Global Internationl Report

Qatar National School
Accreditation (QNSA)
Visiting Team Chair
Mrs. Suha Tahtamouni
 Mrs. Fatin Soliman
 Mr. Mohammed Sultan
 Mrs. Manal Bakir
 Mrs. Muneera Al-Rumaihi
 Mr. Abdelmoneim Sati
 Mrs. Momena Tayeh
 Mrs. Maryam Al Sulaiteen
 Mrs. Seham Al Kaabi
 Mrs. Noora Al Kuwari
January 15th – 21st, 2014
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
Table of contents
CHAPTER1: SCHOOL COMMUNITY PROFILE AND DATA ...................................................................... 3
STANDARD 1: EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP ............................................................................................................ 11
STANDARD 2: EDUCATIONAL PERFORMANCE & LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ....................................................... 18
STANDARD 3: DEVELOPMENT AND CARE FOR LEARNERS .................................................................................... 25
STANDARD 4: RESOURCES MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................... 33
STANDARD 5: PARENTAL AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP ................................................................................. 39
CHAPTER 4: SCHOOL WIDE ACTION PLAN ............................................................................................ 43
CHAPTER 5: VISITING TEAM COMMENDATIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................... 44
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
Chapter1: School Community Profile and Data
School’s Foundation Data:
Global Academy International was founded in 2004 to serve children in Doha-Qatar and encourage them
to know themselves to be honest, truthful, cooperative, responsible, and industrious and to have faith in
Global Academy International is an International school which implements an American Curriculum
where the language of instruction is English. It is developed around the principle of integrating the four
language skills (Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking) and content in the English as a foreign
language classroom.
All the classes (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Psychology, Economic, and Computer
Sciences) are conducted in the English language starting from Preschool to High School. Students are
prepared for SAT I & SAT II under the supervision of a professional teaching staff. The school also has
KG sections including, KG1, KG2 and Pre-school. The school’s curriculum is set to meet the standards
required primarily by English language colleges and universities. GAI does have a written curriculum
through its Action Plans and Lesson Plans that are prepared for each subject by the coordinators and the
GAI also adopts the Qatari Curriculum in Arabic, Islamic Studies, and Qatar History.
The grades that are covered in GAI are:
Foundation stage: includes Pre-School – KG1 – KG2
Primary stage: Classes 1 – 6
Secondary stage: classes 7 – 12
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
School’s characteristics and facilities:
The school consists of:
Building 1 : Pre-school/ kG1/KG2/ with the administration
Building 2 : Grade 9  Grade12
Building 3 : Grade1  Grade 3
Building 4 : Grade 4
Building 5 : Grade 5 and 6
Building 6 : grade 7 and 8
Science Lab
Art room
3 playgrounds
2 Computer labs
2 Nurses rooms
Teacher’s rooms
The visiting team noticed that the school has only one science lab for the three subjects; chemistry,
physics and biology. This lab is not equipped properly to accommodate the students’ learning
requirements. Class rooms are not equipped with technology resources. The school’s library
environment does not support students’ learning.
Data on school staff:
Teachers’ Expertise and Qualifications
Based on the staff’s data that has been provided by the school; it was assured that most of the school
teachers are well qualified, but some of them do not teach their major degree subject.
The school does not have an approval from the Education Institute of the SEC for employing its local
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
Staff Turnover Mobility:
Staff Summary
Vice Principal
Top Management
Employee Turn Over 2012-2013
Total Number of staff in the beginning of year
Total Number of resigned staff
Employee Turn Over 2013-2014
Total Number of staff in the beginning of year
Total Number of new staff
The school atmosphere is positive, cooperative and with a sense of responsibility which was reflected on
the low teacher-mobility at the school.
Data on School’s Students:
Students Turn Over 2012-2013
Total Number of students in the beginning
Total Number of students left the school
Students Turn Over 2013-2014
Total Number of students in the beginning of year
Total Number of new admission
Percentage of students left
9% ( Decreased in 2012-2013 )
Percentage of new admission
18% ( Increased in 2013-2014 )
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
As mentioned above; the number of admitted students is increasing on yearly basis, while the visiting
team noticed during the visit that the school's facilities are not in line with the number of students
enrolled. Most of the classrooms are crowded with students.
Data on school’s achievements:
GAI stated that it improved a lot in its domains, For example:
A. It adopted a system called Digital Campus from BMS solution Company. “Digital Campus is a
Program that brings Schools /Colleges, Teachers, Students, Parents and Educational Activity /
Service Providers, Educational Resources on a Single Platform
B. Improving the outdoor basketball court and the football field, as well as replacing the sand area
with an artificial grass plays area, fixing the wired side gates to meet the students’ safety while
playing different sports, and repainting the entire school. Also GAI has three tennis tables and a
Volleyball court and new playground for gymnastics sports hour.
C. New classes were added.
D. The school is monitored by a visual Camera system.
E. GAI is keen to conduct an excellent productivity which abides by internationally recognized
quality standards that allow it to compete with the most prestigious educational institutes
worldwide. As a result of the constant attempt and restless efforts, on June 30, 2012 GAI earned
an International accreditation for 5 years issued by Advance ED.
F. Playground for pre-school / KGs with all the equipment’s example: slides, swings
G. Implementing new books with higher skills for the year 2011.
H. The school was honored through the achievement of a number of outstanding students who
paved the way for other achievements too. Qatar Foundation for instance, has honored GAI
students for their academic excellence and creativity:
 In Ibtikar competition which takes places every year.
 The University of Arts in Qatar Foundation had the privilege to award GAI students and list
them among the other distinguished Top 3 School in Qatar.
 In the International Film Festival which took place last year, one of GAI student’s short films
was selected among the best films created in the festival itself.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
The visiting team noticed that the school is still working on the Digital campus System. The school did
not run the program yet for parents and students until the date of the team’s visit.
Moreover; the above mentioned basketball and football fields are unsafe for students. Tennis tables were
not seen.
Although the school has added new classes, this has affected the school’s learning environment, since
the classes becomes crowded.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
Chapter 2: Self-Study Process And School’s Learning
Section A: Self Study Process
GAI has completed the required job in compilation of all the Self-Study chapters, covering the five key
standards, sub-standards and most of the indicators have been covered except for the leadership standard.
Moreover, it was noticed that some of the covered indicators still need more clarifications. In addition to
that; some information that has been included in some standards were not actually related to its
The School mentions that it has managed its Self-Study, involving all stakeholders as follows:
• Parents surveys, opinions and suggestions are gathered and analysed then reported to the heads in
• Students helped at setting the school’s mission and vision. Moreover, students’ opinions collected
through the school surveys are passed to the improvement team to formulate modifications.
• The school mentioned that the community is involved as the school consulted experts in Education to
finalize the school’s mission and vision.
• Teachers passed their opinions and suggestions while meeting with the coordinators, in addition to
the surveys they fill on weekly basis.
However, it was assured during the visit, through interviews, class observations and accessing school
different evidences that the school’s self-study is not reflecting the full reality of the school and its
programs. Most of the staff was not involved in the analysis of the five standards and in collecting the
different evidences .It was also assured that a small percentage of the staff was responsible for compiling
the self-study report. Meanwhile, students and the parents were involved indirectly through
questionnaires and surveys.
Some of the observed evidences support the school’s areas of strength and areas of growth. Moreover;
the visiting committee has discovered more areas of growth in addition to what the school has
discovered that need to be addressed while modifying and updating the school’s action plan.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
It was noticed that most of the evidences that the school has provided during the team visit were for an
old self-study named “Advance Ed Accreditation”.
