ho in us g/s h e l te r fina n c ia l m e nt or et w ln al h e c ia alt h so ks dr u alc g a n d oho l s multiple agencies.” • Fleurieu Peninsula: Life Without Barriers & SAFKI Medicare Local ip across Australia who are living with severe and persistent mental illness and complex support needs that require response from • Onkaparinga: Mind Australia & SAFKI Medicare Local sh 24,000 people • Mitcham, Holdfast and Marion: Workskil Australia & SAFKI Medicare Local ion “PIR will focus on better mental health support r e l at Solutions and services to help people in their recovery. Working together, Partners in Recovery (PIR) agencies cover the following regions: • Kangaroo Island: Junction Australia • Alexandrina: Life Without Barriers & SAFKI Medicare Local wo ed rk an d uc at i o n p hy s he i c al al th Telephone: (08) 8374 7000 Secure Fax: 1800 775 742 SAFKI Medicare Local Level 1, Mitsubishi Administration Building 1284 South Road (Tonsley) Clovelly Park SA 5042 PO Box 209 Melrose Park DC SA 5039 www.safkiml.com.au/consumers/ partners_in_recovery_pir www.pirinitiative.com.au/ Medicare Locals gratefully acknowledge the financial and other support from the Australian Government Department of Health. Partners in Recovery (PIR) We assess a range of needs to see where help may be needed. Everyone is different, and that’s why we make every effort to asses each person’s needs. Areas we look at can include: Day to day living What is PIR? PIR is a group of agencies that are working together to better support people with severe and persistent mental illness, their carers and families in a more collaborative, coordinated and integrated way. What does PIR do? We find and connect support programs and services that are the best fit for the needs of each individual client We get mutiple sectors, services and support programs to work together for people living with mental health issues We help people to function on their own and have more control over their lives Who can PIR help? If you know someone with severe and persistent mental illness who has complex needs, then PIR may be able to help. We will help clients set goals and develop an individual plan for their recovery. Education Employment Managing money Housing Mental health Parenting skills Physical health Connecting with your community Justice Alcohol and other drugs Like to know more? Contact a PIR Coordinator on (08) 8374 7000. How to make a referral Phone (08) 8374 7000 to refer yourself or ask your GP, health professional or support worker to refer you. The referral form can be accessed online at: www.safkiml.com.au/consumers/partners_in_recovery_pir Partners in Recovery
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