m TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR COLUMBUS CLEVELAND • LORAIN CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 TOLEDO SALES: 419-870-2797 Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Classified? Email [email protected] October 24, 2014 Weekly/Semanal 20 Páginas Vol. 56, No. 8 BGSU LATINO ISSUES CONFERENCE, P. 7 ABOGADO Oct. 20, 2014: U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) joined workers, local leaders, and community members at United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 12 to launch a community effort to keep the Jeep Wrangler made in Toledo. U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH-9), Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins, Lucas County Commissioner Carol Contrada, Anita López, J. Bernie Quilter, and Bruce Baumhower and Ken Lortz from UAW also attended the event. “The Chrysler Assembly Plant is critical to Toledo and the state’s economy. Along with local leaders and workers, I am strongly committed to supporting the facility,” Senator Brown said. “Toledo auto workers have the knowledge, skills, and work ethic needed to continue this success and ensure Jeep stays right here in Toledo. And I’m proud to stand with them today and every day.” X Lesionado por Trabajo y Construcción X Lesiones Serias y fatales X Social Security Disability/SSI X Accidentes de Auto/Moto/Camión X Negligencia Médica • Parálisis Cerebral • Lesiones causadas en el Nacimiento • Muerte por Negligencia La consulta es GRATIS! Hablamos Español! (800) 309-7404 (440) 328-8883 THE BELIEVE BELIEVE CENTER’S CENTER’S HALLO-TRAIL If you’re in the spirit for thrills, chills, and fun – there’s no better place to be than the Believe Center’s Hallo-Trail, 7 p.m. to midnight, Friday, October 31 located at 1 Aurora González Drive, Toledo. The family-friendly event will feature an indoor haunted house, with fun activities and bags of candy for the younger crowd and a scarier haunted trail through the woods behind the center. Admission is $5 for the indoor trail which is appropriate for children 10 years old and younger. Adult admission is $10. The Halloween event is a fund-raiser for the Center which offers recreation, cultural, and educational activities for youth. For more information contact Executive Director Tonya Marie Durán at (419) 244-6097. Margaret W. Wong & Associates Attorneys at Law Tending to all your immigration needs, Margaret W Wong & Assoc. has 60 years of combined experience in immigration law. We assist clients with all types of work visas, green cards, J-1 waivers, I-601A, labor certifications, deportation cases, asylum, motion to reopen, circuit court appeals, and many others. Our firm has offices in Cleveland, OH; Columbus, OH; New York, NY; Chicago, IL; Atlanta, GA; and Nashville, TN. We have assisted clients within the state of Ohio, throughout the rest of the USA, and internationally. Contact us today to get our experience and compassion on your side. Se Habla Español (216) 566-9908 Cleveland Office: 3150 ChesterAve, Cleveland, OH 44114 Phone: (216) 566-9908 Fax: (216) 566-1125 Columbus Office: By Appointment Only 470 Olde Worthington Rd., Suite 200 Phone: (614) 221-8892 Fax: (614) 410-6899 About Margaret W Wong: • Author The Immigrant’s Way • U.S. News and World Report Best Law Firm • Law Professor of Case Western Reserve University • Ohio Leading Lawyer • 2012 Ohio Asian Legend Atlanta Office: 5425 Peachtree Parkway Norcross, GA 30092 Phone: (678) 906-4061 Chicago Office: 2002 S. Wentworth Ave., Suite 200 Chicago, IL 60616 Phone: (312) 463-1899 New York Office: 139 Centre Street, PH112, NewYork, NY10013 Phone: (212) 226-7011 Fax: (212) 226-7807 Nashville Office: By Appointment Only 301 S. Perimeter Park Dr., Suite 100, Nashville, TN 37211 Phone: (615) 833-2206 CLEVELAND SALES: 440-320-8221 LORAIN/CLEVELAND SALES: 440-320-8221 FREE! w w ww.. l a p r e n s a 1 . c o m ABOGADO LORAIN: TINTA CON SABOR X Lesionado por Trabajo y Construcción X Lesiones Serias y fatales X Social Security Disability/SSI X Accidentes de Auto/Moto/Camión X Negligencia Médica • Parálisis Cerebral • Lesiones causadas en el Nacimiento • Muerte por Negligencia Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Classified? Email [email protected] October 24, 2014 Weekly/Semanal 20 Páginas HISPANIC Vol. 56, No. 8 HISPANIC ROUNDTABLE’S POLITICAL FORUM, OCT. 23, P. 5 Cleveland doctor turns Latina artist in spare time By Kevin Milliken, La Prensa Correspondent Dr. María Pujana has ing arts and arts education many sides to her—mother organization that reaches and grandmother, physician more than 65,000 people and philanthropist, artist and each year. Other featured artists entrepreneur. But somehow she strikes a balance among who also have strong ties to all those roles to set an ex- Northeast Ohio included: Bess Rodríguez Richard, ample of success. Dr. Pujana, 60, is both a Hector Castellanos, José Augusto neurologist and neurophysi- Vásquez, Gabriel ologist, trained in her native Bordelois, Spain. But the daughter of an Gonzáles, John Riveraengineer and a fashion de- Resto, Hector Vega, Samuel signer feeds that artistic side Vásquez, Alejandro Rivera, as the president and chief de- and Bruno Casiano. The signer of Marise Jewelry De- exhibit also featured two signs, a line of fine and fash- prints from legendary ion jewelry. Cleveland Indians shortIn fact, she credits her par- stop Omar Vizquel, who was ents for spurring both her inducted last summer in the medical training and passion Indians Hall of Fame. The exhibit ended with for art. “My father encouraged a closing reception on Sunme to go into medicine be- day, Oct. 5, 2014 to honor cause he considered it one of the young artists of the healing arts,” she said. Esperanza, Inc. The teens “In that way, science and art took part in a summer program led by professionals can be as one.” Dr. Pujana turned to jew- from American Greetings elry-making because of the and their works were disDr. María Pujana combination of science and played alongside the nine art. She learned about gem- featured artists. stones and nature as a scienWhile serving on the tist, but was also drawn to the board at the Beck Center, Dr. Latina Style, Cadena Magahealing power of jewelry— Pujana encouraged the non- zine, La Prensa, and other in particular, its ability to profit to engage the Latino publications. Some of her jewelry was “make a woman look good community with the exhibit. and feel better about them- Now in its third year, the exhi- even displayed at Saks Fifth selves.” She has worked in bition turned into a Avenue. She often creates and both gold and silver, draw- fundraiser—garnering $5,000 donates special pieces so that ing upon all the historic and in donations to fund scholar- the organizations she supartistic jewelry she saw as a ships for Latino children to take ports can use them to attract girl in Colombia—some of it free classes in painting, dance, donations. As one story goes, Dr. dating back to the Aztecs. and other artistic expression. She considers jewelry design Her jewelry, which features Pujana donated one of her pearls and other fine gemstones, creations in 2000 to “Casa “a form of sculpture.” Some of her works were has gained worldwide recog- del niño”. The goal of the on display during Hispanic nition. Her collection has organization was to assist orHeritage Month at the Beck accessorized the Gala of His- phaned and abandoned chilCenter’s Jean Bulicek Gal- panic Designers “Pasarela dren in the Dominican Releria. The third annual His- Cibeles Fashion Week” in public. At a fundraiser in panic Heritage exhibit fea- Madrid for seven years. Her Washington, D.C., she was tured the contemporary art- jewelry also adorned models able to present the piece to works of a dozen Hispanic during New York Fashion the group’s founder, famous artists in the Lakewood, Ohio Week, and her designs have fashion icon Oscar de la facility, a nonprofit perform- been featured in Vogue, Renta. La consulta es GRATIS! Hablamos Español! (800) 309-7404 (440) 328-8883 El Kefón Grand Buffet The First Spanish Buffet in Town Established in 1998 El Kefón Open 11 am-7 pm Cada Día! 1836 Broadway Lorain, OH 44052 440.246.6396 Margaret W. Wong & Associates Attorneys at Law Atendiendo a todas sus necesidades de inmigración, Margaret W Wong & Assoc. Tiene 60 años de experiencia combinada en las leyes de inmigración. Asistimos a clientes con todo tipo necesidades, permisos de trabajo, residencias, J-1 solicitudes de perdón, I601A, certificados de labor, casos de deportación, asilos, moción de reaperturas, apelaciones de corte, y demás. Nuestra firma cuenta con oficinas en Cleveland, OH; Columbus, OH; New York, NY; Chicago, IL; Atlanta, GA; and Nashville, TN. Hemos asistido a clientes en el estado de Ohio y en el resto de los Estados Unidos; además de ser una firma reconocida internacionalmente. Contáctenos hoy para obtener la experiencia y la ayuda necesaria. (216) 566-9908 Her passion for philanthropy is deeply rooted with her parents as well. Her father ran a factory in Colombia where Dr. Pujana grew up. He started both a healthcare and housing program for his employees because he considered both to be among a worker’s rights. She served on the board of directors of the Cleveland Foundation from 2002-2012 where she was able to help smaller non-profit organizations. She is the first Hispanic to ever serve on that board. Dr. Pujana also recently served on the board of the Greater Cleveland Chapter of the American Red Cross—the result of an incident that hits (Continued on Page 6) DID YOU KNOW...? The CMSD facilities plan funded by Issue 4 is aligned with the ground-breaking Cleveland Plan. The facilities plan gives CMSD the flexibility to start new school models and ensures quality school options in every neighborhood. DID YOU KNOW...? The state will provide more than $2 for every $1 the District spends on construction. That means Issue 4 will bring in an additional $256.8 million from the state for Cleveland's schools without raising taxes. Cleveland Office: 3150 ChesterAve, Cleveland, OH 44114 Phone: (216) 566-9908 Fax: (216) 566-1125 Columbus Office: By Appointment Only 470 Olde Worthington Rd., Suite 200 Phone: (614) 221-8892 Fax: (614) 410-6899 Acerca de Margaret W Wong: • Author The Immigrant’s Way • U.S. News and World Report Best Law Firm • Law Professor of Case Western Reserve University • Ohio Leading Lawyer • 2012 Ohio Asian Legend Atlanta Office: 5425 Peachtree Parkway Norcross, GA 30092 Phone: (678) 906-4061 Chicago Office: 2002 S. Wentworth Ave., Suite 200 Chicago, IL 60616 Phone: (312) 463-1899 New York Office: 139 Centre Street, PH112, NewYork, NY10013 Phone: (212) 226-7011 Fax: (212) 226-7807 Nashville Office: By Appointment Only 301 S. Perimeter Park Dr., Suite 100, Nashville, TN 37211 Phone: (615) 833-2206 Página 2 La Prensa October 24, 2014 HISPANIC PROFILES UT Leader Helping to Mold Young Latinos By Kevin Milliken, La Prensa Correspondent Oct. 24, 2014: 33-year tion, work on academic sucold José Rosales is the cess plans and achieve their kind of guy others count goals to be academically elion to help them realize gible for a given major, such their dreams—and he’s as business, education, engiabout to get a chance to neering.” his own dream to directly Rosales spent a couple of help his peers. years in college before enlistThe University of Toledo ing in the Marines and headsuccess coach currently ing to boot camp. After spendworks with incoming high ing twelve years in the milischool students in the tary, he is discovering his own university’s Dept. of Explor- career path—by helping othatory Studies. ers find theirs. The program is aimed at “The big difference behelping students to navi- tween this role (Academic gate college life, designed Adviser) and my role as a Sucto enhance their transition cess Coach is that I am able to to the university setting, and focus on the academic advisto assist them to become ing portion of the job,” he successful in their academic said. “Students will be able to pursuits. Much of that work work with me, and together, involves helping students we will perform degree audits, to find their way in selecting create schedules, and work a major and potential career. towards the desired GPA.” But the Marine is about Rosales graduated in 2012 to help his own generation with a master’s of education in a similar fashion: as an degree in higher education. academic advisor to non- The UT alumnus is now reachtraditional students and vet- ing back to assist fellow stuerans over the age of 25. dents. If anyone can relate, it’s “I am most excited to him. He’s already walked in work with a new demo- their shoes—or military boots. graphic of students, and help “This is an ideal fit for me, these students navigate because I earned both my bacthrough the coursework for calaureate and Masters degrees various majors,” said with the assistance of educaRosales. “In addition, I look tional benefits, post 9/11 GI forward to helping students Bill,” he said. “I will be workthat are on academic proba- ing with adult students that have families, full-time jobs, and various other demands outside their academic coursework, and I am able to not only relate, but also apply theory to practice as I have been balancing a similar schedule.” Rosales already is seeing success in his higher ed career, as he was recently nominated for the 20 under 40 Community Leadership Award and was recognized by his peers at UT as Outstanding Staff Member (Shining Star Award) for his work with students on campus. “This is a great fit for both me, personally and professionally. Learning the academic side of higher education has been very challenging, yet