Section B: Mission & Vision
GAI Mission Statement:
Global Academy International, in its mission, aims to ensure a teaching environment built on modem active basis to stimulate the learner, develop his/her personality, and boost his/her confidence. The staff
of GAI is committed to create and maintain a trusting and caring environment where teaching and
learning are exciting and students are enabled to develop responsibility and to experience success. GAI
exists to serve the unique, academic, physical, social, and emotional needs of both local and foreign
students at all levels by encouraging them to be adaptable students with a long life education.
GAI Vision Statement:
Our vision is to provide a safe, caring, and stimulating environment where children are valued as
contributing individuals to society. Our Vision also aims to maximize the technological orientation
across the whole curriculum and promote each student's ability to reach a higher level of constructive
thinking and to enhance student’s creativity, physical well-being, spirituality, and leadership.
GAI overall objectives:
1- To help students demonstrate cultural awareness and commit themselves to cultural attitudes and
diversities in customs, actions, and values.
2- To enable learners develop their critical thinking skills through the cognitive, associative, and
autonomous skills absolutely essential for their future success.
3- To enable students anticipate and cope with continuous change. They need to collaborate effectively
and become aware of the decision making strategies that allow them to access and analyze complex and
vast information sources. They also need the foresight to manage their environments in ways that will
sustain the life styles of their choice.
The school correlates the evaluation of the vision and mission with the achievement of its instructional
objectives. Coordinators and head departments compare the efficacy of the mission and vision to the
efficacy school’s curriculum and policy. They also stated that they study and analyze each aspect of the
Action Plan designed to fulfill the ultimate goal of the school’s mission and vision.
After analyzing parents and students’ questionnaires in addition to the collected community data about
the school’ vision and mission, a report is sent to the administration. Finally, a committee is chosen by
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
the school in addition to parents to reach a consensus on the best policy to alter all weaknesses and
enhance all strengths.
It was observed during the visit that school’s mission and vision are not completely relevant to what the
school is trying to achieve, since teaching environment is not exciting, safe and not built on modern
technology that stimulates and promotes students’ ability to reach a higher level of constructive thinking.
The school has to develop on-campus resources and facilities in order to enhance students’ spirit and
creativity. It was noticed that some of stakeholders are aware of how to contribute in achieving the
school’s mission and vision and the roles needed from each group. There are no clear evidences that the
school is moving in the way of achieving its mission and vision as the school governing body is not
regularly and seriously trying to fill the gap of the school’s finance defect.
Section C: Learning Objectives
The school’s learning objectives are to help students to:
 Learn and understand cultural references.
 React to text’s cultural issues and themes.
 Enhance their positive attitudes towards target culture.
 Learn how to develop appropriate composing strategies.
 Assess logical relationships.
 Demonstrate awareness of the inter-relatedness of field study.
It was noticed during the team visit and through meetings with staff and students; that they have limited
involvement in compilation and synthesis of the school’s learning objectives which was only through
some meetings and discussions either at the level of departments, or meetings with the school’s
principal. Moreover, students’ involvement was little; it was through student’s council meetings with the
school administration. However, parents’ involvement was limited, but the school used to take parents’
opinions and suggestions into consideration academically, but not on the other school’s facets.
It was assured to the visiting team that the above mentioned learning objectives are not effectively
reflecting the school’s mission and vision, the school has to develop a set of objectives that are aligned
with its vision and mission.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
Chapter 3: Analysis of 5 Standards & Indicators-Strengths
& Areas of Growth
1. School Mission and Vision:
The school states that its mission and vision are displayed all over the school district and through the
various aspects that coexist at school and are aligned with SEC’s guidelines. Stakeholders were involved
in the setting of the school’s mission and vision through surveying their opinions; students also were
given the chance to contribute in the setting of the school’s vision and mission.
The school indicates that School’s safety becomes evident in the availability of fire extinguishers and
exit signs in the execution of fire drills, in the presence of nurses and doctors, in the existence of gate
keepers, training attended by supervisors concerning fire safety, surveillance cameras that monitor
school grounds, and teachers’ duty among all the playgrounds. It also indicates that the caring
atmosphere shines lustrously through the social workers’ follow-up, the counselors’ supervision, parents
meeting, the PTA intervention and last but not least the personal bonding between teachers and students.
The school mentions that the stimulating environment at GAI is approached through the trips, the cocurricular and extracurricular activities, fun days, awards, and contests that are accomplished in different
grades. In addition; students are given leadership opportunities such as school council president, class
presidents, vice president, and prefects. This leadership exposes itself in debates, speeches, and
presentation where students display great art of persuasion.
The school acknowledges that the staff is committed to create and maintain a trusting and caring
environment where teaching and learning are exciting and students are enabled to develop responsibility
and to experience success. Individuality is attained when teachers at GAI reinforce students to accept
and respect differences among them. Encouraging students to acquire the confidence needed to shape
their self-esteem, leads to their ability in expressing their persuasive opinions which reveals itself in their
debating and writing potentials. As the vision targets at developing students’ constructive thinking, staff
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
at GAI affirms achieving this through instigating students’ critical thinking, literary analysis, positive
attitude, pro-activity, and their spirit of cooperation in all possible fields.
It also declares that its mission and vision are measurable and mingle together to ensure prosperous
school strategies. However, the school has to have clear procedures for measuring its own success in
applying its mission, vision and objectives. Moreover; the extent of implementation needs to be through
a clear plan and policy.
The visiting team confirms that the school has a clear vision, mission and objectives. Through the school
tour, it was noticed that the school’s vision and mission were displayed in the schools’ halls, playground
and some of the classrooms. It was also clear through the interviews that most of the staff and students
are aware of the school’s mission and objectives.
The school mission and vision was reviewed two years ago. Senior students and teachers have
contributed in this process. While the involvement of stakeholders in the process of compiling and
finalizing the school’s learning objectives was limited.
Through meetings with the governing body and finance department and accessing the financial situation
of the school, it was assured that the school has a budget deficit for the last two years which means that
the school’s mission, vision and objectives are not attainable / appropriate to the school capacity and its
financial resources.
The visiting team supports the school’s efforts towards achieving the school mission, vision and
objectives by providing a solid curriculum that meets the educational needs of the students and improve
their knowledge and skills. However; during class observations, it was noticed that teacher’s
performance in the classrooms throughout most of the classes does not reflect the school’s mission and
objectives. So; the school still needs to work more on achieving its objectives regarding teaching quality
and teachers’ dedication. It was also noticed the shortage of teaching resources the school has in order to
enhance students’ learning.
It was clear to the visiting team, the positive impact of the school’s mission, vision and objectives on the
students’ behavior and performance and on creating a healthy environment by the provision of
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
specialized health care unit. However; the same was not reflected on creating a safe school’s
environment to all staff and students, since the school’s staff and students were trained on the evacuation
procedures for emergency incidents once last year and the school does not have any record for the same.
Moreover, two entrance gates of the school were with neither security guards nor staff on duty to look
after students’ safety at the time of entry and exit of students from the school.
2. Planning and Management organization, Empowerment:
The school states that it is abiding SEC regulations which help in executing order at school as well as in
approaching the goals of vision and mission. GAI’s confirms that its commitment to SEC plays a major
role in designing decisions at school.
GAI mentions that it implements a number of strategies to ensure appropriate processes that abide by the
school’s mission and vision at campus. These strategies include three stages: acknowledging
stakeholders of the school system, assessing stakeholders in applying it, and finally making decisions to
add up to this system.
