! Future Mobility ! Newsletter 30/05/14 Issue 14.11 ! Transportation Evolution Institute The transportation of people and goods is evolving. By 2020, people may be driven by commercially available driverless vehicles. By the end of this decade, farms will operate more productively, warehouses will move goods in a more efficient manner. Within the next few years, we may be witnessing the delivery of certain goods by drones.! We are already experiencing some of these changes in mobility. The rise of car sharing and ride sharing are but two of these very visible examples of the evolution of transportation.! These changes are having and will increasingly have an impact on a number of industries, including auto and other vehicle manufacturing, transit, insurance, agriculture, trucking, healthcare, mining, warehousing, delivery and government services.! Thanks to technological advancements, mobility is about to experience the most significant changes since the introduction of the automobile. These changes will create opportunities for those who have the vision and the will to seize them.! We are therefore pleased to introduce you to the Transportation Evolution Institute, or Institut de l’évolution du transport in French (TEIET). Its mission is to anticipate changes in mobility, to assess the impacts of these changes, to propose strategies that will leverage the changes to the benefit of society and to act as an instrument for their deployment. TEIET will not be focused on any one technology nor any single mode of transportation. It will touch onroad and off-road applications as well as air and marine.! The Institute’s website (www.teiet.org) will be updated regularly to keep interested parties aware of industry news as well as of TEIET’s activities and projects.! TEIET already has several members and friends. Its first project (EVE) is being met with excitement by organizations operating in the automotive, academic and electric utility areas, to name but a few.! We are excited about the positive changes and opportunities. If you are interested in learning more about the Institute and how you can get involved, please contact C.Kargas: [email protected] Bulletin de la mobilité future ! 30/05/14 Numéro 14.11 ! L’Institut de l’évolution du transport Le transport de personnel et de marchandises est en pleine évolution. D’ici 2020, nous pourrons nous procurer des voitures qui nous amèneront à destination sans conducteur. Alors que seules les grandes fermes peuvent se permettre l’automatisation aujourd’hui, la plupart des agriculteurs jouiront d’appareils entièrement automatisés au cours de la prochaine décennie, améliorant considérablement leur productivité ainsi. Les entrepôts b é n é fi c i e r o n t é g a l e m e n t d e robotisation qui les rendront beaucoup plus efficaces et ils seront dotés d’une flotte de drones qui feront la livraison de certains colis.! marqué sur un grand nombre de secteurs industriels, incluant ceux de l’automobile et de la fabrication des autres types de véhicules, du transport collectif,, de l’assurance, de l’agriculture, du transport routier, de la santé, de l’exploitation minière, de l’entreposage et des services gouvernementaux.! Nous assistons déjà à certains de ces changements dans notre mobilité. La popularité croissante des services d’auto-partage et de covoiturage sont deux exemples très visibles de l’évolution du transport.! Il nous fait donc grand plaisir de vous présenter l’Institut de l’évolution du transport ( Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n E v o l u t i o n Institute) ou le TEIET. Sa mission est d’anticiper ces changements en matière de mobilité, de prevoir leur impact, de proposer des stratégies qui en optimiseront les that will leverage the changes to De plus en plus, ces changements auront un impact Grâce aux progrès technologiques, la mobilité est à l’aube du plus grand changement connu depuis le remplacement des animaux par les engins à v a p e u r. C e s c h a n g e m e n t s renfermeront des occasions d’affaire pour ceux suffisamment visionnaires et entrepreneurs pour en profiter.! bénéfices pour la société et d’agir comme agent de leur déploiement. Le TEIET ne s’en tiendra pas à une gamme limitée de technologies ou de modes de transport. Il traitera des véhicules routiers aussi bien que horsroutiers, des aéronefs et des navires.! Le site web de l’nstitut (www.teiet.org) sera tenu à jour pour vous informer des sujets d’actualité et des activités/projets du TEIET.! L’Institut jouit déjà de plusieurs membres et amis. Son premier projet (HERVÉ) est reçu avec enthousiasme par les organismes liés au secteur de l’automobile, de l’éducation et par les sociétés de services publics.! Nous sommes emballés à la veille de changements décrits précédemment et des occasions d’affaires qui les accompagnent. Si vous désirez en savoir plus au sujet de l’Institut, et comment vous pouvez vous y impliquer, svp envoyez une note à C.Kargas: [email protected] In the news ‣ Google designed and built an electric, self-driving vehicle From the numerous articles that were written this week about this “cute” vehicle as well as from the comments provided by Google representatives (including Chris Urmson and Ron Medford), we understand that the vehicle has no steering wheel, no accelerator and no brakes. Just a little screen showing the time, the weather and the speed. Its center console is composed of two buttons: one to start the vehicle and one to tell it to make an emergency stop. Maximum speed: 25 mph. It’s great for an u rban shared vehicle. It’s equipped with cameras as well as radars and lasers that allow it to see further than the Google cars. There are many things of interest about this vehicle: both what it has and what it doesn’t. ! In a future issue of this newsletter, we will get into greater details about this prototype. For now, it’s important to make a couple of points. ! This vehicle is a prototype and the 100 vehicles that Google will be manufacturing in collaboration with an undisclosed partner will certainly differ from this model but from existing conventional vehicle platforms as well.! While