!"#$%&'()*+,-./+0'1(2$.30+(4565 April p 13,, 2014 — Palm Sunday, y, Passion of the Lord Living the Gospel with Love and Courage Holy Week Masses for This Weekend Saturday, April 12 4 p.m. — † Peter Marzynski (Fr Burkhardt) Sunday, April 13 - PALM SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. — † John (Jack) Mettelka (Fr. Burkhardt and Deacon Erv) 10:30 a.m. — † Deceased members of Levandoski Family (Fr. Burkhardt) 2 p.m. — For the People of St. Anne’s (Fr. Hennes) 6 p.m. — † Steve Papa (Fr. Hennes) Masses for This Week Monday, April 14 7:00 a.m. — Communion Service (Deacon Erv) Tuesday, April 15 7:00 a.m. — Communion Service – Sandy Gilge 10:00 a.m. — Communion Service (Sister Carol) Benedictine Center Wednesday, April 16 7:00 a.m. — Communion Service – Sister Carol 8:15 am — † Floyd Majeske - School Mass St. Anne Celebrant/Reception of Oils Thursday, April 17 7 p.m. — † Ted & Paul Reynolds (Fr. Hennes) Friday, April 18 - GOOD FRIDAY 12:10 p.m. — Service (not mass) (Fr. Hennes) Masses for Next Weekend Saturday, April 19 - EASTER VIGIL 8:30 p.m. — † Mary Olson and John Spara (Fr. Hennes) Sunday, April 20 - EASTER 7:00 a.m. — † Dorothy Hollis & Minnie Ress (Fr. Burkhardt) 9:00 a.m. — †Douglas Wasmundt (Fr. Hennes) 11:00 a.m. — †Ken Whalen (Fr. Burkhardt and Deacon Erv) 2:00 p.m. — For the people of St. Anne’s (Fr. Burkhardt) Mass and Communion Service Schedule held at St. Anne’s Parish unless otherwise noted: Mon, Apr 14th 7:00 am - Communion Service Tues, Apr 15th 7:00 am - Communion Service 10:00 am - Communion Service at the Benedictine Living Community (formerly known as Marywood) 10:30 am - Chrism Mass at St. Joseph’s Cathedral at 530 Main St, La Crosse, WI 54601 Wed, Apr 16th 7:00 am - Communion Service 8:15 am - School Mass with Reception of Chrism Oils Thurs, Apr 17th 7:00 pm - Holy Thursday Mass Fri, Apr 18th 12:10 pm - Good Friday Service Sat, Apr 19th 8:30 pm - Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil Easter Sunday Mass Schedule held at St. Anne’s Parish Sunday, Apr 20th 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 2:00 pm (Hmong Language) READINGS: Week of April 13, 2014 Sunday: Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Mt 26:14 – 27:66 Monday: Is 42:1-7; Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a; Mt 26:14-25 Thursday: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Friday: Is 52:13—53:12; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1—19:42 Saturday: Rom 6:3-11; Mt 28:1-10 Next Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Col 3:1-4; 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9; Mt 28:1-10 Low gluten hosts available: If you need a low gluten host, please take one of the cards from the basket at the entrance. Come up the center aisle for Communion and show the Communion Minister the card. They will provide a special dish from which you can take a low gluten host. Mass Bags Available: Jesus’ Mass bags are available for our children ages 2-5. Children are able to take a bag at the beginning of Mass, look at the books and activities, drawing and returning the bag at the end of Mass. We have received some good feedback and some beautiful drawings. For questions please contact Melanie Guckenberg 715-675-5687. !"#$%&&'$()*+,-$./01'$234*,5 !"#$%&#'()$*+,-.$'($open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. except during holidays. Telephone and Front Desk Reception: When we are unable to answer the phone, we ask that you be patient when after 6 rings, an automated attendant answers your call. Please listen carefully to the options listed in the greeting, choose an option, then leave a message. Go to www.stanneswausau.org for Sunday bulletins, pastoral letters, Spirit newsletters, Faith Formation resources & so much more! Bulletin submissions must be received at least two weeks prior to the publication date. Email [email protected]. Questions? /*01&-1$2.00'+.