Minutes of the Corporation meeting held on Thursday, 9th October 2014 at 5.00 pm in the Board Room, Oakley Road, Corby campus Present: Simon Evans (Chair) Avril Bartley-Smith Poppy Holford Adrian McGlynn Duncan Mills Tegan Parish Caroline Wardle (Vice Chair) Stuart Wesselby In attendance: Victoria Cornwell-Lyon (Director of Teaching Learning & Performance)(for items 204/14, 205/14, 206/14) Lynda Doherty (Clerk to the Corporation) Paul Fletton (Deputy Principal Finance & Business Planning) Rachel Kay (Deputy Principal Business & Innovation) Sue Titmuss (Head of Marketing & Social Media)(for item 219/14) Decisions taken at the Corporation meeting held on 9th October 2014 Ref 204/14, para 25 209/14, para 52 211/14, para 57 212/14, para 59 213/14, para 61 214/14, para 63 215/14, para 65 216/14, para 67 Decisions Quality Improvement Strategy 2014/15 was agreed. EDI Objective and Outcome for Governors in the EDI Quality Improvement Plan 2013/14 were agreed. Mazars was appointed as the internal auditor for three years. Learner Support Fund policy was approved. Learner Academic Misconduct policy was approved. Whistleblowing policy was approved. Financial Regulations were approved. Public Value Statement was approved. Actions from the Corporation meeting held on 9th October 2014 Ref 217/14, Para 68 217/14, para 85 Actions Principal to thank Olivia Morton for the Wellingborough press release. The Corporation deferred committing to the Wellingborough project until further assurances have been Minutes of the Corporation meeting held on 9th October 2014 Led By SW Due Date 10/10/14 SW/PF 6/11/14 Page 1 received and a further report should be presented to the Corporation meeting in November 2014. On-going actions from Corporation meeting held on 11th September 2014 170/14, Final Destination Data will be an agenda item for the para 13 November Corporation meeting. 172/14, Talkback Annual Report for 2014/15 will consist of a Para 24 header paper and the info graphic summary. The info graphic summary will also include a comparison of the protected characteristics against overall college data. 187/14, The action plan from the Strategic Plan will be presented para 85 to Governors in December and July. On-going action from Corporation meeting held on 3rd July 2014 143/14, A report on Key Stakeholder Views is to be presented at para 66 the Corporation meeting in December. On-going action from Corporation meeting held on 15th May 2014 105/14, Complaints, Praise and Suggestions report is to be para 35 substantially reduced in level of detail and presented in the summary form of two PowerPoint slides in the future. On-going action from Corporation meeting held on 3rd April 2014 60/14, TLA QIP – insert an Outcome column. para 11 On-going action from Corporation meeting held on 6th March 2014 47/14, Debt Management Strategy deferred para 109 Led By Due Date VCL 6/11/2014 VCL September 2015 SW Led By MG 2/12/2014 2/7/2015 Due Date 2/12/2014 Led By VCL Due Date 21/5/2015 Led By VCL Due Date 30/4/2014 Led By PF Due Date On-going Marketing & Communications 219/14 Marketing Update 1. The Head of Marketing & Social Media stated that there had been an increase in the usage of the website during GCSE results week, with an average of 6 pages per view, which suggested the new website was working well. There had also been a high level of interaction for on-line applications. 2. The College had received good press coverage in August. BBC Northampton had interviewed the A level Politics learners regarding the recent referendum in Scotland. The College has a very positive relationship with BBC Northampton. 3. The Full Time prospectus had received negative feedback regarding insufficient course details. This year the College has launched “Create Your Own Prospectus” which is personalised for each student, with full course details on the subject areas selected. This is instantly e-mailed in a pdf document although learners can also ask for a printed copy which is posted out within a week. 51 prospectuses had been ordered up to 3rd October. 2,000 copies of the Full Time prospectus have been printed for careers advisers and local schools. 4. The real benefit is that the printers produce a report of those people who have asked for a prospectus which Marketing can then use to invite people to various events. The College would be hosting a Careers Fair on 15th October and 27 local employers would be in attendance. Local schools have been invited to attend. 