rewarding throughout my short career in higher ed,” he said. “Between being a success coach and academic advisor, I have been gaining a skill set that will prepare me, or has been preparing me to be a great resourceful and knowledgeable staff member for students on any campus.” Rosales has higher aspirations for his career. He is finishing his coursework toward a Ph.D. in Educational Theory and Social Foundations at UT. His goal is to eventually become a leading researcher in education across the nation, with a focus on underrepresented students, José Rosales such as Latinos, AfricanAmericans, and veterans. Rosales is juggling two careers, as he still serves his country in the U.S. Marine Corps as the Company First Sergeant for Bridge Company Alpha, located in Battle Creek, Michigan. “Parts of my responsibilities include developing, mentoring and encouraging the professional development of Bridge Company Alpha Marines through counseling, instruction, and leadership by example,” he explained. “Also, in conjunction with the Company Executive Officer, I track all accountability, training accomplishments, and other administrative information during drill weekends in order to complete reporting requirements.” Rosales also serves as an advisor to the UT Latino Student Union (LSU). At his age, his role may be as a big brother figure to many of the young Latinos. “In this role, I serve as the campus liaison for the students and help them stay on track as a student organization and in the classroom,” he said. “Being a past president of this organization, I take this role very seriously and do my best to serve the needs of the students.” In addition, he serves as a mentor to several students on campus, particularly with members of LSU and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He stated he “works a lot off the clock, one-onone with students,” helping them adjust to the demands of college and the transition that occurs. He has a nine-year old daughter Jordan and spends what little spare time he has coaching her third and fourth grade basketball team. He also tries to “keep up with the demands of her schedule, as she’s an athlete that participates in basketball, tennis, golf and cheer.” Rosales is the youngest of four children to Robert and Rosa Rosales. He graduated from Waite High School and still lives in East Toledo. DID YOU KNOW...? Issue 4 will allow for construction of 22 new schools and the refurbishing of 20-23 schools, and it also will generate $2.5 million annually for building maintenance – all without raising taxes. IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS? SVETLANA SCHREIBER Preguntas o problemas de Inmigración Hablamos español • Asylum • Deportation • Visas • Family • Business ¡Consulta Gratis! Free Consultation ABOGADA SVETLANA SCHREIBER 1370 Ontario St. #1620, Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216-621-7292 1-866-553-4643 For consideration of the Deferred DREAM Application, contact us today! LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 Octubre 24, 2014 Florida: Prohíben a policías rastreo de celulares Por GARY FINEOUT, Associated Press T A L L A H A S S E E , que abandonó una casa y Florida, 16 de oct. de 2014 descubrieron un ladrillo de (AP): En un fallo radical, el cocaína y 23.000 dólares en máximo tribunal de Florida efectivo en el auto que determinó el jueves que la conducía. policía en el estado no puede Los abogados de Tracey usar un teléfono celular para argumentaron que la rastrear la ubicación de una evidencia del caso deberá ser persona sin contar con una descartada por la forma en orden judicial. que la policía rastreó a su La Corte Suprema estatal cliente, pero sus mociones falló en una votación de 5-2 fueron denegadas y Tracey que el departamento de permanece en prisión. policía del condado Broward Y una mayoría de jueces no tenía derecho para detener coincidieron, indicando que y arrestar a Shawn Tracey por en un momento en que los posesión de más de 400 celulares se han convertido gramos de cocaína. en algo de la vida cotidiana, Los detectives recibieron los residentes de Florida información de que Tracey deberían esperar cierto nivel estaba involucrado en el de privacidad sobre la manera tráfico de cocaína de Broward en que ellos los usan. El fallo a Cape Coral en la costa oeste también señaló que resultaba del estado, donde vivía. Pero inadmisible exigir a la gente la orden judicial que que apague sus celulares sólo obtuvieron sólo les permitía para garantizar que su rastrear las llamadas ubicación no está siendo telefónicas hechas hacia y rastreada. desde el celular de Tracey. La Unión Americana de Sin embargo, las Libertades Civiles (ACLU) y autoridades también abogados defensores rastrearon las actividades de implicados en casos similares Tracey al obtener aplaudieron el fallo y dijeron actualizaciones en tiempo que existe evidencia de que real de la ubicación de su la policía en todo el estado teléfono. Los policías lo está usando la tecnología para detuvieron poco después de rastrear personas. DID YOU KNOW...? The independent Bond Accountability Commission, which was created in 2001, would continue to monitor the use of bond funds. La Prensa Page 3 Venezuela ingresa a Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU Por EVA FONT, Associated Press NACIONES UNIDAS, 16 mandatario venezolano Hugo de oct. de 2014 (AP): Venezu- Chávez. “Este triunfo se lo ela obtuvo el jueves el respaldo dedicamos al comandante necesario para conseguir un Chávez”, dijo el canciller, que asiento no permanente en el recordó que la victoria de este Consejo de Seguridad de las jueves es el fruto de la decisión Naciones Unidas en la de enero de 2007 de Chávez de votación que celebró la postular la candidatura de Asamblea para renovar cinco Venezuela. de los diez miembros no El canciller habló junto a permanentes del organismo. Samuel Moncada, embajador El país sudamericano, que de Venezuela en la ONU, y se presentó como único María Gabriel Chávez, hija del candidato del grupo América fallecido expresidente y Latina y el Caribe, consiguió embajadora alterna de Venezuel respaldo de 181ápaíses de ela en la ONU. los 193 Estados miembros de Con esta elección,áserá la la Asamblea.áPara ser elegido quinta vez que el país necesitaba el apoyo de dos sudamericano esté en el tercios de los votos. organismo. El presidente Nicolás Maduro anticipó que en el Maduro celebró la Consejo la voz de Venezuela designación y la consideró una será independiente. “A ratificación mundial de la nosotros nadie nos da órdenes, revolución socialista del país. ni Naciones Unidas ni nadie, Maduro sostuvo que “181 tenemos el orgullo de ser una países le han dicho a Venezu- patria unida”, afirmó y sostuvo ela ‘aquí estamos, te que la tarea de Venezuela en el respaldamos”’. organismo será “buscar En una alocución grandes cambios a favor de la trasmitida por la estatal humanidad”. Venezolana de Televisión el En tanto, la embajadora de mandatario agregó que “la voz Estados Unidos ante la ONU, de Venezuela ha sido Samantha Power, lamentó la reconocida, a pesar de las victoria del país sudamericano presiones, las persecuciones, argumentando que no cumple los chantajes... que hicieron los criterios como candidato al por aquí y por allá”. Consejo de Seguridad de Por su parte, el canciller de contribuir al mantenimiento Venezuela Rafael Ramírez, de la paz y seguridad que se encontraba presente en internacional y a la promoción la votación, agradeció el apoyo del respeto a los derechos de la comunidad internacional humanos. por la elección, que calificó de “Los grupos regionales “abrumadora” y “triunfo tienen la responsabilidad de contundente”, a pesar, promover candidatos que apuntó,á“de la continuada satisfagan estos criterios y campaña de descrédito” con- apoyen totalmente los tra Venezuela y sus principios de la Carta de las instituciones. Naciones Unidas”, dijo Power El ministro dedicó la en un comunicado. victoria al fallecido Agregó que “desgraciada- mente la conducta de Venezuela en Naciones Unidas ha sido contraria al espíritu de la Carta de Naciones Unidas así como las violaciones de los derechos humanos en su país”. El comunicado indicó que Estados Unidos “continuará pidiendo al gobierno de Venezuela que respete las libertades fundamentales y los derechos humanos universales de su gente”. Junto con Venezuela, España también obtuvo un asiento trasáimponerse a Turquía enásegunda ronda. España competía con Nueva Zelanda y Turquía por uno de los asientos del grupo de Europa Occidental y otros países, el único en el que había más candidatos que plazas. Mientras Nueza Zelanda obtuvo el asiento en la primera votación por 145 votos a favor, Turquía y España no obtuvieron los dos tercios necesarios y tuvieron que ir a la segunda ronda. En la segunda ronda España consiguió la victoria al obtener 132 votos a favor sobre los 60 de Turquía. Tras el anuncio de los resultados la delegación española presente en la votación, y que estuvo encabezada por el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores José Manuel García-Margallo, saltó de alegría repartiendo abrazos y felicitaciones. Los otros países que obtuvieron un asiento no permanente fueron Angola, candidata única para el grupo de África y que alcanzó 190 votos, y Malasia, candidata única para el grupo de Asia y Pacífico y que recibió 187 votos. La última vez que Venezuela intentó conseguir un asiento fue en 2006 en unas elecciones que se convirtieron en históricas. Venezuela se presentó junto con Guatemala por el grupo América Latina y el Caribe pero ninguno de los dos obtuvo el apoyo necesario y fueron necesarias 47 rondas de votos. Finalmente, ambos países decidieron retirarse y Panamá se presentó como candidato alternativo, ganando el asiento. Los nuevos miembros substituirán en enero de 2015 a los que se les acaba el mandato este año: Venezuela reemplazará a Argentina; Nueva Zelanda y España a Luxemburgo y Australia; Angola a Ruanda y Malasia a República de Corea. El Consejo de Seguridad está formado por 15 miembros, 10 de ellos son no permanentes, su mandato es de dos años y es rotatorio entre los países de los grupos regionales que representan, y cinco miembros son permanentes -Estados Unidos, Francia, Reino Unido, China y Rusia-. Los miembros permanentes son los únicos que tienen derecho a veto en las votaciones del Consejo de Seguridad para aprobar, por ejemplo, resoluciones que pueden ir desde crear una fuerza de paz a apoyar, como fue en el caso de Libia cuando el líder del país Muamar Al Gadafi fue derrocado, intervenir militarmente un país por razones de paz y seguridad internacional. Chad, Chile, Jordania, Lituania y Nigeria son los otros cinco miembros no permanentes que hay actualmente en el consejo y cuyo mandato expira a fines de 2015. La Prensa—Michigan Página 4 October 24, 2014 Detroit Institute of Arts celebrates opening of ofrenda exhibit with exciting activities Friday, Oct. 24 Primera hispana en ser honrada en el Salón de la Fama de las Mujeres de Michigan 2014: Marylou Olivarez Colombian soprano Catalina Cuervo to perform songs from Michigan Opera Theatre’s upcoming Frida The Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) will host a series of activities celebrating the opening of the museum’s ofrenda exhibit on Friday, Oct. 24, 2014. Festivities begin at 8:00 p.m. with remarks by Detroit City Council Member Raquel Castaneda-López, followed by a performance by Colombian soprano Catalina Cuervo of songs from the Michigan Opera Theatre’s (MOT) Frida, opening next March in conjunction with the DIA’s blockbuster exhibition Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in Detroit. Afterwards, viewers will be invited to explore the exhibit. The event is open to the public and free with museum admission. The DIA will exhibit 28 ofrendas created by local artists from Friday, Oct. 24, to Sunday, Nov. 2. An ofrenda (offering) is an essential part of the traditional Mexican Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) holiday, a day to remember and honor the memory of deceased loved ones. Ofrendas consist of a collection of objects meaningful to the deceased and placed on altars as a welcome to those being remembered or honored. Participating artists will discuss their ofrendas in a public talk on Nov. 2 at 2 p.m. at the museum. Also on Nov. 2, the DIA will be providing free continuous bus transportation from Clark Park in southwest Detroit to the museum beginning at 1:30 p.m. Clark Park will host its own dis- play of ofrendas created by community members. Cuervo, who will debut in Detroit as F r i d a Kahlo, the title role in Frida, will perform a selection of three songs from the opera and give visitors an enticing preview of what’s to come in March. Cuervo has performed at numerous opera Catalina companies and festivals around the world, including the Florida Grand Opera, Cincinnati Opera, Syracuse Opera, Chicago Dance Festival and in her native city Medellin, Colombia. She has performed the role of Maria in Piazzolla’s Maria de Buenos Aires more than any opera singer in the world. Frida focuses on the turbulent life of Frida Kahlo and celebrates Kahlo’s vivacious spirit, talent, sexuality and fragility in scenes filled with wide-ranging music as complex and colorful as Kahlo’s artwork. It will open at the Macomb Cen- Cuervo ter for the Performing Arts, March 7 and 8, 2015, followed by performances at the Berman Center for the Performing Arts, March 21 and 22, 2015 and at the DIA’s Detroit Film Theatre, March 28, 2015. The opera is one of a series of regional events scheduled to complement the DIA’s special exhibition Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in Detroit, March 12 to July 12, 2015. The exhibition will explore the tumultuous and highly productive year that Mexican artists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo spent in Detroit, a pivotal turning point in each artist’s career. The TAQUER IA A. SALAZAR TAQUERIA 944 East Beecher Street • Adrian, MI 517-215-2510 - Carry Out Available! Tamales Special 2742 HILL AVE., TOLEDO 800-233-0142 419-534-2074 Chicken $7.50 Pork $7.50 Beef $8.00 Questions? Call Rico at 419-870-6565. Happy Birthday Joe Martinez III Oct. 23rd Masa Para TTamales amales *Ready Mix* $1.00 lb. *Plain* 60¢ lb. ¡ Y Má Máss ! Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 8:00 pm Saturday 7:00 am - 7:00 pm; Sunday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm PUBLIC NOTICE: Please be advised that NANETTE KNIFFEN or NANETTE NIETO, since April 1, 2014, is not associated nor affiliated with nor works for La Prensa Publications, Inc. nor the Midwest Tejano Music Association, Inc., nor MidWest LatinoFest. exhibition also looks at the evolution of each artist’s career in relation to one another, a subject that has never been fully studied in an exhibition or catalogue. On the Internet: Visit for more information about the DIA’s ofrenda exhibit and Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in Detroit. For more information about Frida, visit FOR SALE La Chiquita ~ Call 517-264-5126 La Chiquita MARKET Tienda Mexicana Por: Isabel Flores, Corresponsal La Prensa Lansing: como investigador Marylou Olivarez de quejas de es la primera derechos civiles, y hispana que luego obtuvo un recibirá en vida el trabajo con la honor de Comisión de pertenecer al Asuntos Hispanos Salón de la Fama como Directora de las Mujeres de Asistente. En 1986 Michigan. fue nombrada Convirtiéndose D i r e c t o r a así en la segunda hispana en Ejecutiva de la Comisión, obtener este reconocimiento, siendo la primera mujer en la primera recibió dicha obtener ese cargo. distinción de manera Gracias a su trabajo, ha póstuma. Este evento se sido galardonada con llevará a cabo el próximo diferentes honores: Uno de jueves 30 de octubre en el sus grandes Kellogg Hotel and Confer- reconocimientos fue el ence Center en East Lansing, premio Ohtli y La Mujer donde diez mujeres más y un Hispana de los Estados hombre, serán honrados en el Unidos 2000. Asimismo, ha Salón de la Fama de las sido Consejera titular tanto Mujeres de Michigan en una Electa como por Trayectoria Cena de Premios. del Consejo Consultivo del “Es un honor muy grande Instituto de los Mexicanos estar en el Salón de la Fama en el Exterior, reuniéndose de Michigan, nunca me imag- dos veces al año con el ine que me fueran a elegir. Presidente de México para Estar en un lugar como ese, en exponer la situación que donde mis hijos, mis nietos y viven los connacionales en sus futuras generaciones me el exterior y ofrecer puedan ver, al igual que toda recomendaciones para la gente que he ayudado a mejorar sus vidas. estudiar, es algo increíble. No Recibió el prestigioso tengo palabras para describir Premio Diana presentado esta emoción, me siento muy por el Gran Lansing YWCA agradecida con mi familia y por su extenso trabajo en el la comunidad en general”, gobierno, así como Doctor declaró en entrevista Honoris Causa del Gran exclusiva para La Prensa, Colegio Lagos en Saginaw Marylou Olivarez-Mason. por su destacada labor Marylou Olivares-Ma- comunitaria en todo el son, es Directora Ejecutiva estado de Michigan y a nivel de la Comisión de Asuntos nacional e internacional. El Hispanos y su labor es emitir Premio al Servicio recomendaciones al Comunitario César Chávez gobierno y la legislatura en del Instituto de Liderazgo relación con la coordinación Hispano de Estados Unidos y administración de los en Chicago por su programas estatales que compromiso desinteresado sirven a los hispanos. Ha con el servicio comunitario, trabajado con la mayoría de Premio Regional Mujer del las organizaciones en todo el National Hispana LeaderEstado para ayudar a la gente ship Institute en Washingnecesitada a recibir un buen ton DC por contribuir al trato y respeto. empoderamiento y el Comenzó su trabajo con bienestar de la comunidad el Departamento de Derechos hispana en la región. Civiles de Michigan en 1977 La Prensa se une a esta como asistente del Director gran celebración al tener el de Distrito de la Oficina de privilegio de seguir de cerca Relaciones Comunitarias los pasos de esta gran mujer, Saginaw. En 1981, se trasladó como amiga y profesional, a la Oficina de Derechos que inspira a los hispanos de Civiles en Lansing con el Michigan para salir Buró de Implementación adelante. ¡Felicidades! L a P r e n s a N e w s pa p e r Aztlán Communications, Inc. Publisher Advertising: Rubén Torres Adrianne Kolasinski Mary DiVeto Melinda Sánchez María Molina Rico 440-320-8221 216-688-9045 313-729-4435 419-242-7744 419-242-7744 419-870-6565 Lorain/Cleveland Sales Manager NW Ohio and MI Sales Manager Marketing Representative Marketing Representative Marketing Representative Sales, Graphics, Editing Editorial: Antonio Barrios Isabel Flores Arooj Ashraf Kevin Milliken Federico Martínez Lorain Correspondent Latin America Correspondent Midwest Correspondent Special Contributor Special Contributor Art/Graphics/WebSite: Jennifer Retholtz Productos mexicanos, carnicería, pan todos los días. Los fines de semana: carnitas, barbacoa, birria de chivo, tamales y mucho más. 136 E. Beecher St. Adrian, MI 49221 517- 264-5126 ACEPTAMOS CARDS. ENVIOS DE DINERO EN EEUU Y AL EXTRANJERO Graphics & Webmaster Manager Aztlán Communications Inc. SALES: PO Box 792, Saline MI 48176 419.870-2797 or 440-320-8221 E-mail: [email protected] Since 1989 www .la pr .lapr Copyright 1989 - 2014 by La Prensa Publications, Inc. Visit us on Facebook at: LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 La Prensa—Ohio Octubre 24, 2014 Page 5 Vampire Bat exhibit opened October 18 On Oct. 18, 2014, the Toledo Zoo opened a new vampire bat exhibit at its awardwinning children’s zoo, Nature’s Neighborhood. Vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) are incorrectly notorious for their “Hollywood reputations.” Although they do drink blood – most commonly from livestock — these small mammals rarely kill their prey, and their teeth are so sharp that prey often don’t even feel the bite. Native to Mexico, South America, and Cen- tral America, vampire bats are remarkably adapted for this specialized feeding behavior. They rely on unusual elongated “thumbs” and heat sensors in their noses to find the best place to feed on an animal. Their powerful hind limbs help them navigate on their prey, and this even enables them to walk and run – something most other bat species cannot do. Once the meal is finished, those same powerful limbs help the bats take flight afterward. Happy Birthday Carla Soto Cruz Happy Birthday Kaniya D. Carmona Oct. 25 —We love you Carla at La Prensa. 6 yr on Oct. 6 —Love, tu papa, JD Carmona Contrary to what movies often show, vampire bats prefer blood from cows or goats rather than humans, and they pose very little threat to people. Vampire bats are social, intelligent animals who form long-term cooperative bonds within their group, grooming each other and sharing meals. Toledo Zoo offers free Climate Change Symposium on Oct. 29 On Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014, from 9 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., the Toledo Zoo is offering a free climate change symposium in the Indoor Theatre of its historic Museum of Science. Presenters include scientists, researchers and professors from Polar Bears International (PBI), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), The Ohio State University, the University of Toledo, and Bowling Green State University. The team of presenters will discuss Toledo’s recent water crisis, climate change research and the impact of climate change on the natural world. One of the symposium highlights is a live video conference with PBI researchers in Churchill, Canada, one of the few places in the world where polar bears still roam wild. This symposium is ideal for all guests ages 12 and up, especially middle school, high school and college/university students, staff and faculty. It is free and open to the public, but space is lim- ited and pre-registration is required. Additional information is available at Educational opportunities like these are just some of the reasons the Toledo Zoo is rated the #1 zoo in the nation by USA Today Travel, and among the top ten family attractions nationwide by FamilyFun Magazine. Learn more at DID YOU KNOW...? CMSD has spent its construction dollars prudently while building and renovating 41 schools. The District saved taxpayers $42.2 million by refinancing and paying off debt early. Hispanic Roundtable to host Non-Partisan Candidates and Issues Forum The Hispanic Roundtable of Cleveland is gearing up for the upcoming election in November by hosting a NonPartisan Candidates and Issues Forum on Cleveland’s Westside. Participants will meet the candidates for governor, county executive, municipal and county judges, and also learn about important local and county issues that will appear on the ballot. The Hispanic Roundtable Candidates and Issues Forum Thursday, October 23, 2014 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Registration is at 5:30 p.m.) La Sagrada Familia Church 7719 Detroit Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44102 The Latino community is the balance of power in any election. As the largest and fastest-growing minority group in the United States, Ohio, and Cuyahoga County, Latinos are making history, and the media, economists, and political pundits are taking notice. Important and critical issues will be raised, ranging from educational attainment including low graduation rates among our Latino students, economic and workforce development, and immigration issues. “The candidates will respond to important questions presented by a panel of young Latinos, and share with the Hispanic Community their vision, and what that will mean for Hispanics,” says José C. Feliciano, chairman of the Hispanic Roundtable. The Hispanic Roundtable is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to act as a catalyst to empower the Hispanic Community to become full partners in the economic, education, political, civic, and social life of Greater Cleveland. This event is FREE and open to the public. For more information, call 216-235-1578. Have a Classified Ad? Email ad to [email protected] for cost! 419-241-8284 La Prensa Page 6 October 24, 2014 GOP districts isolated from demographic changes Happy Birthday Joe Martinez III By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER, Associated Press WASHINGTON, DC, Oct. 16, 2014 (AP): Some demographers call it the browning of the United States. Fueled by immigration and higher birth rates among Latinos and blacks, the U.S. population is becoming less white. These changes, however, have largely bypassed congressional districts represented by Republicans, adding to divisions between the GOP and Democrats on issues like immigration. National GOP leaders have been urging Republicans in Congress to reach out to Latino voters on immigration, well aware that Latinos are the nation’s fastest-growing group. Those calls have fallen flat among many House Republicans, who have been unwilling to advance legislation that would provide a pathway to citizenship for an estimated 11 million immigrants living in the U.S. without documentation. Meanwhile, President Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress have made immigration overhaul a priority. Demography helps explain the divide. Following the 2010 census, Republican legislators in key states redrew congressional districts in ways that favored their candidates. That helped House Republicans maintain a 33-seat majority in the 2012 election, but it left many House Republicans largely isolated from demographic changes sweeping much of the country. While the United States is becoming more diverse, most congressional dis- tricts represented by Republicans are overwhelmingly white, with relatively few minorities. “That’s not going to last forever,” said William Frey, a demographer at The Brookings Institution. “Sooner or later, demography is not on the side of those places staying isolated.” On average, Republicanheld districts are 74 percent white. Latinos make up 11 percent and blacks make up 9 percent. By comparison, the average district represented by a Democrat is 51 percent white, 23 percent Latino and 17 percent black—more diverse than the country as a whole. Nationally, non-Latino whites make up 64 percent of the country, a share that has been declining for decades. Over the next 30 years, the Census Bureau projects that whites will lose their majority status. Racial and ethnic minorities already make up about half of all children under 5. Latinos make up 17 percent of the U.S. population, a share that will continue to grow, according to US Census projections. That’s why some Republican leaders are concerned. In the 2012 presidential election, Republican Mitt Romney got just 27 percent of the Latino vote. Following the election, the Republican National Committee conducted an analysis to see what went wrong. Among the RNC’s findings: “We must embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform. If we do not, our party’s appeal will continue to shrink to its core constituencies only.” In the Senate, some Republicans had embraced the immigration issue, led by Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a possible presidential contender in 2016; however, under pressure from the Tea Party, he switched his