MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF CORMAN PARK NO. 344 HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2014 AT 8:30 A.M. Present 1. Present: Reeve Judy Harwood, Councillors: Div. 1 John Germs, Div. 2 Sherry Mervold, Div. 3 David Fox, Div. 5 Ken Beauchemin, Div. 6 Bas FroeseKooijenga, Div. 7 Joanne Janzen, Div. 8 Wendy Trask. Absent: Div. 4 Gordon Gunoff Staff present: Adam Tittemore, Administrator; Barb Zelinski, Office Manager; Audrey Lalonde, Treasury/Corporate Records Clerk; Rebecca Row, Director of Planning and Development; Joe Stewart, Director of Operations. Call to Order 2. Reeve Harwood called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. In Camera 3. In Camera at 8:30 a.m. Germs: That the meeting proceed in camera at 8:30 a.m. as per Section 16(1) of the Local Authority Freedom of Information And Protection of Privacy Act to discuss procedural matters. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Meeting Reconvenes 4. Out of Camera at 9:03 a.m. Mervold: That Council comes out of camera. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Meeting Break 9:03 a.m. to 9:07 a.m. Agenda 5. Trask: That the agenda be APPROVED with the following additions: 14d) Trask: Wendell Trotchie, Gravel, Twp Rd 374 13i) Trask: Leonard & Evelyn Kasahoff, Invoice 14e) Fox: Speed Limit, Grasswood Road 14f) Froese-Kooijenga – Road Maintenance Agreement, Warman 9h) Administrator – Village at Crossmount CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Oct 6, 2014 Council Meeting Minutes 6. Froese-Kooijenga: That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held October 6, 2014 be APPROVED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Business Arising From Minutes 7. None Notice of Motion 8. None Accounts for Payment 9. Mervold: That the Accounts for Payment, Item 7A1) attached hereto, forming a part of these Minutes, be APPROVED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MasterCard Statements 10. Trask: That the MasterCard Statements for September 2014 be approved. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 2 Bank Reconciliation 11. Janzen: That the Bank Reconciliation for September 2014 be APPROVED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Budget Variance Report 12. Mervold: That the Budget Variance Report – September 30, 2014 be received as information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Planning Committee Report 13. Councillor Froese-Kooijenga presented Council with the report from the October 14, 2014 Planning Committee meeting. Rebecca Row, Director of Planning and Development; Chad Watson, Senior Planner, Teresa Tang, Planner and Cory Boudreau, Technical Services Officer in attendance. Municipal Reserve Cash-in-lieu Values 14. The Ministry of Government Relations (MGR) requires the dedication of Municipal Reserves (MR) for single parcel residential subdivisions. While the first subdivision from a quarter section is exempt from this requirement any further residential subdivision must address this requirement. The MR is typically addressed in two ways; the dedication of 10% of the gross area of the subdivision as a MR parcel or a cash-in-lieu payment of 10% of the fair market value of the land. The payment must equal the market value of the required land in a subdivided, unserviced state. With single parcel residential subdivisions it is impractical to dedicate small parcels that would not be used for their intended purpose therefore cash-in-lieu is requested by the R.M. If there is a dispute in land values, The Planning & Development Act, 2007 requires that the municipality hire an independent appraiser to determine the land value. In order to help streamline this negotiation process, R.M. Administration has contacted two appraisal companies to establish a baseline value for land within the R.M. with some variables based on location. This would give the R.M. a starting value per acre to begin the discussions with the applicant. Quotes were provided by Brunsdon Junor Johnson Appraisals (BJJA) and Suncorp Valuations (Suncorp). The quote from BJJA for the service is $6,525.75 while the quote from Suncorp is $17,500.00. The main difference between the two proposals is the physical site inspections in the Suncorp proposal. As the goal of the work to be done is to establish a baseline value for land in the R.M. rather than site specific values R.M. Administration does not feel that physical inspection would be necessary to achieve this. Both proposals look to give a variation on land values within the R.M. based on locational information. Fox: That the quote of $6,525.75 from Brunsdon Junor Johnson Appraisals for consulting services to determine a land value for establishing a base valuation for use in calculating cash-in-lieu of municipal reserve payments be approved. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 3 Gary Budd, Silver Sky, Sections 5 to 8 -36-5-W3 15. Linda and Gary Budd, developers for Silver Sky, presented the Planning Committee with an update on their application for a multi-parcel country residential project to be located on Sections 5 to 8-36-5-W3. Jim Walters, consultant with Crosby Hanna & Associates and Chris Murphy, developer, responded to Council’s letter of April 24, 2014. Don W. Armstrong, Vice President for Dream Development also addressed Council and extended his approval of the development project and his interest in partnering with the Budd Family. The applicant is asking for Council’s support to move on to the public consultation phase of the Call for Proposals. Fox: That the Silver Sky report be received as information and that the proposal for a multi-parcel country residential project to be located on Sections 5 to 8-36-5-W3 be approved to move forward to the public consultation stage. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Dave Gillespie, Grasswood Landing NE & SE 23-35-5-W3 16. Dave Gillespie, developer for Grasswood Landing, addressed the Planning Committee and provided an update on the completion of his public consultation with the community. Mr. Gillespie updated the Committee on his proposal and included information and revisions to his proposal. Furdale DCR3 Overlay Removal Request 17. At the Furdale Annual General Meeting on May 7, 2014 a motion was passed to request that the R.M. of Corman Park apply to have the D-Country Residential 3 (DCR3) overlay in Furdale removed to allow further subdivision of properties within Furdale. Mervold: That the Grasswood Landing presentation be received as information and that the proposal for a multi-parcel country residential project to be located on the NE & SE 23-35-5-W3 be approved to move on to the Comprehensive Development Review stage. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY When the District Official Community Plan (OCP) and District Zoning Bylaw were updated in 2010 they provided for amendments that allowed for the resubdivision of existing multi-parcel country residential subdivisions through a DCR3 overlay. This overlay zone is intended to regulate parcel sizes and resubdivision within existing multi-parcel country residential subdivisions in order to effectively implement the District OCP policies pertaining to the resubdivision potential within these existing residential developments. Simply removing the DCR3 overlay will not allow for further re-subdivision as that overlay is what allows for the potential to re-subdivide in the first place. One option R.M. Administration looked at was adding a similar re-subdivision policy in Furdale as the recent R.M. re-subdivision policy amendments. The R.M. re-subdivision policy is limited to those parcels located within an existing registered subdivision plan which are at least 1.5 times larger than the average lot size of the original registered subdivision plan area. However this is not a valid solution for Furdale as the average lot size in the ‘north’ subdivision is approx. 