5. The Chair asked if the Marketing department were involving existing learners in developing the marketing activities. The Head of Marketing & Social Media stated that student focus groups had been used in designing the website and the new prospectus. However, the Marketing Department would like to have more case studies for the Minutes of the Corporation meeting held on 9th October 2014 Page 2 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. prospectus. The Tresham Learners’ Union are involved at Open Evenings in promoting the College by speaking to visitors and conducting the tours. Governors asked if there was a PowerPoint presentation which explains the process of Creating Your Own Prospectus which could be used by form tutors in schools. The Head of Marketing & Social Media agreed to send the presentation to schools. The Head of Marketing & Social Media stated that Creating Your Own Prospectus has also been used successfully in Nottingham colleges. There have been high set up costs this year but the process will soon become cost effective. The Deputy Principal Business & Innovation stated that people can call into the College and the Customer Services team would be able to talk them through the process and print the personalised prospectus for them at the same time. The Chair asked the student governors what their impressions were of this new process. The student governors stated that it was a good idea; however, there should still be emphasis on Open Evenings so that potential learners can speak to the learners at the College. The Head of Marketing & Social Media left the meeting. Teaching, Learning and Performance 206/14 Learner Exit Survey 2013/14 11. The Director of Teaching Learning & Performance stated that there had been 2,323 responses to the Learner Exit Survey from a predicted 4,309 learners. Students had been very positive regarding their experience at the College. 12. Mr A McGlynn arrived at the meeting. 13. However the QDP report had placed some of the answers in the bottom quartile of the national report (108 national providers) and the College would no longer be using QDP. 100% of responses were Good or better, for example, “Overall, I enjoyed my course” (92%). There would be a more accurate picture next year as the survey would be focused more on the teachers. Governors noted the positive report. 14. 205/14 15. 16. 17. 18. 204/14 19. SAR: Leadership and Management Action Plan The Director of Teaching Learning & Performance stated that 93% of all actions have been fully or partially achieved. Two targets have not been achieved, 3.4 a and 3.5a. With regard to 3.4a, the Director of Teaching Learning & Performance stated this has not been actioned. The Principal stated it would cost £20k to purchase the software, and the information should be available from the Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership. The Deputy Principal Business & Innovation stated that intelligence was coming from the Sector Specialists who were working with employers on the adult skills. With regard to 3.5a, the Director of Teaching Learning & Performance stated this had been an unrealistic target. Most colleges would aspire to achieve a breakdown of Value Added and Distance Travelled by protected groups. The College would have a Distance Travelled report 3 times a year. Quality Improvement Strategy 2014/15 The Director of Teaching Learning & Performance referred Governors to the 8 quality assurance procedures which were the same as last year apart from “Curriculum Progress Review Cycle” which would now include Sector Subject Area position statements. Minutes of the Corporation meeting held on 9th October 2014 Page 3 20. 25. The Learner Voice related to each teacher rather than the course and this would be strengthened by Staff Voice in the form of two staff surveys, one before December and the other at the end of the academic year. With regard to Adding Value, there would be three key strands and tracking would be undertaken at course team level. All assessment documentation would be in electronic format and all Schools would have a compliance audit once every two weeks. There would be a more active lead on under achieving courses and the Principal would be monitoring this on a termly basis. The Chair noted the comprehensive Quality Strategy and asked how this would be delivered. The Director of Teaching Learning & Performance stated that the senior management team would be attending team meetings to monitor the implementation of the strategy by Heads of Schools. The Quality Improvement Strategy was agreed. 26. The Director of Teaching Learning & Performance left the meeting. 21. 22. 23. 24. 193/14 Apologies 27. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and stated that Doug Iles had resigned as a Governor due to his work commitments. 28. Apologies had been received from Ian Bray, Dr Jenny Cann, Paul Marlow, Camilla Mattison and Laurence Shone due to work commitments, and Andy Ellis and Karen Siddons who were unwell. 