#$34'15'-6$&1$1).$%&#'()$*+,-.$789:;<=>;?>?@AB Every weekend, St. Anne Parish uploads one or two homilies to our website. Want to learn more about the Mass readings? Our homilies are an excellent place to start. www.stanneswausau.org Leadership Reports: Ever wonder who does what and what is really going on behind the scenes? Stay up to date on our monthly Leadership Reports. They are online! St. Anne Parish Commission Contacts Administration Commission ~ Win Spencer 715-845-2069, [email protected] Faith Formation Commission ~ Dani Edwards 715-506-0370, [email protected] Community Commission ~ John Prey 715-574-6882, [email protected] !"#$%&'()*+,,-..-+/ ~ Jan Ostrowski 715-675-3473 0&'$%1)2+$.(-3)*+,,-..-+/ ~ Keri Wulf 715-573-9079, [email protected] As we enter the holiest of weeks, we hear the Passion of Jesus Christ. We are invited to be present at the cross. As a community, we gather at the cross and review what has happened to our heart. Is it the same place when we started Lent on Ash Wednesday? OR . . . Has it been changed by these forty days of fasting, prayer and charity? Might we be able to see ourselves as the Roman Centurion – a person who was not waiting for the Christ yet recognized that this “truly is the Son of God”? Consider for a moment the change of heart that occurs with him. !"#$%&'"()'*+,-$'"-."-/)'*-0)/"&."&"1&,,-$,"12$"2&." been promoted to lead approximately 80 men in the Roman Army. This person was skilled in bravery and ability to kill in battle. Research seems to indicate that they were asked to remain single. From this perspective, one would think that the Roman Centurion would care little &3$+*"*2-."4).+."12$"1&."3)-'5"6,+6-0)/7""8-.",$9)"1&." to guard and be inattentive to what people were saying about this person. We should expect that he would do his job and walk away. Somehow in the process of this day, he does not simply complete the task. He begins to hear and be affecteda by what people are saying about this Jesus. He apparently begins to wonder if what is being said about Jesus could be true. He is led to look upon the cross and see more than simply the death of a criminal. 8-."2)&,*"-."&::)6*)/"*$"*2)";$-'*"*2&*"2)"-/)'*-0)."4).+." as the Son of God. So what have we been hearing about the cross this Lent? We now are the centurion standing at the foot of the cross. Has the story impacted our heart? Have we gained new perspective or insight about this Jesus? Does this story help us to look beyond unkindness or rudeness, impatience, violence or war within our world? God is asking us to see a “more” in the story. God is acting in our history. The story can be changed. The Centurion allows himself to see this new story. He becomes a believer when he expresses faith in Jesus as the Son of God. Have we accomplished the same possibility? How does the celebration of the passion of Jesus move us to have new insight into the human story – and see how God is present and offering us salvation? Sharing news about the parish . . . During the time of Spring break, the following projects are completed: The South men’s bathroom is painted, *2)"<-'=9"1&99"%$9/-'5"-."-'.*&99)/"-'"*2)"62+,62>"*2)"?$$," ,);&-,."3)')&*2"*2)"')1".62$$9"/$$,."&,)"0'-.2)/>" rubber stair tread in a stair well is replaced, the Chapel of @+62&,-.*-6"!