5 acres and in the ‘south’ subdivision is approx. 10 acres; there are no parcels that would be able to meet this 1.5 times the average requirement. As well, the R.M. re-subdivision policy states that it is not intended to provide for a uniform increase in density throughout the original registered subdivision R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 4 plan area. It appears that this is exactly what the residents in Furdale want; a uniform increase in density throughout the registered subdivision plan area. In order to consider a uniform increase in density a comprehensive analysis would have to be undertaken to determine the appropriate density of development related to land use compatibility/integration, transportation impacts, adequate infrastructure/servicing, environmental management, stormwater, etc. Basically a larger scale Comprehensive Development Review (CDR) or a Concept Plan would have to be funded and completed by the residents of Furdale for R.M. review. R.M. Planning staff does not have the resources to complete this process on behalf of the residents of Furdale. For reference the recent Concept Plans in the Planning District were $100,000 projects; due to the number of studies (traffic impact assessment, hydrogeological, etc.) that would be required it is not unreasonable to consider this an estimated cost if not higher. There will be concerns from the City of Saskatoon related to the effect of uniform density increases on the nearby raw water intake. There may be a requirement for Furdale to have a septic utility, communal wastewater treatment system or connection to the City of Saskatoon system which we know would require discussions with the City to see if this is feasible. The costs involved with either option could be substantial for the residents. One option for Council to consider is looking at this area comprehensively as part of the proposed Silver Sky development and the Regional Plan process. It is likely that the Silver Sky development will require a higher level of servicing that currently exists in the area including potential connections into the City of Saskatoon system. There may be an ability for the residents of Furdale to partner with the developers of Silver Sky on a Concept Plan for the area. In addition it would be prudent to have servicing discussions as part of the Regional Plan process as regional servicing is going to be explored. If the R.M. would like to consider a high density growth node in this area we should identify it to bring forward during the Regional Plan discussions. Fox: That the Furdale DCR3 Overlay Removal Request report be received as information and that any further action be deferred until input is received from the Furdale Hamlet Board. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth (P4G) Regional Plan 18. The Planning and Administration Committee (PAC) reviewed and scored the proposals received at the end of the Request for Proposals (RFP) based on an Evaluation Matrix that was identified in the RFP. Based on the results from the initial evaluation, the top four (4) teams were interviewed by the PAC on September 25 and 29, 2014 in person and via web and teleconference. The scores were re-evaluated based on the results of the interviews. A consultant was identified as a preferred consultant and a recommendation was provided to the Regional Oversight Committee at their October 2, 2014 meeting. While the preferred consultant cannot be named at this time we anticipate that there will be a media release near the end of this month to publically name the consultant. R.M. Administration is supportive of the preferred consultant. The P4G Project Manager has also included a project manager report for R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 5 information. A response from the Ministry of Government Relations is still pending on our funding proposal; a response was requested by the end of August so follow up will proceed. The request was asking for 50% of the costs of the consultant ($343,000) spread over a three year period. Janzen: That the Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth (P4G) Regional Plan report be received as information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Planning Committee Minutes October 14, 2014 19. Beauchemin: That the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held October 14, 2014 be approved. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Subdivision 2014/36 Rezoning Bylaw 43/14 Jason & Rita Peters NE 27-37-7-W3 20. Trask: That the application of Jason & Rita Peters to rezone portions of the NE 27-37-7-W3 from Agricultural District to Agricultural Residential 1 District and to subdivide two 2.02 ha (5 acre) parcels for the purpose of creating two separate titles for country residential parcels as shown on the Plan of Proposed Subdivision submitted by Meridian Surveys Ltd. dated September 22, 2014 be APPROVED subject to: i. Bylaw 43/14 receiving Ministerial approval from the Ministry of Government Relations; ii. the applicant being responsible for all costs associated with the rezoning and subdivision including the provision of Municipal Reserve in the form of cash-in-lieu; and iii. the applicant entering into a servicing agreement to provide the remission of a subdivision servicing fee for the two new 2.02 ha (5.0 acre) residential parcels created. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Subdivision 2014/37 Murray & Lisa Wedewer Pcl B SW 35-38-5-W3 21. Froese-Kooijenga: That the application of Murray and Lisa Wedewer to subdivide a 4.05 ha (10 acre) parcel from Parcel B SW 35-38-5-W3 for the purpose of creating a separate title for a country residential parcel as shown on the Plan of Proposed Subdivision submitted by Meridian Surveys dated September 26, 2014 be APPROVED subject to: i. the applicant being responsible for all costs associated with the subdivision; ii. the applicant must obtain the necessary approvals and provide evidence of compliance with the requirements and recommendations of the Water Security Agency and the Saskatoon Health Region; iii. the applicant providing a sewage and solid waste disposal system, and an onsite wastewater disposal system acceptable to the Saskatoon Health Region; iv. revising the Plan of Proposed Subdivision to either include or exclude the dugout on the proposed parcel to be created; and v. registration of any recommendations, reports, interests, and/or development standards on the title of the proposed parcel(s) as recommended by the Water Security Agency and/or the Saskatoon Health Region. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 6 Subdivision 2014/19 Anthony & Joanne Tataryn East Half NE 11-36-4-W3 22. Germs: That the application of Anthony & Joanne Tataryn to subdivide a 4.05 ha (10 acre) parcel from Parcel C, Plan 101880996 in the NE 11-36-4-W3 for the purpose of creating a separate title for a country residential parcel as shown on the Plan of Proposed Subdivision submitted by George, Nicholson, Franko & Associates Ltd. dated June 26, 2014 be APPROVED subject to: i. the applicant being responsible for all costs associated with the subdivision including the provision of Municipal Reserve in the form of cash-in-lieu; ii. the applicant entering into an easement agreement to address the required 5 metre easement for the future road widening along Range Road 3041; iii. the applicant dedicating 4.6 metres to the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure on the north boundary of the proposed subdivision for the purpose of future road widening along Highway 394 (Patience Lake Road); and iv. revising the Plan of Proposed Subdivision to reflect conditions iii. and iv. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Discretionary Use 2014/16 Alain & Sandra Labelle South Half SW 1-38-5-W3 23. Beauchemin: That the application of Alain and Sandra Labelle (Ironman Equipment) to develop an Automotive & Farm Equipment Repair as a Home Based Business on S ½ of SW 1-38-5-W3 be APPROVED subject to: i. the applicant shall enter into a development agreement with the Municipality to secure the objectives of the Zoning Bylaw; ii. the hours of operation shall be from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday; iii. the number of employees shall not exceed two persons other than the residents of the residential dwelling unit employed in the home based business; iv. the maximum number of motor vehicles associated with the home based business to be stored on the subject property shall be six (6); v. the site shall be kept in a tidy and neat manner; vi. the use shall be valid only for the period of time the property is occupied by the applicants for such use; vii. the permit may be revoked if in the opinion of Council that the operation has not met the regulations and standards applicable to home based businesses contained within the Corman ParkSaskatoon Planning District Zoning Bylaw, or the special standards applied by Council at the time of approval; viii. obtaining a Saskatchewan Motor Dealer Licence from the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority and submitting a copy of the approval to the R.M. of Corman Park once received; and ix. compliance with The Motors Dealers Act. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Discretionary Use 2014/28 Future 500 Dev. Ltd. Lot 3 Block 4 NE 19-37-5-W3 Plan 101953919 24. Froese-Kooijenga: That the application of Future 500 Developments Ltd. to develop an Industrial Complex consisting of a Manufacturing Establishment along with a Commercial Storage Ctr. on Lot 3 Block 4 NE 19-37-5-W3, Plan 101953919 as shown on the approved site plan be APPROVED subject to: i. no goods or materials shall be stored within 5 m (16.40 ft.) of any site line and shall be maintained as a fire break; ii. the site shall be maintained and kept free from refuse, debris and weed; R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 7 iii. iv. entering into a development agreement to define the intensity of development and ensure compliance with the landscaping standards prescribed for industrial and commercial development with the schedule for the completion along with any other relevant requirements contained within the Planning District Zoning Bylaw; and compliance with all applicable municipal, provincial and federal legislation and regulations. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Discretionary Use 2014/26 Leslie Kerekes Lot 5 Block 1 NW 16-38-5-W3 25. Froese-Kooijenga: That the application of Leslie Kerekes to operate a Home Based Business as a paving contractor on Lot 5 Block 1 NW 16-38-5-W3 be DENIED as it contravenes the requirements of the R.M. of Corman Park Zoning Bylaw for a Home Based Business in that it does not meet sections 4.2.3, 4.2.7 and 4.2.10 in the R.M. of Corman Park Zoning Bylaw. Recorded Vote: For: Reeve Harwood, Councillors: Mervold, Fox, Beauchemin, FroeseKooijenga, Janzen, Trask Opposed: Councillor Germs CARRIED Discretionary Use 2014/23 Feitsma Dairies Ltd. NW 33-38-4-W3 26. Beauchemin: That the application of Feitsma Dairies Ltd. to establish an Intensive Agricultural Operation - Livestock for 301-600 animal units (cattle/calves), to construct two (2) new agricultural buildings, and to demolish four (4) existing agricultural buildings on portion of NW 33-38-4-W3 be APPROVED subject to: i. the applicant applying for and obtaining approval for a building permit for relocation of the existing house on the property and demolition permit for the structures identified on the site plan; ii. the applicant entering into and registering a co-existence agreement with the R.M. of Corman Park, landowners located on LSD 1, 05-39-4-W3 Ext. 23; SW 4-39-4-W3 Ext. 22 ; LSD 1 & 2, 4-39-4-W3 Ext. 21; and Parcel A, 84S51515 Ext.0 for the proposed expansion; iii. the applicant entering into an Agricultural Producers Road Maintenance Agreement with the R.M. of Corman Park to provide details regarding the haul route and products to be hauled; iv. the applicant obtaining approval from the Ministry of Agriculture for an Intensive Livestock Operation under the Agricultural Operator’s Act and submitting a copy of the approval to the R.M. of Corman Park once received; v. the two (2) new agricultural buildings in which the ILO develops shall be at a minimum of: a. 2.4 km (1.5 miles) from the City of Warman boundary limits; b. 45 m (147.6 ft.) from the centreline of Warman Ferry Road (Township Road 390); c. 45 m (147.6 ft.) from the centreline of Range Road 3044; d. 15 m (49.2 ft.) setback from the east and south property boundary; and vi. the development of any other new building not described herein shall require a separate development permit. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Councillors Germs and Trask left the meeting room. R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 8 Development Summary Report 27. Janzen: That the Development Summary Report be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Councillors Germs and Trask returned to the meeting room. Textual Amendment Corman Park – Saskatoon Planning District Zoning Bylaw Equipment Sales/Rentals & Additions to D-Light Industrial 1 District Bylaw 41/14 28. The purpose of this report is to propose textual amendments to the Corman Park - Saskatoon Planning District Zoning Bylaw (DZB) providing for the addition of freight hauling equipment to the definition of Equipment Sales/Rentals and the addition of Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals as a discretionary use in the D-Light Industrial 1 District (DM1). BizHub Industrial Park submitted a request for these zoning amendments. The request has been attached as part of this report. The reasoning behind the request is; to allow for the development of a Peterbilt Dealership in BizHub, and to address interest that BizHub has received regarding the development of a Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals business. The former is a business that is prepared to purchase a lot and begin development if the amendment is approved. The latter is based on substantial interest BizHub has received in this type of use. In May of 2013 the District Planning Commission (DPC) supported, a textual amendment to the DZB that separated Automotive, Equipment and Vehicle Service use into three different uses; Automotive Repair Shop, Automotive Sales/Rentals, Equipment Sales/Rentals and Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals. This amendment was subsequently passed by Council and approved by the Minister of Government Relations. Equipment Sales/Rentals is a permitted use in the D-Business District (DB) and the DM1 District and is defined in the DZB as: Equipment Sales/Rentals – means development for the retail sale or rental of new or used heavy equipment, machinery or mechanical equipment typically used in building, roadway, pipeline, oil field and mining construction, manufacturing, assembling and processing operations and agricultural production together with incidental maintenance service and sales of parts. It includes heavy equipment dealership. The proposed amendment would add freight hauling industries into this category as well as add resource industries, removing the more specific resource industries listed in the current definition. Equipment Sales/Rentals – means development for the retail sale, wholesale distribution, rental and/or service of new or used heavy equipment, vehicles, machinery or mechanical equipment associated with construction, resource, freight hauling and agricultural industries, together with incidental maintenance service and sales of parts. The sale of freight trucks such as Peterbilt sells does not create the same amount of traffic as an auto dealership would and require a larger amount of land based on the larger scale of the vehicles that are for