support and is now against comprehensive immigration reform. Last year, 14 Senate Republicans joined with Democrats to pass a comprehensive immigration bill that would couple increased border security with a path to citizenship for those in the U.S. without documentation. In January, House Republican leaders unveiled their principles for overhauling immigration laws. They included a proposed pathway to legal status for millions of adults who live in the U.S. unlawfully—after they pay back taxes and fines—but not the route to citizenship that Obama and many Democrats favor. Rank-and-file Republicans balked and some labeled the plan “amnesty.” But House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, never brought up a bill for a vote. Online: Video: https:/ / watch?v=9NYZ3ivuhcU Editors Note earlier this year, The Associated Press set the stage for its coverage of the midterm elections with a package that explains the GOP’s yearlong effort to use the 2010 census to reshape House districts in key states through the redistricting process, and the effect beyond 2014. The package has been updated and is available again. http:// Multimedia: 2014/redistricting. With BC-US—GOP Advantage. October 23rd ‘Modern Family’ actress Elizabeth Peña dies at 55 By DERRIK J. LANG, AP Entertainment Writer LOS ANGELES, Oct. 15, 2014 (AP): Elizabeth Peña, the versatile actress who shifted between dramatic roles in such films as “Lone Star” and comedic parts in TV shows like “Modern Family,” has died. She was 55. Peña’s manager, Gina Rugolo, said Wednesday the Cuban-American actress died Tuesday in Los Angeles of natural causes after a brief illness. No other details were provided. Born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, to Cuban immigrant parents, Peña’s Hollywood career spanned four decades and included roles in such movies as “La Bamba,” ‘’Down and Out in Beverly Hills,” ‘’Jacob’s Ladder” and “Rush Hour.” In filmmaker John Sayles’ “Lone Star,” she memorably portrayed a history teacher who rekindles a romance with an old flame, played by Chris Cooper. Peña appeared on such TV shows as “L.A. Law,” ‘’Dream On,” ‘’Resurrection Blvd.” and “Modern Family,” where she played the mother of Sofia Vergara’s character, Gloria. She starred in the 1980s sitcom “I Married Dora” in the titular role as a housekeeper from El Salvador who weds her employer to avoid deportation. Peña also provided her voice to Disney-Pixar’s “The Incredibles,” the “Justice League” cartoon series and Seth MacFarlane’s “American Dad.” Peña most recently appeared on the El Rey Network drama “Matador.” “She was a role model, a truly extraordinary performer and an inspiration in every sense of the word,” the network said in a statement. “Our thoughts are with Elizabeth’s family and friends during this difficult time. She will be deeply missed.” She is survived by her husband, two children, mother, and sister. Cleveland doctor turns Latina artist (Continued from Page 1 Lorain) close to home. In 1936, when Spain was involved in a civil war, her maternal grandfather disappeared in the chaos of battle for nearly a year. “Nobody knew if he was dead or alive,” she recalled. Her mother was determined to find out what happened to him, so she went to Madrid and spoke to the Red Cross. According to Dr. Pujana, her grandfather was found about a month later because of that organization’s efforts. Her mother became a donor in Spain and continually urged Dr. Pujana to get involved with the Red Cross in Cleveland. She presently serves on the MetroHealth Foundation Board, the advisory board of the Cleveland Institute of Art, the Helen Moss Cancer Research Foundation, and is a member of the Cleveland Office of Minority Health advisory committee. Her philanthropic fields of concentration include economic development, minority health, arts and culture education, and international affairs. She also has assisted El Barrio, the Hispanic Cultural Center, and other Latino nonprofits, particularly to collaborate with other organizations and funders to stay true to her roots. Dr. Pujana was born in Madrid, Spain, but spent her youth in Colombia. She returned to Madrid at age 17, where she earned her medical degree from Universidad Complutense and served as the chief resident at Veteran’s Hospitals of Madrid. Over time, she found her way to the United States—first in San Francisco, then Cleveland in 1992. She is now both a clinical neurologist and neurophysiologist with MetroHealth System of Cleveland. Dr. Pujana also teaches at Case Western Reserve University in a pioneer program that is geared toward doctors and professionals. She is a faculty member at CWRU’s Center for Global Health and Diseases in the School of Medicine. The class focuses on the Latino population and their inclusion in the medical system and process. Her personal and professional philosophy has always been “to do your best” and to “keep your spirit alive.” She has always considered it her life mission to develop the “artistic gifts” her parents gave her and to help wherever and whenever possible in honor of the lessons her parents taught her. She is married to Hugo Urizar, the president of Advanced Translation Services. She has two sons, Miro and Marco. She also has two grandchildren—a boy and a girl. She was inducted into the Cleveland International Hall of Fame in 2013.She graduated from Leadership Cleveland (class of 2005). She received the 2011 Distinguished Ohioan Award, the 2010 TIE Ohio Community Catalyst Award, the 2009 YWCA Women of Achievement Award, the 2008 Visionary Award from the Hispanic Business Association, 2003 Business Woman of the Year from Score Magazine Dr. Pujana is hoping to set an example for young Latinos and Latinas. She has encouraged her children and grandchildren to become bilingual so they can both know their heritage and be successful in a global economy. She pushes for the “academic success” of young Latinos, especially if they want to become scientists and engineers. But she also knows that “not everyone will be able to go into those careers.” But they must “train in something” and “do their absolute best, no matter what it may be.” But she believes there is a place for everyone in their future and wants to encourage them to “never lose their spirit and passion.” The entire article is also available online at LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 La Prensa Octubre 24, 2014 BGSU to host Latino issues conference, book reading By Kevin Milliken, La Prensa Correspondent Hispanic Heritage Month ence will be folofficially may be over for lowed by a Latino another year, but Bowling night social and enGreen State University will tertainment, 6 to 8 still get in the act when it p.m. host its 21st annual Latino Meantime, a Issues Conference on Thurs- pair of BGSU proday, Oct. 23, 2014. fessors will read The day-long event will from their recent feature a town hall meeting works in both Enfor the community to en- glish and Spanish gage in a dialogue about the night before the immigration featuring a conference. Their panel from both sides of the recent publications complex issue. The confer- involve Latin American and ence theme this year is: “A Latino/a issues. Community at a Crossroads: Dr. Valeria Grinberg Pla The Intersections of Immi- will read from “Eva Perón: gration and Identity.” Cuerpo, genero, nación,” from The keynote luncheon Editorial de la Universidad de speaker will be Latino im- Costa Rica starting at 8 p.m., migrant and lesbian, gay, bi- Wednesday, Oct. 22, at Café sexual, and transgender Havana, in Bowling Green. (LGBT) activist Moises Dr. Susana Peña will read Serrano. He will from “Oye Loca!: speak first-hand From the Mariel about his jourBoatlift to Gay ney as an unCuban Miami” documented stuimmediately foldent and as a lowing the first member of the reading. The bilinLGBT commugual presentations nity. will include a disThe annual cussion with the conference is authors. sponsored by Her book foBGSU’s Office cuses on Cubanof Multicultural Affairs and American gay male culture in Latino Student Union. The Miami, Florida. The book won conference will begin with a honorable mention for OutLatino Community and Cul- standing Book in Latino Studtural Festival, 9 to 11:30 a.m. ies by the Latino Studies Secin the Multipurpose Room. tion of Latin American StudThe free conference lun- ies Association and was cheon will take place in the named as a finalist by Lambda Grand Ballroom, noon to Literary Awards in LBGT Stud1:30 p.m. The town hall meet- ies category earlier this year. ing/discussion will occur “I have presented my refrom 2 to 4 p.m. The confer- search on this topic before at places l i k e Rutgers University, Oberlin College, a n d University of California, San Diego, for example,” said Dr. Peña. “Since my book has been published, I haven¹t presented it at BGSU or in Bowling Green. This event gives me an opportunity to share my finished work with that community.” She sees the coffeehouse event as an extension of the classroom. “As university faculty, we teach but we also research, write, and present our scholarship,” said Dr. Peña. “I think it is important for students to see that their teachers are also published authors and that we engage in debates beyond campus. Also, I like to tell students about how the study was conducted, what my challenges were, et cetera. I want them to be able to imagine themselves being researchers and writing a book.” Dr. Peña’s text was written in English, so she will read in English and provide commentary in Spanish. Dr. Grinberg Pla’s book was written in Spanish, so she will read from the original, and a graduate student will read the English translation. Page 7 Federal funds to help Lake Erie water quality By Kevin Milliken, La Prensa Correspondent Two Ohio congressional Environmental Prorepresentatives announced tection Agency $7.4 million more in federal (Ohio EPA) will refunds that will help to deter- ceive more than $1.5 mine the cause of algal million. Michigan blooms on Lake Erie re- and Indiana agensponsible for a water emer- cies also received gency this summer for To- funds. ledo-area water customers. The grants will Sherrod U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown Brown (D-Ohio) and U.S. Rep. be used to: • Expand monitoring and Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio Ninth District) held a joint forecasting to help drinking press conference Monday, water treatment plant operaOct. 20, at the University of tors and beach managers miniToledo’s Lake Erie Center, mize the adverse health im6200 Bayshore Rd. in Or- pacts associated with algae egon. Federal and state En- blooms; • Provide more incentives vironmental Protection Agency officials joined in for farmers in western Lake Erie watersheds to reduce phosthe announcement. The overall goal is to phorus runoff that contributes reduce phosphorus runoff to algae blooms; and • Improve measurement of into tributaries that feed Lake Erie, which usually phosphorus loads in Lake Erie results from nutrient break- tributaries. down in manure and the use The sampling and moniof fertilizers on farmland. The grants are part of the toring of the Maumee River, Great Lakes Restoration Ini- creeks, and streams is expected tiative (GLRI), established to provide a scientific picture to ensure clean, safe drink- of where conservation strateing water for communities gies and future infrastructure along Lake Erie and other improvements can best be targeted to slow phosphorus and watersheds. “The reason Lake Erie is nutrient runoff into the lake. “Great Lakes Restoration the most vulnerable lake is it’s the shallowest lake, Initiative resources are used therefore the warmest lake to strategically to target the and the most vulnerable to biggest threats to the Great all kinds of pollutants,” said Lakes ecosystem,” said SuSen. Brown. “The runoff san Hedman, U.S. EPA Reinto the western basin of gion 5 administrator. “In adLake Erie comes from in- dition to generating toxins dustry, people and commu- that pose a risk to human nity developments, and the health, harmful algal blooms largest catch-all, the harm shoreline economies and Maumee River Basin with lead to low-oxygen dead four million agricultural zones in the deeper waters of acres. That’s why we have Lake Erie.” In early August, the city of this challenge that nobody Toledo issued a do not drink else does.” order for According to almost Congresswoman 500,000 Kaptur, 85 percent people in of the Lake Erie Northwest Watershed is agriO h i o cultural—with two when its million people and drinking more than ten milw a t e r lion animals. She treatment stated that because plant was of an advanced adversely farmland tile drain- Marcy Kaptur impacted age system, manure runoff after a rainstorm by microcystin, a toxin gener“shoots out into Lake Erie ated by a harmful algae bloom in Lake Erie. like a superhighway.” According to Ms. Hedman, “We need to do what’s right—and it seems like the federal EPA convened a there aren’t enough re- meeting shortly after the Tosources to do what’s neces- ledo water crisis with state and sary here. This is a vast wa- federal agencies to identify tershed, the largest on the their most immediate funding Great Lakes” she said. “We needs to reduce pollutants that have to get serious as a re- contribute to algae blooms in gion and we have to grow a western Lake Erie. This latest round of fundmore effective approach to meet the magnitude of the ing will be accompanied by challenge. We are talking other grants to pay for federal agency projects to help the about billions of dollars.” Ohio was awarded the effort. Since the Toledo water largest share of grant money crisis, nearly $15 million has at $7.4 million. The Ohio been pledged toward various Department of Natural Re- efforts to reduce the threat of sources (ODNR) will receive algae blooms and improve $5.9 million and the Ohio drinking water quality across the region. “The importance of taking a r e gional a p proach to address the impact of harmful algal blooms on Lake Erie is imperative,” said James Zehringer, Ohio DNR director. “These funds greatly complement Ohio’s strategic approach to improving water quality and protecting Lake Erie, one of greatest natural resources.” “We will continue to work with our state and federal partners to improve our nutrient management efforts in Ohio to ensure the health of our waterways,” added Craig Butler, Ohio EPA director. Brown and Ms. Kaptur both lamented the need for even more funding for other causes of Lake Erie pollution, which also contributes to algae blooms. Brown pegged the cost at properly fixing sewage overflows across northern Ohio at more than $1 billion. “We need to address the problem of combined sewer overflow better than we have. It’s an enduring problem and a persistent problem as we starve infrastructure in this country,” Sen. Brown said. “We don’t do enough on combined sewer overflow, especially in small town Ohio.” Ms. Kaptur stated there are two dozen to three dozen combined sewer overflow problems that need funding in northern Ohio alone. She lamented that it took her 15 years to successfully fight to receive funding for just one project. Ms. Kaptur also noted the absence of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from the cooperative tone of the press conference, calling on the federal agency to stop the practice of open lake dumping of dredging material. Scientists have stated the practice stirs up phosphorus that has settled along the lake bottom, contributing to the algae bloom problem along with the other possible causes. Ms. Kaptur and Rep. Bob Latta (R-Ohio Fifth District) are backing a bill that would ban open lake dumping. “That should drive the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers nuts—good,” said Ms. Kaptur. “We need to think about to deal with that dredging material. It is a major question what we do with it and the solution is not cheap, but it’s part of a broader plan Page 8 La Prensa FLOC continues to pressure R.J. Reynolds By Federico Martínez, Special to La Prensa Oct. 10, 2014: Baldemar Velásquez, president of Toledo, Ohio-based Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC), on Saturday announced FLOC is stepping up efforts to pressure tobacco companies to address the problem of thousands of young children, some as young as 7years-old, working in tobacco fields. FLOC has been trying Mexican Consul Solana with FLOC’s Baldemar Velásquez for several years to get tobacco companies to allow would eliminate any need discuss and network about farmworkers the right to for employee union repre- the issues that challenge for a union without fear of sentation by promising to the tobacco industry, inretaliation. There are cur- set up a complaint system cluding the elimination of rently no laws that pro- for workers. That proposed child labor in the tobacco tect the right of tobacco plan failed to include any fields globally. But orgafarmworkers to form a guarantee that employees nizers refused to allow union or bargain collec- would be safe from retalia- Velásquez to attend the tively, said Velásquez. tion. It also failed to include session. The issue of child labor how human rights abuses FLOC arranged for a would be much easier to would be addressed. separate session to be held address if workers were R.J. Reynolds officials later in the day and forum able to unionize, he said. could not be reached for attendees were invited to “There is no reason, in comment. Velásquez’s session. this day and age, in the Human Rights Watch re- Velásquez pointed out that wealthiest economy in the cently released a report docu- FLOC had ended child laworld, that children are menting child labor in bor in the tomato and cuworking in the tobacco United States tobacco fields cumber fields of Ohio. fields of North Carolina throughout North Carolina, “If we could do it in or anywhere else in the Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio, than we can do it in US where tobacco is Virginia, where 90 percent North Carolina and anygrown,” said Velásquez. of the country’s tobacco is where else in the US where FLOC earlier this grown. The report docu- tobacco is grown,” he said. month began signing up ments serious health probAlthough many child thousands of non-H2A to- lems among the children labor advocates call for bacco farm workers in working in the fields. more government regulaNorth Carolina, KenThe report came as no sur- tion, Velásquez said that tucky, and Tennessee. prise to Velásquez, who says “the tobacco companies FLOC is asking that the the issue of child labor in and leaf merchants have a tobacco companies pro- agriculture will not go away responsibility to put into tect their right to freedom as long as farmworkers re- practice the human rights of association without re- main part of a “shadow work protocols they espouse taliation on contract force.” including the elimination farms. There are no laws FLOC represents and ad- of child labor and freedom which protect the right of vocates for tobacco of association and not a tobacco farm worker to farmworkers in North Caro- waiting for government acform a union or bargain lina and the South, and has tion.” collectively a collective agreement with Child labor is a sympVelásquez said on Sat- the North Carolina Grow- tom of the inequities in the urday that that effort will ers Association which cov- supply chain at the point “continue moving for- ers the H2A workers who of tobacco production; and ward.” come from Mexico to work ending child labor isn’t FLOC has been trying in the tobacco fields in the just about pulling children for years – with little suc- United States. out of the fields but also cess – to get tobacco comVelásquez had planned dealing with the economic panies to address horren- to share his plan to elimi- inequities which forces dous work and living con- nate child labor in United children into the fields so ditions reported by to- States tobacco fields to the that their families can surbacco farmworkers and to Global Tobacco Network- vive. allow workers the right to ing Forum at The Green“The fact is, that there seek union representation. brier, held October 3, 2014 is no tobacco farm in the Earlier this year to- in White Sulphur Springs, US where workers have bacco industry giant, R.J. West Virginia. freedom of association Reynolds Tobacco ComOver 200 tobacco com- without retaliation where pany, hired a public rela- pany executives from child labor exists,” he said. tions firm to design a around the world attended “The workers would not vaguely worded plan that the forum tobacco forum to allow it.” October 24, 2014 Report highlights child labor on United States tobacco farms RICHMOND, Va., May 14, 2014 (AP): An international rights group is pushing the federal government and the tobacco industry to take further steps to protect children working on U.S. tobacco farms. A report released Wednesday by Human Rights Watch claims that children as young as 7 are sometimes working long hours in fields harvesting nicotine- and pesticidelaced tobacco leaves under sometimes hazardous conditions. Most of what the group documented is legal, but it wants cigarette makers to push for safety on farms from which they buy tobacco. Human Rights Watch details findings from interviews with more than 140 children working on farms in North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia, where a majority of the country’s tobacco is grown. “The U.S. has failed America’s families by not meaningfully protecting child farmworkers from dangers to their health and safety, including on tobacco farms,” said Margaret Wurth, children’s rights researcher and co-author of the report. Human Rights Watch met with many of the world’s biggest cigarette makers and tobacco suppliers to discuss its findings and push them to adopt or strengthen policies to prevent the practices in their supply chains. The companies say they are concerned about child labor in their supply chains and have developed standards, including requiring growers to provide a safe work environment and adhere to child labor laws, the group said. “This report uncovers serious child labor abuses that should not occur on any farm, anywhere,” André Calantzopoulos, CEO of Philip Morris International Inc., the world’s second-biggest cigarette seller, said in a statement. “More work remains to be done to eliminate child and other labor abuses in tobacco growing.” Altria Group Inc., owner of the nation’s biggest cigarette maker, Philip Morris USA, said it wants suppliers to follow the law. But Altria spokesman Jeff Caldwell also said that restricting tobacco work to people 18 and over “is really contrary to a lot of the current practices that are in place in the U.S. and is at odds in these communities where family farming is really a way of life.” About 736,500 children under 18 were reported to have worked on U.S. farms in 2012, but there are no figures for children working on tobacco farms, according to the federally funded National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety. Less than 1 percent of U.S. farmland grows tobacco, according to the 2012 Census of Agriculture. According to the Human Rights Watch report, U.S. agriculture labor laws allow children to work longer hours at younger ages and in more hazardous conditions than children in any other industry. With their parent’s permission, children as young as 12 can be hired for unlimited hours outside of school hours on a farm of any size. And there’s no minimum age for children to work on small farms. In 2011, the Labor Department proposed changes that would have prohibited children under 16 from working on tobacco farms, but they were withdrawn in 2012. Nearly three-quarters of the children interviewed in 2012 and 2013 reported vomiting, nausea and headaches while working on tobacco farms. The symptoms they reported are consistent with nicotine poisoning often called Green Tobacco Sickness, which occurs when workers absorb nicotine through their skin while handling tobacco plants. Those interviewed, many of whom were children of Latino immigrants but were often U.S. citizens themselves, also reported worked long hours, often in extreme heat, without overtime pay or sufficient breaks and wore no, or inadequate, protective gear. “The conditions are inhumane and they should improve them,” said 17year-old Erick García, of Kinston, North Carolina, who has been working in tobacco fields since he was 11. His parents were also farm workers, and he started working with them to help the family earn more money. Additionally, García said kids should primarily focus on school and shouldn’t be in the fields: “That’s not a place for children,” he said. Republican Kentucky state Sen. Paul Hornback, who started worked in tobacco fields when he was 10 and now farms about 100 acres of tobacco in Shelby County, Kentucky, said he adheres to federal regulations to keep his workers safe but doesn’t believe further restrictions are needed. “People get pretty extreme about trying to protect everybody from everything,” Hornback said. “It’s hard manual labor, but there’s nothing wrong with hard manual labor.” Editor’s Note: This article was published on page 2 of the May 23, 2014 issue of La Prensa but is important enough to be re-published especially in light of FLOC’s efforts to eliminate such child labor in the tobacco fields. DID YOU KNOW...? Issue 4 will cost the owner of a $50,000 home $44.10 per year. That is what homeowners pay now, so it will not raise taxes. Saturda y, October 1 1 Saturday 11 Conjunto Champz Saturda y, October 25 Saturday Conjunto Champz LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 La Octubre 24, 2014 Page 9 Wood County Health District working with partners on preparedness efforts for Ebola Baldemar Velásquez HOW TO END CHILD LABOR IN US TOBACCO FIELDS by Baldemar Velásquez, President, Farm Labor Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO (FLOC) Human Rights Watch re- to agricultural workers. leased a report document- Many tobacco companies ing child labor in US to- and leaf merchants have bacco fields throughout “codes of conduct” and North Carolina, Kentucky, “protocols” that refer to the Tennessee, and Virginia, United Nations Universal where 90% of the country’s Declaration on Human tobacco is grown. The re- Rights, but these have no port documents serious application in reality. health problems among the There is nothing that guarchildren working in the antees freedom of associafields, some as young as 7 tion without retaliation in years old, along with dan- the tobacco fields. gerous working condiIn 1935, President tions, long hours and low Franklin Roosevelt signed pay. This report comes as into law the National Lano surprise. The issue of bor Relations Act when we child labor in agriculture still had child labor in the will not go away as long as mines and mills of farmworkers remain part of America. Agricultural a shadow work force. workers were excluded It is good to strengthen from that law. It is time to child labor laws as this will modernize labor relations set the bar. However, in and in agriculture and give of themselves stronger laws farm workers and small will not solve the problem farmers the right to bargain of child labor. Children with the corporations who have to work in tobacco to use their labor. The federal help their families to sur- government and Congress vive because their parents must take concrete steps to don’t earn living wages. guarantee freedom of asTaking children out of this sociation to farm workers. work can create problems The tobacco compafor farm worker families. It nies and leaf merchants decreases the family’s have a responsibility to put needed income, it creates a into practice the human day care problem for the rights protocols they esparents, it disrupts hous- pouse including the elimiing and acreage assign- nation of child labor and ments that many times al- freedom of association and low a family to secure em- not waiting for governployment. And replacing ment action. The Dunlop child workers with undocu- Agricultural Workers mented, exploited migrant Commission provides a workers is not the solution. structure and process that If child labor is to be allows for freedom of assoeliminated, we really have ciation to move ahead in to address all these issues, US tobacco fields. FLOC which leads us to the heart invites the tobacco comof the problem. panies and leaf merchants The only effective way to become part of the to end child labor is to ex- Dunlop Agricultural Worktend long denied labor ers Commission which esrights of freedom of asso- tablishes a National Labor ciation and right to bar- Relations Board by private gain to farm workers. Given agreement; and through that opportunity, the farm freedom of association workers themselves will child labor in the US touse collective bargaining bacco fields will be elimito address precarious nated once and for all. wages, job insecurity and the impact of poverty and Editor’s Note: Mr. hunger, as well as child Velásquez had wanted to labor. In the US, where farm present the above report workers are organized and at the Global Tobacco Netbargain collectively, there working Forum, October is no child labor. 