September 12, 2014 Mr. Mark Dimondstein President American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO 1300 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-4128 Certified Mail Tracking Number: 7013 3020 0002 3616 8497 Dear Mark: As information, enclosed is a copy of the second and final Post Implementation Review (PIR) for the Jackson, Michigan Customer Service Mail Processing Center (CSMPC) Area Mail Processing (AMP). In accordance with the Non-Disclosure Agreement dated February 11, 2013, the Postal Service is providing both redacted and un-redacted copies of the PIR. If there are any questions, please contact Rickey Dean at extension 7412. Enclosures (CA2014-708) of Distribution Consolidated: Destinating Name & Type: Jackson CSMPC Street Address: 1500 North Elm Avenue City: Jackson 5D State: Ml ZIP Code: 49202 District: Detroit Area: Great Lakes Finance Number: Current 3D ZIP Code(s): Miles to Gaining Facility: EXFC office: Postmaster: Senior Plant Manager: District Manager: Facility Name & Street Address: City: State: 5D Facility ZIP Code: 254800 492 72 Miles Yes Cheryl D. Bell Brian K. Fisher Lee Thompson Detroit P&DC 1401 W Fort Street Detroit Ml 48233 District: Detroit Area: Great Lakes Finance Number: Current 3D ZIP Code(s): EXFC office: Plant Manager: Senior Plant Manager: District Manager: 252492 481, 482 Yes Patricia Dawson Brian K. Fisher Lee Thompson PIR Type: Final PIR Date of Data: Processing Days per Year: 310 Bargaining Unit Hours per Year: 1,745 EAS Hours per Year: 1,822 Jul-01-2013: Jun-30-2014 Date of DAR Factors/Cost of Borrowing/ New Facility Start-up Costs Update June 16, 2011 Date & Time this workbook was last saved: Vice Area Vice President: Network Area AMP Coordinator: NAI Contact: Jacqueline Krage Straka David E. Williams Nancy Schoenbeck I Stefanie Cherry Jug S. Bedi I Barbara Brewington PIR Data Entry 2 2 Final PIR PIR of Dai:a Jul-01-2013 Jun-30-2014 Losing Facility Name and Type: Street Address: City: State: Current SCF ZIP Code(s): Type of Distribution Consolidated: Gaining Facility Name and Type: Street Address: City: Detroit P&DC 1401 W Fort Street Detroit Final PIR vs Pre AMP Final PIR vs Approved Function 1 Workhour Savings from Workf)our Costs - Corr,bi'led Non-Processing Craft Workhour Savings (less Maint'Trans) from Other Curr vs Prop PCESiEAS Workhour Savings from Otner Curr vs Prop from Transpot1ation HCR Transportation Savings ancl Transportatton PVS Maintenance Savings Space Savings from Space Evatuat10n and Other Costs Total Annual Savings Total One-Time Costs from Space Evatuatton and Ot1'ler Costs Total First Year Savings Craft Position Loss from s,affrng-Crafl PCESiEAS Position Loss fro:,i Losing Current Qtr Staffing-PCESIEAS Gaining Current Qtr FCM Service Performance (EXFC OIN) from Se1v1ce Performance & CSM FCM Service Performance (EXFC 2 Day) 95 05% 97.51% from Service Performance & CSM FCM Service Performance (EXFC 3 Day) from Service Performance & CSM Customer Experience Measurement Overall Satisfaction Residential at PFC level Customer Experience Measurement Overall Satisfaction Small Business at PFC level 90.34% from from Service Peliormance & CSM Performar;ce & PIR Executive Summary 3 Combined Losing and Gaining Facility Data« Pre AMP Non-Processing Craft Workhour Costs Ma1 rter,ar1ce 1 PCES/EAS Workhour Costs Transportation Costs Maintenance Costs Proposed Final PIR $58,034.872 i=unct1on 1 Workhour Costs $12,11 $8,842.082 $51,655,240 $23,789,213 $51,356.827 $22,893,444 $1 $7,687,497 $42,567,589 $22,261 $0 85.361 Space Savings Total Annual Cost Total One-Time Costs Total First Year Costs Craft Position Total On-Rolls PCES/EAS Position Total On-Rolls Function 1 Workhour Savings Wvrkhvur Savings (less