/$,&*-$'"1&99"-.",);&-,)/"&'/";,-%)/>"?$$," tile by the school library are replaced. Thank you to the LENTEN FISH DINNERS custodial staff, volunteers and professionals who have helped us with these projects! We have reached 85% of our target for the Diocesan Annual Appeal. Small, regular contributions continue. To reach our target, we need to raise $22,000. If you are watching closely, the steady contributions are making a difference. Consider helping us reach the goal by June 15th. With the passing of April 1, I will let you know what our rebate will be. The replacement of school doors will possibly have to wait one year; the rebate will be reduced in proportion to the percentage of our target achieved. In the meantime, please consider a donation – Thank you! A wish of God’s peace is extended to the family and friends of Mary Ann Stacke whose funeral was on Wednesday, April 2. May our prayers support and encourage those who mourn. May she rest in peace! May the blessings of God be showered upon you this week! Fr. Al C"$$4'%D/"$'%E--F,%2('%G(H'('HB% Due to the success of the purchase of the Lenten Little Black Books from the Diocese of Saginaw, we have ordered the “Little 7.'8%!9##:*;!+#,!<-*8%,6 Continue your Lenten Prayer journey well into the Easter Season with this ever-popular, super simple and relatable prayer resource!! We hope to have them available for purchase the weekend of Palm Sunday. .670289 March 7 through April 18 4-7 p.m. in Fischer Hall One-Piece Fried Fish ........................................$5.75 Two-Pieces Fried Fish ......................................$8.00 Fried Fish Taco .................................................$6.00 Baked Fish Taco ...............................................$8.00 Baked Fish.........................................................$7.50 Deep Fried Shrimp............................................$8.50 Fried Combo (Fish & Shrimp) .........................$9.00 Baked Combo (Fish & Shrimp) .....................$10.25 Individual Fried Shrimp ...................................$2.00 Cheese Pizza .....................................................$2.50 Homemade Dessert ..........................................$1.00 Dinner includes: Choice of French fries, homemade potato salad or baked potato, cole slaw, rye bread. Home & Business Deliveries in the City of Wausau ONLY. Call Fridays after 1 p.m. Phone 715.849.3930. Small charge for delivery and take-out orders. We DELIVER Fish Fries If you are working on Friday night and think you have to miss a St. Anne’s Fish dinner, you don’t, because St. Anne’s DELIVERS!! We deliver to residences and businesses in the city of Wausau from 4:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. for the seven Fridays of Lent. We can send out a menu and other details about delivery to your business if you request one. Contact Ginny Dimeo at 715-842-7921 or email [email protected]. Dessert Bakers Board for Lenten Fish Dinners <+(",/%C"5(+(;%E--F%&4I5 This month the Parish Library Book Club will be reading one of the best-loved stories of all time, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. If this one of your favorite books, please reread this classic and join us for discussion on Tuesday, April 29 @ 2:00 pm in the parish library. &"(*4'%-#%:-; We will meet Monday, April 14th at 1:30 in the FAMILY ROOM. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN LOCATION. Ginny Dimeo will be the hostess. Please call Ginny at 715-842-7921 or Fay at 715-845-4527 if you cannot attend. <4'+,'%9/-=%#-(%9>26?