GAI assures acknowledging teachers with their expected responsibilities through informing them about
their job description, the organizational chart, teachers’ policy manual, and the orientation they undergo
when they join the school staff. Moreover, the school attempts to aware students as well with the
procedures ongoing onboard through various practices. Students get to know their required duties
through students’ policy handbook, and students’ regulations over school district. Adding to this, parents
receive parents’ handbook annually to inform them of the rules and regulations carried out in school, in
addition to the memos sent all year long.
The school mentions that teachers don’t find it hard to communicate with the administration because
many communication tools are available such as phones, e-mails, personal meetings and letters which in
return create a respectful and comforting working environment.
Moreover the school states that it also takes into account stakeholders’ suggestions, demands and
complaints. This happens by involving all participants in decision making. Teachers, students, as well as
parents take part in shaping, adjusting, and designing school’s policies and regulations. This happens
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
through all the doors open for their suggestions, through the e-mail, through the surveys they fill,
through the PTA, through the school president, through weekly meetings held with peers, with
coordinators with administration and through the committees assigned to perform different tasks
(accreditation committees or graduation ceremony committees). Following this, the board of trustees
meets regularly to discuss all issues and suggestions. Thus, stakeholders are transformed to resemble a
beehive all working together, and cooperating to give effective outcomes.
It was clear to the visiting team the lack of involvement of the school’s governing body in the school’s
community. The school’s principal; who is one of the school’s owners gives verbal feedback reports to
the other governing authority members. Although the school’s priorities have been identified, it was also
assured that the governing authority is not supporting the school to achieve it mission, objectives and
priorities; its involvement is only limited to cover the budget deficit.
The visiting team confirms that the school has different plans to enable it achieving its educational
objectives, like curriculum plans for each subjects / stage, action plans for special needs students, PD
plans, in addition to the action plan that was derived based on the self-study process; curriculum plans
are implemented in ways that contribute in achieving the curriculum objectives. The school is following
up the implementation of its plans through regular departments meetings and reports, but it was noticed
that the school does not update or amend its action plan based on the results and follow up reports.
The team also acknowledges that the school has an organizational structure that identifies the level of
leadership, responsibility and departmental hierarchy by the Academic/Administrative staff flowchart
with duties and responsibilities. All members of staff are also given job descriptions and are made aware
of the hierarchy and their job description during the induction/orientation program. It was assured during
the team visit and through staff interviews that there are clearly communicated regulations, school rules,
and policies to operate within school work. All stakeholders including staff, students and parents are
aware of the school’s rules and policies through students, parents and teachers hand books, regular
students’ assemblies and staff / parents meetings. Through interviews, it was clear that the school
management takes into account stakeholders’ suggestion in the decision –making process especially in
the academic matters. However, not all students /parents suggestions were taken into consideration
concerning providing more extracurricular activities to students, more technology and teaching resources
in the school’s facilities.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
In addition, the team confirms that the school has a mechanism in place for distributing and delegating
tasks. Work is divided fairly and according to staff capacities and experience in a way that helps
facilitating an accurate and efficient work.
It was noticeable to the visiting team, the positive and cooperative atmosphere that prevails in the school
with the sense of belonging and responsibility between the school’s governing body, principal,
management team, staff and students.
3. Quality Assurance System: Monitoring & Follow-up of Operations
The school mentions that it considers the fact of assessing and evaluating all stakeholders to assure
accurate and right performance, instructional staff are evaluated and assessed with regard to the
hierarchy depicted in the organizational chart. As a result, regular class observations by heads of
departments take place to monitor teachers’ lesson and assessment preparations, class presentations,
methodologies, and pedagogies. This observation is followed by department meetings to suggest
improvement strategies to enhance the learning process, lesson plans are collected regularly from
instructors and the feedback is given to them afterwards in order to develop the techniques used.
Moreover, teachers’ preparation notebooks are compared by the end of each term (to the annual action
plan) to determine the pace instructors are using and come up with alternative resolutions in case of
delay or lag in curriculum. Consequently, these evaluations are revised by coordinators who are also
guided by the Academic controller. Eventually, staff members attend workshops on regular basis
concerning areas to be improved.
The school mentions also that the students undergo formative, summative, diagnostic tests, standardized
tests set by SEC, such as TIMS & PIRIS. In addition to the academic assessment; students are also
monitored and supervised behavior-wise on daily bases where the teachers report any behavioral
problems to the supervisor or counselor who in turn tries to deal with all the issues that are related to his
field of specialization. Otherwise, he/she transfers other issues to the social worker whose job is to
investigate the core of the problem and works on curing it through different strategies. Moreover, parents
are informed and involved in correcting any unhandled matter.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
The visiting team acknowledges that the school has a clear plan to manage staff performance that
includes evaluation criteria and evaluation mechanism, this plan is clear and is announced to everybody
in the school. These monitoring and follow up operations allow the school to monitor and follow up on
staff and school efficiency by the management team and senior staff level through the class room visits,
evaluations and feedback. However, the impact of the follow up was not reflected on the performance of
teachers especially in primary and secondary stages.
The school’s principal is assessing the admin staff while the middle leadership (coordinators) assesses
the teachers.
Students’ performance is also monitored and followed up effectively through a firm assessment policy.
The school is utilizing the students’ results to develop plans to improve students’ performances through
different remedial programs like double curriculum and extra support during normal classes. However; it
was noticed that the school is not analyzing the students’ results in a way that shows the students’
progress or tracks the students’ different levels. Remedial programs are based on teachers’ observations
and exams’ marks only.
In addition to this, the school does not have an effective mechanism for following up and evaluating its
plans, programs and projects for the purposes of improving its performance.
The visiting team’s observations on school’s areas of strength:
1. The presence of a valid & applicable vision.
2. The existence of organizational chart which works along with the Job description to specify
stakeholders’ tasks.
3. The existence of a systematic routine which helps in maintaining order.
4. The involvement of all stakeholders in the decision making process which ensures the school’s
improvement based on demands, suggestions & recommendations of parties involved.
5. The usage of various stakeholders’ assessments and evaluation to take suitable measures that cure the
findings of the data analysis.
6. The implementation of quality assurance steps, starting from inspecting applicant’s qualification up
to training them, up to evaluating and assessing & finally providing them with a number of
workshops that would sharpen their professional development.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
The visiting team approves points 2 and 3 as areas of strength; point number 6 is related to new staff
orientation in standard 4. Points 4 and 5 are not considered as strength areas.
The visiting team’s observations on school’s areas of growth:
The need to upgrade technology aids in order to integrate it with instruction to affirm students’
better performance.
The need to enhance the library in order to elevate students’ skills.
The need to offer more workshops to assure instructors’ nonstop acquiring of various trends, to lead
to the betterment of the pedagogies & methodologies used that would eventually lead to the
advancement of students’ performance.
The team supports the above mentioned areas of growth, and recommends more areas of growth in
chapter 5 of this report.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
1. Methods & Pedagogy
Global Academy states that it embraces three broad perspectives: Reaction Perspective, Response
Perspective, and Critical Perspective under which two of them are considered the stepping stones of
school’s comprehensive plan. The school added that Bloom’s Taxonomy aligned with Lund’s Taxonomy
entitle the tasks to make the students independent thinkers and responsible individuals. Cooperative
learning is corner stone in implementing the different teaching techniques.
The school clarifies that content and format adaptations are two major strategies implemented by
teachers to adjust either the content or the techniques to meet the level of different students.
GAI added that integrating technology and implementing action research with instruction do not
conclude the learning and teaching process but add to its effectiveness. It clarifies that teachers are hired
according to criteria that meet the school objectives. Each is an expert in his field. Literacy teachers
conduct only literary courses, while subject teachers conduct Math, Science, Computer courses.