tvla1nt/Trans) PCESIEAS Workhour Savings Transportation Savings Maintenance Savings Space Savings Total Annual Savings Total One-Time Costs Staffing Craft Positicn Loss PCES/EAS Position Loss PIR Executive Summary 4 Last Saved: August 26 2014 Jackson CSMPC Current SCF ZIP 492 of Distribution Consolidated: Detroit P&DC Current SCF ZIP 481,482 Background: The Detroit District, with assistance from the Great Lakes Area, has completed the final (one year) Post Implementation Review (PIR) of the SCF 492 Jackson, Ml Customer Service Mail Processing Center (CSMPC) Area Mail Processing (AMP) project. The final PIR shows a full year savings and determines whether the Postal Service increased efficiency by consolidating destinating mail processing operations from the SCF 492 Jackson, Ml CSMPC to the Detroit P&DC. The data for the final PIR period is July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. Prior to this AMP, SCF 492 Jackson, Ml mail volume was processed at multiple facilities and subsequently involved in multiple AMPs and operational moves. See below summary: SCF 492 Jackson, SCF 492 Jackson, SCF 492 Jackson, SCF 492 Jackson, 2013 • • • • Ml Ml Ml Ml originating parcels to Detroit P&DC, October 2012 originating letters /flats to Michigan Metroplex P&DC via Lansing AMP, February 2013 destinating letters from Lansing P&DC to Detroit P&DC via operational move, February 2013 destinating standard flats from Lansing P&DC to Detroit P&DC via operational move, April This Jackson, Ml CSMPC AMP to the Detroit P&DC transferred First-Class and periodical destinating flats and parcel volume to the Detroit P&DC (Detroit), which is approximately 76 miles away, in March of 2013. The Jackson, Ml CSMPC (Jackson) is a postal owned facility that currently houses a carrier operation, a box section and a Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) in addition to being used as a transfer and distribution hub. Financial savings for the consolidation of destinating operations from Jackson, Ml CSMPC to Detroit P&DC are: Financial Summary: Combined Losing and Gaining Facility Data: Function ·1 Workhour Costs PCES/EAS WorKhour Costs Transportation Costs r\>-1aintenance Costs Pre AMP Final PIR $59,584 $58 ,034 ,872 $12,114,337 $8,842,082 $51,655,240 $23,789,213 $12,013,839 $8,842,082 $51,356,827 $22,893,444 $13,333,742 $7,687,497 $42,567,589 $22,261.674 $155,985,626 $153,141,064 $144,409,388 Space Savings Total Annual Cost Total One-Time Costs Total First Year Costs Total Annual Savings: Total One-Time Costs: Total First Year Savings: Final PIR vs. Pre-AMP $11,576,238 ($185,361) $11,390,877 $185,361 $153,141,064 $144,594,749 Final PIR vs. Approved $8,731,677 ($185,361) $8,546,315 The total first year savings of $11,390,877 is greater than the expected savings of $2,844,562 for the AMP. There were additional impacts as stated bellow: - A $7,131,252 non-AMP related HCR transportation savings A $1,677,884 delivery service operations cost increase in Jackson which is not related to the AMP Adjusting for the various impacts, which total $5,453,368, the adjusted first year savings is $5,937,509. 5 Customer Service Considerations: Jackson service performance initially fell due to a zero bundle the first week after implementation of the AMP. In an effort to improve pe1iormance, the district teamed with delivery operations to advance the collection profile to the plant by revisiting the collection mail process and by adding Jackson to the "All Clear" collection runs from transportation hubs. Since then, service scores have returned to pre-AMP levels. The Detroit P&DC showed an initial drop in overnight and three-day service performance. To address this, the district has adjusted transportation by