sale. R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 9 Recreational Vehicle Sales/Service is currently a permitted use in the DB District and the D-Arterial Commercial 1 District (DC1). BizHub’s request was to have this use as a permitted use within the DM1 District, however administration feels that having it as a discretionary use would be more appropriate in this zoning district. By having it as a discretionary use you could take the type of recreational vehicle sales proposed into consideration when looking at approving such a use. Some recreation vehicles such as motor homes and camper trailers may require larger lots and generate less traffic than vehicles such as boats, snowmobiles or motorcycles. As a discretionary use Commission and Council could consider each application to see how it fits on a given lot within an industrial park based on the proposed vehicles for sale and adjacent land uses. It is not envisioned that there would be any negative effects on other types of uses allowed for in the DM1 District by providing for the proposed amendments. Infrastructure and servicing considerations for these types of uses is not beyond what the other allowable uses would utilize. The Corman Park-Saskatoon District Planning Commission considered this application at the October 8, 2014 meeting and supported the recommended amendments. There was a brief discussion regarding the purpose behind the proposed amendment. Mervold: That Bylaw 41/14 to amend the Corman Park-Saskatoon Planning District Zoning Bylaw to allow for; i. freight hauling equipment to be included in the definition of Equipment Sales/Rentals; and ii. Recreational Vehicle Sales/Service to be allowed as a discretionary use within the D-Light Industrial District. be given first reading. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Councillor Mervold left the meeting room. Blackstone Land & Cattle Corp/The Village at Crossmount LSD 7 SE 29-35-5-W3 Phase 1B Revision 29. Fox: That the application of Blackstone Land & Cattle Corp. for the Village at Crossmount Phase 1B development consisting of seventeen orchard homes (17 residential units total) of Village Supportive Housing on LSD 7; SE 29-35-5W3 as shown on the Phasing Plan submitted by the Village of Crossmount dated 2013/12/11 be APPROVED subject to: i) prior to release of the development permit submittal of: a) a revised site plan showing the dimensions of all setbacks between buildings; b) a finished grading plan for the Phase 1B development; and c) dimensioned elevation drawings including building height ii) execution of a development agreement to describe, including but not limited to, the use of the land and proposed buildings, the timing of construction, landscaping features, walkways, lighting facilities, garbage collection, property servicing and to secure the objectives of the Zoning Bylaw; iii) maintaining a minimum setback of 300 metres between the wastewater treatment building and any residential dwelling unit unless a relaxation is granted by the Water Security Agency; iv) the applicant must obtain the necessary approvals and provide evidence of compliance with the requirements and recommendations of the Water R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 10 Security Agency and the Saskatoon Health Region; v) development on site must adhere to the recommendations provided in the submitted geotechnical reports prepared by P. Machibroda Engineering Ltd. dated October 27, 2010 and July 30, 2013; vi) a separate development permit is required for any additional site development including signage; vii) the development must be completed in its entirety, in accordance with approved plans and conditions; any revisions to the approved plans (including non-completion of the development) must be submitted for approval to the RM of Corman Park Council; viii) all excavations or filling shall be re-vegetated immediately after other construction activities conclude, with a suitable ground cover as may be necessary to prevent erosion; and ix) provision or relocation of utility services is at the applicant’s expense and responsibility to the satisfaction of the affected utility departments. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Councillor Mervold returned to the meeting room. Bylaw No. 41/14 30. Janzen: That Bylaw No. 41/14 being a bylaw to amend the Corman ParkSaskatoon Planning District Zoning Bylaw to allow for; i. freight hauling equipment to be included in the definition of Equipment Sales/Rentals; and ii. Recreational Vehicle Sales/Service to be allowed as a discretionary use within the D-Light Industrial District be now read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Bylaw No. 43/14 31. Trask: That Bylaw No. 43/14 being a bylaw to rezone from Agricultural District (AG) to Agricultural Residential 1 District (AR1) for ptn NE 27-37-7-W3 be now read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Meeting Break: 10:37 a.m. to 10:46 a.m. Request to Speak to Council Re: Multi-Parcel Proposal Update 32. Trask: That the request of Ursula Pfeiffer-Strautman to speak to Council as an unscheduled delegation be deferred to the next Planning Committee meeting. Recorded Vote: For: Reeve Harwood, Councillors Mervold, Fox, Beauchemin, FroeseKooijenga, Janzen, Trask Opposed: Councillor Germs CARRIED Open Public Hearing 33. Mervold: That the Public Hearing be opened at 10:58 a.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Bylaw 34/14 – Marten Stoffel – SE 16-38-5-W3 Mr. Stoffel was in attendance and expressed his concern regarding drainage issues if the development proceeded on the portion of NE 3237-5-W3. Bylaw 34/14 – Ray and Iris Usselman – SE 16-38-5-W3 Mr. and Mrs. Usselman forwarded written submission and expressed their concern with existing and future drainage issues if the proposed development proceeded on the portion of NE 32-37-5-W3. R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 11 Bylaw 36/14 – None Bylaw 39/14 – None Close Public Hearing 34. Germs: That the Public Hearing be closed at 11:07 a.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Bylaw No. 34/14 35. Germs: That Bylaw No. 34/14 being a bylaw to rezone by contract from DAgricultural 1 (DAG1) to D-Regional Waste Management 1 District (DRM1) a portion of NE 32-37-5-W3 be now read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Germs: That Bylaw No. 34/14 be now read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Bylaw No. 36/14 36. Janzen: That Bylaw No. 36/14 being a bylaw to rezone from Agricultural District (AG) to Agricultural Residential 1 District (AR1) a portion of SE 6-39-9W3 and SW 6-39-9-W3 be now read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Trask: That Bylaw No. 36/14 be now read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Bylaw No. 39/14 37. Froese-Kooijenga: That Bylaw No. 39/14 being a bylaw to rezone from Agricultural District (AG) to Agricultural Residential 1 District (AR1) a portion of NE 36-37-4-W3 be now read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Froese-Kooijenga: That Bylaw No. 39/14 be now read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Discretionary Use 2014/31 John Slobdozian Ptn SW 2-35-6-W3 38. Council was presented an application for discretionary use from John Slobodzian to develop an animal kennel as a home based business on a portion of the SW 2-35-6-W3. Six letters of concern were received from adjacent land owners and three adjacent land owners were in attendance to further express their concerns and objection. The applicant was not in attendance. Steven & Lola Piche, adjacent land owners of Parcel B SE 2-35-6-W3, addressed Council regarding their concerns and objections with this development including potential negative impact to the neighborhood (8 letters presented to Council), noise generation/soundproofing, increased traffic and traffic dust, the five year length of approval of the permit, and dog security. Laurence Martin, adjacent land owner of NW 2-35-6-W3, addressed Council regarding her concerns and objections with this development including noise generation/soundproofing (existing tree line does not lessen noise), sewage issues from subject property and dog security. Doug Russell, adjacent land owner of the NE 35-34-6-W3, addressed Council regarding concerns and objection as presented by Mr. & Mrs. Piche and Ms. Martin and further expressed his opposition as the subject property was the site R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 12 of a previous kennel that generated excessive noise development. Fox: That the Discretionary Use application of John Slobodzian to develop an animal kennel as a Home Based Business on a Portion of SW 2-35-6-W3 be denied. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Lunch Break 12:01 p.m. to 12:59 p.m. Administration Committee Report 39. Councillor Fox presented Council with the report from the October 14, 2014 Administration Committee meeting. Tax Abatement Request Kelvin & Lillian Lybeck SW 19-39-5-W3 40. Kelvin and Lillian Lybeck requested Council to review and consider an abatement to the residential portion of their taxes, since they are stating the assessed building is for agriculture purposes only. In the 2014 assessment year SAMA assessed the 2013 building as residential/shop combo. SAMA assessed as residential based on a site walkabout; SAMA saw evidence there was a mezzanine being used for residential purposes. According to Mr. and Mrs. Lybeck the building is only used for agriculture purposes and should be exempt. Janzen: That Council approves the Tax Abatement for a portion of the 2014 Municipal and Public School tax levy for a total of $2,461.50 for: Kelvin and Lillian Lybeck Folio: 002119400.01 SW 19-39-5 W3rd 2014 Tax Levy 2014 Adjusted Tax Levy Total Tax Abatement Tax Exemption Application Meridian Utilities Ltd. Lot 6 Block 7 SE 33-37-5-W3 Folio 000833307.01 Municipal $1,323.56 $ 92.84 $1,230.72 Public School Total $1,265.00 $2,588.56 $ 34.22 $ 127.06 $1,230.78 $2,461.50 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 41. Council was presented with a tax exemption application for consideration of approval. The application for tax exemption was received on July 9, 2014 for the construction of a new, 11,190 sq. ft. office and equipment storage building. The proposed operation, Meridian Utilities Limited, is a trenching company of underground utilities. The building permit was issued October 3, 2014. The applicant is in compliance with Policy Fl-002 Tax Exemption Policy with the construction value of the new improvement at $627,000 and will create approximately 15 full-time job positions. Froese-Kooijenga: That Meridian Utilities Ltd located on Lot 6 Block 7 SE 3337-5 W3rd Plan 102120455, 1.99 acres, having met all requirements of the R.M. of Corman Park Tax Exemption Policy Fl-002, is recommended to be approved to enter into a tax exemption agreement for a period of three years. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 13 Tax Exemption Ironhouse Properties Lot 1 Block 1 NE 35-35-4-W3 Folio 000135100.01 42. Council was presented with a tax exemption application for consideration of approval. The application for tax exemption was received on September 8, 2014 for the construction of a new, 17,624 sq. ft. office and equipment storage building. The proposed operation, lronhouse Properties Limited, is involved in the installation, repair, and maintenance for the high voltage electric power industry. The building permit was issued September 26, 2014. The applicant is in compliance with Policy Fl-002 Tax Exemption Policy with the construction value of the new improvement at $1,950,000 and will create 10-15 full-time job positions. Germs: That lronhouse Properties located on Lot 1 Block 1 NE 35-35-4 W3rd Plan 102070000, 5.71 acres, having met all requirements of the R.M. of Corman Park Tax Exemption Policy Fl-002, is recommended to be approved to enter into a tax exemption agreement for a period of three years. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Property Tax Assessment and Taxation Policy 43. At the September 15th meeting Council raised concern with the assessment and taxation process. It is important to understand that this process is legislated by The Municipalities Act and clearly sets out the concepts involved. Although the subject of assessment is complex, property assessment is the value of a property that is used for property taxation purposes and that the property assessment is the value to be appealed not property taxes. One concern that was raised was that the assessment and tax notices are not mailed at the same time, and that during the appeal period only assessment values are provided to ratepayers making it difficult to understand the tax implications of any assessment changes. Coinciding the two mail outs would be difficult to implement since the assessment roll must be completed prior to the mailing of the tax. The legislated deadline to finalize the assessment roll and mailing of the assessment notices is May 1st and the tax notice preparation and mail out usually occur no earlier than the beginning of July. In addition to mailing the assessment notice and appeal form, R.M. administration always provides information inserts explaining assessment and taxation. Further, assessment appeal information is advertised in local papers and is placed in the R.M. newsletter and on the website. This information provides details on how to calculate an estimated levy, how to appeal, what to appeal and contact information for further clarification. This additional information provided to R.M. taxpayers is above and beyond what some adjacent municipalities provide with their assessment notices. Further, administration will hold open houses in conjunction with SAMA appraisers to assist or answer any assessment or taxation questions. The July mail out of the property tax notice is about the earliest that this can occur to allow for the budget and mill rate to be finalized. Section 155 of The Municipalities Act states that: “No tax levy shall be authorized before an operating and capital budget have been adopted.” Typically the adoption of the budget does not occur until the assessment roll is near completion. The final assessment details are required to determine the property tax revenue expected for that year. Also, the July tax notice mail out usually accommodates the 30 day appeal process and the deadline for Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Insurance levies completion, which is June 30th. These levies R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 14 are included on the property tax notice. Froese-Kooijenga: That the Property Tax Assessment and Taxation Policy report be received as information and that on future tax assessment notices provide “bold notification” on the tax assessment notice stating “TAXATION WILL CHANGE AS A RESULT OF AN ASSESSMENT CHANGE” and provide information that directs taxpayers to the appeal process. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Saskatoon District Board of Revision 44. The Administration Committee was presented a review on the establishment of the Saskatoon District Board of Revision. In 1997 the R.M. of Corman Park participated in the formation and assisted with coordinating the activities of a Saskatoon district board of revision which included the appointment of board members and a secretary. At this time the following municipalities established the Saskatoon District Board of Revision by signed agreement: Town of Langham Town of Dalmeny Town of Martensville Town of Warman Town of Osler Town of Allan Town of Asquith R.M. of Blucher #343 R.M. of Vanscoy #345 R.M. of Aberdeen #373 R.M. of Corman Park #344 R.M. of Lost River# 313 Village of Bradwell Village of Vanscoy Village of Perdue (Member in 2012) Since its establishment, the R.M. of Corman Park administration coordinates the activities and is the primary contact for the Saskatoon District Board of Revision. The R.M. also continues to collect a $50 annual fee from all of the registered municipalities to cover some of the coordination costs such as the retainer fee and administration cost. Currently the district municipalities have been appointing members of Krismer and Associates from Regina, to serve on the Saskatoon District Board of Revision to hear district assessment appeals. In the past, most municipalities in the District have had few to no assessment appeals resulting in minimal fees and costs for the board of revision hearings and the hearings for the district would normally take 1 to 2 days, resulting in prompt assessment decision being handed down by the board. As a result of the 2009 and 2013 revaluation many municipalities in the province have noticed an increase in the number of assessment appeals resulting from the significant assessment increases to the residential and commercial assessment values. Further, the assessment appeals are more complex and at times the appeals are represented by lawyers and professional appellants resulting in lengthy hearings and complex records of decision. Administration has observed that in the past few years, especially 2013 and 2014, that there have been significant delays in receiving our appeal decisions from the board of revision and attributes this to: The increase to the number of assessment appeals being heard for the district as a whole. The delay to the board of revision hearing dates due to accommodating the different appeal deadline dates for the district rural and urban municipalities. R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 15 The increase of cost to all municipalities in the district due to lack of availability of the R.M. council chambers for the hearings and the need to renting an alternate venue. The extended delays to the hearing decisions from the board of revision have had a direct impact by delaying: the completion of the R.M.'s assessment and tax roll as legislated; the R.M. from meeting the legislated deadlines for providing the assessment information to the school divisions and the province; SAMA from going forward with the data entry of the property inspection information for the following assessment year; the R.M. from preparing their budget in a timely manner. It is Administration's recommendation that the R.M. of Corman Park withdraw from the Saskatoon District Board of Revision and appoint Krismer & Associates to act as the R.M.'s board of revision as an independent municipality. It would be the understanding that the R.M. would then be independent of the extended appeal deadlines of the other registered municipalities within the district. The board of revision would use the R.M. council chambers solely for the hearings of the R.M. of Corman Park. The R.M. would see an increase to the annual retainer fee from the shared $300.00, to the fee of $125.00 annually and would assume the full cost of the remuneration costs and travel expenses of the appointed board of revision. The expected benefit of withdrawing from the district and maintaining the R.M's appeal process independently would offset the increased cost if appeal deadlines were met in a timely manner. Harwood: That the Municipality withdraw from the Saskatoon District Appeals Board and appoint Krismer & Associates to act independently as the R.M of Corman Park Board of Revision. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY SMHI Scholarships 45. Mervold: That the correspondence from Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Insurance (SMHI) regarding the SMHI Scholarship be received as information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Saskatchewan Lotteries Grant Funding Request Corman Park Horse Riders Association 46. Mervold: That the Corman Park Horse Riders Association application for funding of $3,387.17 from the Saskatchewan Lotteries Community 2014 Grant Program be approved. Recorded Vote: For: Reeve Harwood, Councillors: Germs, Mervold, Fox, Beauchemin, Janzen and Trask. Opposed: Councillor: Froese-Kooijenga CARRIED Administration Correspondence Information Items 47. Trask: a. b. c. d. e. That Council accepts the following presentation items as information: RCMP Occurrence Stats CN EcoConnexions SAMA Election – Murray Purcell APAS In Action APAS 2014 Fall District Meeting CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 16 Train Whistles 48. Councillor Germs brought forward a concern that was raised by a ratepayer at the October 8th Annual Meeting of the Ratepayers regarding the train whistle noise occurring in the south east corner of the R.M. Germs: That Administration investigates the $10,000.00 cost for a third party consultation of the recently installed rail crossing arms in the south east corner of the R.M. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Mervold: That Administration inquire as to the cost to investigate the procedure for cessation of train whistling at crossings on Baker Road and Clarence Avenue. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Administration Committee Minutes October 14, 2014 49. Trask: That the Minutes of the Administration Committee Meeting held October 14, 2014 be approved. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY SREDA Membership 50. Council was presented correspondence from SREDA (Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority) which included the 2014 SREDA Regional Membership Renewal Invoice totaling $19,297.74 along with the summary of activities requested by Council. Membership fees are based on the SREDA membership calculation formula (2011 Census population data x $2.31/capita). Froese-Kooijenga: That the correspondence from SREDA (Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority) containing the Summary of Key Economic Development Activities be received and payment of the 2014 membership renewal invoice totaling $19,297.74 be approved. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Tax Exemption Application Ironhouse Properties Limited Lot 1 Block 1 NE 35-35-4-W3 Bylaw No. 44/14 51. At the October 14, 2014 Administration Committee meeting, Council was presented with a tax exemption application for consideration of approval from Ironhouse Properties Limited on Lot 1 Block 1 NE 35-35-4 W3 Plan 102070000, 5.71 acres, located in East Floral Industrial Park. The application for tax exemption was received from Ironhouse Properties Ltd on September 8, 2014 for the construction of a new 17,624 sq ft office and equipment storage facility, and the building permit was issued September 26, 2014. The applicant is in compliance with Tax Exemption Policy F1-002, with the construction value of the new improvement at $1.9 million and will create 10-15 full-time job positions. Fox: That Bylaw No. 44/14 being a bylaw to provide for entering into a tax exemption agreement for the purposes of economic development for a period of three years, with Ironhouse Properties Limited located on Lot 1 Block 1 NE 35-35-4 w3rd Plan 102070000, be read three times at this meeting. Fox: That Bylaw No. 44/14 be now read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 17 Germs: That Bylaw No. 44/14 be now read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Janzen: That Bylaw No. 44/14 be given third reading. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Mervold: That Bylaw No. 44/14 be now read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Tax Exemption Application Meridian Utilities Limited Lot 6 Block 7 SE 33-37-5-W3 Bylaw No. 45/14 52. At the October 14, 2014 Administration Committee meeting, Council was presented with a tax exemption application for consideration of approval from Meridian Utilities Limited on Lot 6 Block 7 SE 33-37-5-W3 Plan 102120455, 1.99 acres, located in East Cory Light Industrial Park. The application for tax exemption was received from Meridian Utilities Ltd on July 9, 2014 for the construction of a new 11,190 sq. ft. office and equipment storage facility, and the building permit was issued October 3, 2014. The applicant is in compliance with Tax Exemption Policy F1-002, with the construction value of the new improvement at $627,000.00 and will create approximately 15 full-time job positions. Froese-Kooijenga: That Bylaw No. 45/14 being a bylaw to provide for entering into a tax exemption agreement for the purposes of economic development for a period of three years, with Meridian Utilities Limited located on Lot 6 Block 7 SE 33-37-5-W3 Plan 102120455, be read three times at this meeting. Froese-Kooijenga: That Bylaw No. 45/14 be now read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Beauchemin: That Bylaw No. 45/14 be now read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Janzen: That Bylaw No. 45/14 be given third reading. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Fox: That Bylaw No. 45/14 be now read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY R.M. Agricultural Lease Agreement SW 2-39-9-W3 53. The R.M. of Corman Park has been the registered owner of the SW 2-39-9-W3 (157.47 acres) since 2003 and has been entered into an agricultural lease agreement with Joseph Kasahoff of Langham since at least 2009. The existing agricultural lease agreement was for a term of five years commencing from May 1, 2009 and terminating on the 30th day of April, 2014. In consideration the Tenant has been paying the Municipality $3,050.00 plus G.S.T. on or prior to the December 31st of each year. Although the lease was not renewed for the 2014 crop year, Mr. Kasahoff continued to farm the property and provided the rental payment as agreed. Administration recommends offering Mr. Kasahoff an annual renewal of the agricultural lease agreement with an annual renewal in place of the previous five year agreement and subject to the same terms as set out in the 2009 agreement. R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 18 Janzen: That Joseph Kasahoff be offered to continue to lease from the R.M. of Corman Park, the SW 2-39-9-W3 (157.47 acres) for a term of one year commencing from May 1, 2015 and terminating on the 30th day of April, 2016, that the agreement be subject to the same terms set out in the 2009 agreement and that the annual payment in lieu of rent be $3,050.00 plus GST. Recorded Vote: For: Reeve Harwood, Councillors Mervold, Fox, Beauchemin, FroeseKooijenga, Janzen, Trask Opposed: Councillor Germs CARRIED P4G & Strategic Planning Session 54. Council established Monday, November 24, 2014 to hold an off sight visioning for P4G planning session as well as a half day departmental strategic planning session. Temperance Colony Land 55. At the July 14, 2014 Administration Committee Meeting, Council directed Administration to contact two real estate agents specializing in rural property sales to obtain information regarding the value and potential sale of the property described as Parcel A in NE 21-38-4-W3 Plan 101549943 (3 acres). On July 21, 2014 at the regular meeting, Council was presented information regarding the direction given at the July 14, 2014 meeting. Two real estate agents that specialize in rural property sales were contacted and obtained appraisals for the property. Don Dyck, Remax North Country & Ken Menz, Hallmark Realty. The property was listed with Don Dyck, Remax North Country through a sealed bid process which closed on October 6, 2014. One bid was received in the amount of $5600.00. Council has the option to accept the bid of $5600.00 or reject the bid and relist the said property. Beauchemin: That the bid of $5,600.00 be accepted for the purchase of R.M. tax title property described as Parcel A in NE 21-38-4-W3 Plan 101549943 (3 acres) and the property be sold to the adjacent property owner, Dick Friesen. Recorded Vote: For: Councillors: Beauchemin, Froese-Kooijenga Opposed: Reeve Harwood, Councillors Germs, Mervold, Fox, Janzen, Trask MOTION LOST Germs: That a decision on the sale of the property described as Parcel A, in NE 21-38-4-W3 Plan 101549943 (3 ac) be reserved until a pending decision is handed down from the Courts regarding the appeal filed by Marksview Farms. For: Reeve Harwood, Councillors Germs, Mervold, Fox, Beauchemin, Janzen, Trask Opposed: Councillor Froese-Kooijenga CARRIED Leonard & Evelyn Kasahoff Invoice 56. Councillor Trask raised a question from Leonard & Evelyn Kasahoff regarding an invoice they received from the R.M. R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 19 In-Camera 57. In Camera at 2:05 p.m. Froese-Kooijenga: That the meeting proceed in camera at 2:05 p.m. as per Section 16(1) of the Local Authority Freedom of Information And Protection of Privacy Act to discuss the Administrator’s Performance Review. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Out of Camera 58. Out of Camera at 2:17 p.m. Beauchemin: That Council comes out of camera. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Public Works Committee 59. Chairman Ken Beauchemin presented Council with a report from the October 14, 2014 Public Works Committee Meeting. Highway No. 305 & Highway No. 12 60. The RM has been in conversation with the Ministry of Highways regarding reconstruction of Highway 305 between Highway 11 and Highway 12. The R.M. raised concerns about the existing safety and access capacity issues along Highway 12 south of Highway 305, and the additional traffic generated. At the August 9, 2010 meeting Council passed the following resolution: That the R.M. of Corman Park Council endorse the proposed highway project as identified and outlined in the letter from the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure dated June 30, 2010 subject to: i. The annexation of a portion of Range Road 3053 lying adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Martensville; and ii. The execution of a development and servicing agreement with the City of Martensville formalizing funding for the long term maintenance and eventual capital reconstruction of the roadways identified on the plan including portions of Range Road 3053, Lutheran Road and the Highway No. 12 service road remaining within Corman Park. Further to this resolution being passed, MOHI is currently working on construction of Highway 305 and the Highway 12 service road development. On completion MOHI requests the RM to take over the maintenance of Range Road 3053 specifically, the north-south municipal road situated west of Sections 22 & 15-38-5-W3, connecting Main Street in the City of Martensville to Lutheran Road as well as the north leg of the existing Highway 12 East Service Road and Lutheran Road intersection. Administration is averse to taking over full maintenance of the abovementioned roads without certain conditions being met. Administration would like to propose that the City of Martensville maintain the north-south municipal road situated west of sections 22 & 15-38-5-W3, connecting Main Street in the City of Martensville to Lutheran Road and R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 20 Administration would accept the transfer of the Highway 12 service road with the following conditions: 1. That the Ministry of Highways repaves the service road; 2. That the road be designated as a 10 tonne weight road; 3. That the proper ditches and drainage systems be installed. Froese-Kooijenga: That the proposal from the Ministry of Highways to take over maintenance of a portion of Rge Rd 3053 be received as information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2015 MREP Projects 61. The Municipal Roads for the Economy Program (MREP) provides funding assistance with annual funding provided by the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure. The SARM administered program which reimburses the Municipality 50% up to a maximum per project for upgrading of roads. MREP provides funding for