Girls Just Want - su80

Girls Just Want
To Have Fun!
You’re Invited to a
Pajama Party
Friday, November 14, 2014
Springwoods Elementary School
(Cost includes activities, snack and patch)
This is a fundraiser for Cadette Troop 2106 for a Senior Level Destination Trip
This is a TROOP EVENT.
Put on your cutest PJ’s and slippers and
This event is for Girl Scouts only.
join your Girl Scout sisters for a night of
Girls must come with a troop leader or
fun. Bring a blanket or sleeping bag to
designated adult for that troop. Parents may attend
set up on the floor. Girls will paint nails,
if their daughter is the only one from the troop that
make a craft, dance and enjoy a tasty
will be attending, however siblings are not
permitted to attend this event.
This is NOT a drop off event.
There will be a contest for the cutest
All girls must come with a troop leader
PJ’s and one for the coolest slippers.
or adult for that troop.
Leaders are encouraged to dress in their Registrations and payment with one troop check
PJ’s as well.
made out to SU 80-9 are due by
NOVEMBER 3, 2014
For more info or questions please contact
Amiee Gold ([email protected])
Girls Just Want
To Have Fun!
You’re Invited to a
Pajama Party
Please complete the form below and turn it in, along with one troop check
for those girls in your troop that are attending. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY!
Please make sure that you stay within adult/girl ratio for this event.
Please bring permission slips and health history forms with you. Please
show them at check in, however we will NOT be collecting them.
Girl Scout Vests are not required for this event.
Troop Number _______________ Troop Level __________________________
Number of girls attending _____________
Names of girls attending:
____________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________ ___________________________________
Leader (s) or adult (s) attending this event for this troop
Total Amount Enclosed $ __________________ (# of girls X $5 EACH)