Moreover, the school states that it provides academic guidance through Counsellors where orientation
for students is conducted within and outside the school premises. Academic Counsellors are invited to
school to provide guidance to high students about various universities and majors available. These
university representatives and counsellors advise students according to their achievement, capacities and
skills of their suitability in diverse majors. The school’s atmosphere is always built to be positive and
healthy where staff and students exchange mutual respect for the betterment of the learner.
The school mentions that students learn through ability grouping. The instructors’ daily lesson plans
include the 3 teaching stages the pre, though, and post stage. Each containing different tasks that involve
all types of learners and consider their multiple intelligence (kinaesthetic, Audio-visual, Visual, and
Auditory) as well as their artificial one (Linguistic, Logical, Mathematical, Bodily Kinaesthetic, Musical,
Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, or Existential intelligence) too to represent the content
information and have maximum student engagement.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
GAI added that coordinators investigate the productivity of classes through regular class visits and
observations. These visits highlight strengths to be shared and weaknesses to be enhanced.
The visiting committee noticed that teachers in the foundation stage, years 1,2 and 3 are using teaching
strategies that help to achieve the school’s mission and vision. They use flashcards, pictures and
sometimes videos to support students’ learning. They use colors and some appropriate materials to
promote students’ motivation, but at the same time the classes lack the use of varied and modern
teaching methods due to the lack of modern technology which undoubtedly helps in facilitating ideas and
raises students’ enthusiasm.
On the other hand, teachers in the primary and secondary stages use the classic way of teaching. The
classes are mainly teachers’ centered. Teachers widely depend on varied oral questions in the curriculum
to satisfy students’ levels.
There was an obvious absence of various and modern teaching methods such as cooperative learning and
educational games that were mentioned in the self-study report. Although teachers are exerting their
efforts to support students’ learning, the lack of modern technology caused a sense of boredom and unenjoyment for students in classes.
While interviewing students, they strongly expressed their need to varied activities inside and outside
classes. The school implements an educational plan that is followed up by coordinators but the plans
don’t include the materials and help needed for different levels of students and special needs.
Most teachers are experienced and qualified while others don’t. Meanwhile, teachers need to implement
more activities that promote students’ participation, motivation and critical thinking.
Teachers positively try to support and motivate students’ participation in the foundation stage and the
lower classes. They use stars and star of the week reward in addition to the verbal encouragement,
whereas they depend only on verbal reinforcement and certificates on very little occasions in the upper
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
The school is providing teachers to teach Qatar history in both English and Arabic. In addition to that,
they teach SEC accredited curriculum in religion in English for non-Arabic speakers. Through meeting
with the students, they expressed their satisfaction about the teachers’ efforts to support their learning.
The school is also exerting efforts to improve the low achievers’ level by teaching previous syllabus
parallel with the current which is called “Double Curriculum” which in turn help some students to
The visiting committee acknowledges that the school provides adequate academic guidance for students
to help them choose their future career through introducing various universities inside and outside the
country. The school career advisor supports the students while applying for the universities and provides
advice whenever needed.
The visiting committee noticed the positive relationship between teachers and students in the majority of
the classes which was obviously reflected on the students’ good behavior and also supported their
It was evident that students in classes can speak good English and they can express their interests and
speak about their works. This was apparently seen through the science fair the school arranged during
the team visit.
During class observations the visiting committee acknowledges that the school has on going assessment
system to regularly assess students’ progress, but it was noticed that teachers don’t use diverse ways of
assessments inside classrooms to make sure students understand the presented materials and to design
suitable final assessments to identify parts of the lesson that need more clarifications.
2. Curricular Standards, Quality and Implementation:
The school states that California Curriculum has been devised to align with the school’s mission and
vision. The curriculum standards maximize both the students’ social and academic achievement.
The school mentioned that it’s a holistic approach which aims at building the physical, social, and
psychological whole being of the learners. The adopted text books are in alignment with the curriculum.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
GAI also mentions that, learners have their mental and cognitive skills sharpened through the tasks
manifested in the standards of the curriculum. Learners also are divided according to age categories,
where each age demands different instructional objectives. The core subject and extra-curricular
activities act as incentives to nourish students’ critical thinking.
GAI adds that the educational textbooks, materials, services, teaching aids, and teacher training are all in
place to ensure the effective implementation of California Standards.
It was evident during the team visit that the school applies California curriculum which is aligned with
the school vision, mission and objectives. The curriculum’s activities vary to suit all students’ levels.
The school provides some extracurricular activities to satisfy the students’ physical, social needs, but
these activities are insufficient to suit students’ differentiation.
Moreover, the school didn’t show a proof for a balanced plan to encourage the talents of gifted and
talented students.
On the other, hand the school doesn’t provide the necessary resources to assure the effective application
of the curriculum. The visiting team noticed that the library doesn’t have an effective role in enhancing
the students’ cultural awareness and developing their personalities. Students expressed their
dissatisfaction about the only science lab at school declaring that they rarely go to the lab. In addition,
the lab resources are neither sufficient nor satisfy the students’ learning needs.
3. Learning Environment:
The school states that a healthy environment is pretty much conductive to faster and better learning.
Classroom doors and walls are decorated by students’ works to entertain and teach them. Class walls are
used as reminders for student. Students are free to post whatever they want on the class walls such as
pictures, certificates and their graded test papers.
Moreover, the school mentions that the learning resources are the main tools of fulfilling its vision in
maximizing the technological orientation across the whole curriculum.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
The school also states that the classrooms are well ventilated and lit. They also make sure minor
technical lapse or problem does not come in the way of student learning and their academic achievement.
In addition, GAI is adequately furnished in a manner that provides for the students safety and comfort.
White boards are always maintained and replaced as they are considered a very effective visual aid and
learning tool.
The accreditation team assures that some of students’ works were displayed to stimulate and encourage
students towards achievement especially in Pre-school and KG classes.
On the other hand, the lack of students’ works was clearly observed inside a lot of classes, school
corridors and yards.
Moreover, it was observed during the team tour that the three labs “two computers, one science” and the
library were not provided with sufficient resources for teachers and students. Islamic studies department
has extra resources but still not sufficient for both teachers and students. The labs’ environment also
needs to be supplied with comfortable and suitable furniture and be decorated with students’ works in
order to enhance and motivate students’ learning.
Most classes are well lit and ventilated although in some classes ventilation is quite poor due to the large
number of students. It was also noticed that the school’s furniture is neither in good condition nor
appropriate to students’ age especially in high school classes.
4. Assessment:
The school clarifies that before being admitted to school, and for the purpose of gathering information
about the level of the students, diagnostic and placement tests are given to students applying to the
institution. Learners are assessed in many different ways. They are assessed formatively and
GAI mentions that the school’s vision in raising the whole being of every individual compels all
stakeholders to observe the students on daily basis in all levels. Students’ participation, conduct, class
work, project, and assignments are overseen by teachers along with the continuous following up of
disciplinarians, social workers, and counsellors.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
The school added that surveys also play another essential role in determining students’ learning needs
and to collect information and descriptive feedback on students’ learning to design schemes for the
betterment of the students.
GAI states that teachers employ histograms and graphs to determine the fluctuation among students of
the same class and different sections through class average to specify the efficacy of the students’
performance. Testing tools are also revised to check the learners’ performance and to pinpoint the lowest
and highest achievers and to drive changes where necessary.