3, 2014, White Sulphur A more relevant legisla- Springs, WV, but was detive effort to end child la- nied the presentation or bor is to extend labor rights forum to present. Bowling Green, OH Wood County Health District is monitoring the situation and is in close contact with Ohio Department of Health and reviewing information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) daily. As the situation evolves, the CDC guidance may change. We will continue to work to keep everyone informed. The Wood County Health District has met and will continue to meet with public health partners, including the Wood County Hospital, Wood County Emergency Management Agency, BGSU and other agencies and organizations, to discuss potential scenarios and response plans. The Health District has taken an active role in seeking and sharing the latest information with our part- ners, including sharing the latest screening guidance with area physicians’ offices and the Wood County Hospital. The Health District is also working on sharing guidance with Wood County EMS, Law Enforcement and other First Responders. The CDC information states that the virus is transmitted by blood and body fluids or items that have contacted blood or bodily fluids of a person sick with Ebola. People are not able to spread the virus until they begin showing symptoms. Flu season is approaching so there will be people with fevers and some symptoms that are similar to those of Ebola but the important point to remember is that people who have traveled to certain countries in West Africa, healthcare providers who have treated Ebola patients and others in close contact with Ebola patients are at the highest risk of getting sick because they may come in contact with the blood or body fluids of the Ebola patient. There are no active Ebola cases in Ohio. Based on the current CDC guidance, healthcare workers and first responders are advised to treat people they suspect as having Ebola virus as they would with other potentially infectious diseases that are spread through body fluids such as HIV or Hepatitis. This is a good time for health care employees and first responders to review their response plans, update any screening tools, refresh blood borne pathogen training, and review proper methods of putting on and taking off personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves and to practice proper use of personal protective equipment. Visit us on Facebook at: Harvest Festival at Lorain County Community College Lorain County Community College Student Senate will host a family friendly Harvest Festival from 2-4 p.m., Sat., Oct. 25, 2014 on the LCCC campus. Children are encouraged to wear Halloween costumes and trick-or-treat on Boo Boulevard. Other activities include: crafts, pictures in costumes for $3, and fair game tickets for $1 each or 6 for $5. Evening events for ages 14 and older will be held from 610 p.m. in the Ewing Center Fieldhouse. Events are: • Backlight Costume Dance: tickets are $10 each, light refreshments included. Prizes will be awarded for best costume, runner up, and best couples costume. Participants can have pictures taken for $5. • Laser Tag and Archery: tickets are $5 each For more information, call LCCC’s Student Life office at (440) 366-4036. LORAIN/CLEVELAND SALES: 440-320-8221 Página 10 La October 24, 2014 LA PRENSA SALES: TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • COLUMBUS 614-571-2051 Página 10 La Prensa October 24, 2014 October 24, 2014 La Prensa Página 11 Page 12 La OctoberPa13e 24, 2014 12 La Prensa—AVISOS Octubre 24, 2014 AVISO DE ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA EMISIÓN DE BONOS R.C. 133.18, 3501.11(G) Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de North Olmsted ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución de la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de North Olmsted, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 23 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de la emisión de bonos en la cantidad capital de ochenta millones quinientos setenta y siete mil dólares ($80,577,000) con el fin de construir, añadir, renovar, remodelar, amueblar, equipar y mejorar los edificios y las instalaciones del Distrito Escolar y adquirir, mejorar y equipar los bienes raíces de dichos edificios e instalaciones. El número máximo de años durante los que se puede pagar el capital de los bonos es 34 años. La recaudación anual adicional promedio estimada del impuesto sobre la propiedad asciende a 54.5 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración tributaria, lo cual representa 5.45 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración tributaria, en exceso del límite tributario calculado y certificado por el Funcionario Fiscal del Condado. El primer año calendario en que se espera el vencimiento del impuesto es el 2015. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre AVISO DE ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA EMISIÓN DE BONOS R.C. 133.18, 3501.11(G) Ciudad de University Heights ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con una Resolución del Consejo de la Ciudad de University Heights, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio aprobada el día 28 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de la emisión de bonos en la cantidad capital de un millón ochocientos mil dólares ($1,800,000) con el fin de pagar los costos de la mejora de los parques de la Ciudad y las instalaciones recreativas mediante la construcción y equipamiento de un área de parque público y las mejoras relacionadas. El número máximo de años durante los que se puede pagar el capital de los bonos es 15 años. La recaudación anual adicional promedio estimada del impuesto sobre la propiedad asciende a 7 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración tributaria, lo cual representa 0.7 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración tributaria, en exceso del límite tributario calculado y certificado por el Funcionario Fiscal del Condado. El primer año calendario en que se espera el vencimiento del impuesto es el 2015. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre Aviso de Elección sobre la Proposición de Agrupación de Gas Ciudad de Beachwood R.C. 3501.11(G) _________________________ Por la presente se da aviso de que en cumplimiento de la Ordenanza del Consejo de la Ciudad de Beachwood, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 21 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo de la Ciudad de Beachwood en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de: ¿Deberá la Ciudad de Beachwood tener la autoridad de agrupar las cargas de gas natural minoristas ubicadas en la Ciudad de Beachwood y, con ese fin, llegar a acuerdos de servicios para facilitar la compraventa de gas natural para esas cargas, y deberá dicha agrupación suceder automáticamente excepto cuando alguna persona decida no participar? El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre DID YOU KNOW...? The Cleveland Board of Education has adopted the city's Community Benefits Agreement to guide future construction. That will prioritize employment of city residents, minorities, females and small businesses on CMSD projects. Page 13 Aviso de Elección sobre la Proposición de Agrupación Eléctrica Municipio de Gates Mills R.C. 3501.11(G) _________________________ Por la presente se da aviso de que en cumplimiento de la Ordenanza del Consejo del Municipio de Gates Mills, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 8 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo del Municipio de Gates Mills en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de: ¿Deberá el Municipio de Gates Mills tener la autoridad de agrupar las cargas eléctricas minoristas en el Municipio de Gates Mills, y con ese fin, llegar a acuerdos de servicios para facilitar la compraventa de electricidad para esas cargas, y deberá dicha agrupación suceder automáticamente excepto cuando alguna persona decida no participar? El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre Aviso de Elección sobre la Proposición de Agrupación de Gas Municipio de Gates Mills R.C. 3501.11(G) _________________________ Por la presente se da aviso de que en cumplimiento de la Ordenanza del Consejo del Municipio de Gates Mills, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 8 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo del Municipio de Gates Mills en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de: ¿Deberá el Municipio de Gates Mills tener la autoridad de agrupar las cargas de gas natural minoristas en el Municipio de Gates Mills, y con ese fin, llegar a acuerdos de servicios para facilitar la compraventa de gas natural para esas cargas, y deberá dicha agrupación suceder automáticamente excepto cuando alguna persona decida no participar? El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre Aviso de Elección sobre la Proposición de Agrupación de Gas Ciudad de Richmond Heights R.C. 3501.11(G) _________________________ Por la presente se da aviso de que en cumplimiento de la Ordenanza del Consejo de la Ciudad de Richmond Heights, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 22 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo de la Ciudad de Richmond Heights en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de: ¿Deberá la Ciudad de Richmond Heights tener la autoridad de agrupar las cargas de gas natural minoristas ubicadas en la Ciudad de Richmond Heights y, con ese fin, llegar a acuerdos de servicios para facilitar la compraventa de gas natural para esas cargas, y deberá dicha agrupación suceder automáticamente excepto cuando alguna persona decida no participar? El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre Happy Birthday Joe Martinez III October 23 Happy 6th Birthday Kaniya D. Carmona October 6 --Love, tu papa, JD Carmona Page 14 La—AVISOS AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Bedford ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución de la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Bedford, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 29 de mayo de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Bedford, con el fin de cubrir los gastos actuales. Dicho impuesto es un impuesto adicional a una tasa que no exceda los 4.9 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 49 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por un período continuado de tiempo, comenzando en el 2014, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2015. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR OctoberPa13e 24, 2014 12 AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Euclid ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución de la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Euclid, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 9 de junio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Euclid, con el fin de constituir un impuesto para el beneficio de la Biblioteca Pública de Euclid con el propósito cubrir los gastos actuales. Dicho impuesto es una renovación y un aumento de un impuesto a una tasa que no exceda los 5.6 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 56 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años, comenzando en el 2014, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2015. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Berea ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución de la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Berea, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 26 de junio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Berea, con el fin de cubrir los gastos actuales. Dicho impuesto es un impuesto adicional a una tasa que no exceda los 3.9 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 39 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por un período continuado de tiempo, comenzando en el 2014, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2015. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Colegio Comunitario de Cuyahoga ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución de la Junta de Síndicos del Colegio Comunitario de Cuyahoga, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 19 de junio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio del Colegio Comunitario de Cuyahoga, con el fin de financiar los costos operativos de los servicios educativos. Dicho impuesto es una renovación y un aumento de un impuesto a una tasa que no exceda los 2.1 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 21 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por diez años, comenzando en el 2014, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2015. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Brecksville-Broadview Heights AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Garfield Heights ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución de la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Brecksville-Broadview Heights, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 23 de junio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Brecksville-Broadview Heights, con el fin de cubrir los gastos actuales y la adquisición, construcción, ampliación, renovación y financiamiento de mejoras permanentes. Dicho impuesto es un impuesto adicional a una tasa que no exceda los 6.8 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 68 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por un período continuado de tiempo, comenzando en el 2015, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2016. ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución de la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Garfield Heights, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 16 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Garfield Heights con el fin de disponer mejoras generales permanentes. Dicho impuesto es un impuesto adicional a una tasa que no exceda 1 milésimo por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 10 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por un período continuado de tiempo, comenzando en el 2014, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2015. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 Octubre 24, 2014 La Prensa—AVISOS Page 15 AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Ciudad de Berea AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Ciudad de Maple Heights ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejo de la Ciudad de Berea, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 21 de abril de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio de la Ciudad de Berea, con el fin de hacer asignaciones de fondos para la hospitalización en el Southwest General Health Center y apoyarlo. Dicho impuesto es una renovación de un impuesto a una tasa que no exceda 1 milésimo por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 10 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años, comenzando en el 2015, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2016. ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejo de la Ciudad de Maple Heights, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 25 de junio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio de la Ciudad de Maple Heights con el fin de cubrir los gastos actuales. Dicho impuesto es un impuesto adicional a una tasa que no exceda 4.7 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 47 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años, comenzando en el 2015, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2016. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Ciudad de Broadview Heights ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejo de la Ciudad de Broadview Heights, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 14 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio de la Ciudad de Broadview Heights con el fin de proveer fondos para el pago de salarios del personal permanente de la policía. Dicho impuesto es una sustitución de un impuesto a una tasa que no exceda 0.7 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 7 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años, comenzando en el 2014, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2015. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Municipio de Mayfield ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejo del Municipio de Mayfield, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 6 de agosto de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio del Municipio de Mayfield con el fin de cubrir los gastos actuales. Dicho impuesto es una renovación de un impuesto a una tasa que no exceda 2.3 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 23 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años, comenzando en el 2015, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2016. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Ciudad de Maple Heights ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejo de la Ciudad de Maple Heights, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 8 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio de la Ciudad de Maple Heights con el fin de cubrir los gastos actuales y las operaciones generales del centro de día para la tercera edad Maple Heights Senior Center. Dicho impuesto es un impuesto adicional a una tasa que no exceda 1.3 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 13 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años, comenzando en el 2015, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2016. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Ciudad de Middleburg Heights ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejo de la Ciudad de Middleburg Heights, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 27 de mayo de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio de la Ciudad de Middleburg Heights, con el fin de hacer asignaciones de fondos para la hospitalización en el Southwest General Health Center y apoyarlo. Dicho impuesto es una renovación de un impuesto a una tasa que no exceda 1 milésimo por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 10 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años, comenzando en el 2015, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2016. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 DID YOU KNOW...? Vote on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Issue 4 will have a net economic development impact of $456.8 million for Cleveland (in local and state dollars) without raising taxes. La Prensa—Avisos Page 16 October 24, 2014 AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Ciudad de Olmsted Falls AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Municipio de Valley View ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejo de la Ciudad de Olmsted Falls, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 24 de junio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio de la Ciudad de Olmsted Falls, con el fin de hacer asignaciones de fondos para la hospitalización en el Southwest General Health Center y apoyarlo. Dicho impuesto es una renovación de un impuesto a una tasa que no exceda 1 milésimo por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 10 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años, comenzando en el 2015, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2016. ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejo del Municipio de Valley View, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 1 de abril de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio del Municipio de Valley View con el fin de proveer para parques y fines recreativos. Dicho impuesto es una renovación de un impuesto a una tasa que no exceda 2.3 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 23 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años, comenzando en el 2014, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2015. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Ciudad de Seven Hills ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejo de la Ciudad de Seven Hills, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobadas el día 28 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio de la Ciudad de Seven Hills con el fin de proveer y mantener vehículos de motor, equipo de comunicaciones y otro equipo, edificios y emplazamientos para los edificios que se usan directamente en la operación del Departamento de Policía de la Ciudad y el pago de salarios de personal de policía permanente para dirigir el mismo. Dicho impuesto es un impuesto adicional a una tasa que no exceda 3 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 30 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años, comenzando en el 2014, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2015. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Ciudad de Strongsville ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejo de la Ciudad de Strongsville, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 7 de abril de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio de la Ciudad de Strongsville, con el fin de hacer asignaciones de fondos para la hospitalización en el Southwest General Health Center y apoyarlo. Dicho impuesto es una renovación de un impuesto a una tasa que no exceda 1 milésimo por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 10 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años, comenzando en el 2015, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2016. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 DID YOU KNOW...? Issue 4 will provide $2.5 million a year for building maintenance without raising taxes. AVISO DE LA ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA RECAUDACIÓN DE UN IMPUESTO EN EXCESO DEL LÍMITE DE DIEZ MILÉSIMOS R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Ayuntamiento de Olmsted ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejo de Síndicos del Ayuntamiento de Olmsted, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 23 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, para el beneficio del Ayuntamiento de Olmsted con el fin de cubrir los gastos actuales. Dicho impuesto es un impuesto adicional a una tasa que no exceda 4 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 40 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años, comenzando en el 2014, con el primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2015. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre de 2014 AVISO DE ELECCIÓN SOBRE EL IMPUESTO SOBRE EL INGRESO MUNICIPAL Municipio de Chagrin Falls ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento de la Resolución del Consejo del Municipio de Chagrin Falls, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 23 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de: ¿Deberá aprobarse la Ordenanza que dispone un aumento del 0.375% en la recaudación sobre el ingreso, a la tasa de 1.875% por año, con el fin de pagar los costos y los cargos de la deuda asociados con el diseño, construcción, mejoras y mantenimiento de mejoras permanentes, con entrada en vigor el 1 de enero del 2015? El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre DID YOU KNOW...? The state will contribute more than $2 for every local dollar spent on construction. Issue 4 will have a net economic impact of $456.8 million in local and state dollars without raising taxes. Octubre 24, 2014 La Prensa—AVISOS AVISO DE ELECCIÓN SOBRE EL IMPUESTO SOBRE EL INGRESO MUNICIPAL Ciudad de Rocky River ___________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento de la Resolución del Consejo de la Ciudad de Rocky River, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 14 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, la pregunta de: ¿Deberá aprobarse la Ordenanza que dispone un aumento del 0.5% en la recaudación actual sobre el ingreso a una tasa del 2% anual, con el aumento del crédito fiscal a la tasa del 1.5% anual, con el fin de financiar las mejoras de capital y las compras de equipo de la ciudad, con entrada en vigor el 1 de enero del 2015? El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre AVISO DE ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA EMISIÓN DE BONOS Y RECAUDACIÓN DEL IMPUESTO R.C. 3501.11(G), 3318.06 Distrito Escolar Municipal de Cleveland __________________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento de la Resolución de la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar Municipal de Cleveland, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 15 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, las siguientes preguntas como una sola propuesta: (1.) la pregunta de la emisión de bonos en la cantidad capital de doscientos millones de dólares ($200,000,000) con el fin de construir, renovar, remodelar, ampliar, amueblar, equipar y mejorar los edificios e instalaciones del distrito escolar y adquirir, despejar, equipar y mejorar los emplazamientos de los edificios e instalaciones del distrito escolar tal como lo dispone la ley. El número máximo de años durante los cuales se ejecutarán dichos bonos es 37 años. AVISO DE ELECCIÓN SOBRE LA EMISIÓN DE BONOS Y RECAUDACIÓN DEL IMPUESTO R.C. 3501.11(G), 3318.06 Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de North Royalton __________________________________ Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución de la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad De North Royalton, Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 29 de julio de 2014, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 4 de noviembre de 2014, las siguientes preguntas como una sola propuesta: (1.) la pregunta de la emisión de bonos en la cantidad capital de veintiocho millones, cuatrocientos mil dólares ($28,400,000) con el fin de construir, renovar, remodelar, rehabilitar, añadir, amueblar, equipar y mejorar los edificios e instalaciones, y preparar, equipar y mejorar los bienes raíces, con fines del Distrito Escolar tal como lo dispone la ley. El número máximo de años durante los cuales se ejecutarán dichos bonos es 28 años. La tasa del impuesto adicional promedio estimada asciende a 16.6 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, lo cual representa 1.66 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, certificado por el Funcionario Fiscal del Condado. (2.) la pregunta de la recaudación de un impuesto adicional que beneficiará al Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de North Royalton con el fin de proveer fondos para la adquisición, construcción, ampliación, renovación y financiamiento de mejoras permanentes generales a una tasa que no exceda 1 milésimo por cada dólar de valoración, por un período continuado de tiempo. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre MEXICAN MUTUAL SOCIETY 1820 EAST 28TH STREET LORAIN, OHIO 44055 PHONE 440-277-7375 La tasa del impuesto adicional promedio estimada asciende a 20 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, lo cual representa 2 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, certificado por el Funcionario Fiscal del Condado. (2.) la pregunta de la recaudación de un impuesto adicional que beneficiará al Distrito Escolar Municipal de Cleveland con el fin de proveer fondos para la adquisición, construcción, ampliación, renovación y financiamiento de mejoras permanentes generales a una tasa que no exceda los 0.5 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, por un período continuado de tiempo. El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR l.p. 17, 24 de octubre DID YOU KNOW...? Issue 4 will allow for construction of 22 new schools without raising taxes. Page 17 ANNOUNCEMENT The Mexican Mutual Society is announcing its new winter hours of operation. The Club will now be open 1:00 pm until closing starting October 1st, Wednesday through Sunday. We will be closed Mondays & Tuesdays. The kitchen will be open every day during the week. On Fridays and Saturdays, the kitchen will feature tacos, tostadas, etc. Come out and watch all the college and professional football & basketball games and the baseball playoffs on the big screen T.V. The 2015 Mexican Mutual Society membership drive will start November 1st. For more information call 440-277-7375. PLA CE YOUR PLACE CLASSIFIED IN LA PRENSA We would like to invite you to our (419) 242-7744 Toledo (440) 320-8221 Lorain (313) 729-4435 Detroit November 9, 2014 11:00 A.M. [email protected] Veterans Mass with Monsignor Christopher Vasko Immaculate Conception Parish 934 Western Ave, Toledo, Ohio 43609 WE WILL BE HONORING ALL OUR VETERANS THAT SERVED OUR COUNTRY. There will be a reception brunch after Mass. Contact person : Linda Berry-Garcia E-Mail [email protected] Page 18 Pa13e 12 La Prensa—Classified Cocineros & Personal de Cocina ¡Forme parte del equipo que ofrece un gran sueldo, beneficios, vacaciones y un futuro sólido con crecimiento y oportunidades! ¡La localidad de Columbus esta aceptando aplicaciones ahora! ¡Los miembros del equipo de BJ’s disfrutan de horarios flexibles, gran sueldo y beneficios, vacaciones, descuentos de miembros del equipo y un lugar en donde puede trabajar con amigos, conectarse con los clientes, y sentirse bien! ¡Los miembros del equipo también pueden encontrar una carrera de largo plazo con BJ’s – 20% de nuestros gerentes son promocionados del equipo! Este es un paquete completo. Aplique diario al: EOE *Empleador de E-Verify* Molly Maid customers describe our successful employees as mature individuals. They are efficient with energy, common sense, caring, courteous, honest and professional. If that should like you and you are looking for full or part time work, we have an opportunity for you! WE ARE A DRUG FREE WORK ENVIRONMENT! Contact Molly maid for interview at 419-324-1250. We offer 34 to 40 hours a week, Monday through Friday, no nights and no weekends, great pay and tips, paid training, and a family culture. Compensation ranges typically from $300-$500 a week. We provide all the cleaning supplies, equipment, vehicle, and gas to and from our customer’s homes. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS are around the corner. It’s time to think about all those toys and gifts needed for the holidays. Get ahead start. Earn extra income cleaning homes and offices. PART TIME- Flexible hours, 10-20 hours, great income, 3 positions available. Please, call 419-283-8991 and ask for Tracy for immediate consideration. Buscando conductores, empleados del almacen y vendedores para un distribuidor ubicado en Toledo para más que 20 años. e-mail: [email protected]; fax: (305) 675-0326 Looking for drivers, warehouse employees and vendors for a distributor located in Toledo for more than 20 years. e-mail: [email protected]; Fax: (305) 675-0326 Housing Cleaning Service • Residential • Commercial Contact Luis: Serving East & West Cleveland 216-832-1437 WE BUY USED VEHICLES! October 24, 2014 With a commitment to improving the human condition, The University of Toledo and University Medical Center are seeking qualified candidates for the following positions: • Air Quality Technician 1 • Associate Dean, YouCollege • Associate General Counsel Litigation Manager • Collaboration Systems Application Developer • College Computing Administrator • Director, Patient Financial Services • Dosimetrist • Healthcare Applications Support Associate • High Pressure Boiler Operator • Medical Technology Director • Online Admissions Assistant Director • Operating Room – Staff Nurse • Pharmacist II • Quality Assessment Coordinator • Regulatory Compliance Coordinator • Security Officer 1 • Senior Business Manager • Staff Nurse • Student Call Center Supervisor • Surgical Technician • Transitions Academic Program Coordinator • Faculty Positions in Accounting, Art, Business Technology, Chemistry, Engineering Technology, Environmental Sciences, General Libraries, Health Science, History, IOTM, Kinesiology, Management, Marketing, Mathematics, Medicine, Pharmacology, Pharmacy Practice, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Theatre The University of Toledo offers an excellent salary and benefit package, which includes the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and State Teachers Retirement System for faculty with employer contribution, medical coverage, paid sick and vacation time, tuition to UT is waived for employees and their eligible spouses and dependents and 10 paid holidays. For a complete listing of our openings and desired qualifications or to apply, please proceed to our website at 1-4 19-32 4-267 7 1-419-32 19-324-267 4-2677 Looking for Servers for Deli Restaurant Willing to train, must possess English writing and verbal communications skills Any car, any condition! We ask that applications and required documents be submitted electronically. UT and UTMC are EO/AA employers and educators M/F/D/V Also looking for dishwashers $10 per hour to start Pickles and Rye Deli 6724 Orchard Lk rd just south of Maple on the west side of Orchard Lk rd West Bloomfield Michigan, 48322 TRANSLATIONS TRANSLATIONS 419-870-6565 419-870-6565 Spanish-English English-Spanish English-Spanish Spanish-English Drivers: CDL-A. RELAY Routes get you Home Daily! $50,000/yr, Paid Vacation & Orientation. Call Dart and DRIVE LIKE A BOSS! 844-303-9775 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority is seeking experienced applicants for a Maintenance Mechanic III. Complete details can be found at Only applications submitted via the website by Friday, 11/7/14, will be accepted. This is a Section 3 covered position and HUD recipients are encouraged to apply. Please note on your submittal if you are a LMHA Public Housing resident or Housing Choice Voucher Program participant. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. NO PHONE CALLS. Equal employment opportunity shall be afforded to all qualified persons without regard to age, race, color, religion, religious creed, sex, military status, ancestry, disability, handicap, sexual orientation, genetic information or national origin. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – PROPOSED AND NEW SERVICE CHANGES The Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority will hold a public hearing at 12:30 P.M. to 1:30 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 on Wednesday, November 12, 2014, in the Authority’s Administration offices at 1127 W. Central Avenue Toledo, OH 43610, for the purpose of discussing with the public, information on service discontinuations and modifications of various routes. The site is accessible to persons with mobility impairments, and interpretive services for the hearing-impaired will be provided upon request. Individuals wishing to comment in person on the proposed changes should be present. Proposed Service Changes: • Discontinuation of Spencer Township and changes made to #4 and #7 • Modifying of #17B destination to Miracle Mile instead of New Towne Square • Modifying of #15E destination to Meijer on Alexis. #15B merged into 15E. • Extending #27H on Holland-Sylvania/Central/Reynolds • Modifying of #28/30 to have similar routing between weekday and weekend service • Modifying of #34 and #34H to have similar city routing and increase frequency Maps and further details will be posted on line on the TARTA website or available at the TARTA main office. Comments may also be made by writing to James K. Gee, General Manager, Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority, P.O. BOX 792, TOLEDO, OH 436970792. All comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 19, 2014, to be included as part of the official record for final route adjustments and implementation purposes. Octubre 24, 2014 La Prensa—Classified/Real Estate Page 19 TARTA IS HIRING Diesel Mechanics & Drivers - Small Bus No Special License Required WANTED 1 Experienced Dishwasher and 1 Kitchen Helper. Livonia, MI area; Chinese Restaurant; duties include light cooking. 734- 306- 0799. NORTHGATE APARTMENTS 610 STICKNEY AVENUE Now Accepting Applications for 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments; Senior Community for Persons 55 and Older. Rent Based on Income. Activity and Service Coordinators on site. Heat, Appliances, Drapes and Carpeting Included. Call (419) 729-7118 for details. Toledo School for the Arts is seeking a PT Diversity Coordinator to assist in the recruitment and mentoring of students. See for a full job description and application instructions. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER HALLOWEEN NOTICE: SANCHEZ ROOFING Preventive maintenance; roof repairs; rubber roofing; re-roof shingles; 30 years exp; roof coatings; roof leaks; power washing; Se habla español! Call Pete Sánchez 419-787-9612! The City of Toledo would like to remind residents that Halloween and Trick-or-Treating will be observed on October 31, 2014 from 6-8 p.m. Classifieds online at ATTENTION TUTORS Math tutors needed for the Lourdes University Upward Bound Program After school, from 3-5 Woodward & Waite HS Send inquiries to [email protected] ABUNDANT LIFE OF PERRYSBURG ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Abundant Life of Perrysburg is accepting applications for its subsidized apartment facilities. Abundant Life #1 offers independent living for senior citizens 62 years of age or older and individuals 55 or older with a physical impairment. Abundant Life #2 is a supportive living complex for people 62 and older. To apply individuals must meet the age requirement and an annual income requirement of no more than $20,000.00 for one person or $22,850.00 for two people. We are located in the Three Meadows subdivision near the Manor of Perrysburg. Our garden apartments offer one bedroom, private patios, with individually controlled thermostats for heat and air conditioning. Abundant Life #1 offers bathtubs, while Abundant Life #2 offers walk-in showers and pull cords for emergencies. We have a bus that transports all residents to area grocery stores and monthly outings. We offer exercise, worship services and a variety of opportunities for our active and not so active seniors. Please call (419)874-4371 to find out more about our fabulous facilities and our availability for apartments. You may also visit us on the web at ATTENTION: OWNER OPERATORS SICK OF WAITING FOR YOUR MONEY??? DELIVER TODAY, GET PAID TODAY!! $1000 SIGN UP BONUS!! WE OFFER: • • 50% FUEL ADVANCE ON PICK UP 10% COMMISION (90% GROSS TO DRIVER) • NEW TRAILERS AVAILABLE FOR RENT • FRIENDLY DISPATCH (no force) Requirement: • • MINIMUM 2 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE GOOD TRUCK WITH VALID DOT INSPECTION ATTENTION: COMPANY DRIVERS • 2800 T0 3800 MILES A WEEK • 38 TO 42 CENTS A MILE WE ALSO HAVE A LEASE TO PURCHASE PROGRAM WITH ZERO DOWN call 616-288-1060|ext 4 Have a Classified Ad? Email ad to [email protected] for cost! 419-241-8284 LORAIN/CLEVELAND SALES: 440-320-8221 October 24, 2014 La Página 20 LA PRENSA SALES: TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 October 24, 2014 La Prensa Página 20
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