adding a direct trip to Jackson, Ml from the Ml Metroplex for all volume not captured on the dispatch of value (DOV) to the Detroit P&DC. As a result, the scores have been steadily rebounding to pre-AMP levels. Transportation Considerations: The Jackson to Detroit package projected a transportation savings of $298,413. The final PIR shows $9,087,651 compared to pre-AMP levels. a savings of Jackson, Ml CSMPC eliminated two HCRs due to the AMP: 481L2 and 48811. These changes resulted in a savings of $889,053. Remaining HCR mileage fluctuations resulted in a net Jackson HCR savings of $1,104,417. The Detroit P&DC showed a $7,309,656 decrease in costs due to elimination of multiple HCRs and mileage fluctuations in remaining HCRs. Twelve non-AMP related HCRs had a significant impact on the Detroit HCR financials. Five of these non-AMP related HCRs - 150YO, 207FE, 381ZO, 680PO and 751AE - added $710, 720 in non-AMP related HCR costs. Conversely, the other seven non-AMP related HCRs OlOKE, 15112, 171LO, 303YE, 541EQ, 607NO and 640M1 saved $7,841,972. Adjusting for the $7,131,252 net non-AMP related HCR savings, the actual Detroit P&DC HCR savings for this package should be $178,404. Total PVS and HCR transportation savings for the Jackson to Detroit consolidation should be $1,956,399. Staffing Impacts: The approved AMP package identified a net craft decrease of 14 employees and a net increase of five EAS positions with the destinating consolidation of the Jackson, Ml CSMPC flat and parcel volume into the Detroit P&DC. Complement data for the final PIR shows a 1·eduction of 116 craft employees and 23 EAS employees. Other local initiatives and concurrent AMPs had a significant impact on the complement numbers at both the Jackson and Detroit facilities. The staffing impacts and management-to-c1·aft ratios for the Jackson, Ml CSMPC to Detroit P&DC consolidation are summarized below: L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " " ! " " " I R Summary Narrativ 6 Maintenance Impacts: The AMP projected a net annual savings of $895,769 in maintenance costs. The final PIR shows a savings of $1,527,539, The largest contributor to the savings beyond that projected in the AMP was the Sl,154,776 reduction in Maintenance Parts, Supplies and Facility Utilities at the Detroit P&DC Space Impacts and One-Time Fac:ility Costs: The AMP projected no one-time costs for this package, A deviation was approved on 4/5/13 for· $155,000. The final PIR shows a one-time cost of $185,361. A total of $165,005 was utilized for machine relocations and installations at the Detroit P&DC. When the AMP was written, the Detroit P&DC had five AFSM machines in its fleet. After the AMP was approved, but before it was implemented, Detroit P&DC relocated one of its AFSMs to the Michigan Metroplex P&DC due to the needs to the service. During implementation of the Jackson to Detroit AMP, Detroit received and installed a replacement AFSM returning the facility machine total to 5. The cost for this was $99,180. In addition, the Detroit P&DC acquired two additional DBCS machines, as the result of a concurrent initiative, to process the SCF Jackson, Ml destinating letter volume. Relocating and installing these two machines cost another $65,825. An additional $20,356 was used by the Facilities Service Office (FSO) for a study in support of the Jackson, Ml volume consolidation into the Detroit P&DC Other Concurrent Initiatives: Prior to and during the twelve months of the Jackson, Ml CSMPC final PIR, the losing and gaining sites engaged in other concurrent initiatives including: • • • • SCF 492 Jackson, SCF 492 Jackson, SCF 492 Jackson, SCF 492 Jackson, 2013 Ml Ml Ml Ml originating parcels to Detroit P&DC, October 2012 originating letters /flats to Michigan Metroplex P&DC via Lansing AMP, February 2013 destinating letters from Lansing P&DC to Detroit P&DC via operational move, February 2013 desti11ati11g standard flats from Lansing P&DC to Detroit P&DC via operational move, April PIR Summary Narrative 7 Last Saved: August 26. 