The visiting team confirms that the school monitors and reviews the school programs through the
coordinators’ meeting with teachers and class attendance, but the discussions and findings weren’t
translated into graphs and histograms, as mentioned in the self-study, to study the effective modifications
While attending classes, the visiting committee observed that teachers don’t use higher order assessment
questions, especially in upper stages, to promote students’ learning and encourage their inquisitive
It was assured through staff and students’ interviews that some modifications are carried out based on
students’ performance such as the support given to the non-Arabic speakers where students have less
amount of the curriculum and different kinds of questions to improve their level in Arabic and facilitate
their language acquisition. Staff can also make other modifications on lesson planning such as reexplaining lessons whenever necessary.
The visiting team’s observations on school’s areas of strength:
1. Maintaining classroom organization that is conducive to learning.
The visiting team doesn’t support the area chosen to be a strength area.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
The visiting team’s observations on school’s areas of growth:
1. The need to develop the library and labs capacity and resources
2. The need to ensure non-biased assessments and credibility of results.
The visiting team supports the above areas of growth, and recommends more areas of growth in chapter
5 of this report.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
1. Students’ Academic Achievement
The school clarifies that the feature of caring for students’ achievement at the school is the assessment
system that starts with diagnostic test, proceeds to the formative and ends with summative assessments.
Before getting admitted in our school, students sit for an entrance exam that would outline those
students’ academic strengths and weaknesses.
The school also states that prior to lesson explanation and class work, teachers typically conduct a form
of diagnostic test which enables them to set a proper starting ground upon measuring the degree to which
students know about the topic the class is moving toward that leading to modify the action plan and
increasing the number of lessons that drill the knowledge or skill and maximize students’ achievement.
The students are exposed to formative assessment that will always give teachers a more honest version
of the students’ understanding and ability to use the new knowledge accurately without the results
affecting their scores. The last of all three dimensions occur with the summative assessment, the type of
evaluation that will formally communicate students’ results and achievements to the students themselves,
parents and all other stakeholders. All the three previous types of assessments may come in a myriad of
forms that can be classified under written or oral.
The school clarifies that upon collecting and analysing data, the teams comprising teachers and
coordinators at each department put their heads together to come up with recommendations for the
betterment of the student performance and achievement benchmarks.
The school also confirms that continuous improvement is mainly conspicuous when comparing the
amount of skills and concepts taught in the scholastic 2007/2008 to that of today in 2012/2013.The
school also confirms that this sustained academic amelioration at GAI is palpable in the students’ results
at PISA and PEARLS. Although the students receive little training on TOEFL, ILETS, ACT, SAT I, and
SAT II test taking skills and strategies, they score really high in those university entrance exams.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
The school mentions that teachers are regularly asked to submit progress reports particularly on students
who are not as academically competent as others. Those reports are handed to coordinators who will
eventually communicate the report to parents by calling them and organizing a meeting should there be
any need thereof. Twice per term, amounting to six times per scholastic year, report cards are given out
to offer parents a comprehensive scope of their children’s academic achievement.
During the team’s visit to the school and through reviewing the school’s documents, it was clear that the
entrance test is applied and marked at the beginning of the year to identify the student’s prior knowledge
and level Meanwhile, the school needs to utilize test results in lesson planning and preparing activities
that consider individual differences.
The Visiting team confirms that the school has a detailed and comprehensive assessment policy; the
school uses varied assessment methods starting with diagnosing students ‘prior knowledge and skills in
some lessons. Formative assessment is followed through assignments, activities and weekly and monthly
tests; Summative assessment is followed through semester exam.
It was assured, that the continuous assessments, the written tests and curriculum exercises include
higher-order thinking skills. Meanwhile; it was noticed through class observation that higher-order
thinking skills need to be more emphasized in classrooms activities.
During the team visit, it was clear that the school doesn’t have records or data through which student’s
performance is tracked over successive periods to measure their progress. In addition to that, the students
don’t undergo standardized test to measure and compare students’ performance in comparison with other
schools in Doha which follows the same American .curriculum.
The school tracks and analyses student’s results in SAT I and SAT II to measure and compare students’
progress two years ago which shows some progress in the students’ performance
It was assured that there is a need for analysis of students’ data in order to assess their real academic
progress in each subject which helps in making decisions related to continuous improvement. It is just a
kind of tracking for the students’ results which is implemented by the coordinators and teachers to
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
identify the low achievers and the students with the learning difficulties to come up with proper
recommendations for them.
The school sends regular reports to parents with adequate information on students’ performance and
behavior and holds meetings to discuss students’ performance level in the reports with the parents.
2. Care for Different Categories of Student
The school clarifies that class teachers and coordinators collect and analyze data to create individualized
programs and for the best interest of the student, these programs are designed to grant a shrewd
investment of the outstanding students’ skills and to ensure a gradual, well-paced progress of less lucky
Gifted students are typically asked to take leading roles in their areas of talent that these students serve
as teachers’ assistants in helping peers grasp challenging information and acquiring skills.
In cases where students who come from schools weaker in certain subjects than our school are admitted
in GAI, they run a double curriculum where a student of grade six would simultaneously take the
curricula of both grade five and six in order to bridge that academic gap and ultimately become part of a
regular curriculum.
One of the special services the school provides for visually impaired students is larger sizes of test
papers (A3), extra testing time and a teacher to read the exams for them to ensure that such impediment
would not hinder or present a barricade for those students’ academic development.
The school ensures that subject coordinators and teachers hold numerous training seminars among which
there might sometimes be peer training especially in the case where a teacher with certain exceptional
experience might transmit his experience to fellow teachers to benefit from.
Global Academy International has an array of ways to reward outstanding students and even low
achievers who are demonstrating progress. Although it might be one of the most orthodox ways of
recognizing students’ accomplishment, giving out certificates of achievements and appreciations is used
in our school as a very effective and a psychologically uplifting tool of tangibly motivating students.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
Although, the school is seeking to work on plans and programs to address the different categories of
students; still there is a need for accurate analysis of the students ‘results data leading to create
individualized programs for the students.
During class observation, it was confirmed that the school is not applying the seat plan which the gifted
students serve as teacher’s assistant in helping low achievers.
Through reviewing the documents, it was assured that “Double Curriculum” program is mainly directed
to the students who come from schools weaker in certain subjects to take the curricula of both grades in
order to bridge that academic gap and become part of regular curriculum. However, the school needs to
provide more supporting programs that address individual student needs.
The visiting team confirms that the school provides accommodation for the students with special needs
including modified exams, larger sizes of test papers, extra testing time and a teacher to read the exams
for them. However, it was observed during the class visits that teachers do not take care of these students
during the lessons.
Through class observations and interviews, it was assured that there is a need for training and
development for teachers that qualify their differentiated skills in dealing with various categories of
students which was mentioned in the action plan.
It was assured that the school doesn’t provide records to tracking students with special needs to measure
their progress.
It was clear that the school still needs more to honor and recognize top students and students with
different accomplishments. The students are just rewarded by certificates, in addition to the star of the
week in the foundation stage.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
3. Students Discipline and Behaviour
The school ensures that all students, parents, and staff members are aware of behavior policy and of the
consequences each negative behavior entails and that is done through the communicating school’s policy
and code of conduct to parents and students.
School’s policy regulates the relationships between students and teachers in and outside the class,
emphasizes how respectful and considerate students should be towards each other.
The discipline supervisor keeps records of these warning letters and takes severer actions when those
letters exceed a particular number, as indicated in the behavior policy.
In addition, anecdotal records and student progress and follow-up reports are great discipline- instilling
tools. Anecdotal records, for instance, are daily documentations that teachers keep to help them manage
their classes, encourage positive behavior and inhibit negative attitude. Student overall discipline and is
usually directly communicated to social worker and then the parent(s).