194/14 Disclosure of actual or potential conflicts of interest arising from the agenda 29. There were no disclosures of actual or potential conflicts of interest arising from the agenda. 195/14 Minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2014 30. The minutes of the meeting held on the 11th September 2014 were agreed and signed. 196/14 Matters arising 162/14, para 45 Bank Covenants 31. The Deputy Principal Finance & Business Planning stated this matter would be dealt with under item 217/14 later on the agenda. 197/14 Urgent business raised by permission of the Chair and sought in advance of the meeting 32. There was no urgent business raised by permission of the Chair and sought in advance of the meeting. Section 2: Financial Accounts & Income Tracking Management Accounts 198/14 Balanced Budget 2014/15 and and Budget Deliverables 2014/15 200/14 33. The Deputy Principal Finance & Business Planning stated that the Balanced Budget and Budget Deliverables papers identify what needs to be done to manage the College’s budget this year. It was important to deliver a balanced budget this year and referred to the emerging key income streams and a reduction in forecast activity which showed a variance of £608k. Minutes of the Corporation meeting held on 9th October 2014 Page 4 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 199/14 41. The College would struggle to deliver on the 24+ loans, although it might be possible to recruit in January. With regard to 16-18 Apprentices carry forward would be less than anticipated and due to the stretching recruitment targets; it was unlikely that the shortfall could be made up. The same position also applied to the 19+ Apprentices. Due to the shortfall in revenue, potential cost savings of £451k would be generated from resource re-allocation, and a further £151k of savings still needs to be found. Governors noted that the senior management team were managing the budget better than last year through tighter monitoring. Governors asked if there was any indication that the marketing activities are supporting the overall recruitment figures. The Deputy Principal Business & Innovation stated that GSCEs were fully funding this year and there had been 700 enrolments following a marketing campaign. The College was now maximising all marketing opportunities. The Principal stated that the refocus of the Marketing Department over the past 12 months had helped the College to recruit 16-18 year olds which would help with funding next year. Governors asked if the College’s demographics were good. The Principal stated that the new campus in Wellingborough should enable better recruitment as it was the only campus that has lower recruitment numbers than last year. Governors noted that 16-18 numbers were growing in the medium term but constant monitoring was essential. Loan Finance Costs The Deputy Principal Finance & Business Planning stated there was nothing further to add to the paper presented at the previous meeting. Evolve Report 201/14 Evolve: Employer Engagement 42. The Deputy Principal Business & Innovation stated that this was generally a quiet quarter for activity. She referred Governors to the current activity which had taken place. 43. The Experience Wellingborough event had been positively received by local employers and 20 young people had attended the matching event. 44. An Employer Ambassador and a Public Relations person have joined the Evolve team to explore opportunities to build its profile and brand. 45. The Level 3 CIPD course was over-subscribed and the Level 7 Strategic Management course was fully subscribed. Governors asked where the teaching staff came from. The Deputy Principal Business & Innovation stated that some of the teaching staff were already employed by the College and they were also using outside assessors. Section 3: Teaching, Learning and Assessment Learner KPIs – Attendance, Applications , Retention, Recruitment 202/14 Attendance and and Retention 203/14 46. The Principal stated it was too early in the year for Attendance and Retention reports and he would be in a better position to report after the 42 day rule. Teaching Learning & Performance 207/14 English & Maths Update 47. The Principal stated that the Government’s challenge to deliver English & maths had been problematic to deliver last year. However, the College now has a more settled Minutes of the Corporation meeting held on 9th October 2014 Page 5 48. 49. 