the following: Recreation destination Intensive farm operations Resource based industrial activity or developments Agricultural crop delivery points Value-added processing facilities Previous R.M. projects MREP has provided funding for: Struan Grid (Hwy 16 - Range road 3075) MREP project #109 Struan Grid (CeePee - Range Road 3083) MREP Project #111 Beam Road - Between Highway 16 & Dalmeny Grid Proposed future MREP road projects that would qualify under the MREP clay cap program: 2015 MREP Township Road 384 between Highways 12 to Highway #16 In 2013 Public Works completed a portion of Township Road 384 between Highway 11 west towards Martensville. Public Works recommends that the remaining 11 km length be separated into two projects. - 2015 would see from Highway #16 to Dalmeny completed, 4.8 km. - 2016 would see from Dalmeny to Highway 12 completed, 6.4 km. (With an estimated cost: $200,000.00 per kilometer. Township Road 391 from HWY 672 west for 3 miles (clay cap) Twp Rd 391 is a primary haul route for heavy haul traffic as most of the RM's gravel is located in pits along this grid. Public Works would like to build up this three (3) mile stretch with a clay cap surface Township 374 from HWY 684 west for 3 miles (clay cap) Twp Rd 374 (Auction Mart Road) sees high volume traffic including heavy hauls and local traffic into Saskatoon. Public Works has received numerous calls concerning the state of the road and its rapid deterioration. Deadline for 2015 MREP application submission is November 28, 2014 R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 21 Trask: That Council apply to SARM for funding of the 2015 MREP program for the following projects: • Township Road 384 between Highways 12 to Highway #16 • Township Road 391 from Hwy 672 west for 3 miles (clay cap) • Township Road 374 from Hwy 684 west for 3 miles (clay cap) CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Mowing Schedule Overview 62. The Municipality entails 1020 miles of road, with 2040 miles of ditching. The R.M. endeavours to complete at least two shoulder cuts along all maintained roads each season. A shoulder cut consists of a single path cut directly alongside the roadway. Double width cuts are performed along paved roadways. Shoulder cuts are performed once a year, preferentially June to September, and additionally, in October, weather permitting. The late spring and summer are devoted to shoulder mowing. Most of the units are 15ft wide mowers and have a side arm attachment that is used in steep slope locations. The intention is to mow all 2040 miles of ditching approximately once during the summer, and average about 20 miles a day. Each season, the R.M. designates one (1) out of nine mowing zones to receive a full cut for brush and tall weed control. A full cut is a complete mowing from the edge of the roadway to the edge of the road allowance. The full cuts are performed on a 5 year rotation. Fox: That the mowing schedule overview and procedure report be received as information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Permanent Closure of Rge Rd 3094 63. The Administration Committee was presented a request from concerned R.M. residents for the permanent road closure of a summer road located at Rge. Rd. 3094 north of Asquith, particularly the intersection of Twp. Rds. 374 and 372. There has been concern with property adjacent to the summer road being used for dumping of garbage and a party site. Administration has contacted adjacent property owners for their input with the proposed solution of installing a locked gate across the summer road and has received favorable replies. Trask: That the construction of a gate access across a summer road located at Rge. Rd. 3094 north of Asquith be tabled and that Administration contact the area residents to advise them that a gate may not resolve the problem as the adjacent lands are not fenced and people would therefore still have access. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Channel Clearing Program 64. The Public Works Committee was presented information regarding the government funded channel clearing program. Since 2007, the Water Security Agency has provided more than $5 million in funding to 180 rural municipalities, conservation area authorities and watershed associations for channel clearing and maintenance of flood control works. R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 22 The purpose of the channel clearing program is to provide financial assistance from the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority to rural municipalities which may wish to undertake: 1) Removal of brush and obstructions in natural water channels; and 2) Maintenance of existing drainage ditches which are the responsibility of the municipality. The R.M. provides annual channel clearing. This consists of clearing cat tails and willows as well as other materials being removed from the ditches. This allows for cleaner channels for the snow to melt as well gives a pleasing appearance. This work is primarily done within late Fall. The equipment used is an excavator and the technique is to take just the vegetation and leave all soil. This material is placed on the far back slope of the ditch. The R.M. performs this yearly on all of our main runs and problem areas. WSA cost shares this work yearly to a maximum allotment and a 50% cost share. Froese-Koojenga: That the report on the channel clearing program be received as information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Public Works Committee Minutes 65. Germs: That the Minutes of the Public Works Committee Meeting held October 14, 2014 be approved. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Public Works Director’s Report 66. Beauchemin: That the Public Works Director’s Report Item 14b) attached hereto, forming a part of these Minutes be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Gravel Request 67. Councillor Trask brought forward a request from Wendell Trotchie to have gravel applied to the portion of Rge Rd 374 adjacent to his residence. Grasswood Road Speed Limit 68. Councillor Fox brought forward a concern of a resident of Riverside Estates regarding vehicles speeding on Grasswood Road from Strathcona to the entrance to Riverside Estates Golf & Country Club and the possibility of lowering the speed limit to 60 kph on this road. Administration advised that the section of road from Highway 219 to the entrance to the golf club is under provincial jurisdiction therefore the Municipality has no authority to reduce the speed limit. Corman Park Police Service have been made aware of the concerns regarding speeding along this section of road. Road Maintenance/ Annexation City of Warman 69. Councillor Froese-Kooijenga requested an update on the road maintenance agreement with the City of Warman related to their annexation. Hwy 12 North Service Road 70. Councillor Froese-Kooijenga brought forward a question regarding service roads along Highway 12 North. R.M. of Corman Park #344 Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Page 23 Correspondence: Information Items 71. Germs: That the following correspondence items be received as information: a) MLDP Fall Modules Registration b) Municipal Leaders’ Roles & Responsibilities Workshop c) Eagle’s Nest Youth Ranch CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Upcoming Meetings 72. Regular Council Meeting – Monday, November 3, 2014 @ 8:30 a.m. Public Works Committee – Monday, November 10, 2014 @ 8:30 a.m. Planning Committee – Monday, November 10, 2014 @ 11:30 a.m. Administration Committee – Monday, November 10, 2014 @ 2:30 p.m. Regular Council Meeting – Monday, November 17, 2014 @ 8:30 a.m. Adjournment 73. Germs: That the meeting now be adjourned at 2:50 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY _________________________________ Reeve _________________________________ Administrator
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