2014 PIR Type: Date: Final PIR 07/01/13 Jackson CSMPC District: Fiscal Quarter Q4 2012 Overnight Percentage 2 Day Percentage 3 Percentage 95.02% 86.58% 96.77% 79.49% 91.98% 92.80% 86.03% 88.87% Q4 2013 94.87% 86.88% Q1 2014 93.13% Q2 2014 Q3 2014 93.23% 86.83% 78.55% Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 98.72°/o 98.65% 8511% 94.66% Gaining Facility: _D_e_tr_o_it_P_&_D_C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ District: Detroit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ overnight Percentage 96.18% After AMP 94.56% 96.67% 93.20% 96.41% 96.96% % 92.79% 97.44% 92.99% 92.73% 93.50% 96.30% 95.80% 96.29% 97.51% 90.84% 93.36% 02 20i4 Q3 2014 97.29% 84.08% Customer Satisfaction Measurement (CSM) became Custon1er Experience Measuren1ent ·2010. Data reflects most recently completed quarter available in CEM Sm/Med Bus Top Two Box Q1 Q4a 90.34% 93.13% 92.79% 85.89% 89.43% 88.41 % Overall Satisfaction (Overall Experience) Satisfaction with Receiving (Experience with receiving) Satisfaction with Sending (Experience with sending) Satisfaction with most frequently visited PO (Experience with most frequently v1s1ted PO) Satisfaction with most recent contact with USPS (Experience with most recent contact wit ---~~~"--~~-_;;c~~-~--=~;;;_~ Likely to recommend the USPS 8 PIR Service Petiormance and Customer Satisfaction Measurement Workhour Costs - Combined Facmties Combined Facilities Augllst :ZS. 2014 PIR Type•: Type of Distribution Consolidated:_ ---~Q~.~1)_1'}£3~ Date R;mge ot Data: Jul-Q!-2013 to .Juin-.W~f.Q.t~ -·-- P!H VVorf.J1our Costs - Combmed Workhour Costs losing Facility Las1 Losing facility: :L<:!~:'91:i_Q§_~~-·- ~·---~------~----" ~--~ Type of DistriblLlftion Consolidated: __ _9-~_~Ji~~~- ~,aved PIR Typo': Date Range of Oat.a: J111:'JJ_.:_2Q_1_~_ -.J-~~~9-?0.!.1 (1) 13 PIR - losing 14 Workt1rn1r Facility Gaining Facility: Del~o}~.-~Q_c;:·-·---- PIR Type•: I llSl J!JR Type of Distribution Consolidated:_ Date H.ange of Data: Jul~1-:'.?':IJ3 _J1.m73Q~_2Q.!~- (1) P!H Workhour Costs C&1r11ng 16 PIR Workhow· - G21ninq m 0 () Losing Fac1lrty Jackson CSMPC Gau1w1~1 Fac11ity: Detro11 P&DC Date Ranqe of Data 07/01/13 06i30114 $8,222,176 $2,239,902 $0 $6157 $3,734.549 $2,323,734 $208,985 $278,008 $15 774 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $26,359 $'14,784 $6,157 $3,'134,549 $2,323,734 $208.985 $278,008 $15,774 $0 $0 $0 $0 $159 02 31 39 39 63 83 08 31 65 582 615 616 624 653 666 668 £379 691 $79,097 $174,202 $169,267 $86 $7Y,097 19 P!f~ 0Jhei Vv'orkhour 511,017,504 Totals $9,934,882 $12.326.865 Totals $27,137,155 20 PIP VVorkhour 21 PIR Other VVrnkhour N N $4,054 $1.423 $317.677 Totals $89,677 $83 300 $138,416 Totals $439,801 $447,072 $0 $6,376 '987,720 $0 16,847,467 23 PIR Other \Norkhour 30 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Adi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 so $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Adi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' so so $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 so so 24 I'll'( Last Saved: August 26, 2014 Data Extraction Date: PIR Type: Final PIR 07/12/14 Finance #: 254800 Losing Facility: Jackson CSMPC (8) (9) Craft Positions Function 1 - Function 38 - Maintenance Functions 67-69 - Lmtd/Rehab/WC Other Functions Total Variances Total On-Rolls (10) Change Analysis 1st PIR VS Pre AMP (11) 1st PIR VS Positions Percent Craft