50. team and the College was not using agency staff. The College currently has 77% of its learners (2,194) studying for an English and/or maths qualification which is an additional challenge this year for the College. The College now has evening classes running four days a week on all three campuses (872 learners). The student governors spoke about their previous schools’ success rates for English and maths. Governors noted that some schools were now insisting on an entry level for their Level 3 courses. Section 4: Corporate Governance Matters Statutory Requirements 208/14 Personal Liability of Governors 51. The Clerk drew the Governors’ attention to their statutory responsibilities and duty of care to safeguard the assets of the College. Governors noted certain practical steps which should reduce the risks of personal liability. 209/14 52. Single Equality Scheme: Governors’ EDI Involvement Strategy The Governors agreed the EDI objective and outcome for Governors in the EDI Quality Improvement Strategy. Reports from Committees 210/14 Report/Minutes of Audit Committee meeting held on 17th September 2014 53. Mr A McGlynn stated that the main purpose of the meeting had been to select internal auditors. He reminded Governors that a decision had been made to go out to tender following the merger of RSM Tenon with Baker Tilly and it was not considered best practice to have the same audit firm providing internal and external audit services. The decision to go out to tender had been affirmed by the lack of detail in the Internal Audit Annual Report provided by Baker Tilly. 54. The Audit Committee had been pleased with Mazars experience and knowledge, and their pricing was as expected. 55. Mr A McGlynn stated that once again items have been deferred to the next meeting due to inquoracy. 56. Mr A McGlynn stated that Mr M Lumsden has resigned as a co-opted member of the Audit Committee, and he had been a very helpful member over the last five years. The Principal had presented Mr Lumsden with a gift on behalf of the College. 211/14 57. Appointment of Internal Auditors It was proposed by Mrs C Wardle, seconded by Mr D Mills, and unanimously agreed to approve the appointment of Mazars as internal auditors for three years. Policies & Procedures 212/14 Learner Support Fund 58. The Principal stated that the Learner Support Fund policy had been updated to take into account new guidance from the Education Funding Agency and Skills Funding Agency. 59. It was proposed by Mr S Evans, seconded by Mrs C Wardle, and unanimously agreed to approve the Learner Support Fund policy. 213/14 60. Learner Academic Misconduct The Principal stated that the Learner Academic Misconduct policy was a requirement of the College’s university partners. Minutes of the Corporation meeting held on 9th October 2014 Page 6 61. It was proposed by Mr S Evans, seconded by Mr A McGlynn, and unanimously agreed to approve the Learner Academic Misconduct policy. 214/14 62. Whistleblowing The Clerk stated that the Audit Committee had reviewed the policy and was recommending its approval. 63. It was proposed by Mr D Mills, seconded by Mrs C Wardle, and unanimously agreed to approve the Whistleblowing policy. 215/14 64. Financial Regulations The Deputy Principal Finance & Business Planning stated that the Audit Committee had reviewed the Financial Regulations and was recommending their approval. 65. It was proposed by Mr S Evans, seconded by Mr A McGlynn, and unanimously agreed to approve the Financial Regulations. 216/14 66. Public Value Statement The Principal stated there was a requirement to publish the approved Public Value Statement on the College’s website. 67. It was proposed by Mr S Evans, seconded by Mrs C Wardle, and unanimously agreed to approve the Public Value Statement. Capital and/or Special Projects 217/14 Wellingborough Financing Overview 68. The Chair had been pleased to read the well worded positive press release in respect of the LEP’s substantial grant to develop the Wellingborough campus. He asked the Principal to thank Olivia Morton on behalf of the Governors. 69. The Deputy Principal Finance & Business Planning stated that the £11.4m was a formal offer; however, it was not known when the College would receive the grant. The paper was to remind Governors of the cost implications as it might be possible that the grant would be received in April 2015 for the new campus to open in September 2016. Governors should be mindful of the College’s recent financial performance and bank covenants. 70. The Vice Chair stated that the 70% grant for build costs was a significant amount of money for skills funding. 71. The Chair stated that the Corporation would need to exercise due diligence in making a decision and referred to the financing structure which included £531k of expenditure to date for costs to RIBA Stage E. 72. The Deputy Principal Finance & Business Planning stated that the cash flow was key and the risk was in the monthly profile which would need to be closely monitored and managed. 