The school states that actions of helpfulness, positive responsiveness are verbally and instantaneously
praised by teachers and sometimes rewarded with certificates of positive attitude. Names of such
constructive students are listed on student-of-the- week rosters are at times appraised in assemblies.
Also, peers are consistently encouraged to express recognition and appreciation of fellow students’
wholesome manners.
It was assured that the school has a comprehensive and detailed behavior policy which reflects on the
positive relationships that exist between teachers and students; as well as peer students.
Behaviour policy is declared in the school’s Hand book and in the school’s yard and classrooms .It is
well known to all students, parents and staff. The visiting team noticed the students’ commitment to
discipline and behavior rules in the classrooms and the break time.
Moreover; the visiting team noticed students sense of fairness in implementing the school’s behaviour
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
Through the meetings with the social worker and discipline supervisors and assessing the students
‘behaviour records, it was assured that the school tracks negative behavior and develop solutions through
sending warning letters and recalling parents.
It was clear that the school needs to organize activities and programs to promote good behavior and
improve students ’behavioral aspect which was confirmed during students’ meetings that they need more
rewards to promote their good behavior.
Through examining social worker documents, it was clear that the school still needs to maintain clear
documented data on students’ negative behavior to make sure that the direction of progress is towards
achieving its values.
4. Student Connectedness
Despite the school’s limited on-campus facilities, GAI has proven to be ranking among the best school in
Doha in its students’ outstanding performance in extracurricular activities whether academic or nonacademic.
The school states that extra-curricular involvement is diversified; it is in the fields of sports, art, health,
technology, volunteer work, and many others. The counselling staff members along with teachers are
sticklers for driving students towards such character boosting activities because they are indispensable
for urging self-improvement and creating an individual who is capable of contributing the best to the
local and the international community.
More importantly, the students are expected to master speaking and listening skills in the “Show and
Tell” activity in the lower grade levels and use these skills proficiently when presenting their research
finding as part of their speaking and listening assessment in the upper grade levels. Such training
culminates in writing, rehearsing, delivering their speeches for the student council election campaign or
for the graduation speeches which are similar to rites of passage to many of students.
It was assured that the support system that is in place in the school to facilitate student’s acceptance in
the universities is the career guidance .Career guidance starts from grade 10 through preparing students
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
for accomplishing SATI and SAT II with the required level for the different universities in and out
It was clear through the meetings with the social workers and the school’s counsellor and assessing the
documents that the Academy provides support for the students with learning difficulties by sending them
to the specialized centers to be assessed, so the school can follow the required accommodation based on
the issued students’ reports.
Through assessing the extra-curricular documents, it was clear that the school doesn’t set an extracurricular activities plan. Most of the extra-curricular activities are implemented outside the school;
meanwhile the school needs to develop more indoor extra-curricular activities.
Through student ‘meetings and survey, it was clear that the students are not satisfied with the school
activities and they need more activities to meet their learning needs.
Through students ‘meetings, it was clear that the school gives the opportunity for the student to give
their opinions and suggestions academically and not concerning the school’s general facets.
The visiting team observed that the school is keen on communicating with students through the student’s
council and surveys. Through student’s surveys, it was clear the overall students ‘dissatisfaction about
various schools’ facets including the extra-curricular activities and school campus and facilities, so the
school needs to utilize student’s survey results in a way that supports the educational process.
The visiting team’s observations on school’s areas of strength:
Using various student assessment methods.
Using student assessment results to assign an upgrade of the students thinking skills.
Communicating student performance to all stakeholders, especially parents.
Developing plans and programs for each group.
Having detailed and comprehensive student behavior policies.
Maintaining a daily record of student discipline.
Enjoying a positive ambiance of respect, appreciation and gratitude between teachers and
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
Enjoying well established bonds between teachers and students.
The visiting team supports the school’s strength areas number 1, 3, 5, 7, 8; meanwhile the visiting team
doesn’t consider number 2, 4, 6 as strength areas.
The visiting team’s observations on school’s areas of growth:
The need to seek more professional development on updated approaches in differentiated
The need for more training of teachers’ on differentiation skills.
The need to develop activities and programs to promote positive behaviour and dealing with
negative behaviour.
The need to develop on-campus resources and facilities for extra-curricular activities on GAI
premises and outdoor.
The visiting team supports all the areas of growth and recommends more areas of growth in chapter 5 of
this report.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
1. Oversight and Staff Distribution
The school states that it has a clear employment policy which starts from examining the certifications of
the candidates by a reputable recruitment office that the school regularly consults, with respect to the
available vacancies. The applicants are asked to present work samples after interviews to check their
actual performance. Then, they prepare a lesson and explain it in class. On the other hand, administrators
and non-instructional staff undergo structured interviews followed by role playing. Once the school
leaders find the candidates meet the qualification standards, two copies of the agreement are issued: one
to the candidate and the other to the Ministry of Labor.
The school provides the new staff with orientation and they are informed with GAI’s organizational
chart which identifies every staff member’s position and job description and then given a copy of the
staff handbook which helps in producing an effective operation at the school.
The school confirms that staff members are promoted depending on their developing skills and on the
available vacancies at school. The administration implements policies to attract and retain teachers by
providing them with good housing facilities, transportation, round trip tickets to their country of origin,
medical insurance, and recommendation letters to facilitate bank loans.
The school states that staff’s lateness or absenteeism is monitored through the finger print, request forms,
medical reports or notices submitted to the administration ahead of time. This absenteeism is followed
upon since GAI assigns substitute teachers that are ready for replacement at any time. High school
teachers adopted a substitute schedule where available teachers cover the absence of their colleagues
under the condition of filling back the lost periods to prevent any loss on the students’ behalf and assure
that students learning environment is not hindered by any means.
The visiting team confirms that the school has a clear policy to recruit staff based on their qualification
and skills. Departments’ coordinators are involved in the recruitment decision process and continuous
follow up for the new teachers by providing special supporting plans for them. There is no shortage in
teachers and they are distributed in a fair way among various departments. Through staff interviews, it
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
was assured that they are aware of their job description. Teachers’ handbook was given to them at time
of employment.
Through reviewing school documents and observing different classes, the visiting team noticed that most
of the teachers are well qualified, while some of the teachers are teaching subjects that don’t match with
their qualifications, which was reflected on teachers’ performance and students learning.
It was assured during the visit that staff absence is followed up precisely. The school has a fingerprint
system for following up staff check in and out. Records show that staff lateness percentage is low.
Moreover; a substitution schedule is in place and the school assigns substitute teachers to overcome any
absenteeism and guarantee that students will not be affected by staff absence.
The school promotes and motivates staff by different ways such as increasing their salaries or by honor
certificate and according to their performance. However, the visiting team observed that the school has
no clear regulations which guarantee the application of promotion policy in systematic way.
2. Staff Professional development
The school states that it has a professional development plan designed to enhance teachers’ professional
competency. The procedures and tools of this plan are intended to facilitate the individuals’ collective
growth of the staff. The school improvement committee constructs a yearly plan of required workshops
topics to be conducted at campus after extensive studying for school findings. The school specifies a
budget to provide necessary and urgent workshops needed whenever possible.
The school’s professional improvement committee continuously evaluates the progression of teachers’
skills through the students’ data. Students’ assessments are reviewed thoroughly to decide whether the
implemented training was effective and resulted in students’ progress or not in order to change strategies
or training topics to seek the nonstop development on all levels. This plan recognizes that high quality
staff development is driven by results of a regular and systematic analysis of a variety of data rising from
the teachers’ skills, styles, needs, and performance to the students’ learning responsiveness, marks, and
welfare as a result.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
It was clear to the visiting team through staff interviews that the school coordinators has induction plans
to orient and train the new teachers throughout the academic year; these orientation plans include
ongoing monitoring, formal and informal class observation, providing feedback to assist teachers in the
development of their craft, peer coaching, workshops and sharing experience with other teachers.
