野 躙 9 DEVELOPING A COMMUNICAT10N STRATECY THsも an invtaJon to`why not7'and`btゝ have another gol This is an invitation to do exactly as you please. This is an invitatlon to laugh until it hurts. This is an invitation to`a llice bit of peace and quieti This is an invitation to enioy a bOttle and not,uSt a glass. This is an invitatioo to rnake new f「 iends. This is an invitation to show the real you. Th`is an invtation to!uSt St back and enloythe showi This is an invitation to make friends with the Azaieas. Thisis an invitatioO to a 9ood ol・ This is an invitation to surprise yourself This is an invitation to try something completely new This is an invitation to do nothing,but have fun. This is an invitation to a wo「 This is an invitation t。 boo9ie. ld awayfrom home This is an invitation to take the break you fu‖ 9et lost in the rnusic. y deseⅣ e. Thls is an invitation to let yourself 9o. This is an invltation to have a fuss made of you. 巫螂 wamer鰤 群鏃《 where grown upsl● ve to let go EMAlt susan@warnerbreaks_co_● k OrV:siT yourtravd agent 郷 RCROm幅 RT BR“ 1哄 ・ 口 F鷺 1脚 'Ю 資 口 t… コ 山 ]1lj胤 靴鵠締器照悧 爛 鶏ぷ11蹴 温 ″:l鳳 識11厳 "κ DNI・ ERゆ 証 田 │・ 口 tt necttaり ISPORTS&rゆ t● e■ ,佼 薇 ed ぽ1餃 γヽ o策 3“ … 口 "“ ,per h。 藤 中o“ Advert 9。 2 This promotion for Warner Breaksis a very good i‖ ustration of personalizing copy to fac‖ itate learning. Sο υrca: Reproduced with kind permission ③ VVarner Leisure Hotels Brand Rec6gnition and Brand Reca‖ Occasiona‖ y both brand recognition and brand reca‖ should be considered as cornrnunica― Jon otteこ uves.HOwevelthisisaverydifficultobiecIVetOeffectsincettrequirestwodifFer― enttypes ofcreat市 e execu」 on tacuc,andmayJsorequiredifferentmedね lsince,fOrexampに radio is unable to communicate visual recogn比 ion). ,
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