73. The Chair asked if the College would be told when the project can start or was it possible for the Corporation to choose when to commence the work. The Principal stated that he had spoken to NEP and asked if it would be possible to move the project start date to April 2015 due to inflation in build costs. He had met with the contractors who had agreed to contain costs at the moment but will not be able to do so if there were further delays. 74. Governors noted the risk was to a large extent in the build costs. The Principal stated Minutes of the Corporation meeting held on 9th October 2014 Page 7 75. 76. 77. 78. that if the project could start by April 2015 the contractors would contain the costs but if there was a delay there might be a 4% or 5% increase in costs. The Chair asked when there would be certainty of receiving the funding. The Principal stated he was arranging to meet with NEP the following week. Governors asked if the “Tresham cash” included the receipts from the Oakham disposals. The Deputy Principal confirmed that it included the receipts from Sainsbury’s and Belway. The remaining piece of land at Oakham was due to be marketed shortly and the sales receipt was anticipated in 2016. The project could go ahead without any increase in loan finance. Governors asked for confirmation that once the funding was in place there would be no further additional hidden costs but perhaps cost savings to be made in terms of building maintenance, and an opportunity to access the growing numbers in Wellingborough. Governors stated that the Corporation should continue to monitor the financial position and not be overly confident to put the College at risk. The Deputy Principal Finance & Business Planning stated there were detailed financial plans up to July 2016 beyond that there was a predicted break even position. 79. Miss P Holford and Miss T Parish left the meeting. 80. Governors noted that the current Wellingborough campus was becoming an increasing liability as it was too expensive to run and student numbers were down this year. The Chair stated this was an opportunity to have a new build but it was important to give full attention to the financial risks and he would like more re-assurance before committing. The Principal stated that the Wellingborough development would preclude any investment in the National College for Motorsport (NC4M) and other future investment priorities. Governors asked if there had been a risk analysis on the College’s whole estate, and asked if the NC4M required more investment. The Principal stated there were expansion and growth opportunities for the NC4M. The NC4M pays its way and makes a return; however, it could double its intake of students. Governors stated the College was more likely to grow in North Northamptonshire than at Silverstone. The Principal stated there may be opportunities to grow the NC4M but there would be a cost of over £1m to do so. Governors asked if the Borough Council of Wellingborough understood the growth opportunities for the College. The Chair stated that the College should have a firm commitment in writing from the Borough Council of Wellingborough for the £500k grant; a formal letter from the contractors to deliver on the same cost basis and confirming there was no requirement to re-tender; reassurance on the cash flow position to prevent risk exposure and potential breach of the bank covenants. 81. 82. 83 84. 85. 86. The Board re-affirmed its commitment in principle to the redevelopment of the Wellingborough campus as the College’s main priority for capital investment based on the revised financing package. However, it was agreed to defer committing to the Wellingborough project formally pending a further report to be presented to the Corporation meeting in November 2014 with further assurances on the outstanding matters discussed at the meeting and identifying mitigating actions to the risks in order to safeguard the College’s overall financial position. Minutes of the Corporation meeting held on 9th October 2014 Page 8 Section 5: College in the Community Community Engagement 218/14 Wellingborough STEM and Enterprise School 87. The Principal stated that the DfE had refused the application for the Wellingborough STEM and Enterprise School and the College would not be progressing this venture. 220/14 88. Any Other Business There was no any other business. 221/14 89. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting would be held on Thursday, 6th November 2014 at 5.00 pm at the Windmill Avenue, Kettering campus. 90. There being no other business, the meeting was declared closed at 7.00 pm. Minutes of the Corporation meeting held on 9th October 2014 Page 9
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