Positions Function 1 - Clerk Function 1 - Mail Handler 110 195 23 unctions 7 1, 133 Variances Total On-Rolls ,---'-(23) __ , __,----~24)----1 j I I Final PIR vs Pre AMP 16 j Final PIR vs Proposed j I I '1 I f (Above numbers are carried forward to the Executive Summary) '------------"------------~ 25 Change Analysis (21) (22) Final PIR vs Final PIR vs Pre AMP Proposed Positions Percent PIR Staffing - Craft Last Saved August 26, 2014 PIR Type: Final PIR Losing Facility: Jackson CSMPC Finance# PCES/EAS Positions Line 254800 711212014 Data Extraction Date: Authorized On-Rolls (1> (7) Position Title Fmal PIR POSTMASTER (F) MGR MAIL PROCESSING OPERATIONS 0 0 0 N OPERATIONS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 0 0 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 58 59 60 Totals 26 (15) (16) Change Analysis Final P!R vs Pre AMP Final PIR vs Proposed Positions (5) Percent ES/EAS 252492 Finance# Authorized Staffing PCES/EAS Positions Line On-Rolls (19; 120) (25) Position Title Levei fmal P1R SR PLANT MANAGER (1) MGR !~<-PLANT SUPPORT MGR MAINTENANCE (LEAD) 4 SR MGR DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONS 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 MGR MMHENANCE OPERATIONS SUPPT OPERATIONS SUPPORT SPECIALIST MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING SPECIALIST MGR DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONS MGR FIELD MAINT OPRNS (LEAD) MGR PVS OPERATIONS .NETWORKS SPECIALIST OPERATIONS SUPPORT SPECIALIST 1 0 '.> 3 6 0 0 0 0 3 30 9 0 5 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 NETWORKS SPECIALIST SECRETARY (FLO) PLANT MANAGER (3) MGR MAINTENANCE MGR IN-PL.A.NT SUPPORT MGR TRANSPORTATION/NETWORKS MGR DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONS NETWORK SPECIALIST ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (FLO) 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 0 0 0 0 56 57 Totals (33) (34) Final PIR vs Pre AMP Final P!R VS Proposed Positions (18) Percent -22.5% (24) -27.9% Change Analysis ~#_#_# 27 ! ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,,,,,, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Total PCES/EAS! Position Loss! _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I_~ 137 381 i 23 , ( , ! 28 ! L--·---·-·-----·---'-·---·---·-----~---·-·-------J (Above numbers are ;:;amed forward to the E:<.ecwt,ve Summ;;>1y) """"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...o..~~"'1Sl'~'f"1'!~~ES/EAS Transportation - PVS last Saved: August 2014 Final PIR PIR Type: --------~ Date of Data: Jul-01-2013 Jun-30-2014 to -- ~--------- Gaining Facility: Detroit P&DC Finance N u m b e r : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Losing Facility: Jackson CSMPC Finance Number: 254800 I (2) I (4) (5) Variance Variance Final PIR I Final PIR vs Final PIR vs Proposed Pre AMP (3) Total Mileage Costs 0 0 0 $0 $0 PVS Leases Total Vehicles Leased 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 26 0 0 2 0 0 $157,921 6 Total Lease Costs $0 $64,500 PVS Workhour Costs PVS Workhour Costs LDC 34 (765, 766) $0 $0 Total Workho $0 (11) Total Final PIR vs Pre AMP 14 22 0 Total Lease Costs LDC 31 ( (9) Variance Variance Final PIR vs Final PIR vs Pre AMP Pro osed PIR PVS Owned Equipment Seven Ton Trucl~s Eleven Ton Trucks Single Axle Tractors Tandem Axle Tractors Sootters PVS Owned Seven Ton Trucks Eleven Ton Trucks Single Axle Tractors Tandem Axle Tractors Spotters S Transportation Number of Schedules Total Annual Mileage (8) mmnrtatinn-PVS LDC 31 (617, 679, 764) LDC 34 (765, 766) Total Workhour Costs Savings: ;$f;?' , , nn (This number added to the Executive Summa1y (12) Total Final PIR vs Proposed Transportation-PVS (This number added the Executive Summary) Notes: 