It was also evidenced that teachers are followed up regularly by subjects’ coordinators to measure the
impact of professional development and workshops on their performance.
It was also confirmed that the school designs and implements a yearly professional development plan
that includes internal & external workshops to support the learning process at the school. However, these
plans do not meet all the individual needs of the employees and do not offer participation opportunities
to all school staff.
3. Infrastructure, Equipment, material’s distribution, Resources Availability & Distribution
The school states that; its facilities include two computer labs, one science lab, library, art room, two
Nurses rooms, in addition to three playgrounds that fit the students’ number. However, the school
accounts different age level needs, thus different break times affirm the grouping of same age categories
and asserts pupils’ safety at the same time.
The school states also that technology and internet service are available in classrooms through the use of
LCD projectors, TV screens, and DVDs in various classes. Safe internet access is in place to any
concerned sides. The two computer labs; each with a number of 25 PCS allows every student to have
his/her own computer device during lab sessions.
The school also mentions that the library at GAI becomes one of the major targets in the school’s
improvement plan. The librarian along with the teachers play a major role in encouraging students to
benefit from the lending system running and the use of the available resources and references.
The school also mentions that it provides a caring and safe educational environment through the
presence of fire extinguishers, exit signs, fire drills which is conducted in the beginning of every year,
through the teachers’ duty on school grounds, gate keepers, and surveillance cameras that contribute in
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
certifying maximum safety and security measures. Also wheel chair ramps are available in the entrance
of the needed school buildings as a facility for the students with Special needs.
The school states that it has no contracts with cleaning companies because it already has a recruitment
policy through which a cleaning staff and maids are hired on the school’s sponsorship. Furthermore, the
head of maintenance at campus is in continuous inspection around the school grounds, furniture, and
buildings to retain any school damage in any property. Security, technicians, and workers are always
touring the school’s premises for daily monitoring.
During the team visit and tour around the school it was clear that the school science lab, library and sport
facilities are neither appropriate nor adequate enough to meet the educational needs of the students or
support the extra-curricular activities. Also, the school is not providing water coolers in the school’s
premises for the students.
It was clear through team observations that the size of the furniture in secondary stage is not suitable to
the students’ age. Some of the school’s furniture is not in good condition. Some classrooms sizes are
small especially in grade 5 & 6 classes, this matter affected students’ learning because it is not allowing
for different classroom activities. Moreover, there is a lack of technology aids in the school.
The library environment needs to be improved by providing suitable furniture, resources and computers
with internet services resources. Also, the Science lab is not appropriate to the student numbers and it
does not have enough resources to support students’ learning. Moreover; there is no adequate safety in
the lab, and one of the chemicals cupboards was not locked, In addition, there is no separate preparation
room or an exhaust fan for the purpose of ventilation.
It was assured to the visiting team through reviewing the school’s documents, that the school has a civil
defense license. Some of the school members (discipline supervisors) have attended a workshop /
training on safety precautions. Also, fire extinguishers are distributed and maintained regularly.
Although the school has a civil defense license, the visiting team noticed that there is no emergency exit
in the first floor of the admin and foundation stage building although KG2 classes are there in the first
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
floor. Moreover, school’s students have to cross cars passage & parking areas when they go to the
However, the visiting team noticed that the school has trained staff and students once last year on fire
drill procedure, the assembly points was located during the team visit, the emergency exit for building 5
is inside one of the classrooms, the emergency exit for building 4 is inside the teachers room and the
emergency exit for building 2 is inside the supervisor’s room; which is struggling students evacuation
processes in any emergency cases. Therefore, the school needs to pay more attention towards staff and
students’ safety.
Although the school has maintenance and cleaning department in place, there is no records for follow up
or regular maintenance. Moreover, it was observed that some toilets, air conditioners and both the
basketball and handball playgrounds flooring needs maintenance.
The school has a qualified doctor and nurse to take care of health aspect during the school day. The
clinic is well equipped and the required medicines are available, clinic staff is aware of different sickness
cases and they have records for regular follow up for the food services in the school
The visiting team’s observations on school’s areas of strength:
1. Recruiting qualified and well experienced and trained teachers
2. Starting job descriptions clearly which specify the tasks expected from each teaching and nonteaching staff member
3. Attaining high rate of staff retention which is an evident indicator of successful promotion and
incentive approach.
4. Maintaining quality student learning in case of teachers’ absenteeism
The visiting team supports the school’s strength areas number 2, 3 and 4; meanwhile the visiting team
doesn’t consider point number 1 as strength areas since some teachers’ qualifications are not aligned
with the subject areas they teach.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
The visiting team’s observations on the school’s areas of growth:
The need to provide more opportunities for teachers to increase their proficiency.
The need to improve facilities at campus: (technology aids) for instructional and non-instructional
The visiting team supports the above areas of growth, and recommends more areas of growth in chapter
5 of this report.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
1. Parental Involvement and Communication
The school states that it has both formal and informal ways to communicate with parents, by phone calls,
e-mails, letters and invitations to attend some school’s events.
The school also stated that it holds interviews with parents at time the parents are enrolling their kids in
the school. The Academic controller, Head of Departments, and Coordinators introduce parents to the
school goals, policies and mission.
The school mentions that it encourages parents to attend parent-teacher conferences every two months as
well as pre-arranged meetings with teachers; it organizes various activities and programs to reinforce
parents’ participation in the school.
It indicates that, it exerts every effort possible to include parents in its decisions. The school distributes
questionnaires each year where the data is evaluated and analyzed where areas of weaknesses and
strengths are highlighted and selections are given. Besides Parent’s Questionnaires, parents are asked to
give their opinion on the performance of any aspect of the school either through PTA (parents Teachers
Association), School’s Box Suggestions and even by talking to teachers and other staff at the school.
The School expresses in the self-study that, When Parents have a complaint, they can send a letter, call
the school, or arrange for a meeting with the people in charge. Phone calls are returned within 24 hours,
the letters are answered instantly and meetings are arranged. After receiving the complaint through the
different channels mentioned above, the case is reported to the person in charge where measures are
taken to resolve such an issue. Moreover; if a student at Global Academy falls behind either
academically or behaviorally, the parents are either reported to through the students’ progress cards or
through phone calls. If cases were still severe, parents are called in for a meeting with the people in
charge to discuss problems and solutions. Teachers are also required to maintain a record of
communication by documenting conferences and telephone conversations with parents. Sometimes,
parents are invited to attend classes and observe their children’s performance.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
The school indicates that parents are invited to take part in the GAI’s Carnival that is sponsored and
prepared by the PTA. It encourages parents to attend the Science Fair, book exhibition and talents’ show.
It was clear to the visiting team that the school does not have a policy and plan for their communication
mechanisms with parents. However the visiting team made sure that the school communicates with
parents in varied ways and methods. As well as, it holds regular meetings with parents in regards to
discuss the academic reports for their children five times a year. Moreover, it was clear to the visiting
team through interviewing parents that the school did not introduce its vision and mission to them.
Although the school has executed some activities and called the parents to attend, it was found out
through interviews with parents and teachers that the parents' attendance of these events was limited,
which means that the school has to prepare a comprehensive plan to promote parents’ participation in the
school life to attract parents to attend the school’s events.
