2014 Bond Technology Infrastructure Project Management Schedule with Current Priorities as of October 10, 2014 RFP Open Vendor Date Cogent 13‐11‐3707 Goal Goal: Activate 2nd ISP ‐ Cogent 4Gbps service Cogent - Acquire Class C address space from Cogent. ARIN approved CFISD's request for an AS Number and will issue it to us as soon as they receive payment. After receiving the ASN, Oscar will reapply to Cogent for CFISD’s 2nd Class C network address space. 2. CyrusOne - CFISD and Polly Gifford continue working with CyrusOne to secure Data Center space for the new Cogent Internet connection and future virtualized server farm. 3. ICTX - Jack Gindorf says that they are ready to setup BGP and install the ASR-1002X routers, when CFISD is ready. We are waiting for 10Gbps Optical interfaces from Presidio, for the ASR-1002X routers and CyrusOne location. 4. M and S / Fortinet - Tim Ramsey is preparing a quote for Fortigate VDOM configuration and firewall optimization. Fortinet and M and S are working on a two ISP/site design. 5. Phonoscope - Waiting for CyrusOne location to begin the next phase of the fiber project. 6. Presidio - Working on Core design, which includes Cisco 6807 routers and Optical Multiplexors at ISC and CyrusOne to provide connectivity between the two sites. 1. 13-11-3707 8-Oct Cogent 8-Oct CyrusOne 13-11-3706 8-Oct ICTX 13-12-3719 8-Oct M&S 13-11-3708 8-Oct Phonoscope 14-01-3934 8-Oct Presidio Presidio 14‐01‐3934 13-11-3708 8-Oct Phonoscope 14-01-3934 8-Oct Presidio 13‐12‐3719 13-12-3719 13-12-3719 Solid Border 8-Oct Solid Border 8-Oct 8-Oct 8-Oct Solid Border 14‐01‐3935 / 14‐01‐3936 14-01-3935 14-01-3935 14-01-3935 14-01-3935 14‐01‐3934 ATT/Lumenate 8-Oct 8-Oct 8-Oct 8-Oct 8-Oct CFISD Luminate Luminate Luminate Luminate Goal: Install Cores at ISC & CyrusOne Phonoscope - Waiting for CyrusOne location so Phonoscope can pull fiber between ISC and CyrusOne. 2. Presidio - Install Core, which includes Cisco 6807 routers and Optical Multiplexors at ISC and CyrusOne to provide connectivity between the two sites. 1. Goal: Upgrade Bluecat DNS. 1. Bluecat - Provide new DNS design incorporating geographic diversity. a. Internal DNS and DHCP the internal CFISD network. b. External DNS 2. Bluecat - Install and configure new DNS servers. Goal: Convert from Analog Phone Service to VOIP ( Must be complete before the AT&T contract runs out in May 2015, because there is no extension clause. Can begin after CyrusOne Core is online) 1. CFISD - Decide which VOIP service CFISD wants. 2. Luminate - Acquire "Cube" router, Call Managers and VOIP Phones. 3. Luminate - Install and configure "Cube" router at CyrusOne and possibly ISC. 4. Luminate - Install and configure Call Managers. 5. Luminate - Begin exchanging Analog Phones for VOIP Phones. Goal: Install Hub Sites 2014 Bond Technology Infrastructure Project Management Schedule with Current Priorities as of October 10, 2014 RFP Open Vendor Date 13-11-3708 8-Oct Phonoscope 14-01-3934 14-01-3934 8-Oct Presidio 8-Oct Presidio 14‐01‐3934 14-01-3934 14-01-3934 8-Oct Presidio 8-Oct Presidio 14-01-3934 8-Oct Presidio 13‐12‐3690 13-12-3718 8-Oct Presidio 13-12-3690 8-Oct Layer 3 8-Oct CyrusOne 8-Oct Presidio Goal Phonoscope - Pull fiber from each hub site to CyrusOne along discrete routes provided in Phonoscope's Aug. 12, 2014 fiber plan update. 2. Presidio - Install Hub site routers. 3. Presidio - Connect uplinks from each Hub Site to CyrusOne and verify proper connectivity. 1. Goal: Upgrade all Campus routers, switches. Attacking schools attached to a single hub site at a time. Presidio - Install Cisco 4500 routers and Cisco 3850 switches at each campus. 2. Presidio - Connect uplinks from each campus to ISC and verify proper connectivity. 3. Presidio - Connect uplinks from each campus to the designated hub site, then verify proper connectivity. 1. Goal: Upgrade Wireless Network ‐ Convert from Cisco to Aruba infrastructure Presidio - Install 9,000 CAT 6a runs per Aruba Heat Maps, including a run from the Hubble box to the center of each portable building. ( Can begin any time ) 2. Layer 3 / Aruba Wireless - Working on a deployment schedule, while continuing to work on IP address scheme’s, VLANs and Network Design. 3. CyrusOne - Waiting for CyrusOne to have a place to install all of the new wireless controllers. 4. Presidio upgrades Switch Stacks in the IDF closets at a campus. 1. Layer 3 / Aruba Wireless - Remove Cisco APs Scan the Barcodes into a spreadsheet and place the old APs in boxes located in the MDF. 2. Layer 3 / Aruba Wireless - Install Aruba access points at campuses per Aruba heat map design, including the Portable buildings. 3. As the new APs are installed, L3 updates "as built" heat maps. 5. Layer 3 / Aruba Wireless - Import heat maps into AirWave. 1. 13-12-3690 8-Oct Layer 3 13-12-3690 8-Oct Layer 3 13-12-3690 13-12-3690 8-Oct Layer 3 8-Oct Layer 3 14‐01‐3934 14-01-3934 14-01-3934 14-01-3934 8-Oct Presidio 8-Oct Presidio 8-Oct NMO 1. 8-Oct NMO 1. 8-Oct NMO Goal: Relocate most Data Center services from ISC to CyrusOne VMs Presidio - Design VM (Virtual Machine) architecture. 2. Presidio - Install VM servers at CyrusOne. 3. NMO - "Spin-up" VM instances of ISC servers. Goal: Relocate most Data Center servers & services from ISC to Bleyl. NMO - Power down servers at ISC, pack and transport servers to Bleyl Data Center. 2. Blyel Data Center - Unpack and reactivate servers as backups to CyrusOne or load balance with CyrusOne.
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