28 PIR -PVS LastSaved:August26,2014 PIR of Distribution Consolidated: Data of HCR Data File: Route# 434MO 481L2 48811 490AS 49231 49237 49238 49267 49292 492AO 492A1 492A4 492BG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 CT for Outbound Dock: Final PIR Annual Cost/Mile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Variances Total Annual Costs (11) Change Analysis Final PIR vs Pre AMP I (12) Final PIR vs Dollars Percent 30 PIR HCR- 2014 Last Saved: PIR of Distribution Consolidated: _ Date of HCR Data File: (1) (4) CET for Inbound Dock: CETfor OGP: CET for Cancellations: CT for Outbound Dock: Final PIR Route# Annual Cost (10) (7) (6) I Final PIR Annual Final PIR Annual Annual Cost Cost/Mile Cost/Mile 010KE 150YO 15112 171LO 207FE 303YE 381ZO 46028 480'10 48012 48018 48030 48035 48039 48065 48066 48067 48090 480A6 480BK -480L 1 480L6 480L7 480L9 -- 480MO 480M1 31 PIR ·nf"lrl<:>t1nn HCR _ ~-:>inonn 480M3 480M4 480M5 480MR 48119 48130 48162 481L4 48431 48438 484L4 541EQ 607NO 640M1 680PO 751AE 196,525 1 $29,942,658 15,385,747 Variances Total Annual Costs Change Analysis (11) Final PIR vs Pre (12) Final P!R vs (13) Final PIR vs Pre AMP AMP Dollars Losing Percent Gaining (from and Total Final PIR vs Proposed HCR 32 PIR HCR (14) Final PIR vs Total Final PIR vs Pre AMP (PVS & number carried forward to the Executive Total Final PIR vs Proposed (This number carried forward to the Executive 33 PIR nrw+..,+•r.n HCR _ Inventory 2014 Last Saved: August PIR Type: 01/10/14 Data Extraction Date: Final PIR I I Jul-01-2013 -- to Jun-30-2014 Gaining Facility: Detroit P&DC CSMPC Losing Facility: Date Range of Data: (2) I I (3) Final PIR I -- . ·- l>'.PRAMfa.;j Proposed I Final PIR l;i Relocation I Costs AFCS 0 r;<;:tl.•.· .·;•·.··'' .;<I} I 0 0 AFCS200 AFSM-ALL 0 AFSM-ALL APPS 0 APPS CIOSS 0 CIOSS CSBCS 0 CSBCS DBCS 0 DBCS-OSS 0 DBCS-OSS DIOSS 0 DIOSS FSS 0 FSS SPBSIAPBS 0 SPBS/APBS ···: •o. >· 2. UFSM • (•'· ·;·tJ.'. 0 i;~•t5 ;. 5 •.()'> (' 0 ·'·~; 4 \;\: .;u .. :\ 0 ; . :•:· 4 DBCS 0 rzi1<1:>··~" 32 Cl .,;,{ 0 ;, 3 .,, ·~~y~;i~:·.; ' ' , ··., ':.,,.·.. ~ ; 5 4 $0 $0 $99.180 ·,· $0 $0 ; $0 $0 't $0 $0 $0 $65,825 $0 $0 $0 $0 ' I' 47 3 ,; 0 2 $0 2 ; $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 il ..; ·.· 0 $0 $0 PIV !): 0 $0 $0 LC REM f $0 $0 UFSM 0 FC I MICRO MARK 0 FC I MICRO MARK ROBOT GANTRY 0 ROBOT GANTRY }oc;/•:.•·· \~Tra</ • HSTS I HSUS 0 HSTS I HSUS .......... ·p'•''•}>; LCTS I LCUS 0 LIPS 0 LIPS MPBCS-OSS 0 MPBCS-OSS TABBER 0 TABBER PIV 0 LC REM 0 0 0 Final PIR Relocation Costs '.;<'. ; LCTS I LCUS . c''·~· ; \(j .,·. f•· .·.; {;} ·.· ... 3 3 1 " .. 0 1 . . IVa~an~e m s 0 There were additional cost for c:Mviation DBCS: for labor cost and $22,473 for material cost work. PIR MPE OS PIR Type*: Final PIR Jul-01-2013 Date Range of Data: Losing Facility: Jackson CSMPC Gaining Facility: -----~----------~~~~--------- ~r; ) p1 (10) (8) *" Final , wWe11tlt1!1Qlil1:! ~lll!Vii\I ;i' t::UIUliJilO<!H< ------------------------··--·-··-------~-------~--- (7) •'''llfoi:K:IQ1itt;J~btl1it~ , ' Jun-30-2014 Detroit P&.DC i $ 0 $ $ $ $ 0 $ $ $ 0 $ $ 5.391,321 $ $ 0 $ $ 0 --$ $ 127 ,842 $ ---0 s 16,950,f'67 ~a• :anti Sui;ig(ii~·-, EillD :anil!J llllp~lil!!tl 177,638 $ 5,765,138 4 ,610,362 () $ 0 iGMUI li~tal '177,838 llM•I mmtal 22,715,805 21,457 (11) Final PIR vs Pre AMP - Maintenance Savings: (l hese numbers carried forwa1 d to lhe (12) Final PIR vs Proposed - Maintenance Savings: (These numbers carried forward to the $ Surnmary) (13)Notes: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~--------~-------------------------------~---- 1n f-'!f~ <:olumn;, 1'.' tm f-11,,1 35 PIR Mamtenance Las! Saved August 26. 