several auto manufacturers are working on driverless technology, it would be illogical to expect them to start the design of a vehicle from scratch, the way Google has done. Companies like Google are going to be important in the development of this technology as they will be catalysts for change. They have no quarrels with disturbing existing business models. In fact, they are pushing for revolutionary change in mobility. For a free subscription or additional information | Pour un abonnement gratuit ou plus d’information : Catherine Kargas: [email protected] Pierre Ducharme: [email protected] Les nouvelles ‣ Driver-less is More We invite you to read Catherine Kargas’ latest article on driverless vehicle technology and insurance, published by Canadian Underwriter: http://www.canadianunderwriter.ca/issues/ de.aspx Wi-Fi to exchange acceleration and braking information. Platooning allows trucks to basically draft one another, therefore reducing wind and cutting down on fuel consumption. Immediately when the first truck starts breaking, the rear truck can apply the breaks within a hundredth of a second. (http://cdllife.com/ 2014/featured/computer-linked-trucks-hitnevada-highways/ ) ‣ Yellow Cab's Yellow X ride-service The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission approved Yellow Cab Co.'s application to establish an experimental service modelled after peer-to-peer ride-sharing companies, called Yellow X. ‣ Will the Next Autonomous Car be a Truck? A shortage of truck drivers is feared in North America but a driverless truck can take care of that. The numerous savings available to owners / operators of autonomous long-haul trucks (ALHTs) will be enormous: fuel savings (the Center for Automotive Research estimates that driverless trucks fuel savings at 15-20%), insurance cost savings, driving around the clock (potentially having trucks supervised or controlled from a distance - one operator, several trucks), labour cost savings, ... In short, the payback is pretty quick. (http:// www.strategy-business.com/article/00176? pg=0 ) ! ‣ Platooning in Nevada Two computer-linked trucks hit Nevada highways this week to test out platooning. Platooning is when two trucks drive 30-feet apart. The trucks use a technology similar to The Yellow X application proposes that the company would be categorized as a new type of service in Pennsylvania, which it calls a transportation network company. Several other states have taken a similar approach to create a new class of vehicle service in order to accommodate ride-share companies. (http:// www.post-gazette.com/local/city/2014/05/22/ PUC-approves-Yellow-Cab-s-Yellow-X-rideshare-service/stories/201405220277 ) ‣ Will Montreal miss this opportunity ? A major infrastructure project is being planned: the replacement of Champlain Bridge, one of the busiest crossings in Canada. ! Recently, opinions have polarized around two relatively options: a reserve bus lane versus a light rail solution for public transit. While both have their merit, the Institute will study this opportunity further and soon present a longer term perpective on this issue where parties seem to fixate on 10 year questions while the expected life of the bridge is 100 years. Is anyone considering the implications of driverless technology on the requirements of this bridge? For a free subscription or additional information | Pour un abonnement gratuit ou plus d’information : Catherine Kargas: [email protected] Pierre Ducharme: [email protected] In the news ‣ Les TUCSONs électriques à hydrogène débarquent en Californie Hyundai a livré à Long Beach ses premiers Tucson à piles à combustible (hydrogène). Ces véhicules électriques coréens sont les premiers VUS à hydrogène assemblés sur une chaîne de montage en série conçue et construite pour assembler des voitures à hydrogène. Pour commencer, les Tucson Fuel Cell seront offerts seulement dans le sud-ouest de la Californie et seulement en location – bail de trois ans pour 499 $ US par mois précédé d’un paiement initial de 2 9 9 9 $ U S . L e contrat prévoit l’hydrogène gratuit durant trois ans. La vente au détail des Tucson à hydrogène devrait commencer d’ici 2016 et des experts ont estimé un prix avoisinant les 85000$. (http:// plus.lapresse.ca/screens/47eb-61ec-537cd46ab9f7-1b3dac1c6068%7CDme2ZoQe5kbz ) ‣ Le Québec maintient le cap sur l’électrification Bien que les détails manquent encore, on anticipe que l’électrification du transport au Québec demeure une priorité gouvernementale. C’est ce que laisse croire le discours inaugural du premier ministre Couillard prononcé la semaine dernière qui affirmait (à deux reprises) que son gouver nement “poursuivra les efforts des deux derniers gouvernements dans le but d’électrifier les transports”. (http://www.premier.gouv.qc.ca/ actualites/allocutions/details.asp? idAllocutions=857) ‣ $87 Billion only ? Despite considerable skepticism, “autonomous” self-driving cars have become part of a hot tech trend that is proving to be a major business opportunity. A report released this week suggests that cars with self-driving features will create an $87 billion global industry by 2030. (http://www.washingtontimes.com/ news/2014/may/22/driverless-car-marketworth-87-billion-by-2030/#ixzz32vqUzCCL). In our opinion, the size of the market is underestimated. ‣ Driver licenses issued to … a car ! Driverless car licenses will be issued in the state of California by the end of this year. According to TechCrunch, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (http://www.inquisitr.com/ 1263095/driverless-car-licenses-california-togrant-licenses-to-cars-driven-by-robot/ ) ! ‣ Robots in Amazon Amazon will be using 10,000 robots in its warehouses by the end of the year. CEO Jeff Bezos told investors at a shareholder meeting Wednesday that he expects to significantly increase the number of robots used to fulfill customer orders. (http://money.cnn.com/ 2014/05/22/technology/amazon-robots/) ! Interested in daily updates on future mobility? Check out the following: http://www.scoop.it/t/evolution-of-transportation
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