PYP Corner 5 - International School of Como

PYP Corner: The IB Self- Study Evaluation
Starting in March, ISC will undergo an intensive evaluation where we will assess ourselves against
the standards and practices set forth by The International Baccalaureate Organization (IB). The selfstudy is a process of formal reflection in which the school’s constituents (teachers, students,
parents, board members and administrators) honestly evaluate our achievements and ongoing
initiatives that enhance the implementation of the IB programme.
The self- study evaluation is a common practice in all IB schools. It usually begins a year prior to
the actual IB visit. Our self-study begins in March 2014 and ends in March 2015. Our visit is
scheduled for 2015.
For those of you who are new to the IB and to our school, I will take a moment to explain some
background information in order to familiarize you with the procedure.
Our previous visit was held in 2010. Two IB representatives visited for three days, meeting with all
stakeholders (teachers, students, parents, board members and administrators) to verify the school’s
self-assessment and to gather evidence in regards to the implementation of the programme.
After the visit, a report was provided with commendation, identifying practices that were in place or
went beyond the expectations of the programme. It also highlighted areas of the programme that
needed further and immediate addressing. An action plan was then created with objectives and
monitoring systems to ensure that the school was working towards achieving our aims. A follow-up
visit was held in 2012 to document whether the matters to be addressed were of satisfaction and to
continue to support the school in its further implementation of the programme.
The process of the evaluation visit is conducted in four stages:
The self-study process
The school visit
The report from the IB
The refinement of the action plan
What is the self-study? The self- study is an important process guided by a questionnaire, which
involves the whole school assessing the delivery of the PYP programme. The self-study
questionnaire is based on the following practices and standards of the IB PYP Programme:
Section A:Philosophy
Section B: Organization
Section C: Curriculum
Each section has a set of criteria which are measured both by the school and the IB. The self-study
should reflect the results of discussions and reflections of documented evidence gathered in the
How will we be measured? The school is measured against the IB Standards and Practices in its
implementation of the programme. We will not be compared to other schools but assessed on the
outcome of our self-study questionnaire. The completed questionnaire should reflect a broad view
of the all the members of the ISC community.
How will it be organized?
Groups will be composed of teachers, students, parents, administrators and the board of
Each group will be responsible for answering different sections of the practices and
A time line will be defined of the objectives that will be achieved
Means of how information will be gathered, e.g. meetings, surveys
Resources to be identified as necessary
Parent Evaluation Committee
Parental involvement is an important component in the success of the PYP programme’s evaluation
process. As we begin to prepare, we will need parent volunteers from every grade level, committed
to dedicating their time, energy and enthusiasm to this intense process. We are inviting parents who
have been members of our school for more than three years. Priority will be given to those parents
who served on the Parent Committee in 2010. A letter of invitation will be sent in October to
previous committee members, followed by a general invitation to the school community.
In conclusion, the process will be a learning experience for all, as we work together to acknowledge
our accomplishments, as well as analyze the areas of improvement and growth.
Monique Patè,
PYP Coordinator