%9@A028B All food items collected during our “Preparation of Gifts” in April will go to the The Wausau Area Hmong Association. MUSICAL TOURS “Driving Miss Daisy” Parishioners are asked to bring desserts according to the schedule below. Desserts such as fruit pies, cakes, bars, cupcakes and fruit cobblers are examples of acceptable desserts. Custard & meringue pies, frosting made from eggs, are not acceptable unless they come from a commercial bakery. We ask that you provide a dessert or donate $510 prior to your scheduled week. Anyone with a last name beginning with the alphabet letter below brings dessert for that week: Letters April 18 Circle of Joy Dessert Bakers Drop Off: During school hours !"#$%#&'()*+&,#%%#(-%&-.&-/#&0$()%/&1234#5&62-#(&7&!585&$*,& on days there is no school, you will be able to take desserts directly to Fischer Hall. !"#$%&'($")*+$',%#-(%.",/%0"11'(,%23+"4+54' 9):#&-/#&+)2-&-/#;&$(#&%<(#&-.&".:#5&=-.!&';&-/#&!$()%/&.234#& >##?,$;%&<*-)"&@&!585&-.&!<(4/$%#&$&4#(-)34$-#5 “Driving Miss Daisy” has been a smash hit on Broadway, an Academy Award winning movie and a successful Broadway Revival. It has won just about every award there is to win. Due to increased transportation costs, it is necessary that we adjust our price also. The cost for the Wed., June 25th trip is $98, just a few additional dollars. The menu is fantastic, “Driving Miss Daisy”...excellent, and fun on the bus, you be the judge! Reservations may be made now with Jeanette Stenzel @ 715-845-2049. Checks made payable to St. Anne’s but mailed to Jeanette Stenzel, 605 N. 9th Ave., Wausau WI, 54401. Deadline for reservations and payment is May 20th.!!"#$%!&#'(!)*!+#,!-!.-//01!+)(2344%5!5-06! Hospitality Group: Mary Forseth, Marcella Hargraves, Mary Heyer, Lynda Hollis, Jeanette Stenzel & Nan Voeltzke SCRIP Volunteers are needed!!! Sacramental Preparation & Faith Formation Registration The annual Sacramental and Faith Formation Registration Mailing was sent out last week to all families with children preparing for P&)1$+Q"2(#2&,&.$&(#0+P&)1$+F(!!?#&(#0+.#*+F(#3)!.$&(#+R9($@+ registered at NCS and Faith Formation). As well as all families with students eligible for the parish Faith Formation Program. Please be sure to review this mailing carefully. The key thing to note is that we will have our annual registration gathering Wednesday, April 23rd, 6:15-7:30 PM in the West Gathering Space. Be sure to have your registration form complete with payment in order to receive the early-bird discount! Any questions, simply contact John Schmitt, Director of Faith P()!.$&(#+&#+$@"+-.)&1@+S'32"<+ Just Over One Week Remains! We all need to eat… Why not help support the efforts of St. Anne Youth Mission trips this summer in the process?? Through Schwans-cares.com, you can order from Schwan’s Home Delivery and help the youth participating in these experiences, meet their fundraising goal! When you order by April 23rd 20% of product and 567+('+"%2")$&32.$"+1.,"1+8&,,+/(+9.2:+$(+;$<+=##"+>(?$@+A&#&1$)4B+C#+ addition, Schwan’s will contribute 5% of all orders for an ongoing basis! There are two ways to order: 1. Online: DE&1&$+888<12@8.#1%2.)"1<2(! + DF,&2:+G3#*+.+2.!-.&/#H+.#*+"#$")+2.!-.&/#+CI+JKL5 2. Order by phone: + DF.,,+M%LNN%LJ6%JK6L+.#*+-)(O&*"+2.!-.