The School is distributing a questionnaire once a year to measure parents’ satisfaction about the school;
however this survey did not give a true picture of the parents' views, as a few percentages of them did
respond to these questionnaires. Sometimes the school involves parents in decisions making, such as
seeking their opinion on the subject of separating male and female students in the upper grades classes,
and the issue of providing students with standardized exams.
It was assured to the visiting team through parents’ interviews that the school responds to their
complaints and seeks to resolve them. Most parents showed satisfaction with the academic level of the
school, and said that the school encourages them to follow up the academic level for their children. Also
the school provided training to the parents of students in grades four, five and six on how to teach the
English curriculum at home, and sends letters to parents including guidelines about teaching the reading
comprehension skills in the English subject.
The visiting team found out through interviews with parents that most of them are satisfied with the
curriculum taught to their children as well as the academic level of the school, and the students'
behavior. However, they were not satisfied with the school building, facilities, resources, and extra
curriculum activities.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
2. School Community Partnership
The school declares that it has built interpersonal relationships with the community. These partnerships
strengthen the plan set for the innovative collaboration on the community level. Global Academy entered
into a partnership nourished by “Community Connector” whose role is to help building a firm foundation
for both educational renewal and community reservation.
Global Academy mentions that, it is always on the track to support the various activities and celebrations
in the state such as the Qatar National Day, Olympic Contests, Ajyal Youth Film Doha Festival, Qatar
Open, and Youth Public Speaking Championship.
Global Academy also mentions that the relationship between the school and universities within Qatar
and outside Qatar is very strong. The school’s Academic Controller and Academic Supervisor always
invite universities for orientation. Lots of universities swam into Global Academy each year at specific
intervals giving guidance to the students. Students from Global Academy visit Qatar Foundation,
Stenden University for instance to observe classes and participate in events.
The school states also that it is still struggling to collect donations to execute education programs and
support school activities.
Through interviews and analyzing documents the visiting team found out that the school did not develop
a plan of communication mechanism with the various society institutions, although it has established
positive relationships with some of the institutions. The career advisor communicated with local and
foreign universities to provide introductory lectures for grade twelve students about registration
requirements in the universities. Moreover; the physical education coordinator communicated with some
of the sports institutions in the country to organize matches between Global Academy students and other
schools’ teams, such as Qatar Football Association, Qatar Women's Sport, All Arabi Club, Al Sadd
Club, and Best Bodies. The Islamic Studies coordinator communicated with Qatar Charity Association,
where the students participated in volunteer activities such as updating enterprise data and collecting
donations and distributing bulletins.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
The School also participated in the community activities such as the National Day and the Schools’
Olympic Day. However, the school still needs to exert more efforts for exchanging visits between Global
Academy teachers and the educators on the other schools for experience sharing.
Through interviews and analyzing documents the visiting team found out that the community
organizations participate with the school in organizing charitable, cultural and sports activities. In
addition, the school has received financial support from Qatar Charity Association, where a check with
amount of forty thousand riyals was given to the school. The school benefited from this amount in
organizing Umrah trip for students.
The visiting team’s observations on school’s areas of strength:
1. An excellent Rapport among the school and Parents
2. Designing Effective form of the school-to-home and home-to-school communications.
3. Providing information and ideas to families about how to help students at home with homework and
other curriculum-related activities, decisions and planning.
4. Family participation in settling student goals each year and in planning for college or work.
5. Including Parents in school decisions, developing parent leaders and representatives.
6. Building a firm relationship with some of the major community ingredients like Universities, and
other local authorities.
The team approves all the above areas of strength, except point number 4 which is not considered as a
strength area as the school did not show an evidence for the same.
The visiting team’s observations on the school’s areas of growth:
1. The need to collaborate with the various community organizations o support the school financially,
provide the school with its needs and devices, and have organizations attend and support school
The team supports the above area of growth, and added one more area of growth in chapter 5 of this
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
Chapter 4: School Wide Action Plan
GAI action plan was developed as a part of the Self-Study that focuses on addressing most of the growth
areas the school has discovered and supported from the various standards analyzed in Chapter 3 of the
Self-Study, but the visiting team acknowledges that the action plan was not built with direct participation
of all stakeholders.
It was noticed that all the growth areas which the school has identified are mentioned and covered in the
action plan, however the timeline for most of the strategies is not clear. Some of the strategies need to be
more detailed.
During the team visit and through interviewing the school’s management team to discuss the action
plan, it was clearly noticed that there was misunderstanding in planning the action plan itself. Some
growth areas were given a timeline before finishing the self-study, which means that the timeline is not
accurate and should be updated. On the other hand; the timeline for other growth areas is in 2015,
although these growth areas are considered as a school’s priority, which means that a long period may
affect students’ learning.
Furthermore, the resources, both financial and human, mentioned in the action plan are not aligned with
the mentioned strategies. In other words, when the school states that there is a need to supply the school
with technology resources, the school has to mention the financial resources needed to achieve the
needed improvement.
Last but not least, there is a shortage in the school budget which may critically affect applying the action
plan and as a result put extra obstacles in the way of achieving the school’s vision and objectives. This is
because most of the mentioned areas are facility improvement and the financial side is a crucial one.
Moreover, the school has to consider the visiting team recommendations as indicated in chapter 5 of this
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
Chapter 5: Visiting Team Commendations & Recommendations
The suggested visiting team commendations and recommendations were derived based on varied
evidence provided through analyzing the school self-study before the school visit, and further by
meetings with all involved stakeholders, reviewing the school documents, classroom observations, and
the team’s overall observations during the school visit which took place from January 15th to January
21st , 2014.
Standard 1: Educational Leadership
• Positive impact of the school’s mission and vision on students’ behaviour.
• The school to continue working on and updating the school’s action plan based on the results
and follow up reports.
• The school needs to have clear procedures to enable it measure its own success in
implementing its mission and objectives.
• Use the better means to disseminate the school’s mission, vision and objectives.
• Ensure the provision of a fixed budget to achieve the school’s vision and objectives.
Standard 2: Methods & Teaching Pedagogy
• Applying a solid curriculum that is aligned with the school vision and mission.
• Attractive learning environment in the foundation stage and early years (grades 1-3)
• Applying modern teaching strategies that take into account differentiation and students’
different learning styles,
• Class rooms and educational facilities to be supplied with appropriate tools and resources to
support learning and teaching process.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
Standard 3: Development and Care for Learners
Using varied student assessment methods.
Positive relationships between students and teachers.
Enrol teachers in more appropriate training courses that qualify them to address the various
Providing a variety of indoor-extracurricular activities that meet students’ needs and
school’s learning objectives.
Analyzing students’ results in all subjects / stages over successive periods to measure
Providing more plans and programs to support gifted and talented students.
Provide appropriate support to students with special needs in the classrooms.
Utilizing students surveys results in a way that supports the educational process.
Rewards and incentives to be granted for the good students’ behaviour.
Standard 4: Resources Management
Training and preparing new staff.
School’s professional development plans to meet the individual needs of the staff.
Teachers’ qualifications to be aligned with the subject areas they teach.
Improving the library environment in a way that supports students learning.
Providing technology resources in the classrooms.
Providing more science labs to support students learning.
Support special needs students with better accommodation and facilities.
To work on improving the school’s environment in a way that meets the educational needs
of the students and the school’s vision and objects.
To maintain safety and security in the school’s facilities.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute – Supreme Education Council
Standard 5: Parental Involvement and Communication
• Effective communication between the school and community institutions.
• The school to exert more effort to high the performance of parents to attend events and
• Introducing parents to the school’s mission and vision.
Self-Study Visiting Committee Report
Global Academy International