2014 : Jackson CSMPC Losing PIR Final PIR Date Range of Data: _ _Jul-01-2013 _ _ __ -- to -- Jun-30-2014 Type of Distribution Consolidated: ~~~~~~~~ Place a "X" next to the DMM labeling list(s) the date of the Postal Bulletin that contained DMM labeling list revisions. (1) x x (4) DMM L001 DMM L011 DMM L002 DMM L201 DMM L003 DMM L601 DMM L004 DMM L602 DMM L005 DMM L603 DMM L006 DMM L604 DMM L007 DMM L605 DMM L008 DMM L606 DMM L009 DMM L607 DMM L010 DMM L801 Drop Shipments for Destination (2 ) PB 22359 Mar 21-2013 Was the Service Standard Directory updated for the approved AMP? (3 ) Yes Discounts FAST Appointment Summary Report (5) No-Show Count % Late Arrival Count % Month Losing I Gaining Facility NASS Code Facility Name Total Schd May '14 Losing Facility 492 Jackson CSMPC 0 0 0 0 0 0 June'14 Losing Facility 492 Jackson CSMPC 0 0 0 0 0 May '14 Gaining Facility 481 Detroit, Ml P&DC 888 339 38.18% 265 June'14 Gaining - --~ ...., 481 Detroit, Ml P&DC 896 357 39.84% 247 Notes: ~16 Jackson Open Count % Closed Count % Unschd Count 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29.84% 0 0.00'% 547 61.60% 10 27.57% 0 0.00% 539 60.16% 6 at Detroit PIR Distribution Changes Customer Service Issues Saved Auousl 2A, 2014 Losing Facility: ____ CSMPC ___ " 5-Digit ZIP Code: 4_9_20_2_ _ _ __ Data Extraction Date: 07112114 PIR 1. Collection Points PIR PIR Mon. -Fri. Number picked up before 1 p.m Sat. Sat. Sat. 31 Number picked up between 1-5 p.m. 182 Number picked up after S p.m. Total Number ot Collect1on Pomts ... _,, .... ~~~ ............... ~-- () .......~-- ~~~~-'-~~~~--'"""'~~-- 2. How rnany collection boxes are currentfy designated for "local delivery"? 3. How many "local delivery" boxes were removed as a result of AMP? 4. Delivery Performance Report Final PIR OuarterfFY % earners returning 1700 04 2013 Q1 2014 02 20"14 03 2014 5. Retail Unit Inside Losing Facility (Window Service Times} Proposed 6. Business (Bulk} Mail Acceptance Hours 11 Final PIR Proposed Start End Start I End Start End NiA NIA NIA I NIA 10:00 $·45 Final PIR Start I End 10 00 I 6 45 f--- NIA NIA NIA NIA 10:00 6:45 10 00 NI.A NIA NIA NIA 10:00 6:45 10 00 NIA NIA NIA I MA 10:00 6"45 10 00 I 6 45 NI.A NIA NIA I NIA woo 645 10 00 I 6 4S NIA NIA NIA I NIA 10:00 6:45 10 00 I 6 45 1. Can customers obtain a local postmark in accordance-with applicable policies in the- Postal Operations Manual? 8. Notes: Yes There are no retail services at this facility. Retail is located at the Jackson Main Post Office. Retail and BMAU hours were 110! changed due to AMP. Gaining Facility: _D_e_tr_o_it_P_&_D_C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 9. What postmark is printed on collection mail? ~~J j, :!'''') Jackson and Detroit mail worked al Michigan Metroplex. 37 PIR 0 Space Evaluation and Other Costs Last Saved August 26 2014 Date: 07/28/14 1 Affected Facility Facility Name Street t>.ddress·-7:~"":'~""='".'-"'---------------------------Ciry. State ZIP ==='-----..:.:.C.'---:.==-------------"""= 2 One-Time Costs Enter any one-tlme costs. SO Costs 3 Savings Information Space Savings($): SO Executive Sur:unary) 4. Did you utilize the acquired space as planned? Explain. Yes. Jackson remains as a Post Office and hub operation 5. Notes: The $20.356 one-time cost was for facilities study for investigation into .Jackson. Ml volume into the Detroit P&DC. Deviation approved 4115/13 for $155K for equipment and facility work Employee Relocation Costs $165.005 Mail Processing Equipment Relocation Costs (from MPE lnvento1yj Facility Costs (from above\ Total One-Time Costs $0 Losing Facility: -=-:cc:::..:.::=.:_::_-=-:.:.:.:..__:___ _ _ _ _ _ __ Pre-AMP Range of Report 161 (10) Product Final PIR Cost pet 1.000 38 PIR Space Evaluation and Other Costs
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