&/#+CI+JKL5 Pick up a catalog and more information at the Flower Sale booth in the West gathering space through April 23rd! 2$3&1++'0"$)+, a Catholic worker house, serves a free community meal and hospitality every Thursday night in the school cafeteria at St. Matthew Parish. We are accepting reservations from groups who would like to provide and serve a meal. If you are interested, please contact Charlotte Santama at 715-842-4582. We are also welcoming new core group members to help supervise the program. If you are interested, please contact Judy or Gary Tapper (848-6120) or Judy Pederson (6759215). As Dorothy Day said, “Peace begins when the hungry are fed.” You can be a part of the solution. What’s the Story with You and God? St. Mary Church, Marathon, May 16-17 International speaker Chris Stefanick from Real Life Catholic will headline a diocesan sponsored event at St. Mary Church in Marathon on May 16-17. He and other Catholics from around the Diocese will tell of their own stories with God. Attendees will also learn the practical ways of !"#$%&'(&)*+$,-.*.'$!/0*1(22*!"3"#'*%4$&*'5"(!*$1&*6$%!&"/*$7*78('50*8&,* learn the skills needed to communicate their story with God to others in a compelling way. The conference is perfect for those wishing to communicate the beauty 8&,*6$/*$7*'5"(!*78('5*'$*$'5"!.9**:5(2"*#8'"#5(.'.0*;<=>*'"8?*?"?@"!.0* 8&,*$'5"!*#5%!#5*"?42$/"".*8&,*A$2%&'""!.*1(22*@"&"B'*@/*8''"&,(&)0* anyone called to evangelize—that is, every baptized person—should come! More information about this event, including registration information, is 8A8(28@2"*@/*)$(&)*'$C*1119,($#"."$38#!$.."9#$?D.'$!/9**E!*#822*<5!(.*8'* (608) 791-2674. NCS SCRIP fundraising program needs your help. If you are available a 2(?-,"+('+@(?)1+"O")4+8"":+()+$8(0+-,".1"+2.,,+JMN%L5N%NJVN+$(+3#*+(?$+ how you can volunteer. !"##$%&"%'(&%&)*+,)'-*'.)/&,$)'0")/&*-1 Could you spare an hour a week or month to be the feet that enable Christ to visit and comfort the sick? You choose a day, and the frequency. The hours are between 8 & 10 AM every day of the week. We provide the training. !"##$%"&$'()*+#,-$!../,01"&./$.)$!"&2.#03$40105&/6-$"&$789:;<<<$ +=&>$?;@9A$./$B=&>$?8C;7$)./$",,0&0.1"#$01)./D"&0.1-$./$*1,$E5F0/(5$ Wausau Hospital Volunteers on the internet. Catholic Charities Post Adoption Resource Center presents Trust-Based Parenting – A Forever Family Conference on Friday, April 25 from 10-2:30 pm at United Way in Wausau. The conference is based on a trauma and attach!"#$%&#'()!"*+!(*",+('+-.)"#$&#/0+*"1&/#"*+1-"2&32.,,4+'()+ foster or adoptive parents with children from hard places. Cost is $20/person or $30/couple. Limited seating is available. Registration forms are available on our website at www.cclse.org. Deadline to register is April 16. If you have any questions, please contact Anne Rozeboom at [email protected] or 715.849.3311 x 1725. Newman Catholic Schools Tuition Assistance Program – Applications DUE April 30th All Newman Catholic Schools families are eligible for TAP. Find out more information online: http://www.newmancatholicschools.com/pages/NCS/Admissions or by calling 715 845 5735 ext. 52376 Wisconsin Parental Choice Program The deadline to apply is quickly approaching! Newman Catholic Schools is one of the top 25 schools that received the most eligible applications to participate in the Wisconsin Parent Choice Program (WPCP) for the current school year. The deadline to apply is quickly approaching. WPCP application window for the 2014-2015 school year is February 1 – April 16, 2014. Families must complete an online application at http://sms.dpi.wi.gov/wpcp-statewide F(#$.2$+T"8!.#+I&1$)&2$+S'32"+'()+'?)$@")+&#'()!.$&(#U++JMN+L5N+NJVN Stewardship of Treasure Amount collected last weekend Monthly ACH divided by number of weeks Total Collected Amount Needed Surplus (Shortfall) $15,264 $2,534 $17,798 $18,714 (-$916) Diocesan Annual Appeal Report (last update 3/31/14) Target $101,693 Received $80,026 Amount Due $21,667 Participants 364 Non-Participants 1,263 If you have not received the Diocesan Appeal Packet, !"#$%#&'()*$'*&*+#&!$,-%+&(./'#&(,&0$*+1&$*&*+#& 2-('#%$)&3./'#4&5+()#&6789:7;<67=8:>&(,&#?$-"& @"#A#)B(%@-CB-('#%#(D$',(%%#4'(?4 !"#$%&'())*+, !"#$%&-.+)&-*.!"*+,& ).+%&/0(+&1.2*$3.+', '45&.667&8794&:;<= >?67&:;th@&:<st@&A&::nd,& We are happy to premier a few new bands and some of the best dart throwers from Central Wisconsin, as the Central Wisconsin Dart Association will be running a profession dart tournament Saturday. We are excited about the goal to raise $50K to use for several much needed projects in our church and school. We will accomplish it with everyone’s help! More details on this to come, but for now mark your calendars and start making your plans to help. There is always room for more volunteers with a special need in the Family Fun Tent. Please don’t wait for someone to ask you to help. Please go to stanneswausau.org/fest for all the exciting information about St. Anne Fest 2014 and let us know where you want to help. You’re encouraged to contact any of the Chairpersons with questions, ideas, or for more information. We want to hear from you and look forward to celebrating a great St. Anne Fest 2014. Thank you! Stewardship Corner Our role: Faithful Stewards !"#$%&'($'(#)$*'$(+$,+--*($(+$.#*/0$1$21*("234$'(#51&6$+2$("#$ gifts God has entrusted to you. It starts with getting your spiritual world in order. Is your prayer life on life-support or is it thriving? Please Note: We no longer accept ink cartridges for recycling. Please contact the store you purchased it from for disposal methods. Our Advertisers Provide fast and !"#$%&'()*$"+#,$-))./00)1234)567819 !"#$%&'()*+,-.+/./0 111+234$$%2145245+#67 .0%&3/#6*-%&34 4611-*&34*/$ Designers & Suppliers of Fine Homes WAUSAU $FOUSBM#SJEHF4Ut CEDAR CREEK 1BSL1MB[Bt www.culvers.com #VT1IPOFTPS 'BY 84UFXBSU"WF8BVTBV8* Please support these advertisers. For information on advertising call Terry Collins at 1-800-678-4574 x4053 or 952-852-4053 Direct Email: tcollins!-1JDPNtXXX4FFLBOE'JOEDPN (SBOJUFBOE #SPO[F.FNPSJBMT #SPO[F.FNPS /PSUIUI4USFFU RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 0O8BVTBVT/&4JEF /3%458"64"6 Call Your Culligan Man Today! 8BVTBV&BTUt8FTUPO brainardfuneral.com 355-7060 1-800-388-7288rwww.culliganh2o.com Cedar Creek Manor Family Owned & Operated Assisted Living Facility (VZ'SPTUNBO 4IFSSZ'SPTUNBO 0XOFST Frostman Fish Market 8IPMFTBMFt3FUBJM Providing quality, personal care 'SP[FO'PPE4FBGPPE%JTU for the elderly 4JODF 2480 Terrebonne Drive 5FMFQIPOF'BY 4OE"WF 8BVTBV8* Mosinee, WI 54455 (715) 355-8246 8BVTBV8* Complete overhead door & door opener sales, service & Installation .&/5*0/5)*4"%BOE3FDFJWF0GG PS IMAGE MAKERS Professional Styling For Entire Family SHARON OSTROWSKI, Owner 4SE8BVTBV8* Star Environmental, Inc WDNR Permit Assistance Soil-Septic Evaluations Wetland Delineation (BSZ84UBS[JOTLJ -JDFOTFE1SPGFTTJPOBM4PJM4DJFOUJTU 5IJSE4USFFU, 10#PY.BSBUIPO8* 'BY TUBSFOWJSPONFOUBM!IPUNBJMDPN (715) 443-2060 !"#$%&'()*)+$,,&'()-$.$/#&0'1 2"'.$1)*)3''&4$%1"%&$1 561&'$11)7"%#&$1)"',)84$'#1 999:%&;%&4$%;"<<%00=:.0= Restaurant & Bakery 2101 N. Mountain Rd., Wausau, WI 54401 Exit 190 Hwy. 51 & 29 (715) 843-7171 Open 6am to 10pm Daily JESSE CUMMINGS SALES CONSULTANT ...helping people live better 715.842.0575 2900 N. 20th Ave. Wausau, WI. 54401 Phone: 715.675.7775 Call or email with questions www.toyotaofwausau.com 8FTUIJMM%SJWFt8BVTBV8* [email protected] www.wausaumanorcare.com "MEFSTPO4Ur4DIPGJFME 715-355-5775 FOR AD INFO CALL TERRY COLLINS AT 1-800-678-4574 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. ANNE, WAUSAU, WI B 4C 01-0944 03-20-2011 11:48:19 Wausau 842-3165 KINDRED-COLONIAL Dementia Care Unit now Open 1010 E. Wausau Ave., Wausau, WI 54401 715-842-2028 John & Lynell Huber TEACH A MAN TO FISH? "UIFOTt&EHBSt.BSBUIPO 8BVTBV&BTUt8BVTBV8FTU (715) 845-6900 FINANCIAL SERVICES & MEMBER BENEFITS WAUSAU AGENCY #15-02123-10/13 %FBO8FMLFS WE CAN TEACH MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN HOW TO FISH & ICE FISH 1BSJTI.FNCFS SHAY CREEK SPORTS FISHING, ARCHERY & OUTDOORS 14 Brown Blvd., Rothschild 715-298-5118 OPEN AT 6AM FOR YOUR LIVE BAIT NEEDS rIFMLFDPN 320 Spruce St., Wausau TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. (715)845-9585 Headquartered in Milwaukee, WI Parish Membert IDEAL Properties of Wisconsin !"##$%&'()&'("*$+$,-./*&0#"$ 1"()&#$2/.3"/)'"4 Call today for availability (715) 297-2296 Bell Tower Residence $BMMUPTDIFEVMFBWJTJU BOETFFXIBUXFIBWFUPPGGFS in assisted MJWJOH Fish - Seafood - Steaks - Ribs - Prime Rib - Deep Fried Chicken - Lobster - Alfredo - Grilled Tuna & Salmon - etc. Happy Hour: 5VF5IVQN FISH FRY FRIDAY 4:00 - 9:30 p.m. 2704 E. Hamilton St., Wausau, WI www.theloadingzone.biz John J. Kuiken, CEBS Advisor Schofield 355-5800 www.belltowerresidence.org Sponsored by the Holy Cross Sisters Tony Seliger SELIGER ELECTRIC, INC. LONG-TERM AND WELLNESS CARE FACILITY 8FàYTNBSUQIPOFTUBCMFUT Ryan Kaiser, Parish Member 1821 N. Fourth Avenue 8BVTBV8*r www.blcwausau.org 715-843-4449 4UFXBSU"WFr8BVTBV8* WISCONSIN SANITARY -*$&/4& NEWTON ELECTRIC CORP. 220 N 3RD AVE., WAUSAU, WI 54401 715 845 6201 FAX 715 842 4923 EMAIL: [email protected] 50*-&53&/5"-4&15*$4&37*$&--$ CHERYL FALKOWSKI #SJBO#VSHPZOF “THE AREA’S PREFERRED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR” 3$MVCIPVTF3PBEr3JOHMF8* TOM NEWTON MIKE NEWTON UI"7&r.BSBUIPO8* 1IPOFr'BY +PTFQI8#BCJBS[.% Ben S#BUUJOP.% %BWJE-#MVFTUFJO.% 3PZ"#SBOEFMM.% -BVSB&4IFSSJMM.% $BSM+7JWJBOP.% $FMM Mount View Postal Station Mobil Service 5PXJOH"WBJMBCMFr$BS8BTI 4PEBr4OBDLTr#FFS DELIVERING STATE OF THE ART HEALTH CARE LOCALLY 5PMM'SFF )XZ// 3808 Rib Mountain Dr. Wausau, WI 54401 XXXVSPTQFDJBMJTUTDPN Phone 715.845.1149 SERVING DAILY STARTING AT 5PM 0O)XZi//u/PSUI.PVOUBJO3E 845-5570 Visiting Angels 1702 N. 6th Street, Wausau, WI 715-848-4156 Haircuts for the entire family Just the way you like it #VTJOFTT/r8BVTBV8* 1IPOF XXXOJHCVSTGJOFGVSOJUVSFDPN Phone 715/845-3171 i8F$BSF&WFSZEBZJO&WFSZ8BZu )PVST%BZTB8FFLr4FOJPS)PNF$BSF Serving Central Wisconsin t.FBM1SFQBSBUJPO t)PVTFLFFQJOH-BVOESZ t&SSBOET4IPQQJOH t3FTQJUF$BSF t-POH5FSN4IPSU5FSN t"TTJTUBODFJO)ZHJFOF t*OTVSFE#POEFE t+PZGVM$PNQBOJPOTIJQ $IPPTFYPVSOXOCBSFHJWFS rMTDISFNQ!WJTJUJOHBOHFMTDPN XXXWJTJUJOHBOHFMTDPN FAMILY DENTAL New Patients Welcome 4UFWFO#%F.JMMF%%4 %FOJTF--POH%.% 3650 Stewart Avenue, Wausau, WI 54401 #1 in Wausau! thepreygroup.com +JNr:WPOOF [email protected] CENTRAL CONCRETE CUTTING INC. PHONE: (715) 352-2552 8-FSPZ4Ur&EHBS8* Jack Sondergard, Owner The Brill Families /'PVSUI"WFOVF rFAX (715) 675-6747 XXXOPSUIXFTUUPPMDPN Precision Machining.Gauges.Dies.Wire E.D.M. The Dentists at $PSQPSBUF$PWF XXXLPGDPSH %S+VMJF"'PYr %S(BSZ,PIMr %S+BZ1FFSFOCPPNr EYECARE CENTER OF WAUSAU %S(SFHPSZ-FJTDIFSt Owner / Parish Member %S3PCFSU+"MFYFKVOt%S#SJBO1VFOU General Contractor E-Mail: [email protected] for more information 205 W. Bridge St., Wausau, WI .PVOU7JFX-O"UIFOT8* 1IPOF 'BY (715) 848-2020 $PNNFSDJBM*OEVTUSJBM"HSJDVMUVSBM Concrete Specialists FOR AD INFO CALL TERRY COLLINS AT 1-800-678-4574 WWW.4LPi.COM A 4C 01-0944 ST. ANNE, WAUSAU, WI 03-20-2011 11:48:19
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